Nuffnang Music Bash 2009

…a long time ago (actually it was last Saturday) in a galaxy far, far away (Maison is quite far from PJ).


Warning: This post contains over 25,000 words.


I didn’t recognize Kim – she came as Bob the Builder. OMG! I thought she was a dude. πŸ˜‰


Julian came as Bob Marley complete with a huge joint. A white guy passing off as black and an Asian trying to pass off as white. Heh!


Cindy did it again. Geddit? Britney Spears? Oops, I did it again?


Carol is strapped and she’s not afraid to use it.


Audrey makes me feel tall. I love taking photos with her. Heh!


I played Guitar Hero on the PS3 with Jamie. I sang Everlong and Drain You.


I met Jess for the first time.


Food was served.


Yvonne pan cool. She also liddat first time I met her in Sunway Pyramid. :p


Desmond representing. Sarawakian Pride!


Tim, the man.


Andrea Tee!


Ginny was security (see it rhymes).


More camwhoring.


Jolyn damn hardcore – she took a bus down from Penang and back just for the event.


Sue – Red Bull vodka without vodka.


The male Nuffies doing a number on stage. It was awesome.

jai ho

The female Nuffies doing the Jai Ho dance. Jai Ho!


I was called up on stage…


…attempted to rap.


I won Worst Celebrity Impersonator as predicted. πŸ˜‰ I got a broom (very useful for cleaning the condo) and two Gold Glass tickets to GSC. Not too shabby. =D


Who wants to touch my broomstick?


Tzia texted me but I didn’t see her until after the event.


I stole the FREE HUGS sign from Dusty to pose with Pam before heading home.

It was fun – a congregation of the Nuffnang community. A picture speaks a thousand words and there are 25 in this post. It’s quite possibly the longest post ever and it’s going to rape your bandwidth. =D

I’m a Musicon Celebrity thanks to Maxis Broadband

You motherfuckers can never do it like I can do it. Don’t even try, you look stupid, do not pursue it.


I’m going as Eminem.

I’ve never really liked Eminem coz I grew up listening to West Coast gangsta rap like Tupac Shakur (Makaveli the Don!) and the only white rapper I knew was Vanilla Ice and you all know how the Ice Ice Baby’s career went – the one-hit wonder, relegated to being a euphemism for methamphetamine users.

eminem hb

However, I have to admit that Eminem slowly started growing on me. I can relate to the lyrics a lot more coz I can’t claim to “cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased” but I certainly can connect with “all these bitches on my dick, that’s how dudes be getting sick, that’s how dicks be getting drips, falling victims to this shit“. πŸ˜‰

Erm…not that I’ve ever contracted gonorrhea or any other STD/STI before though. *cough*

Granted, I can’t rap like he does…this would probably snag the mystery prize for the The Most Uninspiring Blogger Award.

…but still, who wouldn’t want to be him?

eminem hos

I would have a harem of girls attending to my every need. I believe the term used in this industry is “hos”. πŸ˜‰

eminem weed

I’ll need some fine hydroponics of course…you can’t claim that “smoking weed was an everyday thing in my household, and drinking liquor till you’re out cold” if you don’t actually hit the bong. Gotta keep it real.
Disclaimer: This is a very old photo I took in the veritas days.

I’ll want a selection of the best firearms…


The Cx4 Storm Assault Rifle.


The IMI Desert Eagle .50AE, made by some bad ass Hebrews. Fucking-A!


Glock 17 9 mm.


Beretta 92FS .45 caliber.

You can’t be riding and strapping unless you’ve got the gear. You gotta get people to feel you (not that kind of feel, the “feel” in Ebonics terminology).

eminem hk

JC himself condones it in Luke 22:36: He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

It’s straight from The Good Book (TM). πŸ˜‰

P/S – I’m going to bleach my hair blond if I get the invite and wear the suit in The Eminem Show (complete with replica handgun).

Nuffnang Bloggers Dinner @ The Apartment, Downtown

apartment downtown

Nuffnang invited several bloggers to The Apartment Downtown @ Suria KLCC for dinner. It’s more of a meet and greet social dinner as a prelude to discussing some Serious Issues (TM).

apartment starters

We were served Cranberry Juice (great for UTIs) and a variety of starters which includes stuffed squid, pita bread with a curious combination of butter and cheese, stuffed eggplant, and chicken liver pate.

apartment pamsong

I think the last one scarred Pam a little…she’s a very PETA type person. I hesitate to label her as a tree hugger coz the reason she doesn’t like pork and stuff like that is due to the offense it instigates to her olfactory senses.

apartment mains

The main dishes arrived after that with highlights being the lamb, creamy melt-in-your-mouth cous cous, salmon with udon noodles and mussels cooked in curry. I notice a distinctive apprehension at my table whenever I took a mussel. I realized it’s due to my poor motor coordination in opening up the shell and spearing the flesh inside. Pam actually warned me not to send the poor crustacean flying. I think she also mentioned something detrimental to my well-being if any landed on her. πŸ˜‰

apartment dessert

The dessert was individually served with chocolate mousse, meringue (reminds me of Pavlova actually), and some peanut butter infused creation. It was great!

