The Sibu bloggers welcomes bongkerz

ruby bongkersz

STP called me up this morning, awaking me from my slumber, to inform me that bongkersz a.k.a. Bong Chan Siong from KL has arrived. I called Mary up and told her to meet us at Ruby Restaurant to give bongkersz a dose of Sibu hospitality.

ruby butter prawns

bongkersz has been craving for the butter cheese prawns from Ruby Restaurant and STP brought him there to indulge in The Good Stuff (TM). I arrived fashionably early due to my driving skillz (of which my repertoire includes running red lights and driving in excess of the speed limit) and Mary arrived fashionably late due to her being the tau keh nio that she is. πŸ˜‰

stp coffee

This is STP’s famous ice blended coffee which I didn’t partake in, preferring to go for Heineken instead. Catch on Wednesday, there’s a surprise in store for football (soccer) fans. πŸ™‚

us bongkersz

L-R: STP, bongkersz, Huai Bin (me), goolooloo

ruby xx

Mary is probably going to do an XY Chromosome post on bongkersz and we’re having this friendly competition going on, so I dragged the nearest XX Chromosome (which happened to be the waitress) for a photo shoot. πŸ˜‰

ruby xx me

I have been told that my XX Chromosome entries are biased to a certain extent towards people of a similar ethnicity and I’ve addressed that issue in the annals of – it’s not about racial relations but a more pragmatic reason – there are just more Chinese in Sibu than other races.

I have put this up once and for all to debunk the myth that the XX Chromosome category favors aesthetic looking people from a certain race. It doesn’t. XX Chromosome in is pro affirmative action. =D

Sibu bloggers meet @ Kokoberry


This is the Sibu bloggers meet “Reloaded” on Sunday morning. It was decided last night that we were going to head over to Kokoberry the next morning to support Mary’s enterprise (since the drinks would be free and all that ;)).
L-R: Mary, Arthur, Huai Bin (me), Clare, and Clement. bengbeng was also there but he likes to keep his anonymity so he was the one that took the photo for us. Contrary to popular belief, the kid is not mine. πŸ˜‰
Disclaimer: The hand on Clare’s shoulder is obviously not mine since it’s holding a crepe and it’s too small to be mine anyway. It’s not Clement’s either. It can’t be Arthur’s unless he’s Mr. Fantastic so that leaves BengHui (who’s only 9, and thus, innocent enough to be harmless). πŸ˜‰
Update: Original photo uploaded with permission since the cat is out of the bag. πŸ™‚

double chocolate

I had the Double Chocolate (RM 3.20 / RM 3.50) which tasted absolutely fabulous. There’s a double dose of chocolate in this drink from the chocolate ice cream and the chocolate sprinkles in addition to the chocolate concoction. This is another one of the Top 9 selection from the Kokoberry menu.

clare dslr

When Clare takes out her equipment, everyone else’s family jewels looks small in comparison. πŸ˜‰

stp mary

This is the presentation ceremony to the established food critic – STP (suituapui). If he says it’s good, it’s good.

cheese crepe

Mary was kind enough to do a special non-menu item for us – this is the Cheese Crepe. It tastes really good. I like savory fillings more than sweet fillings. I’m not sure if she’ll do it for customers, but perhaps if you ask nicely? It’s amazing, this cheese crepe. It got the thumbs up from all of us.

cheese crepe macro

This is a closer look at the cheese crepe. It’s filled with grated cheese and that goes really well with the crepe.

clare mary

The two leng lui bloggers of Sibu sends their regards. πŸ™‚

Sibu bloggers meet @ Li Hua Hotel

li hua hotel

The Sibu contingent of bloggers had a meet at Li Hua Hotel at 7:30 pm just now. STP suggested the Li Hua Hotel buffet @ RM 11.50 per person. He had nothing but good things to say about the ayam masak hitam there and thus, it was decided that the Sibu bloggers meet be held there.

clare ng

There were four of us that had a mini-bloggers meet at Orchid Hotel before adjourning to R&R for drinks the previous night but it was so clandestine that the only other person I can name that was there is the delectable KLM. πŸ˜‰

li hua hotel buffet

The Li Hua Hotel buffet is rather limited in it’s selection but there is a free flow of drinks. There is a very strange practice here though – the food is not refilled. Thus, once the meat and vegetables at the buffet table is gone, they won’t refill it, and the buffet is effectively over.

steamed rice

There was the obligatory steamed rice dish (which was about the ONLY dish that was refilled) – all the others were not, but STP got the waiter to come out with an additional dish – curry chicken, due to our turnout.

ayam hitam

This is the flagship dish of Li Hua’s buffet – the ayam masak hitam. It’s chicken cooked in black sauce and herbs and translates as “chicken cooked black”.

chicken brinjals

There were also brinjals (eggplant) cooked in curry and roasted chicken.

tofu mee

Tofu and fried noodles were next on the buffet line…

fish veggies

…and the last buffet cart contained sweet and sour fish pieces and mixed vegetables. There were only six (6) dishes in total including the steamed rice and fried noodles. Most of us had already eaten though so it was alright, and the price was reasonable too.

plate setting

This is what I foraged from the remainders of the buffet line. The orange juice (from concentrate, not fresh) has unlimited refills.

my dish

Here’s a closer look at my dish. I did not do the speed eating feature in my repertoire for fear of alienating the rest of the bloggers. πŸ˜‰

me mary

I’m sure you recognize Mary of Kokoberry fame. We’re heading there again tomorrow at 11 am to bum free drinks off her. πŸ˜‰

sibu bloggers

This is a group photo of the Sibu Bloggers United (SBU). I have been told that I’m likely to get a heart attack if I eat with this bunch of foodies. =D
L-R: Mary, Huai Bin (me), Clare, Arthur and Clement.

bengbeng came at 9:15 pm to join us for a couple of drinks. He likes to remain anonymous though, so there’s no photos of him…unless you ask Clare nicely. πŸ˜‰

It was fun meeting up with all of you. You should check out the feature done by bengbeng on Romeo & Juliet (Huai Bin & Mary). It was funny to pose for all those photos. Heh!

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