Shall we dance?


I did it. Like all big decisions it has left me thinking about
whether it was the right thing to do. I’m not so sure really, but I
like to think that “No remorse, no regrets” and “Hard to port, steady
as she goes” are good phrases to live by. Contrary to the image I like
to portray, I’m really an emotional sucker at heart and I do have
“feelings”, strange at it may sound. I do “miss” people and places,
even though the feelings may or may not be reciprocated. Plus, the
bottle of hand shampoo hardly even got used.

I am not exactly sober right now though (not anything illegal, mind
you, just my script and good old neurotoxic but legal ethanol) so
everything I say is just me talking out of my ass. Forget I said
anything. Big boys don’t cry and all that.

Hey ho, let’s go! πŸ™‚

Oh yeah, the photo above was taken earlier today, at Suria KLCC
center court. I’ll be celebrating Chinese New Year this year for a
change, it’s been a while and we only live that long so every new year
is a good chance to get all (emotionally) touchy feely with the
extended family and friends back home.

Now what the fuck did you just say young man? Put that bottle of vodka down and keep in mind that Xanax is not candy.

Excuse me.

Let’s dance…

Tandoori Chicken @ Ali Maju


Tandoori Chicken at Ali Maju, Pusat Bandar Damansara. It goes well
with garlic naan and I always ask for the drumstick – it comes with the
upper part of the thigh too at Ali Maju. A tasty and filling dinner
would be one tandoori chicken (shared between two people), garlic naan
(a must have, one serving each) and maggi mee goreng (one serve each).
I don’t know why but that combination tastes really good. The best way
to enjoy it is to alternate between naan + tandoori and maggi +
tandoori i.e. one bite of the first, then one of the second, repeat
till plate==empty or person==full. One ABC special with ice cream (they
make huge ones here) after that and you’ll be sorted. πŸ™‚

On a more serious (well, perhaps personal would be a better word)
note, I’m about to decide on a very, very big issue which may have long
lasting and severe consequences that will affect me on a personal
level. Of course, I can’t talk about it here due to my readership, and
if you know about it (yeah, both of you), you shouldn’t comment here
coz it’ll jeopardize me. I’ll think it through, discuss it with several
people and then we’ll see how it goes okay? I’ll post about that when
it’s set.

Oh yeah, would someone please come over and run a needle and thread through my lips? I just did a very stupid thing today. I’m famous for that, you know…

Famous Amos Premium Chocolate Chip with Pecan Nut cookies

Famous Amos

I love Famous Amos cookies…have a fondness for them ever since I
was a kid. There wasn’t any in Sibu at that time, and my dad travels to
KL very frequently so I always get him to buy some back. Much later, a
franchise opened in Kuching, which makes things easier. Anyway, this
200 gram bag of Premium Chocolate Chip w/ Pecan Nut is one of my
favorites. I usually go for this or the Double Chocolate Chip w/ Pecan
Nut. I proudly present to you, the return of the HandCam [] after more than a year:

*lights* *camera* *action*

Thanks for all your concern everyone, I appreciate all the emails,
SMS, IM’s and phone calls for support. I’m glad the blogger community
is looks out for each other. I’m okay though, and I’m still in a
relationship. πŸ™‚ I’ll post again tomorrow, too sleepy right now. Take
care everyone!

Hartamas Square @ Sri Hartamas

Hartamas Square

I just came back from supper at Hartamas Square at Sri Hartamas. I
was there for supper with Richard, Alice and my gf. I was already
inebriated before coming due to liberal amounts of vodka and the
consumption of a certain number. *cough*


I thought about what to eat (besides beer) and decided on this
Taiwan Pizza outlet, since the concept sounded intriguing to me.
Seriously man, I was that blur…I looked at the “Taiwan Pizza” menu
long and hard and was wondering why the menu doesn’t seem all that
Taiwanese to me. I finally saw something that looks good – Dragon Pizza:


It looked good in real life too, nice shape. It also looked a bit large for me to finish, until I poked it with a fork:


It deflated to a reasonable size then. It had egg, mushrooms (the
non magical kind, the soft mushrooms that’s flat and semi transparent
and gooey and tastes nice, can’t remember the name now), ham and
probably some other stuff.

