Stop the press!

Note: This is a post by veritas.

OMG, I just found a cure for ‘speed dick’ aka “I can’t get it up
when I’m tweaking, dammit!”. I just saw several photos of a really hot
chick which provoked an instant response of mind blinding lust.
=D I’m not at liberty to share the photos (you don’t know what you’re
missing!) so unfortunately I can’t show you the tantalizing images that
provokes thoughts of pure desire and lust for the subject. I fear that
photographic media will never arouse me again after this. I’ll be
subconsciously comparing other photographs against the ones I was
privileged to see today and all will fall short. I had previously
thought I’ve gained a particular ‘tolerance’ towards photographic media
as a visual arousal cue, but I was wrong. I’ve can’t remember the last
time I’ve been so stimulated just by looking at a photo!

The first glance produced a nearly uncontrollable state of arousal
although my mind still hasn’t registered and processed the components
of the image yet. It was a Pavlov reaction in that sense, I was
terribly aroused, but I didn’t know why, because my neurons have yet to
translate the visual input into a cohesive image. These are truly
amazing photos of a really beautiful girl. It just did the trick for
me, and then it was “Houston, we have liftoff”. The fact that the
pictures alone overcame the seldom talked about side-effect of
amphetamines certainly was interesting and deserves mention.

Granted, the subject of the photos is very sexually
appealing, but the amphetamine induced er…contraction of that
particular organ isn’t very easy to overcome either and that makes this
a case where excessive use of hyperbolic adjectives is warranted. πŸ˜‰
I’m still looking at the photos now, and I’m feeling another rush of
blood to my loins as I visually devour her feminine features – the
alluring face, with eyes that seem to stare straight at me, the lovely
shade of wispy brown hair falling beautifully around her, and I’m
hypnotized by her soft, smooth skin and I long for just a taste of her
tender, perfect legs and in my fantasy, I am gently parting her supple,
yielding legs and indulging in her essence while she exhales softly and
reaches out for me…

Okay, now writing all that made me need a really cold shower again. πŸ˜‰ I think I’ll better crash the benzo tea party
[] and eat every single one of the guests now (except
dexamphetamine, of course – he wasn’t invited anyway). It’s getting
late and sleep is still far from my dopamine saturated brain. Now that
I think of it, I haven’t eaten anything in days. Oh well, I’ll just get
some food in me when I wake up. I’m still very much awake and charged
up, so do your magic, alprazolam, and lead me down the path where
reality is dreaming and the land is abundant with Zzz…

Arguments for 4-MAR

Note: This is a post by veritas.

Disclaimer: Important! Read me first! []

Caution: Important! Read me first! []

Insufflated methamphetamine doses has never “lasted” this long
before. I don’t mean “last” as in keeping me awake, that’s pointless
when you’re all scattered and shit from the comedown. By “last” I mean,
keeping me awake WITH mental clarity! =D Unthinkable! Personally, I
need to re-dose frequently with methamphetamines or else “mental
fatigue” sets in. You know what I’m talking about…it’s that twilight
zone when you’re wide awake but you can’t do anything coz your mind is
scattered left, right and center. It’s been more than 24 hours since my
last bump of 4-MAR and I’m still fresh! Unimaginable! Very unusual long
lasting ‘mental clarity’ effects, personally, I’m already convinced
that this really is the rare 4-MAR (U4EA) instead of crystal

Remember when I said I’ll keep the other point till a later time to
understand the substance better? Uh yeah, I think I’ll consume it today
after all, strictly in the interests of limiting my legal
liability by discarding all the evidence that could be used against me.
The disposal of the substance will take place in my nostrils, which
changes the legal distinction quite significantly, from possession to
consumption. There you go, I’ve already significantly reduced the legal
ramifications. What? Denial? Isn’t that just a river in Egypt? πŸ˜‰
Anyway, I don’t fear you, long lasting 4-MAR. I’ve got a benzo tea
party happening right here in my room:


Valium: Klonopin 2mg, is that your baby? My…she’s grown so much since I last saw her.
Klonopin 2 mg: Yeah, next thing you know, she’ll be leaving me to go off to college.
Klonopin 0.5 mg: Waa…waa…
Xanax: This is good tea.
Dexamphetamine: Hello, mind if I join in?
Xanax: Go away, can’t you read? Benzos ONLY!
Dexamphetamine: *mumbles*there’s some drug classification discrimination happening around here*mumbles*

Oh, and by the way, I DO NOT recommend exercise while on 4-MAR.
Moderate walking had my heart jack hammering and my brain was going:
*coronary alert* *coronary alert* *stroke eminent* *cardiac arrest in 10 seconds* *hypertensive crisis in progress*
Seriously though, I feared for the well-being of my heart and I nearly
blacked out. This is not paranoia, I timed by heart beats. So yeah,
avoid exercise while on 4-MAR. My heart is still pounding after 15
minutes of rest, so there is a real risk of cardiac failure, all jokes
aside. Beware. Exercise (oh, the irony) caution.

