is live!


The domain of veritas – is now ready for public viewing
after nearly a month since it’s inception. It is with great pride that
I announce’s sister site – the award winning weblog about
drugs in Malaysia where it was voted “Blogger most likely to get raided
by the police”, “Blogger most likely to get roughed up by gangsters”
and “Best Malaysian blogger in the Drugs category” (no one else was in
contention) AT THE SAME TIME. Not to mention snagging the “You is
stupid to try this in Malaysia” and the “I give you 3 months before the
site gets shut down” special awards – I proudly present to you – Better living through chemistry…for every problem, a chemical solution. []

Okay, so I made the awards up, just wanted to generate interest in the site…

Warning: The content of is not for everyone. If
you’re offended by recreational drug use and the use of pharmaceuticals
off the prescription label, you would not enjoy what has
to offer. If you hate drugs, you’re going to hate Please
exercise discretion and avoid clicking on the link if you fit the
criteria above. is not meant for minors.

Disclaimer: I am not veritas (the author at The site DOES NOT
condone or “promote” drug use. It is merely a personal journal by
veritas to document his experiences with drugs. Please remember that
drug use is associated with very severe penalties in Malaysia. strongly discourages any activities which breaks the laws
in your country.

Movado fashion show @ Lot 10

Movado female models lineup.

I went to Lot 10 exactly one week ago and caught the Movado fashion
parade in the afternoon. Here are the photos from the show last Sunday
(28/09/2003), I haven’t had time to post them up before today.

The models walking out with dry ice hissing. The show begins…

The first dry run.

A female and male modelling the watch.

Two of the models – apparently the general consensus of the group
(minus me) found that these two were the most aesthetically pleasing in
the lineup.

My vote went to this girl.

Here’s a photo of the only two male models in the lineup.

Here’s another shot of the two female models. It looks similar to the
one above, but it’s not. The pose is the same, but the attire is
different. Look closer, I was amazed by the commendable full posture
recall and reconstruction they had. Very versatile. πŸ˜‰

And here’s another one of the guys.

The finale of the show – the final model lineup.

Chili’s @ bsc (Bangsar Shopping Center)

Chili’s @ bsc

This is the Chili’s (the Tex-Mex chain) at Bangsar Shopping Center.
This post is exactly one week late, went there last Sunday to celebrate
my first paycheck and was rather busy until now, though the Project
Manager did say to give me a break this week. πŸ˜‰ We went there at had
to wait a while before a table was available. It was quite full even at
early dinner time.


Parking Chili’s Customers Only – Other cars will be crushed and melted. Sign at the waiting area.

Anyway, we were seated within 15 minutes and ordered.


Triple Play. A combo of our three favorite starters. Generous
portions of our Chicken Crispers(r), Wings Over Buffalo(r) and
Southwestern Eggrolls with sauces for dipping.


Presidente Margarita. Chili’s distinctive hand-shaken Margarita made
w/Sauza(r) Conmemorativo Tequila, Cointreau(r) & Presidente(r)

What is a visit to Chili’s without their flagship drink? πŸ˜‰ I also had some cocktail which name eludes me right now.


Big Mouth Burgers – Old Timer. This one put us on the map … Our
original … mustard, shredded lettuce, tomato, pickle & onion. I
had it with chili and extra cheese.


This is some fajita which I can’t remember.


This is some soup of the day – forgot what.


This is something from the grill which eludes me.


This is some steak but the exact name escapes me.


There you have it. Margaritas and drinks on an empty stomach could
interact with other medications you may be taking which will result in
a poor ability to retain and recall certain events that transpired
during the night. I know I met Prem, one of the Project Managers at XM
at the bar area when I went to the toilet though.


Read error


I have not been getting enough sleep lately so let me point you one
of two ways while I sleep until I feel less like a diskette put through
the spin cycle.

1. graceshu [] has returned from the dead to start blogging again after a really long break.

