Sushi Tie has opened another new outlet in Wisma Sanyan, Sibu. This sushi juggernaut has established itself as the only Japanese food outlet here that actually manages to thrive and expand from it’s original location to a major mall and having a third outlet in the construction stage.
This outlet maintains the much of the warm and friendly ambiance of the first Sushi Tie but the impact is somewhat lost in such a huge area. The place always looks empty due to the sheer amount of floor space available there.
The seating arrangements has been upgraded with numerous Japanese style sitting pit (don’t know what the proper term for this is) and there are several new items on the menu as well. I went there with my latest conquest, I mean, my dining companion to check out the menu during lunch. π
I ordered the new Gindara Set (RM 15.90) for lunch. It came with the standard trimmings – miso soup, the tofu thing, rice and slices of watermelon.
Gindara means silver cod fish in Japanese and it’s a whole fish deep fried in tempura batter and served whole.
My dining (lunching?) companion opted for the Chicken Katsu Don (RM 11.50).
There are other new items on the menu for appetizers. This is the Salmon Salad Sandwich (RM 4.90). We both agreed that it was rather bland (we actually said it sucked but that’s not proper terminology for a food review). π
The other one is the Salmon Burger (RM 4.90). This is an interesting fusion of Japanese and Western influences.
It contains a piece of deep fried salmon sandwiched between two layers of vinegar rice with a piece of lettuce with mayonnaise inside and a swirl of 1k island sauce on top. It’s actually pretty good. π
Hola from your resident food critics!

Dude, sure is interesting Japanese food, you are right, I did a restaurant online restaurant review, sucks, rancid oil, old, tasteless…. did not make it through. …btw, you Dog ( … in a good way)
love the old one more
why don’t you try eating at Manna Cafe-Gallery? The food there is great.
Hey! Do you guys noticed that… the gal in the photo got a really… “big” mouth! Sorry for that HB! I like big mouth gal for.. well… not good for sharing here…
e: Haha! Dog in heat to boot. π
Now this is EXACTLY the kind of thing that does damage to my reputation. I’m not even a player, but I do enjoy the company of friends during lunch and dinner. Somehow that gets me branded as a playboy, or so I’ve heard today. Oh well, doesn’t matter to me. Perhaps that’s the reputation I want. π
clementwpy: The old dining companion or the old Sushi Tie? π
Aaron: They have degraded since last month. Now their menu has changed (I think they’ll be focusing on The Ark now) and it’s limited for a couple of choices, not like the extensive menu they had last time. It’s nowhere near the glory days of Manna Cafe.
freaky: I think she looks great! I kinda like this look that she has. Very nice, girl next door look, yet sensual. That’s what caught my attention. π
The food looks very Americanized, in my opinion.
I believe the term you are looking for is “booth” seating.
Sushi Tie? Or is it “Sushi Tei” spelled wrongly? Or was it attempting to sound/look like Sushi Tei?
Sibu? reminds me of home.. hmm.. 1st time coming across your blog. nice one. =) and yea, I agree with you that the shoplot is actually very big and makes it look empty.
Dr. Pepsi: The pit seatings? It’s not a booth. It’s one of those Japanese style cross legged seating arrangements that has been adapted for non Japanese folks who’re not used to sitting cross legged, thus the pit to put your feet in. You’re supposed to take off your shoes before you go in. Kinda like a tatami mat, but adapted.
Yeah, the cuisine here tends to be fusion to adapt to more local taste buds.
al’sera: The owner of the place is called Tie. I’m not sure if it’s an adaptation of the Sushi Tei franchise. π
chrissy0308: Welcome! π
Yeah, I should have gotten a wide angle lens or panoramic shot to show just how empty the place looks. It’s actually not very empty, there were easily 10 patrons in there which would make the original (smaller) outlet look packed but with this amount of space, it just looks empty.
Oh my gosh…I can’t believe you got her to go out with you for lunch! hahahaha
is it me or the place looks very deserted?
;): They don’t call me a player for nothing. π
I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. *winks*
…and this is exactly the kind of thing that encourages people to view me in a negative light.
I’m kidding. I’m a really nice guy in real life.
Darren: It’s not you, the place is rather deserted due to the lack of patrons. The problem is the sheer amount of space in this outlet – it would take quite a lot of people to make it look packed.