Pedobear in the flesh!


I was at Tropicana City Mall yesterday, getting some Japanese snacks when suddenly Xinxian pointed out a rather familiar figure.

It’s pedobear!!!


Figured he’ll be there since there was this anime and manga cosplay event going on.

cosplay girls

Guess he couldn’t resist making an appearance with all that action going on. smirk

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13 thoughts on “Pedobear in the flesh!”

    • Yeah, it’s a meme from 4chan.

      Apparently the original Japanese version is just called “kuma” with no pedophilia associations. 🙂

    • Indeed! I saw him when we were buying stuff, knew there was an anime cosplay thing going on but still a pleasant surprise. 😀

    • I think it’s the suit, the tummy part.

      Haha! Yes, totally in character, standing by random groups of people until he gets noticed and then turns away. 🙂

    • Close enough…

      …and more to the point creepy enough.


      The dude was just stand there and cocked his head at me and abruptly swung around and went to stand beside another unsuspecting bystander. 😀

  1. LOL. that is hilarious. I would have taken a photo with him. I sometimes go on and open with the line “Hi I’m pedobrrrr!!!” just to mess with the little kids.


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