My girlfriend’s two birthdays!

Birthday #1

ling birthday

This was my brainchild and happened on the day before her actual birthday (we flew to Siem Reap for her birthday vacation). I had planned a series of surprises for the week leading up to her birthday. πŸ™‚

Patchi chocolates


The first was chocolates from Patchi. This has a special meaning for us (not the brand itself) but coz one of the first gifts I gave her was from Royce, followed by Godiva and this the trilogy of β€œpremium chocolates”.

patchi chocolate store

I got their signature collection from MidValley – she was actually wondering what shop it was and I remember walking in the first time, saying I’ll get her a box and she looked at the price tag and said she doesn’t want it. I know, she’s really an *awesome* person like that.

patchi chocolates

I decided to drop the subject since I knew her birthday was coming up and I wanted this to be one of the presents…and thus, I gave it to her as the start of the birthday gifts. πŸ™‚

24 pink roses bouquet

pink roses

I also planned to walk into her office with a bouquet of flowers that I got from Bloom (which actually has great service compared to Giftlab, the latter has rude delivery guys). I got the 24 stalks of pink roses at my condo, and drove out to her office with the intention of surprising her by walking in unannounced.

girlfriend birthday

It was foiled coz she was already standing outside, ready to go out. I didn’t make it in time before she headed out for lunch. Oh well, it was still a good attempt. πŸ™‚

Giant macaroon birthday cake

giant macaroon

She didn’t want a birthday cake coz she already had some and I remember her saying something about macaroons when we first met that I’ve kept in my mind ever since. I ordered a giant macaroon in lieu of a birthday cake – I got two of them in fact, one pink (salty chocolate) and one red (lime flavored).

macaroon cake

I also got 3 candles for her 30th birthday and pretended I was too tired to stay up…before surprising her with the giant pink macaroon. Well, it’s not exactly gigantic (there are bigger ones) but it’s hard to maintain the crispiness when it’s huge. This size was pushing it.


She liked it though and that’s all that matters.

Pandora’s box(es)


This was a series of surprise gifts I sprang on her. She was staying over since we had an early morning flight (turned out we didn’t have time to sleep at all). I bought her a charm bracelet and three charms from Pandora coz I remember walking through a mall with her and the little ones once and she looked wistfully at the collections.

I made a mental note then to get this for her birthday. πŸ™‚

pandora charm bracelet

I actually asked the Pandora sales person to wrap it in 3 different packages (one of them I just took in the box since I wanted to present it to her in Siem Reap and it’ll be hard to pack a bag without her noticing) so I can do my sequential surprises. smirk

I gave her the charm bracelet first and apologized coz it’s empty and I didn’t have money to buy her charms.

pandora box

She said it’s okay, she’ll just wear the bracelet like that.

I said I bumped into a friend who told me I needed to get a charm chain coz if the charm bracelet accidentally opens, all the charms will drop out (thanks Wendy!).

pandora bracelet

…and I gave her another box.

I said that’s it, sorry about it being so empty and while she asked if I was going to put it on for her…

pandora charm protector

I then presented her with the third box, which contains a pink heart charm. It’s supposed to mean something which I only told her.

pink heart charm

I said that’s all I had, no more surprises (but notice I only gave her 3 boxes when I bought 4?). She was touched though and I’m glad I managed to make her happy during her birthday. πŸ™‚

Birthday trip to Cambodia

birthday trip

We didn’t sleep at all and I drove to the airport the next day. I had booked a very nice boutique resort in Siem Reap which did all my requests for her birthday trip.

happy honeymoon

They wrote β€œHappy Honeymoon” on the bed and had a bottle of champagne chilled in an ice bucket waiting in the room.


I also arranged for a Cambodian birthday cake to be presented to her. I got this in advance since it was her birthday the *very day* we flew. We arrived in the morning so we had a day of going around Siem Reap (will post more on our trip soon) and I had to pay for the birthday cake without her knowledge, pretending to go out or forgetting stuff in the room while I was actually talking to reception about when to reveal the surprise.

The birthday cake was presented to her by the poolside (she was puzzled as to why I wanted to hang out there and was annoyed by the mosquitoes). The staff came out and sang “Happy Birthday” and a bunch of French guests there wished her a happy birthday too!

cambodian birthday cake

It was a 3D/2N trip, I told her to bring her passport and I’ll handle everything, from flights to currency, it’s her present so just bring herself! I gave her some USD so she can get back to the resort in case of emergencies though. I’ll write more on the trip later, the last surprise was close to midnight of her actual birthday when I gave her the Pandora charm that I had secretly packed to complete the dual charm collection.