2. [] is still not live (and will probably never be as googlism
[] says) but feel free to poke around the site dispite the
unfinished state and the CSS that’s largely unmodified from

I promise there will be a lot of back posts this weekend.

Minishorts grills

I actually replied the interview questions some days ago but didn’t
even have time to post it up until now. My apologies for the sporadic
updates, it’s like work come back sleep repeat. Thank God it’s Friday

1. Alright, tell us how the hell you got to know someone like Veritas?

I’ve known him for ages…I don’t choose certain types of people to
hang out with, but I do tend to gravitate towards recreational drug
users and what people would call Ah Bengs because I don’t enjoy the
company of pretentious people. I’ve mentioned this before, I don’t like
to dress up and sit down at some yuppie bar and try and look cool and
pick up chicks. That is not my scene. I noticed that even though
society brands these subcultures as “bad”, on a personal level, the
company is much more enjoyable than the pretentious people, these are
the people who go all out and have fun. =D

The above paragraph is full of assumptions and sweeping statements
though, so take it as you will. The main reason is because we share key
interests – pharmacology, photography and traveling. I feel like I’ve
know him all my life.

2. How do you separate yourself from Veritas, as in, don’t you get urges to become like him?

This is a somewhat strange question to answer. I can honestly say
that I don’t have any urges to become like him, because I don’t need
to. I’m not living voraciously by proxy, if that’s what the question is
about. I don’t think we have any identity crisis issues, we know who we
are and what we are, so no one gets any urges to be anyone else. πŸ™‚
There is no need to. Unless there’s some Dr. Huai Bin and Mr. Veritas
thing going on that I’m not aware of. πŸ˜‰ I kid.

3. Does your girlfriend approve of your friendship with Veritas and the fact that you are hosting Veritas?

No. My parents are against it too, they all insist that the drug
posts would get me into trouble one day because veritas is essentially
a Keyser Soze, there’s no information about him anywhere on both the
sites and my friends have expressed concern that I might be held
legally liable for the posts which he makes, since I own the copyrights
to all of his writings and photos.

I have been under a lot of pressure to drop veritas, but this is
where I put my foot down – veritas can post all he wants as long as he
wants. I defend him because he’s my content provider. All veritas posts
are copyrighted by, he relinquishes all intellectual
property rights to me. That is why I protect him and that is why he is
here to stay. Well, not here as in, here as in People have constantly asked why I bend over backwards
for him. This is the reason.

4. KL, Melbourne, Sarawak— what do these three places mean to you?

Kuala Lumpur
There’s always something going on somewhere. It’s easy to lose yourself
in the crowd. Choo Ki has kindly warned me about how KL is different
from other places and she’s right. I like KL because of the anonymity
it provides. Back in Sibu, you can hardly do something without word
getting back to people who you wouldn’t want to know the next day.
However KL is in Malaysia and that is a big minus due to the nature of
my interests. Malaysia is home though, and it’s where I want to be
despite the draconian drug laws.

Lovely Melbourne…ah, what sweet memories I have in the three years I
was there. The laws are reasonable and there are a lot of checks and
balances in place to provide a sense of security. The rave scene is
great and the availability of things is greater than Malaysia despite
the fact that Australia is essentially a big island. There’s also
something happening somewhere every day, so you won’t be bored. A place
where you can do the 4:20 in peace, unlike Malaysia.

This is really home. It would likely be the place where I’ll be when I retire. Rx meds without a prescription anyone? πŸ˜‰

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I’ll be working in an administrative position, and I’m aiming for a
monthly paycheck which has the same number of digits and first number
of what Wena is earning now. :p I will most likely still be in KL. I
would have finished my Masters degree by this time (or I will kick my
own ass) and would probably go for a doctorate just so I can go “That’s
DR Poh, not Mr Poh.” πŸ˜‰

Thanks to minishorts
for the difficult to answer questions. Remind me to go for confession
this Sunday. I have to sleep now or I’ll be late for work tomorrow so
I’ll reply all comments tommorrow. Sleep beckons me…

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