A meal by 28 Michelin star “Chef of the Century” Joel Robuchon at our Paris apartment!

joel robuchon tv dinner

The statement above is perfectly correct and true! smirk

joel robuchon

I present to you, a line of ready-to-eat meals by Joel Robuchon! This is his Le fameux Parmentier de Canard or “The famous Duck Parmentier”. There are several different meals, partnered with Fleury Michon. It’s sold in supermarkets and convenience stores like Monop’ (of the Monoprix chain – they have everything from stores to all sorts of food from cookies to milk!). There was a Monop’ just around the corner from our apartment and we were so tired the first evening we arrived in Paris that we just wanted to cook something easy.


I was quite surprised to see Joel Robuchon lending his name to what seems like TV dinners but such an American term would be out of place in France for this is one quality meal for 5.13 Euros!

parmentier de canard

The serving bowl it comes in is not made of disposable and flimsy plastic but solid ceramic!

ceramic bowl

Duck Parmentier is a classic French dish that looks like a cottage pie. We saw some Cuisses du Poulet Roties (Roasted Chicken Thighs) on sale for 5.19 Euro (original price 13.95 Euros). These are the miniature chicken breeds (also called bantam chicken) which you can *fit in the palm of your hand*! They’re really quite cute (and tasty)!

french miniature chicken

I used that to plate up the dish so it looks like the serving suggestion (just 3 minutes 30 seconds in the microwave) and we ate it with some pasta for our first night in France. It was quite delicious, despite being a ready-to-eat dinner. They pride themselves for ingredients being 100% sourced from France too, as the labels clearly states.

joel robuchon dinner

We actually got to eat through all his collection – it is wide and varied indeed, and although it costs more than other ready-to-eat meals, I convinced my dear that we should get them. It’s not everyday you can have a 28 Michelin star chef “cook” for you at your apartment after all…even in France! 😉

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29 thoughts on “A meal by 28 Michelin star “Chef of the Century” Joel Robuchon at our Paris apartment!”

    • Haha! I would love to bring some back myself! 🙂

      Unfortunately, we had 2 more days in Germany after our Paris trip so we couldn’t bring back stuff that needs refrigeration.

    • Yeah, and it was from a recipe by Joel Robuchon! 🙂

      I thought that was a nice marketing technique to get people to pay more. It’s a premium TV dinner, nothing made of plastic, it’s all ceramic!

  1. i’m usually strictly white meat only but that thigh in the last pic looks nice & tender!!! 😀 aaargh!! too hungry. note to self: don’t read blogs that talk about food a lot so close to lunch! haha.

    • I always go for dark meat due to the additional flavor and fat content! 🙂

      It’s awesome, these bantam chicken breeds!

      There’s one that fits in the palm of my hand, we saw it in France, will blog about the interesting stuff we saw there soon!

    • Haha! Now that would really be something! 🙂

      Joel Robuchon cooking a private dinner for us, that’s a one-in-a-lifetime thing.

  2. He cooked them and packed them for you! How lovely!

    Getting all ingredients locally is something the Westerners like to shout and pride themselves. The chicken and dressing definitely looks good and delicious. I may be biased but the Western pre-cooked/pre- baked or ingredients in packages are always very good!!!!

    • Yeah, especially in a lot of European countries, US states and even Australia! 🙂

      They care a lot about locally sourced, eating with the season, low food miles, so nothing imported and it really does taste a lot better!

      Yup, especially in France I guess coz the French have a high expectation of food!

  3. This Cuisses du Poulet Roties looks really delicious. Sometimes with these kind of food really made life much easier.. hahaha.. especially for lazy people like me.

    • Yeah, you just need to put it in the oven! 🙂

      It turned out delicious too, as expected, or Joel Robuchon won’t have put his name on it. He does have a reputation to protect.

  4. You have a wonderful life my Friend, only trips:) if You will be in Poland are invited to Wroclaw. I invite You to a wonderful Polish dinner in the best restaurants of Our… Wrocław and Kraków its best city in Poland 🙂 It is worth to see Poland.


    • Thanks for the invite Andre! 🙂

      I’m back in Malaysia, but if I ever had to Poland, I’ll be sure to take you up on that invitation!

      Cheers mate!

  5. no updates again ? 🙁 hoped you’ve already found a place to stay!

    btw, I now blog at wanderlustglutton.com Wanted to start everything fresh again. hehe 😀

  6. For a moment, I thought that was crème brulee. I guess that’s the side effect of blog-hopping in the wee hours of the morning. =.=”

    Well, as the Chinese saying goes, you pay for what you get. *winks*

    Man, the chicken thigh is really tempting. It sure looks juicy. =)

    • Yeah, it does look like creme brulee eh? 🙂

      Indeed, the ceramic bowl took me by surprise, I’ve never seen anything other than plastic in TV dinners, but this is France, where they have a high standard of food!

      The chicken is awesome too – we saw a small bantam breed that fits in the palm of my hand!

      I must do a post about all the interesting food we ate in France!


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