Anyway, blood pressure goes up too, to the point that I can feel the
pressure against my veins, if that sounds logical. There is a high body
load involved indeed, I try to refrain from using hyperbolic terms, but
I can’t this time. My blood pressure is skyrocketing. Fuck, I feel like
I’m going to kick the bucket anytime. Sheesh…and I’m not even moving!
Please, if you’re considering 4-MAR consumption, be very cautious about
the high body load. Serious health issues may lie ahead, if you have
existing hypertension/heart conditions. Be still, my beating heart.
Onegai. Just take it easy for a while alright?

Okay, that’s a very serious side effect that you need to be aware
of. It’s very, very stressful on the heart. Erowid was right about aminorex substances and pulmonary hypertension
[]. I like to think of myself as experienced and yet I forget
(or to be honest, ignore) the important axiom “You can always take
more, but you can’t take less”. I don’t mean to go on and on about
this, but it’s a serious issue and deserves to be emphasized. Just be
cautious with the dosages of 4-MAR, it stresses the heart like no other
substance. I find (meth)amphetamines can’t even compare to the stress
4-MAR puts on the heart. Take care with this substance! It’ll be the
perfect study/work drug if only it didn’t tax the heart so much. I
prefer it to dextroamphetamine and methamphetamine for studying and
assignments, but my heart just can’t stand the strain being exerted on
it by this particular substance. I’m just glad my heart seems to be
coping with the stress. Thank God!

Anyway, I went to get some multivitamins at the pharmacy (which explains the walking bit):

Swisse Men’s ULTIVITE
Mineral & Anti-oxidant
With Herbs
Formula 1
Formulated by a professor based on 20 years of research.
60 tablets (2 months supply) for A$27.40

Me: Hello, can you recommend a good multivitamin that really works?
Girl: Yeah, this one is really good, it’s got all the daily requirements so you only need one per day.
Me: I hear that not all the vitamins and minerals are digested
and utilized with synthetic multivitamins though, does this really
absorb well?
Girl: Well, they’ve got one for men and one for women and I’m on
the one for women and I find it very energizing. There’s ginkgo in
them, which gives you a boost of energy.
Me: Hmm…I don’t need that extra stuff. I just want to ensure
that I’m getting all the vitamins and minerals I need when I skip meals.
Girl: (noticing my dilated pupils) I see. Well, this one will
work well for that, although you need to take it with meals. It gives
you a boost of energy too.
Me: I don’t need a boost of energy. (Thinking: I’ll take other
‘nutritional supplements’ if I’m after a boost of energy) I just want a
good balanced multivitamin with a high bioavailability (I impress
myself sometimes) when I don’t eat meals.
Girl: Oh, this would be perfect then. It’s not meant to be a meal replacement, but the formula does maximize absorption.
Me: Great!


Tweaker’s best friend? I don’t know, but it could be. πŸ™‚ Just look at the size of these monsters!
The pills are huge! It’s pictured next to an A$2 coin as a scale guide.
Marvel at the impressive list of vitamins, minerals and herbs on the
container. Hmm…I’m half marveling and half worried about potential
interactions with other substances. There seems to be a lot of
questionable herbal extracts in there. I’m trusting that your 20 years
of research includes interaction studies with prescription and
recreational drugs, prof.

Hyperbolic adjectives used in the post: unthinkable, unimaginable, jack hammering, pounding, skyrocketing, huge, impressive, marveling.

I am superhuman. The word ‘sleep’ is foreign to me!


Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author
on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts
made by any guest authors. The owner of the domain and the main author
of this blog posts under the nick ‘hbpoh’ and is a distinct and
separate entity from the guest author ‘veritas’. The main author and
owner of the domain is not to be mistaken for the guest author or vice
versa. The terms “domain owner”, “main author”, “blog owner” and the
nicknames ‘hbpoh’ and ‘killuminati’ are used interchangeably and is
collectively referred to as the persona “Huai Bin” and this is listed
by the whois lookup as the owner of this domain. The terms “guest
author” and “veritas” are used interchangeably and veritas does not
reside at the same place as the owner of the domain nor is he
affiliated or associated in any way with the owner of the domain
besides having limited posting privileges on this blog. The owner of
the domain does not have any personal information about veritas. The owner of this domain does not possess any illegal substances.


Caution: Experimenting with chemical substances has risks
associated with it. Make sure you’re fully aware of the risks you’re
taking before consuming any substances. This report is not encouraging the use of illicit substances, and is just a personal “trip report” (journal) by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain does not condone any illegal activity and advices interested users to fully research the substance in question before even considering taking it.

4-MAR (U4EA)

Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author
on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts
made by any guest authors. The owner of the domain and the main author
of this blog posts under the nick ‘hbpoh’ and is a distinct and
separate entity from the guest author ‘veritas’. The main author and
owner of the domain is not to be mistaken for the guest author. The
terms “domain owner”, “main author”, “blog owner” and the nicknames
‘hbpoh’ and ‘killuminati’ are used interchangeably and is collectively
referred to as the persona “Huai Bin” and this is listed by the whois
lookup as the owner of this domain. The terms “guest author” and
“veritas” are used interchangeably and veritas does not reside at the
same place as the owner of the domain nor is he affiliated or
associated in any way with the owner of the domain besides having
limited posting privileges on this blog. The owner of the domain does
not have any personal information about veritas. The owner of this domain does not possess any illegal substances.

