Stilnox is the name zolpidem is marketed under by the sanofi-aventis
group. It is sold as Ambien in the US and Myslee in Japan. The three
names all refer to zolpidem tartrate tablets in 10 mg doses. It’s made
by the same company, just sold under different names in different
countries, a pharmaceutical practice I never did understand, like Roche
selling clonazepam as Klonopin in the US and Rivotril elsewhere.

Stilnox (zolpidem) is one of the four non-benzodiazepine novel
z-drugs. Zolpidem belongs to the imidazopyridine group of chemical
compounds. It has a very short half-life of just 2 hours and is
marketed as a hypnotic (sleeping pill). It was the second z-drug to
come out, debuting in 1992 after zopiclone (1989). The third z-drug is
zaleplon (Sonata), which is not available in Malaysia.
The fourth one (used to be only 3 of them) has just hit the market
under the name Lunesta (eszopiclone) and is the first one to be
approved for indefinite prescription (!). I’ve been following
eszopiclone for quite a while and it just came out (as in now), so it’s
not available in Malaysia yet. However, I just talked to my doctor
about this and he’s excited (my extreme enthusiasm about
pharmaceuticals is infectious) about it too.
Mostly about the “indefinite prescription” part, coz he’s been
giving me Dormicum (midazolam) 15 mg, Rivotril (clonazepam) 2 mg, and
Xanax (alprazolam) 0.25 mg. I’ve been getting this from him regularly
and he’s starting to talk about tapering, so I compromised on the Xanax
(used to have 0.5 mg). Which is fine by me, he doesn’t know about the
other two doctors who’re prescribing me other benzodiazepines. π
He’s a nice doctor though – he’s made it clear that medical support
is will always be available from him due to my long history of
benzodiazepine use, so he’s only going to encourage me to taper off
Xanax and stay on Rivotril and Dormicum indefinitely. I appreciate him
for that. He’s the best doctor I have now, since the one in Sibu
stopped practicing due to the Big C (Bless Him!). There’s another nice
and understanding doctor here that I see, but he has a disturbing
tendency to read Bible verses to me…
The good doctor (the one I was talking about) is not a big fan of
the “lazy” (his words) people at BPFK and estimates that it’ll take 8
months before Singapore approves Lunesta and probably close to a year
before Malaysia gets the clinical data and safety profiles from other
countries and finally writes a monograph and by the time it’s approved,
it’ll be 2 years. I like his healthy disregard for the BPFK. π He’s
going to get it in for me anyway, which is great of him…hopefully,
I’ll be the first to sample eszopiclone in Malaysia.
I digress…back to zolpidem, I bought it from the pharmacy in Sibu
(amongst other things which I will post about soon). I don’t need
prescriptions coz the pharmacy is owned by someone related to my mom. I
think she’s my aunt or something. I didn’t know that until much later,
I just became friends with the son a couple of years ago, and now I
realize he’s my cousin. Jesus. I digress again. The Stilnox (zolpidem)
cost me RM 30 which means one 10 mg tablet is RM 3. I’ve had zolpidem
before (which is where the pill pictures come from), but not in 100 mg
doses. This will be my first time ingesting a high dose of zolpidem.

This experience report details the oral ingestion of zolpidem under the following parameters:
Dosage: 10 x 10 mg Stilnox (zolpidem tartrate) for 100 mg in a single dose.
Experiment aims: Exploring the pharmacodymanics of
high doses of zolpidem and reported visuals associated with it. (Read:
Get high and have fun. ;))
Other drug interactions: Methamphetamine use for the
past 72 hours (3 days) without sleep and food. Clonazepam, alprazolam
and lorazepam also taken during the past 8 hours before dosing.
Cannabis was smoked after dosing.

Download: Zolpidem (Stilnox) experience video [sixthseal.com]
Experience report (complete and uncorrected):
Damn, I just saw red spots (large ones) everywhere after I downed
100 mg of zolpidem (whole blister pack of 10 x 10 mg damn I can still
type ::))
Good; I already have sleep deprivation hallucinations coz ive been
up for 3 days without sleep and food. The fucking walls (thank god for
ms word auto capital letter) were CRAWLING. Fucking moving like I just
took a large amount of k (not line, just near till you can’t move).
