I was surprised when I logged into Gmail and saw that I have 3 (!)
invites to give away. Actually, the verbal expression of surprise I
used was “Well, slap me on my ass and call me Sally!”, but let’s not worry about semantics. π My account is a Gmail invite account too – courtesy of Pick Yin
[blogspot.com]. I haven’t heard of any invite email account holders
getting invites of their own, so I was surprised to see that I have
three invites in my account.
The reason I’m so st0ked over this is because I’ve been asking left
and right for a Gmail invite…without any success. It’s still rather
rare. I just wanted one for my girlfriend since I don’t need Gmail
myself. I already have a 6 GB VPS. π I decided to log into Gmail, and
was amazed by this stroke of luck – I had invites to give out! I hardly
use the service – this is either the forth or fifth time I logged in
since I registered! Yet, there it is – all three of them! π
Anyway, I used up one invite (for my girlfriend) so there’s ONLY two
left – get them quick! The premium sign in names are already taken, I
couldn’t even register her first choice, so the sooner you get a Gmail
invite, the more choices you’ll have. However I’ll only be giving away one Gmail invite – I’ll like to reserve the other for close friends/family or a future giveaway.
Here’s the Gmail invite giveaway rules:
This is a full featured 1 GB Gmail email account.
I will send you an invite link and you can do whatever you like with it
– sell it (for good money), hoard it, swap it, give it away, use it
etc. You can basically do whatever you want with it since it’s a Gmail
invite, so you can set up your own username and use it or plan some
other nefarious purpose for it.
Free Gmail invite contest
The first person who sends me the best fansign will get the Gmail
invite. I have to be honest here…only double X chromosome individuals
need to apply. That’s females only. It is after all a fansign…sorry
guys. π
Here’s an example of a fansign [sixthseal.com].
However, you MUST be in the photo for this one.
You will need a digicam obviously, and the photo must have both the
subject (that’s you) and the fansign (just anything with sixthseal.com
and your name/nick written on it will do).
An example of this would be you holding up a sign with “sixthseal.com” written on it.
Nothing should be obscured. Your face and body must be visible –
think of it as a photo shoot…except you’re holding some stupid sign.
π We want to see you, not just the sign.
That’s all there is to it – wear whatever you want, take the photo wherever you want.
Please send the full, uncompressed photo to gmailcontest@sixthseal.com
Notice: Photoshopped images (fake ones, layers on
existing image etc) are considered invalid entries and will be
discarded. Please send in a real, unaltered photo.
Please note that by sending the photo, you’re giving your consent
for me to use the photo – in other words, you’re “giving” me the photo.
Disclaimer: This is a strictly opt-in chance of
getting a Gmail invite. Gmail, with its 1 GB of storage and limited
invites, makes it a commodity. It is not uncommon to sell off Gmail
invites – it happens all the time on eBay. I would not think of doing
that though, so I’ll go the other common route – to hold contests of
some sort to give away a Gmail invite. There is no onus for you to
participate unless you want to.