Caution: Experimenting with chemical substances has risks
associated with it. Make sure you’re fully aware of the risks you’re
taking before consuming any substances. This report is not encouraging the use of illicit substances, and is just a personal “trip report” (journal) by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain does not condone any illegal activity and advices interested users to fully research the substance in question before even considering taking it.

Two foils of 4-MAR containing 100 mg each.

Okay, I have recently acquired 2 points (a point is 0.1 gram or 100
mg – local slang) of a substance sold to me as Ice. I’ve been told it’s
NOT methamphetamine but U4EA (U4Euh). U4EA (pronounced euphoria) is the
common name for 4-methylaminorex (4-MAR)
[]. Now this substance is not common at all, so I was
surprised at the availability of it. It costs only A$25 for a point of
powder. It’s not pure crystals (that’s a given, considering the price)
but I can see crystals in the crushed white powder mix. It burnt really
bad going up, and take note that I regularly insufflate crushed
dexamphetamine tablets, so I know the difference between an
unremarkable burning and a fairly bad burning, although my scale might
differ from yours. πŸ™‚

Substance: 4-methylaminorex (4-MAR) also known as U4EA (Euphoria).
Initial dosage: 50 mg (eyeballed 1/2 of a point)
Method of administration: Insufflated (snorted)
Notes: I had 50 mg dexamphetamine orally about 6 hours ago on an
empty stomach, if that’s of interest. I was coming down when I
insufflated this.
Taste: Very, very bitter, like methamphetamine (licked a bit off the foil).
Drip: Gosh, I don’t even want to go into the drip. Nasty, bitter
stuff. Man…either the crystals are cut with something like quinine or
4-MAR tastes different from methamphetamine.
Visual: It’s a white powder with crystalline bits visible inside.

I’m feeling charged up now, renewed the flagging dexamphetamine
high. I snorted another 1/4 point and it’s definitely feeling pretty
speedy here in my slice of space/time. πŸ™‚ I can’t tell for sure
(scientifically) whether it’s really U4EA (4-MAR), but it’s definitely
at least methamphetamine. It takes fairly long to come up though, it’s
not the instant charge of methamphetamine but it took damn near half an
hour to make it’s presence felt. It feels different from meth though,
but unless someone knows how to test for methamphetamine vs 4-MAR I
can’t say for sure.

The white powder with crystals inside the foil

My contact is pretty knowledgeable about drugs, and he’s not a dodgy
guy plus I can see no reason for him to say it’s U4EA as opposed to
meth, coz I would have bought it anyway. He also got hold of something
that most people can’t (Uncle Sid is in town =D), so I don’t doubt his
ability to get rare substances. I don’t care either way, coz it’s good
stuff compared to the meth that I used to get off another contact. It’s
definitely a powerful substance, just 0.75 mg (snorted) staved off and
totally negated a 50 mg dexamphetamine comedown and overcame the built
up amphetamine tolerance to give me a new rush of energy. My contact
warned me to go slow on this one, and that’s good advice. With only
0.75 mg insufflated, I’m feeling borderline amphetamine overdosage
indications, although strangely without the anxiety. This is going to
keep me up for a long while indeed. I get icy cold hands and feet and
compulsive behavior like biting my bottom lip.

stop doing that! stop it! can’t…feel a compulsion…stop! my bottom lip is getting mangled.

I’m feeling a strange body high too. Yes, a very different body
high. I’m feeling it now, it’s like the feeling of pissing while on
dexamphetamine, you get this head rush and a tingly sensation all over
your body. It started out very messy and scattered and it’s quite an
intense high, but whether this is from the combination with
dexamphetamine or just that I took too much amphetamines type
stimulants in one day, I don’t know. What I do know is that my heart is
beating uncomfortably fast and that worries me. I’m ignoring it though,
standard amphetamine side effects *whistling in denial*.

Okay, after an hour, my mind is starting to clear up, and heavy jaw
clenches and jaw tension is getting better. I feel like I can actually
work and think on this drug again, instead of the messy, scattered come
up I felt then. Unless I have contrary evidence, I believe my contact
in that this is 4-MAR (U4EA). I’m very wide awake and clear headed now.
It’s a surprisingly very ‘clear’ and ‘clean’ high compared to
methamphetamine. Keep in mind that this is qualitative evidence based
on my experience, how much is placebo and how much is true
pharmacological effects is questionable. What I mean by this is that I
can’t scientifically claim that this is either 4-MAR or meth, but I can
say for certain that the substance is a strong stimulant comparable
with methamphetamines. Furthermore, 50 mg of dextroamphetamine was
consumed orally beforehand (T -6:00) and that might have affected the
substance in unknown ways. I’ll try again next time with just 4-MAR
alone to really get a feel for the substance.

I have a confession to make…

Disclaimer: This is an April Fool’s Day Joke by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts made by any guest authors.