Yeah things are starting to look strange now. Definite improvement
from the previous sleep dep visuals, this is more mellow, slow. Like
the start of an acid trip teaser visuals. I keep on forgetting wat I
wanted to do. Allthat meth no sleep and benzos (had al ot of diff ones
just now, I do that towards the end of the run while still injecting
just so I don’t go fucking psycho and assault someone, you know that
meth comedown violent feeling, so its good to temper it a bit with
Was telling a friend that us Asians (in some more liberal countries
anyway) don’t really tell people from the US or UK about how large (wow
things are moving now, surfaces quivering and OEV, wow) anyway we don’t
tell coz the climate here allows some of us to buy benzos in huge
amounts and it’s always available in a pharmacy you know, and also the
multiple scripts you get from different docs. Imagine always having
large quantities of Dormicum, Xanax, Rivotril (Klonopin), Ativan,
Mogadon, Phenobarbital, Valium and so forth at home.
Imagine how big a habit you can work out in countries where benzos
are easily obtainable shit I forgot wat I wantd to say. Anyway, imagine
having all that benzos around and imagine the huge doses we need. I
hear US people saying that 30 mg diazepam is “excessive”. Jesus, I take
200 mg diazepam an drink red wine for fun..and someone said no one can
take 100 mg of valium and still stay awake. Was laughing coz when
you’re in a benzo friendly country you can get as much benzos as you
want, so its easy to work up to a habit for life.
US and other countries are diff, its harder to stockpile such a huge
amount since rx rules are tighter and pharms won’t sell it to profit
under the table. Thus, more people there are less experienced with
benzos so we usually don ‘t comment since we come from Benzo Bazaar. π
Ok donr writing, gonna check on visuals now coz I’ve been
steadfastly ifnoring hem for the past minutes while I concentrate and
finish what I was writing. Everything looks smooth now and I can seee
cardboard box that contains a fan slowly developing cracks and cracks
I knew it! π Meth runs without sleep (dep hallucinations) and
without food (ultra fast absorption) and zopidem or zopiclone will give
you nice visuals esp when you close your eyes (INTENSE). Benzos won’t
improve on the visuals, it just calms you down a bit, the only ones
there are from sleep dep/
But the z drugs (have not tried the other one not available here,
sonata I think) will IMPROVE on th visuals and calms you down too.
However, don’t mean to be dicksizing or anything, just stating the
obvious), you need to have a large benzo tolerance to remain awake at
large doses of benzos or zopidem/zopiclon. You gotta be awake to enjoy
the visuals. It’s nice, it’s not like the scary sleep dep ones but an
improved fun ad happy visual anomalies. Heh) smoking cannabis after
taking also makes it more fun.
I want to get sth to eat coz ihaven’t for 3 days but I dun think I
an be sober. I forget things instantly. Jesus. But I’m hugry and I need
water coz I hardly drank any during my meth run// will go now, it’s
okay, it’s the regular place, just get sth to take away and of course
drinks. I need to drink.
Wow fuck I closed my eyes for 10 seconds and I saw myself CLEARLY ,
saw my reflection clearly sitting on a train and looking out the dark
window. It was night. It was SO VIVID I couldn’t believe it/ I’ll
always take zopidem when coming down. Get entertained with these sweet
visuals before sleeping. I’m going to get food now though, wish me
luck, I can’t retain a memory for more than 2 secs/
Just want to tell you all that there’s SWARMS of schools of those
black worms/snakes moving around the room. They can turn bigger and
become translucent too. Heh I’m enjoying this. I can close my eyes and
see myself in a coffee shop with people moving around me to sit and eat
too, one guy had a yellow t shirt and was wearing glasses. So vivid and
nice these CEVs/ oops sorry I used the wron reference just now. All
above means OEV when I wrote CEV. Of course I got a lot of nice opened
eyed visuals but the ones I described as ultra pantone color vivid
comes in closed eyed visuals. It’s like the mind makes a dream for our
eyeballs. We could just be large balls floating on some God’s bar where
everyone is wearing a while robe and has a bread, yo know the works.