Several large TV (plasma? LCD?) screens there.

Anyway, I only realized that it wasn’t Taiwan Pizza but Italian
Pizza when I was asked what I ate and I said “Taiwan Pizza” and they
were like “huh?” and I siad “Taiwan Pizza, over there” and Alice said
“That’s Italian Pizza” and I was sure it said Taiwan and I asked my gf
to look and she said it was Italian Pizza and then I looked harder and
it still registered as Taiwan and then I looked even harder and
well…it was Italian Pizza after all. Duh. πŸ™‚ I can’t believe I kept
on seeing Taiwan instead of Italian.

Harmatas Square is popular – packed with people.

I’m sleepy now, did more ah…numerical work when I got back, so here’s another shot of Hartamas Square:


Okay, I’m going into work tomorrow (willingly) so I’ll just finish
that bottle of vodka that’s been sitting in the fridge for…er,
several days and put another one in. Good night everyoine and have a
nice supper!


Melbourne: Day 4 – Melbourne Changes (Part I)

Day 4 of the
Convocation: Melbourne, Australia (December 2003)

Part I: Melbourne Changes

Queen Victoria (QV) complex


The QV site is one of the changes I noticed – the development work
has completed for some buildings and there were several shops already
open. This is the area beside the State Library and used to be the
Queen Victoria Hospital site before it was demolished. I remember
seeing the QV block being in development for a long time, last I saw,
it was a huge pit in the ground and now the QV complex has sprung up.


There is a bowling bar called Strike bordering the edge that faces
the State Library. I would assume a bowling bar is a bowling alley that
has a liquor license, but I didn’t have time to drop in and check. I
had to cover a lot of places before the convocation later in the


This is the other end of the QV building – it has banners proclaiming the opening of Big W and Safeway.


The escalator goes straight down into Big W (a department store
chain). I had to navigate through the store before exiting to the main


I later found out that this side alley beside the escalators leads
directly to the central area and to Safeway (a supermarket chain).


This is the central area/food court. There are several food outlets
here – off the top of my head, I remember seeing KFC, Wendy’s, and some
fruit juice shake franchise.


There’s also a bakery called Breadtop. I misread it as BreadTalk at first, found that funny.

Melbourne Central


I found out that Melbourne Central has undergone development work as
well on the first day I arrived. I saw that the escalators from
Melbourne Central Station has been boarded up and redirected to another
entry point.


Prior to that, signs of construction work can be seen – the area
after Nando’s on Swanston Street is covered up until the newsagent’s


There isn’t much going on inside either – most of the mall seems to
be closed and boarded up with a notice about development. The newsagent
is open, as well as several shops on the ground floor. The upper floors
seem to be devoid of commerce though as can be seen from this photo:




It’s 2004! So…how many of you have broken your New Year’s
Resolution already? Who has work tomorrow? I’ll have to go into work
even though it’s a holiday but I don’t mind considering I still have a
job. πŸ˜‰ I wouldn’t be able to pay the excess bandwidth bills if I
didn’t – RM 120 for both and for December
2003. Ouch…it’s my damn “doctor shopping” keyword. Rush Limbaugh just
had to get caught doing it last month, which led to a spate of news
reports and the resulting people searching for that keyword. It happens
to be one I target, so that led to a flood of visitors into one of my
most photo heavy pages….

I don’t feel new today. But at least this year was better than the last []. πŸ™‚ Have a happy and stress free new year everyone!

The 2004 photo was made with generic 5 mg MPI nitrazepam tablets for the “200” and generic 1 mg Apo-Lorazepam pills for the “4”.

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