I am actually Huai Bin. There is no guest author on
There is no veritas. veritas is the pseudonym I use to distance myself
from drug related postings. I’m surprised no one picked this up. The
writing itself should have tipped you off. The writing style, formation
of sentences, terminology, language quirks and favorite words should be
a dead giveaway. πŸ™‚ It’s hard to change one’s writing, it’s like a
fingerprint. I’ve also made some mistakes that would give me away in
the past, which I thankfully picked up and corrected before anyone
could notice.

However, other than the language style (and what one my good friends
refered to as photography style) I’ve done well to cover my tracks
though. One example I particularly loved is the “veritas still in
Malaysia while killuminati is already in Melbourne”. I intentionally
posted the pill report late because there was suspicion brewing. I also
did little things like commenting on the veritas’s posts comments box
with my killuminati nick and then replying with the veritas one again
so it seems like two people are actually having a conversation. Got
tired of that after a while though, which is why I don’t do that
anymore. πŸ™‚

There isn’t even an email address All of that
goes to a catch-all email address which is, so I would
be hesitant to reply you unless I don’t know you personally and even
then I’ll have to caution you not to mention anything about it in the
blog because:

1 My parents read my blog
2 My girlfriend reads my blog
3 Law enforcement officers may stumble upon it

Numbers 1 and 2 are against recreational experimentation with
illegal substances and I don’t want them to worry about me. I’ve tried
educating them about the effects, risks and any dependency issues which
can arise from the consumption of various drugs, but the government
propaganda machine is sadly much stronger than me, despite my
references to research papers and studies done by distinguished
scientists and researchers of the field. I don’t want them to have to
worry about me, so veritas sprang into existence.

Number 3 is to protect myself against any raids from the police,
although without the amphetamine induced paranoia, I think that’s
pretty unlikely. Wasting the money and manpower just to bust some uni
student on possession charges isn’t very likely, although I’ve heard
horror stories about that happening. The risk factor is pretty low, the
time, money and manpower involved in coordinating a raid just to find 2
grams of cannabis isn’t a very likely scenario. Personally, I think the
chances of that happening are pretty low because their resources would
have been better spent on raiding drug dealers or underground chemists.
However, being safe is always better than being sorry. πŸ™‚

Anyway, it also distances me from being associated with recreational
drug use, as the general public back home is being terribly misled by
the government propaganda machine and associates all drug users with
the “dirty junkie” stereotype. I don’t want to have the social stigma
of that hovering over me, because the uninformed public just look at
you and treat you like you’re some kind of scumbag. I find that even
some friends have subtly changed their opinion about me after a
disclosure. It’s like recreational drug use is the overriding factor in
evaluating my character, instead of more important things like honesty,
integrity, loyalty and any other more important characteristics that
you have.

Of course, the media doesn’t help either with their misinformed and
ill-researched articles, news items and shows. There are exceptions
though, I’ve read some mainstream magazines with well researched and
accurate articles about recreational drugs. Unfortunately, this is the
exception to the rule. In the media business, their bottom line is to
ultimately to draw in more viewers. What better way to do that than
sensationalist reporting? Which headline do you think sounds better?

b) Excessive consumption of water lead to a water poisoning death at a rave last night.

b) probably won’t even make the news. Ecstasy doesn’t kill people.
Irresponsible drug use kills people. Not knowing contraindications
kills people. If you’re interested, there’s plenty of links to the left
where you can find out more about harm minimization and real facts
about illegal or legal substances. I remember reading a funny article a
couple of years ago in a Malaysian newspaper. This was a “Dear Abby”
type advice column where someone writes in. Anyway, this guy wrote in
and asked if taking Ecstasy is harmful to the body.

The reply: (paraphrased from memory) ARE YOU KIDDING???
Taking just one will hook you for life! It makes your head shake so
hard uncontrollably you won’t even be able to stop it and you’ll feel
like your neck is going to break off and it probably will.

I would laugh, but I was too angry at this irresponsible and
misinformed reply. Oh, it’s worthy to note that most “Ecstasy” pills
(or feng tau yuen (literally: shake head pill) in the local dialect)
here are mostly meth(amphetamine) or ketamine. The “amphetamines makes
your head shake” myth stems from the local version of the Melbourne
shuffle. The users congregate around speakers and does a repetitive
horizontal movement (picture yourself while saying “no”) with just
their heads. I admit, doing that is fun while on amphetamines,
repetitive movements just feels right and it gets you nicely dizzy and
adds to the high. MDMA pills does exist but it’s not that common, since
the market is saturated with the cheaper (meth)amphetamine and ketamine

And don’t get me going about the government propaganda in Malaysia.
They actually print absolute fucking bullshit as “facts”. I don’t know
if it’s getting better now, but with the government’s “2003 War on
Drugs” campaign, I don’t think it would. Shock tactics like saying
you’ll die/go down an irreversible path to addiction/get brain damage
the moment you try a drug does not work. In fact it’s
counterproductive. The first drug I took was LSD was at a rave, and I
had an experienced group of friends with me and it was an amazing experience. I didn’t get irreversible brain damage, I didn’t go blind, I didn’t go psycho, I didn’t get addicted to it.