We could be in that ball like matrix and the god eats it and poof
our plate of reality as we know it is gone with just one chew.
Everything we’ve known and loved. Forgotten coz we cease to exist after
that. Imagine if we’re really in dimensions. We could be in a baseball
in a God’s beer mug now and he nearly sipped the whole ball (quite big)
in but decided not to yet.
Last time not as intense coz no meth run (sleepdep) and 3 days
without sleep (dep) and food (metabolizedultra fast) plus absobtion.
I took zopidem alone (not whole blister pack but near it) a couple
of years ago and the visuals were dismal compared to this. And I cant
even remember your name Bob! I’m moving around, whee!
Note recipe:
3 days of tweaking the usual way with no food no sleep and minimal water
(I had to move very close co I had to make sure I was writing the
currect thing coz I forgot now and theres; a guy in a grey shirt
dancing in my peripheral visual (hallucinationsm the good ones oopslose
ability to type liaw’
shit drool is uncontrollable too, it kept dripping and drooling out
for a long time now, think its either the benzos or the excessive meth
runs of constant IV and smoking compulsively. That can make yu lose
control over body too. Droolin manifests frst.\\\\
and my walls are crawling again in nice big chunks now, not those small
pixels. This is a] large scale people painting the wall wth cements and
brick laying, wowl
Fucking entertaining I tell you, will do this again, defiately.
There is an old lady, quite big sizd, plybp. Damn the curse in word
coms in multiple shades of changing color and there’s an car exhause
following it. Old lady still there though. Just suddenly appear and sit
in the corner hugging her knees. Quite scared coz it’s probably just a
hallucination (even though I clearly sw her including her mostly blue
blouse the common chinese people wears in older days and she looks up
at e with her umbrealla tightly held on her lap. Life of a poor old
50+homemaler, just like in a cauge. She always looks at me when I look
at her. Please don’t talk t me right now I need fucking really
concentrate tremember everything which is important.
Oh yah I enjy ythose peple, they enjy making a home and they’re nice
always carring. I feel sorry for er, unfortauntely she left and a much
younger guy (who’s halluicioation coz I can see him when I turn around
only in my peri vision. Very real.
I had one last thing t saw but I forgot. Oh yeah remember now. I’m
not going to type now coz the fonts chages colors and the keys on my
keyboard keeps moving around to make me typo. I can hardly write now,
too many funky disco balls and flashes of people I talked to ujst now.
Its peakig now, right now! The keyboards didn’t look right and kept
mophing and moving around ad deverywhing here is good now, the big
league hallucinations have come out in foce!!!!!!!!!
Walking hard textured walls moving and discussing, 4 of them.
I keep on drooling.
And I thought and FELT an early 30’s guy, from about here, just came
to push my chair in deeper so I wn’t fall down. Hey your mnitor is full
of animated videw wor. Even looking at dead monitor makes me se thigs.
Whoa, the world just like passed around me just now mst have oned
out the girl and his father stll here, and that’s tehe security guards
to carry our stuff now so I can put everthing in one place.
Its obvio I cam’t typ now s I’l enjoy rest of this three combo trip.
Its fun. P)Amesome experience right ater hard meth run with IB and
smoking I would lik to go (drolled) gain co I can’t write in this
state, strong OEV – opned eye visuals and my drool is stll on mhin and
inever bothered o wipe it
Hey that rcipe is the only way to go. I forgot now pkw4 l4y m4 yu4
Are so strong thJesis thhe trps sare so stron and insightlyu.
Jut quk jot recipe
1. dun et and skee I’m drooling ain.
And fuck my entire floor moved. Ants all I n rw I tink they’re still ther should I heck? Going tp cjec;l
Back. I just said that this combo is soooo good I havee to call it
psychedelics Try seeubg the walls behind you move straigt contnueslyl,
thhe cardnard boxes that are really dancing and moving. Oh, the
anterograde amnesia – second to one! π I don’t ist wrote recoe
Recipe: (c0nceentrate)
Enough meth to IV or get big inhles, that works well too
Damn it, I an’t even remember wat I’m doing and the box seems to sliding cars like in thise KLIA bugues.