It’s β€œI LOVE YOU” with a heart made of pure gold which I had hidden all the way from KL. <3 Birthday #2


This just happened last weekend! Ling and the two little ones came over to my place coz it’s closer to town before getting ready. We had a sit-down birthday dinner at Checkers. It was Florence’s idea – cheers for making it two weeks later so I could do the birthday vacation surprise! πŸ™‚


The food was pretty alright – they had a decent cheese and bread selection…

hors d oeuvres

…and they had some nicely plated hors d’oeuvres.


But I thought the best part was the mutton / beef / chicken satay station and the fresh oysters.


The little one took this so it’s a bit blurry:

birthday photo 2013

Happy birthday dear, I hope this was a memorable one for you. I love you always. *hugs*

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36 thoughts on “My girlfriend’s two birthdays!”

    • It’s a mystery! πŸ™‚

      I honestly feed her quite a lot, make sure she eats well, but her metabolism is indeed, I have to admit, much better than mine.

      I gotta make her eat tonight. It’s our anniversary, I told everyone I’m planning a birthday dinner coz I wanted to pretend I forgot all about the anniversary but I remember. Gave her a bouquet of 3 color roses earlier so she knows I know.

      I’ll fatten her up buddy! πŸ˜€

  1. Thanks dear for all the sweet and huge surprises. The best things happening in my life because of you. Hugs….with lots of love. Another dream of us to be realized soon.

    • I’m really lucky to have you dear! πŸ™‚

      I’m blessed to spend my life with you – together. I’m glad you like the surprises and this was a memorable birthday for you.

      Here’s to our new goal – the dream we’re going to realize. I love you dear! *hugs*

    • Cheers buddy! πŸ™‚

      Yup, I wanted to have multiple surprises. I pretended to forget our anniversary to surprise her a few days ago. Haha!

    • Thanks Mel! πŸ™‚

      I just wanted her to be happy so I watch out for what she’s into when I first got to know her. Cheers for the kind compliment!

    • Thanks Hilda! πŸ™‚

      She’s a very sweet person too – arranged a nice romantic getaway for my birthday and an awesome present to boot! πŸ˜€

    • Thanks Rose! πŸ™‚

      Yeah, she’s very important to me and I want to make her happy. I’m really blessed to be with her. I’m glad she enjoyed her birthday!

  2. Wah, HB.., you are so attentive! When your gf “looked” at something, just “looked” only, and she gets them all nicely packed up from you.

    Ling, psssttt…next time “look” at some bigger items lah. Like sport car, bungalow?!? Heeheee…!!:-D

    Have a great weekend to both of you;-)

    • Haha! Well, her birthday was coming up and I wanted to get her an appropriate present that she’ll like. πŸ™‚

      You know, that second bit you’re talking about…

      …let’s just say updates on that soon. πŸ˜‰

      Have an awesome week Yvonne!

    • Thanks Yuh Jiun! πŸ™‚

      Yup, it’s been a good birthday – for both of us! Our birthdays are just a week apart.

      I’m lucky to have her in my life, it’s a good year. πŸ˜€

  3. Aww HB, the things you did for her b’day is absolutely sweet beyond words. Surely the male readers who read your blog will be inspired to do something similar for their better half. You’re setting the bar pretty high πŸ˜‰ My birthday wishes to her.

    • Thanks Cas! πŸ™‚

      I think I spoiled the market for myself too. Haha!

      My girlfriend’s best friend told me I’ll have to do better and better each year if I start by doing that for her birthday. I think she’s right. I sabo myself.

      Kidding, I love her and I’ll do anything to make her happy.

      Thanks for the birthday wishes! πŸ˜€

    • I just wanted her to be happy! πŸ™‚

      I’m glad I succeeded in doing that. It makes me happy to see her happy.

      Thanks Eve! πŸ˜€

  4. catching up on all your posts since I have been swamped with work as of late – and this post is so sweet. You’re lucky to have her and she’s lucky to have you as well. Can’t wait for the HIMYM story. Wishing the two of you all the happiness in the world! xx

    • Thanks Jyannis! πŸ™‚

      I’m a bit swamped with work too – just have 30 minutes before a meeting so I’m replying all my comments and catching up on blogs before that.

      Indeed! We’re lucky to have each other and my (our!) life has been made all the better for that.

      Thanks for the well wishes! πŸ˜€

    • Thanks Hazel! πŸ™‚

      Yup, we’re entering a new chapter of our lives together.

      We’re happy with each other and I’m really glad I have her. It’s a blessing. πŸ˜€

    • Thanks Sherrie! πŸ™‚

      It’s hard to find someone that you can spend the rest of your life with, I’m lucky to have found mine.

  5. Gosh, I was planning for my anniversary and came across your post. I quickly asked myself , ‘what did this girl ever do in her life to deserve such an incredible man!’. Pretty sure, everyone thinks the same. Kudos to her! <3


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