Instead, it opened my mind and at the risk of sounding clichΓ©d, it
gave me a new and improved perspective on everything. After the
experience, I find myself being more open to new and unorthodox ideas
and this “thinking out of the box” mindset has been with me ever since.
πŸ™‚ This is contrary to the government propaganda I read, so like many
other people, I thought “Hey, what they’re saying isn’t true…hell,
probably all the things they say isn’t. I’m going to try another drug
now”. This is bad because some of the things they say are true, and
that deserves mention. I’m very much for a harm minimization approach
which gives accurate information (including the positive effects as
well as dangers) about drugs.

The government’s approach to dealing with the “drug problem” is not
going to change though, at least not in my lifetime. I have a friend
who was forced to go into a stay-in “drug rehabilitation center” (read:
prison) where you can’t leave the premises and visits are for family
members only. Guess what he was busted for? Nothing! There was no drugs
at his house, he just failed a urine test. He smoked cannabis a couple
of days ago, and that’s the sentence he got. Can you imagine that? Just
for detecting cannabis use in his urine test…he was a minor at that
time (17) so he was forced to go to rehab. It’s for his own good you
see. He’s an evil marijuana addict. Hey, I typed that without laughing too hard.

I’m sure everyone has heard of the drug laws of Malaysia []. If you don’t read Bahasa Malaysia, here’s a short summary about the interesting bits (emphasis mine):

Section 10 Sentence for possessing drug paraphernalia like a bong (without drugs, just the equipment):
Jail sentence up to 5 years AND a fine of up to RM20,000 (A$10,000)

Note to self: Do not bring bong back

Section 39(A)(1) Possession of 20 grams or more of cannabis (marijuana):
Jail sentence not less than 2 years but not more than 5 years AND a MANDATORY caning between six to nine times.

You’ll fear the caning if you’ve seen it done before…

Section 15(B) Being in the same premises where drug use is
taking place (just being in the same place, it doesn’t matter whether
you’ve taken drugs):
Jail sentence not less than 2 years or a fine of not more than RM5,000 (A$2,500)


Section 15(A) Ingesting a scheduled drug (positive urine test):
Jail sentence not less than 2 years or a fine of not more than RM5,000 (A$2,500)

Very, very puzzling. I’m seriously mystified by this. Possessing a
bong gets a higher sentence than ingesting a drug? Who made up these

I’ve got a question for any Malaysian lawyers reading this. Do I get
to choose or is it the courts decision? How nice it’ll be if I can just
consume whatever and pay RM5,000 (A$2,500) for a “Get out of Jail Free”

Anyway, despite my differing views regarding Malaysia’s (and just
about every country’s) drug laws, I still love my country. Home is
where the heart is, even though the draconian drug laws make me
paranoid every time I take any illegal substances back home. Oh well,
at least Xanax and other pharmaceuticals are OTC if you go to the right
pharmacists. πŸ˜‰

Oh, and look at the date. 1st of April. April Fool’s Day.

Baking soda potentiates amphetamines!!! =D

Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts made by any guest authors.


I’ve dumped a total of 45 x 5 mg dexamphetamine tablets over the
course of the night. I mean, fucking hell! That justifies a bit of
profanity…45 tablets is nearly half of my script! Gone, either digested
or absorbed through my sinuses. That’s unacceptable! 225 mgs over a 10
hour period…half of my script consumed in a night. πŸ™ Jesus wept.
Forgive the blasphemy (on the day of the Lord somemore) but I’m not due
to refill my script until 23 more days and half of it is already gone!
I did feel a very good rush during my initial dose of 80 mgs orally and
20 mg insufflated, but after that it was just maintenance doses to keep
me awake. I’m planning to stay up until late tonight.

I would weep for the amount of dexamphetamine that was wasted, but
there’s no use crying over spilt milk (or consumed dexies for that
matter). It’s just an issue of tolerance and that’s unavoidable, but I
was wondering if there’s any way to maximize the efficiency of the
dexamphetamine tablets. I still need more to be able to stay up until
late tonight. I did a bit of research for amphetamine potentiators
(things that causes a synergetic effect and makes the drug stronger or
last longer), but didn’t find anything noteworthy until I chanced upon
this tidbit of information on []:

Alkalinizing Agents

Gastrointestinal alkalinizing agents (sodium bicarbonate, etc.)
increase absorption of amphetamines. Urinary alkalinizing agents
(acetazolamide, some thiazides) increase the concentration of the
non-ionized species of the amphetamine molecule, thereby decreasing
urinary excretion. Both groups by agents increase blood levels and
therefore potentiate the action of amphetamines.

