Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Limited Edition Mooncake Collection

Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Collection

I saw the Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Limited Edition Collection last week at the Suria KLCC shop in Malaysia. I was quite intrigued and thought it would make a lovely gift for my girlfriend. There’s a box that cost RM 463 (I think) and I figured it’ll be worth it since it’s premium chocolate mooncakes and you only get it once a year.

Godiva 2013 Full Moon Indulgence

This is the poster I saw – Full Moon Indulgence.

Godiva 2013 Mooncakes Limited Edition

However, when I came back just 24 hours later, the box set was sold out! This really is a limited edition run. There’s a RM 249 box set but I didn’t quite like that since it has the regular GODIVA range of chocolates inside.

Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Limited Edition

Thus, I bought the GODIVA 2013 Mid-Autumn Festival Limited Edition box that was in the poster – it’s RM 159 for one large chocolate mooncake and 8 mini chocolate mooncakes.

Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Price

That’s the most expensive box of mooncakes I’ve ever purchased! It’s worth it though coz it’s for my better half. πŸ™‚

There are two types of large chocolate mooncakes – this Belgium purveyor of fine chocolates produced a dark chocolate version and a milk chocolate version. The RM 159 box only has the dark chocolate version but there are 8 mini-mooncakes called Pepite Mooncake Chocolates that gives you a taste of the entire range of the Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Festival collection!

Godiva 2013 Mooncakes

The 3 different flavored chocolate mooncakes are:

White Chocolate Mooncake: Strawberry-Pomegranate Crunchy

This is a white chocolate mooncake with a filling of crispy strawberry crunch and pomegranate chocolate ganache. I liked this one the most – the white chocolate exterior tastes sweet and the strawberries inside has bits of fruit still on it!

Milk Chocolate Mooncake: Apricot-Peach Crunchy

The milk chocolate exterior is made with Ghana milk cocoa, Turkish hazelnut and Louisiana walnut. The two different nuts makes up the two layers inside the chocolate mooncake and the two different fruits makes it taste like a nectarine dipped chocolate.

Dark Chocolate Mooncake: Mango-Passion Fruit Crunch

This is 64% Peruvian dark chocolate as the exterior with soy beans in Hawaiian almond paste and caramel hazelnut to balance the bitter dark chocolate. I like the mango and passion fruit inside too! This is also available in the large size that we’re going to eat tonight!

I think you can buy the large chocolate mooncakes individually for about RM 80 (calculating back from the box price) but I got the 9 piece Mid-Autumn Gift Box since I wanted to try all three flavors and the large mooncakes are only available in dark and milk chocolate.

godiva 2013 collection us

It’s the most expensive mooncake I’ve ever bought but I think it’s also the most unique one! We’ve had the Pepite Mooncake Chocolates (one of each flavor) and we’re saving the big one for tonight. The 9-piece Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Festival Collection has one large dark chocolate mooncake and 8 pepeite mooncake chocolates (2 of white chocolate, 3 each of white and dark chocolate).

Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Mooncake

The box looks good too – it’s packed in a full moon configuration! πŸ™‚

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28 thoughts on “Godiva 2013 Mid-Autumn Limited Edition Mooncake Collection”

    • I think Godiva has always been catering to the premium market! πŸ™‚

      It’s not that expensive surprisingly, as someone commented, their boxed chocolates are much more expensive. It’s the second time I bought Godiva for my dear and the first box was more than double the price for the same amount!

  1. Well considering the fact that their tiny 9 pieces box commands a price tag in excess of 100 ringgit the mooncakes actually don’t sound that bad in comparison. Bought Godiva chocolates a few times but I’ve never tried them before. True (and sad) story of a guy πŸ™

    • Yeah, I agree mate! πŸ™‚

      The boxed chocolates (also from Godiva) that I got my girlfriend a couple of months ago was a lot more expensive than this! I think it was also 9 pieces, or maybe 12 chocolates.

      This mooncake is huge, so gram for gram, it ain’t that bad considering it’s Godiva!

      Well, I am a huge believer in love, you’ll find the right one soon and she’ll share them with you! Cheers!

  2. HB, it wonderful you have mooncakes sold at Godiva for in San Francisco. We have lot of Godivas but none sell mooncakes at all. You use to make Jelly Mooncake. Are you going todo so again?

    • I just happened to see the GODIVA poster at their store while going off on a trip! πŸ™‚

      I didn’t know they had limited edition chocolate mooncake too and thought it’ll be a good present.

      Ah! You remember Vickie! Cheers for that! πŸ˜€

      I actually forgot about making the mooncakes myself and you reminded me so I searched for it and found the post! I didn’t make any this year though – I’ll like to make real ones sometime!

  3. HB, LA in Calif now have Godiva Limited Edition Mooncakes which is great. So many people ask for it from friends and family living in Asia to send some to them. Now we can order online from Godiva. I will get some for Vickie to enjoy now and fast!

    • Cool! I thought they only sold it in Asia! πŸ™‚

      It’s quite limited edition here though – I wanted a box set but it’s sold out in the two outlets (not counting the one at the airport, which they don’t have the number of) so I go the full moon box set.

      Great! Hope you and Vickie had a great Mid-Autumn festival!

    • Thanks Charmaine! πŸ™‚

      Yeah, my wallet bled too! It’s not something you can get everyday, that’s for sure!

      I just spotted it and wanted to get it for my better half. I thought it’ll make a great present since she loves chocolate and I sometimes buy chocolates for her – Royce, Godiva, even Patchi!

      I was surprised at the Patchi chocolates though – they’re quite good despite the fact that they’re halal!

      I wouldn’t put it in the same category (taste wise) as GODIVA but it’s definitely in the same category *price wise* – a box of Patchi chocolates would set you back several hundred ringgit. I think their selling point is that all their chocolate boxes can be really customized well and they make good platters for receptions too!

  4. It is chocolates and they call them moon cakes? Sigh! The boxes looked like a Moon, alright and the prices can reach the Moon too!!! Wow! Your heart is so big and generous…I like this friend.

    Your tattoo was showing only 1/2, why not all?

    • Yeah, it’s in the shape of a classic mooncake! πŸ™‚

      It’s all about the marketing and they’re doing pretty good – the box set I wanted sold out and I bought the one out of two remaining moon box sets! It was really a limited edition run. Good chocolate mooncake from a premium chocolatier though – we loved it!

      Haha! It’s a self shot and I couldn’t get the entire thing in. I have videos and photos from when I did that tattoo in a previous post.

      Indeed! It’s the most expensive mooncake I’ve ever bought!

  5. This was a huge surprise you gave me, dear! I love it so much that I heartache to eat. Still keeping in the fridge though..Each and every piece is so priceless which represents the sweet thoughts of you. <3

    • I’m glad you liked it dear! πŸ™‚

      I thought you would when I saw it – it was a nice box set with a unique mooncake from GODIVA!

      Thanks dear, I always know that you care and love for me too! <3

    • Yeah, I know what you mean! πŸ™‚

      Nowadays, mooncakes goes for RM 20+ for the ones with durian fillings. I think the GODIVA ones are the second best I got this year (best is a Shanghai style fusion mooncake with lotus paste and maple syrup).

    • Yeah, but it’s good stuff! πŸ™‚

      Well worth the price…once in a while, that is. Heh. It’s an indulgence, we both enjoyed the chocolate mooncake!


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