I wasn’t very hungry at that time since I had a very late lunch but the plate of beautiful pork belly slices and pork tongue was staring back at me, begging me to *ravage* it. It would be like saying No to the Borg, resistance is futile and all that. I packed a man tou (fluffy Chinese steamed buns) full of the fatty pieces of meat and tongue and dug in.
Stewed Pork Belly + Pig Tongue
This is a combination of fatty pork belly and the leaner tongue served with a side of raw onions, cucumbers and other vegetables which you can eat with rice, or with a Chinese bread called man tou. I opted for the latter and speared two huge pieces of the pork belly, added a generous slice of pig tongue and slapped on a few onion rings before topping it with gravy. Divine!
Stir Fried Cuttle Fish
I had eaten a similar dish by Jona during Chinese New Year β it was grilled on skewers then and it was the most amazing execution of cuttle fish I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. It was mind-blowing, how tasty that dish was. I think the recipe for that was scrapped due to the huge amount of food and thus this version was stir fried. It’s still awesome but the CNY one was epically delicious, like a culinary version of Homer’s Iliad.
Peas in a Pod with Garlic Sauce
This is the plate of greens with lots of vitamins and fibre to complement the meat-based dishes. I quite liked it and was munching on these even after I’ve finished my dinner. It’s perfect with rice β the beans are tender, juicy and sweet β it’s like kissing the sweet lips of your lover when you’re both relaxed and lounging in bed just before you turn in for the night. π
Baked Chicken Thigh
I’m calling it this but I don’t actually know what it was since I didn’t ask about this one. The marinade was fantastic though and it gives the entire chicken thigh a saffron like undertone. There were a lot of aromatic herbs thrown in too, and although I was quite full from the large pork belly and pig tongue burger I helped myself too, I managed to take apart one all by myself, picking at the flesh with my fork with nary a care for the faux pas I was committing with the tines of the fork coming into contact with the glass plates with a loud CLINK.
Grilled Garoupa
This huge grouper is a 10 kg beast that was done really well. It’s quite hard to fry fresh and good quality fish well since it’s very easy to overcook it. I’ve eaten a great piece of breaded and fried cod in Sheraton which changed my mind about fried fish and this gives equal lip smacking satisfaction. This fish was freshly caught and bought from the source, and it’s treated with respect, just a short time on the grill caramelizing the sides and producing a white, flaky and moist interior.
There was also a very flavorful soup which I forgot to take a photo of and we had a bottle of wine which someone brought and single malt Scotch from Eddy’s bar to go with the long dinner. I was craving for a cigarette before I had taken my last bite, that was how much I stuffed myself.
I had this wonderful dinner last night at my bro Eddy’s house. He’s a really solid guy, always there for his friends. He picked me up at the airport when I came back for Ching Ming and I saw the huge 10 kg grouper he bought for this meal. I was one of 8 invited over for a feast cooked by his wife Jona and it was one of the best home-cooked meals I’ve ever had, on par with the delicious lamb he came up with during Chinese New Year.

Oh? You were back in Sibu for the weekend for Ching Ming? Too bad we did not get to meet. I was rather tied up myself – had relatives coming home for the same and a class reunion – your mum’s classmates too. Sad that she is no longer with us.
Wow! Nice home-cooked meal. Your sil is a great cook.
I love all the dishes except the 1st dish with pig’s tongue. Eeewww! ^^
That was a very delicious home-cooked meal.. I could eat 2-3- bowls of rice with just that pork belly gravy and fried fish.. That tongue thingy, is it called “lou mei” in Cantonese? But “lou mei” has ears and other stuffs inside too, not just tongue, LOL.. MIL always cooks “lou mei” and I always eat a lot of rice with the gravy, makes my mouth very sticky after that, from all the collagen goodness..
Impressive! Like cooked in a restaurant. The cuttle fish looks very yummy .
Ahh…getting invited to a home-cooked meal is the best, isn’t it? π
If you ever have a dinner party, can I shamelessly invite myself? Lol!! Food looks CRAZY good, HB!
Everything looks awesome *except pig tongue* esp the pork belly + mantou combination. like pork sandwich! π
wow…you cooked all these?