Increase absorption of amphetamines! Potentiate the action of
amphetamines! Those are magic words…music to my ears! =D Praise the
Lord! Sodium bicarbonate…that’s baking powder! I did some more reading
and found out that taking dexamphetamine an hour or so after
alkalinizing your GI tract will increase the effects. Why wasn’t I
aware of this earlier?!?! Curse you (I mean me), for not doing your

Today is a Sunday and I couldn’t be bothered going far to buy some
baking soda so I went to the local cafΓ© instead. This was how the
conversation went:

Me: Hello, this is going to sound like a strange request, but can I buy some baking powder off you? I have really bad gastric…
Girl at the counter: Baking powder? Okay, let me get some.
(takes a plastic cup and goes into a kitchen)
1 minute later…
(the cook comes out holding the cup with the girl at the counter)
Cook: Hello, are you the one with the stomach problem?
Me: Yeah, I need some baking powder for my gastric. Can I buy some off you?
Cook: I can give you some, but it’s not going to help your stomach.
Me: It has always worked before, it neutralizes the acids in my stomach.
Cook: Okay, give me a second
(goes back into the kitchen)
30 seconds later…
Cook: Here you go. No charge.
(hands me the cup full of baking powder)
Me: No, let me pay you for it.
Cook: Don’t worry about it, I’ll give it to you.
Me: Okay, thanks!


I felt bad about getting the baking soda for free, so I bought a
pear (which I read was also an alkaline food) for 70 cents. Yes, I’ve
done a lot of reading and contrary to popular belief, fruits are
alkaline while milk is acidic! Apparently, there’s a difference between
the chemical properties (we all learnt in chemistry that fruits are
acidic using the PH testing strips) while nutrition wise, it’s
alkaline! Milk, which one would assume is an alkaline is in fact acidic
in nutrition (after your body processes it). Well, you learn something
new everyday.

My stomach has been very acidic the whole night, I could feel it and
I was about to puke my stomach acids out, so I wasn’t really being
untruthful about my gastric. No wonder the pills didn’t work so well.
Here’s another related tidbit from the wonderful entry on

Acidifying Agents

Gastrointestinal acidifying agents (guanethidine, reserpine,
glutamic acid HCl, ascorbic acid, fruit juices, etc.) lower absorption
of amphetamines, Urinary acidifying agents (ammonium chloride, sodium
acid phosphate, etc.) increase the concentration of the ionized species
of the amphetamine molecule, thereby increasing urinary excretion. Both
groups of agents lower blood levels and efficacy of amphetamines.

No wonder! I wasn’t getting the full potential of the precious
little pills due to my acidic stomach. Lower absorption of
amphetamines! Lower blood levels and efficacy of amphetamines! Heresy!
Such dirty, disgusting, filthy, revolting, repulsive, sickening,
horribly blasphemous words! Get thee behind me Satan! No acidic foods
for me today! *makes a sign to ward off evil*

Anyway, the cook gave me a lot of baking soda even though I only
asked for two teaspoons. I dissolved 4 heaped teaspoons of baking soda
(or sodium bicarbonate if you want to be technical about it) into a mug
of water and drank it. 1 hour later, I dropped 6 pills and by God, I
was peaking again! That was 30 minutes ago, and I’m still feeling great
now! It wasn’t as good as the first dose, naturally, but I did feel
rushes this time. I don’t know how much is placebo and how much is
actual pharmacology but if says it’s true, that’s good
enough for me. πŸ™‚

Just passing the information on…amphetamines can not only be potentiated, but the effects prolonged
by a simple kitchen item! Good old baking soda! Amazing…you really do
learn something new everyday. How I wish I knew about this sooner. I’m
going to change the PH levels of my GI tract to lean towards the
alkaline side every time I take dexamphetamines! More value, more
effects, more more more! I love you! Praise the Lord!
Hallelujah! He works in mysterious ways indeed! πŸ™‚

500 mg dexamphetamine + 200 mg clonazepam = success!

Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts made by any guest authors.

Today’s haul: Stimulants and tranquilizers in a single day. Hmm…both
of them are white tablets, I hope I don’t mix them up when I put them
back. Taking dexamphetamine when you’re expecting a benzodiazepine or
vice versa would be unfortunate indeed.

I had a successful run today. πŸ™‚ I got 100 x 2 mg Paxam (clonazepam)
and 100 x 5 mg dexamphetamine tablets. The first visit was to the Benzo Messiah
[], where I claimed that the “pills didn’t feel right and
I found out that I was actually taking 2 mg ones instead of 0.5 mg
ones”. Guess what the doctor said? He just said okay, and took out his
script pad! Amazing. You know what’s even more amazing? He said:

“So what was it you were taking again? Xanax?”

My mind went into overdrive. Here’s what my thought process was:

100 x 2 mg of Xanax!
200 mg of Xanax! Say Yes, for Christ’s sake, say Yes!
But wait…I need Klonopin to sleep after a dexamphetamine run…clonazepam makes me sleep but alprazolam doesn’t.
Stupid! Xanax is much more euphoric! Say YES!
Yeah, it’s more euphoric, but it doesn’t make me sleepy. How will I manage amphetamine comedowns?
It’s Xanax! The doctor is offering to script you 100 x 2 mg Xanax bars! Have you finally tweaked yourself stupid???
But 200 mg of Xanax…I’m not sure I’m responsible enough to handle that. Xanax withdrawal is hell.
Who cares? Euphoria buddy, fucking euphoria…couple of beers,
couple of Xanax bars, couple of bowls of weed…think man, think about
the fun times!

