You know the phrase that goes “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”?
It’s the most important meal of the day. I’ve always had the bad habit of skipping breakfast and eating a lot for lunch until recently. It makes you feel crappy from the low blood sugar levels and you tend to overeat during lunch, which causes the sudden influx of carbs to give you the dreaded “post-lunch coma”.
It’s really a problem that compounds on itself.
I have realized the importance of breakfast and have been eating it regularly since last year. Nope, not last year as in “3 months ago” (it’s just the start of 2013) but early last year. :p
It’s now my routine to wake up and eat breakfast before doing anything else (even before reaching for them cancer sticks). True story.
A hungry man is an angry man, or so the saying goes. It’s actually hard to feel good when you have low blood sugar – you’ll be lethargic, lazy and generally in a bad mood.
It’s what people mean when they say they “got up on the wrong side of the bed” (that’s three quotes now haha).
Low glucose (blood sugar) is primarily the reason for that and since you’ve been asleep for 8 hours (or more like 5-6 in my case) it’s all the more reason to load up on a healthy breakfast.
I read this article about reasons people tend to skip breakfast, the number one excuse being “I have no time for breakfast”.
That was what I always told myself too, and I think the way around that as suggested is to have breakfast on the go – drive through a drive in and grab some muffins that you can eat while driving. This is also a good way to get around the problem of you not feeling like preparing breakfast in the morning.
The other reason I hear often is “I’m on a diet”.
Skipping breakfast is really bad for you if you’re on a diet, it messes up your blood sugar levels, induces cravings and you’ll just end up eating more. You’re just sabotaging yourself by not eating breakfast since you’re more likely to binge later and research shows that people who do that end up putting on *more* weight. A lot of people ask my why I’m thinner nowadays and I can look at them straight in the eyes and answer with a straight face:
Healthy living!
Thanks for that gem, Sue! 🙂
A good breakfast should have all the food groups represented:
- Carbohydrates – gives you energy throughout the day
- Protein – provides the building blocks and increases satiation (the feeling of fullness so you won’t be inclined to snack)
- Fiber – always good to loosen up everything
- Vitamins – Important Stuff TM
- Minerals – (see above)
…and lots of fluids. Orange juice is always a good choice in the morning!
Anyway, I’ll be taking a typhoid vaccination next week. It’s actually required for everyone handling food but I don’t think a lot of places does it. It’s a requirement for McDonald’s though and that’s where I’ll be serving you breakfast!
McMuffins, orange juice, whatever you want that’s on the menu. I’ll be dishing it up for you. I’ll be in the kitchen too, so the stuff you’re eating is actually prepared by me. Haha! I have room for 5 readers (who can each bring a friend) so that’s 10 pax in total.
Bloggers’ Breakfast Session
Date: 10th March 2013
Time: 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Venue: McDonald’s Sri Damansara
The spaces are very limited for this kitchen tour and specially prepared breakfast. Just comment about what your favorite breakfast is (it can be anything) and make sure your email is valid (so I can contact you) to indicate that you want to join the breakfast session and I’ll give 5 people (10 in total since it comes with a +1) the chance to come. Make sure you’re okay with the dates ya! 🙂
It’ll be a great start to the day!

My favourite breakfast would be a very simple mee sedap (try it, it is THE bomb) with bacon in it.
My favourite McD breakfast meal would be Sausage McMuffin with eggs. Can’t beat anything that doesn’t need you to go all out heh.
Mee sedap with bacon?
I’ll check it out! 🙂
Yeah, I like their McMuffins too!
HB, my favorite breakfast is kind of funky it Saimin. It a Hawaii style ramen with spam and Japanese fishcake and green onions chopped and egg shreded in it. I some time make banana pancake when I have time. Savory soymilk with pork sung and green onion pancake is my Taiwanese style breakfast.
Nice! Sounds like you have to wake up early to make all that! 🙂
I bet it’s delicious though.
yaiks, its not that i wanted to skip breakfast nor i don’t have the time…. for me, its the lack of appetite! I don’t feel like eating anything after i’ve had my teeth brushed in the early morning (around 6:30am) and i can only eat at around 10am! My favorite breakfast can be anything, but i love the typical “half-boiled egg with toasted roti kaya dip” or some oats/cereals with milk as well as some fresh plums! ^^V
Why don’t you try eating before you brush your teeth?
I’ll brush my teeth first, then eat though.
My favvy breakfast is pork noodle and nasi lemak! I am eager to try your cooking HB 😉
Awesome! I’ve sent you an email Brenda! 🙂
I want Big Breakfast Deluxe! LOL!
Haha! Sure but are you in KL bro?
Wow… Interesting!! too bad I am staying in IPOH.. otherwise I sure will join in the fun!
No worries! There’s always next time! 🙂
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day and I hardly ever miss it! Favourite would be non other than the good ol’ RM 1 triangle nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaf! Not exactly the healthiest option but I try to ‘dilute’ the fat by accompanying it with hot tea 😉
Nice! My nasi lemak always comes up to RM 7 or RM 8 coz I take a lot of stuff. 🙂
I love the variety in dim sum especially during the weekend…I can slowly enjoy my tea while chatting with my family members. Each and every dim sum has it own taste and colors which make my morning filled with joy!!
