Our Mid-Autumn Festival 2015

Mid-Autumn Festival

I was out with the kids last week when we saw a shop selling lanterns for Mid-Autumn Festival. These are the newer cellophane type lanterns instead of the paper ones we had as kids.

Mid-Autumn Lanterns

I remember the bigger one got a similar type during Mid-Autumn two years ago – it was a dragon and she wanted the *same* one for this year. Haha.

Godzilla Lantern

We all chose one and in the end she went for a dinosaur (looks like a baby T-Rex with wings – Godzilla?)…

Goldfish Lantern

…while her younger sister went for a goldfish.

Rooster Lantern

I made my better half choose a rooster coz I thought it represented our Zodiac, but I was wrong, we share the same star sign in Western astrology, but different ones in the Chinese η”Ÿθ‚–.

Elephant Lantern

I got myself a jumbo elephant for no particular reason.

Mid-Autumn Lantern

We played outside the house and the kids were so afraid of burning down the lanterns (coz a similar thing happened in 2013) that they ended up playing with the candles instead. πŸ™‚

Playing with Candles

It was a lot of fun though and we also had a whole bunch of mooncakes. I’ll get on it, the annual mooncake roundup is coming up tomorrow!

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10 thoughts on “Our Mid-Autumn Festival 2015”

  1. I am thinking of getting those cellophane type lanterns next year. Been playing with those papers type for few years now and I cannot believe they weren’t burnt last night! Lol!!

    Happy Mid-Autumn to you and family. Look forward to your next post.

  2. What a fun celebration with lanterns and candles. These type of lanterns are also the traditional types made with wire frames and coloured transparent plastic. I used to play with this type of lanterns 40 years ago in additional to those tam tung paper lanterns. The newer lanterns are those made with hard plastics and blinking lights with music operated by batteries. Can’t wait to read about your mooncakes review. This year I did not buy any mooncakes but got to eat 3 types of casahana mooncakes.

  3. I did not manage to get any lanterns this year, AEON was selling at RM39.90 for one, the ones that operated on battery, safer, since we stay in a condo, can play indoors.. Too expensive for me, and I need to get 2 ! The next few weeks, I went to another AEON to hunt for cheaper ones, none! Huhuhu..

  4. this year totally forgotten to buy Tanglung. Had to self make Tanglung.

    I like the goldfish tanglung coz it is easier to stand. It is hard to stand for the chicken punya. Had it when i was a kids. think it got burnt.

    when i was a kid, the dragon tanglung is the one every boy wanted coz it’s colorful and the head can move around with “beard” and all while the girls like the square ones with flowers type. Owing these two are counted as “lucky”.


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