Say Yes

(all this happened in milliseconds)

“Nah, it was clonazepam”, I said


100 x 2 mg clonazepam tablets (Paxam)

It’s true that Xanax (alprazolam) is much more euphoric than
Klonopin (clonazepam) but I’ve learnt to respect Xanax after taking up
to 5 mg daily with alcohol during my last holiday. Benzodiazepine
withdrawals are bad, especially with Xanax since it has such a short
half life. Just one month of daily use fucked me up for days when I
stopped. I can’t even imagine how bad it is for people who’ve used it
at higher doses and longer periods of times. I have a good friend who’s
on it for years (legitimate prescription for anxiety and panic attacks)
and I can’t even imagine how bad the withdrawal would be for her when
she wants to taper off.

Well, those of you who’ve taken benzos regularly at high doses for
prolonged periods and then stop suddenly know what I’m taking about.
It’s hard to explain benzo withdrawals to the uninitiated. There’s the
ultra-heightened anxiety and recurring obsessive thoughts and panic
attacks. There’s also the possibility of seizures if you’ve been on it
long enough, but that usually take months or years of heavy use. It’s a
wonder that a legitimate pharmaceutical drug produces worse physical
and psychological withdrawals than most illegal drugs. I don’t trust
myself with 200 mg of Xanax, so that’s why I told the truth and said it
was clonazepam. πŸ™‚

The 2 mg clonazepam tablets are white, with “CN2” imprinted on the front, and a dual score at the back

“Okay”, went the good doctor and scripted me and I was out within 2
minutes. 200 mg of clonazepam can cause a lot of trouble too, but I’m
not going to take it daily, my new policy is for it to be a weekend
thing when drinking or for comedowns only.

All hail the Benzo Messiah!

The next trip was to Doctor Dexamphetamine. Very hassle free as
well. I haven’t told you the story behind this, so I’ll give you an
abbreviated version now about what happened last time. Basically, I
just went in and claimed I have been on Dexedrine (a brand name of
dexamphetamine) since I was 19. I didn’t say dexamphetamine because I
wanted to avoid using the word ‘amphetamine’. πŸ™‚

If you’re wondering what dexamphetamine is and why it’s so good,
it’s because it’s speed. Legally prescribed speed. πŸ™‚ This is the same
thing you get off the streets in the form of powder and pills (like
some of the feng tau yuen pills that makes you unable to sleep, though
that can contain either methamphetamine or amphetamine) and it’s pure
and clean because it’s made by a pharmaceutical company instead of a
dodgy chemist. πŸ˜‰

Made very locally by Sigma Pharmaceuticals at 1408, Center
Road, Clayton (!) I’ve seen their production facility before too. Won’t
I love to go on a tour of their labs.

Anyway, I’m digressing, this is what I told the doctor the first time I went there:

I said I was diagnosed with narcolepsy (it’s a condition where you
suddenly fall asleep, occasional temporary paralysis etc) and excessive
daytime sleepiness and I was prescribed dexamphetamine to manage that.
I told him I usually get my script filled in Malaysia and bring enough
for the whole semester, but unfortunately customs confisticated my
stash because I didn’t have an Australian doctor’s prescription.

The doctor considered my story and then decided I was telling the
truth. πŸ™‚ It really helped that I looked half asleep that day. I didn’t
get much sleep the night before in anticipation for that. I told him
that I thought I could do without it, but it’s really affecting my
studies and I’ve been sleeping 14 hour days and falling asleep in
lectures etc. He asked me what my symptoms were, which of course I knew
because I’ve been reading up on narcolepsy. I never forget the mantra: Always do your research! πŸ˜‰ He scripted me 100 x 5 mg dexamphetamine tablets and off I went.

That was about a month ago. I went back again today and the doctor
just wrote me a script without any hassles, though he did a bit of
calculation in his head to see if I was due for the script. πŸ™‚ He went,
“Yeah it’s been 25 days”. I tentatively asked if it was wise to
increase the dosage, which was a mistake, because I was hit with a
barrage of questions after that. πŸ™‚

He asked me a lot of questions about why I wanted do that. I said I
was still feeling sleepy at times and he re-asked me my symptoms on
narcolepsy which I thankfully managed to answer despite being partially
memory-incapacitated from my heavy benzo use these couple of days.
Anyway, he didn’t get suspicious, thank God for that! You hear me God?
Thanks for that, I owe you one buddy! πŸ™‚

How I wish both bottles were full instead of just one

Anyway, he wrote me a script and asked me how much it costs. It’s
A$30.35 for 100 tablets and the doctor said it’s expensive and asked me
how much it cost in Malaysia. I was caught by surprise by the
unexpected question, and made up a figure. Sheesh, I should be more
prepared next time. Well, after thanking the doctor profusely (I think
I thanked him a little too profusely) I made my way to the pharmacy to
get my dex script filled.

Tell you a funny thing that happened there. I got my script filled
by the pharmacist and went to the counter to pay for it. The girl at
the counter, who’s about my age, took one look at the bottle and gave
me a grin and asked me what it’s for. I said it’s for my narcolepsy.
She went “Oh, that’s terrible” and gave me a huge grin. I think she
somehow knew I was a scripter. Instinct from a fellow scripter?

