This is a homemade ramen burger that my better half made for me during our anniversary. It’s not burger in ramen but the other way round – the bun in the burger is substituted with ramen noodles! Thus, the patty is encased in ramen noodles instead of a regular burger bun.
I hear it’s all the rage and she managed to do it on her first attempt. You need to cook the ramen noodles, add a bit of the seasoning, and mix an egg inside (once the noodles have cooled) before sealing it in Glad wrap in the fridge overnight for it to set.
The ramen burger is delicious! You have to fry the ramen burger after it’s formed and set before using it as a bun replacement. It stayed intact throughout the eating process so I’m very impressed – the “ramen bun” didn’t fall apart. I’ll love to pick her brains and do this again myself during the weekend!
Just writing about it got me hankering for burgers!
Short mention:
It’s difficult to explain. Words just doesn’t do it justice. You’ll be better off watching the video above of two grown men talking in a totally heterosexual manner (one on the porcelain throne, the other submerged in the tub) in an attempt to describe the awesomeness that is the KFC Crazy Crunch. It features Reuben Kang so expect his classic humor to shine through!
There’s a parody out on Facebook by Shaheizy Sam (not sure who this dude is) and I personally don’t think it’s funny but it has gotten a quite a few Likes so maybe different people have a different sense of humor. I apologize in advance for wasting 16 seconds of your time that you’re not going to ever get back (watch the first Germani Network video instead) but it just goes to show – is the KFC Crazy Crunch really that hard to describe?

I’ve seen ramen burgers and rice burgers too in blogs… Not too crazy about burgers but I sure would like to try though – at least, I know what everyone’s talking about.
It’s quite nice! 🙂
I loved it, it’s a different texture, and while it doesn’t soak up the juices as well as a bun, it’s a lot of fun to eat a ramen burger!
HB, surprise Malaysia got it also. In states many places sell ramin burgers for 7.00 USD each. I make my own at home. Hawaii people love ramins and saimin have it too. How Cookie Butter ? Is it popular in Malaysia ? The states gone crazy for it and stores sold out everyday of it.
My better half made this at home for our anniversary! 🙂
I don’t know any place that sells ramen burgers.
I hear the new craze is deep fried Twinkie burgers – we don’t have Twinkies here but there’s a similar product I can use!
The ramen burger looks nice!! *thumbs up* 😉
Thanks Melissa! 🙂
She did it on her first attempt and it didn’t fall apart either! It’s good stuff!
Your food posting is always full of surprises with something new and unique. I am amazed to see how a Ramen could hold the burger instead. So pandai chef!
Yeah, the ramen burger didn’t fall apart while eating! 🙂
There’s also a place in the US offering deep fried Twinkie burgers – the new craze. Haha!