Nem Cua Be

Nem Cua Be frying

I discovered this delicious morsel of a snack while wondering the alleys of the Old Quarter in Hanoi earlier today. I had 1 hour to kill before the acclaimed Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre so I was just wondering around and stumbled upon this hole-in-the-wall eating establishment.

Nem Cua Be

I just wanted a beer but I saw they sell Nem Cua Be for 8,000 VND (about RM 1.20) and I asked what it was. It turns out to be beef and vegetables in a sort of spring roll. It’s deep fried before serving but that’s not that best thing.

Nem Cua Be dipping sauce

The dipping sauce (the ubiquitous fish sauce in Vietnam) is hot (as in warm) so it made the entire thing tastes really good. They had some meat floss action going in there too.

Nem Cua Be birds

Best enjoyed with a Bia Ha Noi. smirk

Posted: 12:26 am Hanoi time

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148 thoughts on “Nem Cua Be”

  1. Gosh! I thought you typed the currency exchange wrong until I checked online.
    0.1 cent!! How can it be that cheap?? Can she even survive with that kind of profit?? How much is your beer, HB?

  2. Gosh! I thought you typed the currency exchange wrong until I checked online.
    0.1 cent!! How can it be that cheap?? Can she even survive with that kind of profit?? How much is your beer, HB?
    p/s: HB, if my comment appears twice, delete one of them. TQ.

  3. Michelle Chin: Yeah! Most things are cheap here – most expensive food I paid for was the cobra meal. πŸ™‚
    fish fish: Heh! I think it’s RM 0.001 cent. I don’t even know how much that is. Beer is cheap here too, the fresh beer outlets sell local draft beer by glass for less than RM 1. πŸ™‚
    The local bottled beer (Bia Ha Noi) is very cheap too. Awesome place. πŸ™‚
    Colin: OMG! Did I get it wrong again? You could be right! I go and check again later! πŸ™‚
    eiling: Haha! I could be wrong, might be 8,000 VND instead of 8 VND. I go buy another one again. πŸ™‚
    But then again if you live here…you’ll be earning VND – not very nice if you’re going traveling. πŸ˜‰

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