Hanoi does not have a coffee drinking culture, at least not in the Old Quarter. The people congregate and have communion over unsweetened iced tea instead. However, there are cafes around which serves coffee though I would hazard to say that tea vastly trumps coffee over here.
I have walked around the various streets and I’ve never seen the complicated Vietnam drip coffee contraption – except in high end (by Vietnamese standards) cafes. I choose to go where the locals go instead. This is a form of pride, I must admit – I shun all touristy places and eat and drink where the locals go to get a dose of their culture.
I am a very firm believer that when you go somewhere, you should do as they do, not go on some guided tour. Be a traveller, not a tourist and go about it yourself. I am a travel snob when it comes to this. I can never figure out why people come to eat…steak or drink beers which are available at their home. *snob
Anyway, back to Vietnamese coffee, they don’t put the drip contraption at your table coz there are no tables.
You sit on the ubiquitous stools that are available while you enjoy your coffee. It’s served black with sugar over ice but you can also opt for condensed milk. The people there don’t speak much English so I pointed at a guy opposite me and said I wanted that. The coffee here is really good – rich and strong.
It’s a very refreshing drink on a hot day. I paid VND 20,000 (RM 3) for this and I saw the guy opposite me paying VND 10,000. I called them on it and they said it’s a different drink. How can it be a different drink when I specifically pointed and said I wanted the same drink?
Some places put a “foreigner surcharge” so I purposely waited until the guy paid since there are no menus or price lists over here. I guess they felt bad coz when I was about to leave they called me and gave me VND 10,000.
*thumbs up*
Posted: 7:00 pm Hanoi time

Hey, can recommend which coffee shop is a must to go? or road side coffee is the best?
and also did u buy any Ngung Trung 3 in 1 coffee ?
asking for info as i wll be going there next week
sim: I’ve seen a lot of Ngung Trung coffee over here but I went to the local places instead. π
Hey, head on over to the Old Quarter…it’s the best place for authentic experiences. It’s awesome to stay here (bit noisy though) and experience the local culture. π
Some very friendly locals here too.
just had Vietnam coffee two days back! Boss had it shipped in from Vietnam together with their containers. Tasted like Nescafe? lol. I once had the coffee with drips (claimed to be from Vietnam) and it sucks to the max! hahaha ..anyway Hi! been a while since i commented. hehe
just had Vietnam coffee two days back! Boss had it shipped in from Vietnam together with their containers. Tasted like Nescafe? lol. I once had the coffee with drips (claimed to be from Vietnam) and it sucks to the max! hahaha ..anyway Hi! been a while since i commented. hehe
chefmel: HELLO MEL! =D
Yeah, dunno what’s the big deal about Vietnamse coffee, most people here (as in Old Quarter) drink tea. π
I heart vietnamese coffee!!!!
Michelle Chin: It’s good stuff, could use some right now. 6 am. π
Amen. I like coffee ok, but I really like tea. and not the snapple, az or other pre sweetened junk in a can or bottle.( might as well drink soda). un sweetened. black tea. or green tea. brewed. and am not a tea snob. at all. I am from the atlantic southeast us. Home of “sweet” tea. at pig pickins, reuionions, and other getogethers. but… only .99c for a thirty two oz cup. marketeted by umpteen fast food chains. why take someting inherentley good for you, and turn it into something bad. I love tea, hot, cold or luke warm. when I go to a function, Id rather just have a glass of water. and not being a smart a__. I like sweet stuff, like egg nog, or southern comfort, or many things. but I like unsweet tea… thanks HB. maybe You can tell the marketeers… just plain is good. humm. my fav… whatver I can get with out added sugar, aspartime, etc… and cut it out with the decaffininated… dont need that either. sorry, HB.
People are people, where ever. I like chia tea, or black coffee, or au lait. but I never got the hang of eating sweet potatoes or yams( which I like) covered with marshmellows, ( ok in hot chocolate) and candied pecans. a thanksgiving perenial. I woud rather just have the sweet potato or yam baked, or nuked, with a little butter, eat the nuts as a snack, and use the marshmellow as fish bait. but that is just me… some persons like s’mores… have a nice day… tom
time is brief. they are flying my uncles body to his grave monday. A good man. and old. almost 90. fought in ww2, korea. and the early part of vietnam. the last of 4 brothers of that age group. decorated. and not perfect. we had alot of good times after my dad( his older brother) passed away. and he would relate this to you, I’m sure. People are the same, wherever you go: clean up after yourself, and time is brief. also drink your tea or coffee without sugar.( ok, made that last up , butt was worth a shot). but time is brief and thats a fact jack. Thanks, HB, for allowing me to say so. tom
LOL..*double thumbs up..nice trick!save more money eh!XD
Dunno about them ‘having communion’ over tea π Sounds a bit church-like to me :p
tom robinson: I don’t know, nowadays I like salty stuff. I used to like sweet stuff as a kid but I’m not particularly fond of overtly sweet stuff now. I’ll eat it once in a while though.
Sorry to hear about your uncle.
Take care my friend…
fiona: HAHAHA! Ya, traveling solo is liddat, you’re definately a foreigner so some people (not all, some are very nice like the bia hoi owner) will try to overcharge you.
julian: Heh! Yeah, I meant that in the traditional sense of the word – communion as in “getting together and spending time talking”. Or did I get it totally wrong? Hmm…
Yeah I guessed that was what you meant, but ‘having communion’ means ‘communion’ is a noun (as in ‘having a bath’); so I suppose what you could have written was ‘communing’ (as a verb – like bathing…)
julian: Aha! Thanks for the correction mate. π
Thanks Q Thanks Q for the info… I’ll be staying at Old Quarter area… enjoy your trip.. Do update as and when u think something is worth sharing about Hanoi…adios!!
sim: No worries! I’m back at work. I’ll be doing more Hanoi posts. π
Hey, the Thang Long Water Puppet theatre is worth watching if you have 60,000 dong to spare. π
The coffee culture is not as developed in the north. The call the drinks differently too as I sometimes order using the southern nomenclature, leading to blank stares!
lol foreigner surcharge sucks, but their coffee’s really good!
haha I find the scene very fascinating where people sit on stools and the drinks are all put on stools as well! better than asking you to sit on the pavement on the floor!
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Colin: Interesting! Yeah the Northern part would be closer to China eh? I’m planning to go to Ho Chi Ming too! π
KY: Heh! Yeah, I didn’t get taxed in the end, so it’s all good. Yup, nice and thick coffee! π
eiling: Ya, those stools are all around in the Old Quarter in Vietnam! They do everything on those stools – eat, talk etc. π
I sat on the floor while eating dog meat. No stools there. π
are you still in vietnam?
debbie: Hello Deb! It’s been a while. =D
I’m back in KL dy, working today.
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You had to pay extra because you are not a local. It’s nothing malicious against you, it’s just a policy that they have. At a lot of the state run parks there’s a price for locals and a significantly higher price for foreigners.
I had to pay twice as much for some meals even though I was Vietnamese because they recognized my American accent.
10,000 is standard going rate for viet iced coffee from a mom and pop there.
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