1. methamphetamine (crystal meth for IV and smoking ibsessively). High doss thanks for helping me type this.
Most have teams for ths journey
Methamphetamine (crystal meth) – to last you to remain waait no matter
wht hapend. – take lots, inject lots, keep on holding long huge pufs.
Dunno wat I’m talking now but just go intense until we die lah, we
don’t live long, so rather enjoy. everyonee kan?
The side of my cel phone is actually loving now, contbuously, swimming, the allows. I’m droling again.
Shit the rite haired very own woman is squatted here.whats the deal, I’m cofused.
Recipe for Methamphetamine
Can’t concentrate and everything is moving now =m eveb durt’ uts like god aci/magicshrrom mix.
Why do I keep drooling?? Ca’t control the muscles theer.
I was sitting hefore 5 minte rereading the previous para and we don’t
now what to o. It’s prob coz excessive (I tweak like fuck, will put up
the video of me hell, I always except to die each time I quit.
Wahl ah ths box can squirm and loosen hs Sumi type arms and hes ,k
ij kuje he’s going to break out of the box soon bt of course I nw hat
this is just for the combo I too just iw ithub grab is happebng though
its very nice to see your new home deciraub fir 2 hurs. Wow is late and
I need to get something to eat. And I’m stone an what was hat I took?
Yah mth muns, toll me.
Sorry forgo the combo instro
1. Methamphetamine run (3 days without food and sleep and minimal water) +
2. Various benzodiazepines (optional, it’s just coz I dependant)
3. You should be very hungry by now, meth is just not telling you. SO
just constantly IV and smoke continuously until you go half crazy,
which wish
Crystal methamphetamine can do any time IT WANT featured the 3rd day.
I’m very very confused now though, the peak has passed – I love this trip.Thanks everyone!
Zolpidem is such a nice guy what did he do this to me. I know, I
wanted it, but you still have to take more benzos. Jesus, I looked over
the CRT monitor tat wasn’t functioning and I saw myself and screen
warping in 3d. Like I’m in a sitcom. Bizarre this 100 mg dose zopidem
when going out – the visuals are intense, you probably will forget
something (everything), I think she’s funny. She got me 100 mg fr RM 30
we’re firnds.
I’m at plateus now, no it should be alright if I drive very ery
safely. I want to grab something to eat and enjoy strilling around
while getting tis mellow ass hallucinations. Thanks!
P/S – My notebook case (black) was so intense just now.. Full opened
eyed hallucioations. Saw the bag beieng move. It moves like tentacles
until puzzled, I looked it in the eye and it’s stil don’t care and wave
the smaller strands and threads in front of my face.
I still can’t stop dooling the whole time. I think we’re still under
the influence but passed two hours already (prob coz I take lots). I’m
don’t have good motor control and I saw the ground in that room movep
like it was living.
OK im not making sense now. I will enjoy the rest of the trip and grab something to eat. Zopidem gets big tumbs up from me!
I’m at baseline now – it’s been 2 hours and 30 minutes or so since I
dosed. It’s great one, zolpidem – it gives visuals in the right
condition. I hereby declare myself fond of zolpidem and I realize that
a big part part of the reason I like it so much is the peak, where the
thought patterns gets all mixed up and the heavier visuals starts to
come and everything just gets intense and disorienting for a while.
It feels like everything is confusing and it feels like total abandon! π
I can see why people like this. The anterograde amnesia effects were
very strong as well, comparable to midazolam. I don’t know whether it
was the high dose I took but I can’t remember what happened an hour ago
coz the time skipped. Total abandon and time skipping – it’s gotta be
good. :p I can’t say I didn’t have fun though.
Plus, zolpidem has a short 2-3 hours half-life only so it’ll be
perfect for recreational use if you can remain awake on very high
doses. It feels good peaking at 100 mg of zolpidem on an empty stomach
and experiencing the delirium, disorientation and you won’t be able to
remember. π
It’s all about the disorientating peak – it feels like magic mushrooms with hit of nitrous oxide. Nice…
Disclaimer: This is an April Fool’s day post.