She asked me some questions about my ‘condition’ and made small talk
and was really friendly, all the time looking at the bottle lovingly.
After I paid, she gave me a knowing wink and said “Have a nice day”. I
didn’t wink back because this is after all a pharmacy and even though
the cashier isn’t the pharmacist and is just working there, being
indiscreet might jeopardize my scripting activities. I just smiled and
said “You have a nice day too”. She knew what was going on though. For some reason, she just knew. Heh. πŸ™‚

Well there I go again with my verbal diarrhea. You know I’m tweaking
when I go on like that. πŸ™‚ It’s like dexamphetamine is my muse and I
use it to complete assignments and work too. I think some form of
psychological dependence is happening here. I’ll be careful though, so
don’t worry about me. πŸ™‚

Link of the Day: Iraq’s WMD: How Big a Threat? []

He added that Iraq’s exotic weapons programs also involved the use
of psycho-tropic agents similar to LSD. “They were not meant to kill,
just incapacitate, confuse,” says the inspector.

Book me a plane ticket to Iraq straight away! πŸ˜‰

Xanax scripting

Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts made by any guest authors.

Mosaic on doctor’s handwriting, script number and other possible identifiers

I got a Xanax (alprazolam) script off my regular doctor (the Benzo Nazi) last Friday. You probably have to read this
[] to understand the background. I had wanted to visit the
Benzo Messiah and get 100 x 2 mg Klonopin (clonazepam) tablets by
claiming that it wasn’t working, so I called back to my doctor back
home and realized it was 2 mg pills after all. I made two appointments
but the Benzo Messiah was not in both times coz he was sick. I have
made another appointment for this Friday, and I’ll probably visit Doctor Dexamphetamine [] on the same day, so wish me luck! πŸ™‚

Pharmacia Xanax 250 microgram 50 tablets – Made in Belgium

Anyway, I was kinda worried when I visited Benzo Nazi. My pupils were absolutely huge
from my dexamphetamine run, and I tried to avoid eye contract to give
myself away, but I think the doctor didn’t pick it up anyway. Anyway, I
just told him the Aropax (also known as Paxil, contains paroxetine)
wasn’t working and I went to another doctor and he scripted me 0.25 mg
of Xanax twice a day and it helped a lot. This of course was not true,
and I do feel bad about being untruthful. It may surprise a lot of you,
but being untruthful makes feel me guilty and I don’t do it unless I’m
doctor shopping for scripts.

The front of the blister pack
Pill front: Upjohn 29
Pill back: Single score, beveled edges

I told him that the other (fictional) doctor gave me only a two week
supply and I changed my story by telling him I’m aware that it’s
addictive, but it really helps me with my anxiety. Of course, I didn’t
visit another doctor, I just wanted to try an alternative angle to see
if he would prescribe me Xanax. Well, long story short, he did. πŸ™‚ He
actually wanted to script me Valium but I told him that makes me too
sleepy and I needed to concentrate in class and he went “Oh, yeah,
that’s true”. πŸ™‚

The back of the blister pack
tablets 250 ug

He scripted me 50 x 0.25 mg Xanax tablets on the condition that I
make an appointment with a clinical psychiatrist to evaluate me. The
Xanax is only enough for 5 recreational doses if I combine it with
alcohol or 2.5 recreational doses if I don’t. I usually take 2.5 mg +
alcohol or 5 mg by itself. The script isn’t much, but I didn’t want to
blow it by saying I was scripted 0.5 mg or 1 mg pills by the fictional
other doctor because standard prescribing procedure is 0.25 mg at
first. I don’t think it’s worth the A$15.05 I paid for it, but at least
the consultation is free.

Update: My math is so screwed up. It’s actually cheaper than the prices back home so it is worth it. Very much so. πŸ™‚


Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts made by any guest authors.

I wasn’t feeling too good due to my binge on dexamphetamine. How is
that possible when I’ve nearly finished my stash a couple of days ago,
you ask? Well, I have acquired some more from…ah, the ‘diverted
pharmaceuticals’ market you if you get what I mean. πŸ˜‰ I’ll be
refilling my legitimate script this Friday anyway, so more is coming
in, no worries. I am concerned that I like this stuff a little too much
though, so I’m going to reflect very hard on that.

My concern is due to the way I binge on these tiny white pills for
days, forgoing sleep and food. I guess some personalities naturally
have an affinity to stimulants, making it hard control consumption.
Some serious reflection is needed indeed to manage my usage. I know
binging is usual behavior for speed freaks but I’ll like to keep my
usage experimental and recreational instead of becoming dependant on
the stuff. By the end of the run, I was getting paranoid an slightly
delusional. I’m seeing a greenish tint on my hands too whenever I look
at them and visual distortions everywhere.

I actually had 100 mg of Valium (diazepam) and stayed awake after my
speed binge. That kind of tolerance is not unheard of, but it’s
unacceptable to me, so I’m going to watch my benzo usage as well. I
don’t feel guilty about smoking cannabis daily though, due to its
comparatively benign nature. I think at some point you have to give
yourself a critical appraisal and evaluate whether you’re still a
recreational drug user or becoming dependant on them, regardless of
whether it’s pharmaceuticals or prohibited ones.

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