Nice! I’ll like to do that too, I usually drive down to Ipoh for that.
Got your email Cindy! Thanks! 🙂
Ipoh….mmph..I usually go to the one near my house only…though i like to go ipoh someday….
Nice! What is the dim sum place near your house? 🙂
I love to enjoy dim sum with my family early in the morning. I would not be able to make it to KL for the breakfast event. All the best everyone!
Yeah me too! It’s a good relaxing time, and you’re already in Ipoh. 🙂
Cheers buddy!
My favourite breakfast will have to be eggs Benedict. Soft-boiled eggs with runny yolk on top of grilled ham or smoked salmon or bacon. Glazed with fresh homemade Hollander sauce. What more could I ask? Well, maybe to take it up a notch, sprinkle a bit of black truffle. I missed the eggs Benedict I had in Hong Kong.
Me too! 🙂
Got your email bro, see ya this Sunday!
hahaha. breakfast. cant remember the last time i had it cos isnt breakfast the meal u eat in the morning? cant really recall when was the last time i woke up that early for breakfast so i’ll just say first meal of the day instead. well for the first meal of my day i really wouldnt mind a good steak but for breakfast, i think bak kut teh would be on top of the list or a really good plate of chicken rice from malacca, not the rice balls ones. apart from that, i think i can live with a full english breakfast everyday.
oh and if you’re wondering why our kids here are doing really shitty in school… its because of nasi lemak. how the fuck are they gonna pay attention in class after eating all that carbs and lemak? same goes for all those gov departments. cant blame them for being slow after lunch when all they eat are rendang, curry, lemak and more carbs.
nasi lemak – turning kids into useless grownups since 1957
Haha! Yes, it’s the morning meal.
Yeah, I can eat that every day too. I actually can eat quite a lot for breakfast now compared to the past.
Oh yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, for me, since I was… always!
I prefer italian breakfast: cappuccino + cornetto or bread and honey or nutella + fruit… oh… I love breakfast! It’s the first thing I do after I wakeup.
Nutella + fruit?
That sounds interesting! A chocolate (or rather hazelnut) fondue without all the fuss.
I shall try it! 🙂
my favourite breakfast is the kind that you have in bed, preferably with tthe tv on, humming in the background.
Yeah, mine too! 🙂
10th March… I guess it’s a bit too close for comfort, so looks like I will have to sit this one out. My favourite would be the BIG English breakfast with ham, bacon, sausages and all plus eggs, sunny side up – hashbrowns optional…and hot generously-buttered toast to go with that, washed down with thick, black coffee. Nom! Nom! Nom!
Oh you’re heading here soon?
That sounds like a good start to the day indeed! 🙂
That’s just around the corner where I live! 🙂 Unfortunately I won’t be around to see you in person this round, but Gareth and Kim will be there, I’m sure.
No worries buddy!
Catch you next time! 🙂
My favourite breakfast would be the curry mee I will always have whenever I am back in Ipoh. I would have it with my favourite kind of noodles: the laksa kind, and with bits of char siew, roasted pork, chicken bits, tiny prawns, fried chicken wing(their specialty) and cockles!
Yeah, I like that too! 🙂
Where in Ipoh?
I m still trying hard not to skip breakfast. If I don’t have the time to eat, I ll just settle for the chocolate milk. That’s good enough, right?
Yup, that’s good enough if you’re drinking proper milk with all the calcium that an aunty needs! 😉
Kidding, I’m glad you’re drinking milk.
I’ll go force feed you someday Yee Ling!
My breakfast usually very cincai n simple wan. A cuppa coffee + bread :-p
Simple is good as long as you’re eating Mel! 😀
my favourite breakfast is freshly tossed roti telur bawang flooded by spicy, piping hot ikan+ayam+dhall curry complete with a glass of kaw nescafe tarik.
Whoa, that sounds really nice right about now. 🙂
GOSH! How awesome is this?! 😀 A breakfast meet. Too lovely. A shame I can’t participate. Something else is happening for me on the morning of the 10th. Aargh!! Soooo jealoussss. Lol. Have fun in any case! And good luck serving up breakfast! (Or should that be good luck to the ones who’ll have to eat the food? Lol. Jokes!)
No worries, I’ll catch you next time! 🙂
Haha! Thanks!
nice loh~ can serve me? XD
Hello bro! 🙂
I’ve sent out all the emails dy, I’ll wait for all the confirmations to come in, if there’s a space I’ll send out emails again.
opps.. so sorry.. suddenly can’t d~
No worries bro! 🙂
🙁 Wished I could join! Will be doing my mus have beach bumming vacay with the furkid and her classmates.
Awesome! Have fun Eve! 🙂
teepiang lol!!! jkjk, i usually have oat+milk when im not skipping breakfast (skipped today’s coz it was too late already when i realized i haven’t had one =.=)
would love to join but got another appointment to keep, have fun guys!!!
Haha! That’s a healthy breakfast Grace! 🙂
Okay, catch up sometime!
I actually love a Sausage Mcmuffin for breakfast – no kidding!! Every friday, my company serves Mcdonalds breakfast in the office and I made sure I arrived in the office really early so not to miss out!! Can I have my free breakfast now?!!
Nice! You have McDonald’s breakfast every Friday provided by the office? 😀
Okay, see you Sunday Eiling!