We adjourned upstairs to have a discussion about several pressing issues relevant to the blogsphere…

apartment tzia

…before the camwhoring started in earnest. This is Tzia, featured blogger of the month.

apartment audrey

Audrey, of 4 feet nine fame!

apartment pam

Pamela Song a.k.a. my nemesis! We’re just pretending to be nice here one. Posing for the digicam, usually we can be seen disagreeing vehemently. πŸ˜‰

apartment carol

Carol Koh! I less than 3 you! =D

apartment cindy


apartment ringo

…and Rin.

apartment camwhore

Plus a lot of other camwhoring shots!

apartment group

It was a great night of fellowship among the Nuffnang staff and the bloggers. It’s kinda like church and cell group meetings, except we don’t have a Jesus. πŸ˜‰ It’s great for building rapport and all that corporate speak. I’m looking forward to the next one already. πŸ™‚

Nicholas CNY Open House

nicholas cny spread

Nicholas had a CNY open house yesterday and we were treated to a sumptuous spread cooked by his dad. There were a lot of bloggers and Nuffies in attendance. I don’t really know my way to his house so I tailgated Chris. Chris is the best ever, not only did he haul me back home last year, he stopped after the toll when he realized (and I realized) I didn’t have a Touch’N Go card (thanks to the car wash dudes) so I swerved into the cash lane.

nicholas cny me

This is Nicholas. Thanks for having us over!

nicholas cny cendol

His mom was also very hospitable, making sure all of us was well fed and all that. I love this thing – it’s like having a bowl of chendol in a single bite. The jelly has a gula melaka base and the santan and squiggly green pieces in chendol on top so it’s like a scoop of the stuff in one bite! Nifty!

nicholas cny group

Okay, I’m going to get a haircut now before I start work tomorrow. I know I’ve been slacking on the Ipoh updates – I shall write as soon as I get my haircut. Priorities, ya know. My hair is a mess right now and I need to get there before it closes.


Happy CNY* everyone!

*CNY lasts for 15 days, unlike Christmas with only 12. =D

This speed writing post has been brought to you by

Time spent: 3 minutes including photos.

MAS Yee Sang Dinner for bloggers

mas mums

Malaysia Airlines organized an yee sang dinner for bloggers at Mum’s Place. There were 25 bloggers in attendance occupying three tables – most of them familiar faces, but I met a couple of bloggers that I haven’t seen IRL before. It was fun! It’s my first yee sang dinner of the year.

yee sang

The yee sang with salmon!

lau sang

It’s a tradition in Singapore and Malaysia to lau sang during Chinese New Year. It’s supposed to kickstart an auspicious new year by collectively mixing the ingredients with chopsticks while chanting phrases like “prosperity in the year to come” and all that. πŸ™‚

yee sang final

I just like the colors of the dish and the community aspects.


Steamed rice was served and a plethora of dishes came in quick succession after that. I love the huge prawns – very juicy and succulent.

assam fish

Another highlight is the Assam Fish. It’s fabulous!


Other memorable dishes were the chicken curry, vegetables, delicious beef slices and the desserts. I had a banana split.


Camwhoring time was scheduled after dinner.


Lots of familiar faces here…


…and people I haven’t met before or haven’t seen in a long time.


Miscellaneous group photos.


Eh, dun la mug me after I just got mugged.

wai fong

Miss Wai Fong who hosted the dinner. Thanks!

group photo

MAS was also very receptive to suggestions on how to improve their service – I offered an experience when I was flying KL – Melbourne on New Year’s Eve and nothing happened at 12 AM. Most of the passengers were left hanging, awake and waiting for some sort of in-flight celebration, but the New Year passed with nary a peep. They took note of that, so I hope your NYE’s flight would be filled with merriment (or at least some party favors and an announcement). πŸ˜‰


MAS was kind enough to give us all some home made pineapple tarts and a gift pack containing a diary, a DVD and a nifty red USB drive that can be twisted around your wrist like a bracelet. Nice!

More coverage here:

Sultan Muzaffar
Red Mummy
Babe in the City



Eevon just sent me the wittiest offline comment a.k.a. text message this morning alerting me to a disastrous typo. Okay, it’s DIARY, not DAIRY. Amended. πŸ™‚

The man is in town

dabido meet

David was in town and an impromptu meet was scheduled at Starbucks in Centerpoint to celebrate the second (third?) coming of dabido. I haven’t actually met him in person before, but I’ve seen his comments everywhere (he’s like the greatest commenter of all time).

dabido me

This is David, better known as dabido. He hails from Perth, Australia and we have a couple of mutual friends.

dabido fa

This is the very elusive FA…she will be flying off to Singapore (again). I shall be in Bali, BTW.

dabido suanie

Suanie! I suspect the only reason we meet in Centerpoint is coz it’s close to her house. πŸ˜‰ I can’t complain though, it’s close to my place as well. Heh!

fa pose

FA with her patented pose…

fa fu

…and her other classic feature. πŸ˜‰

dabido balance

This is David teaching us the arcane magick of balancing a Frappuccino on his stomach.

Pizza Uno

pizza uno

Pizza Uno
is located at Centerpoint PJ, the center of the world. I went to Pizza Uno last night with Yee Hou, Suanie, Zoe, and Hannah. BTW, does Hannah have a blog?

pizza uno sangria

This is Sangria (RM 34), which according to the menu is a mixture of fruit juices, wine and brandy. The four of us had this, I won’t say which four coz one person is a minor. :p

pizza uno food

Zoe and Hannah shared the Alla Carbonara (RM 22).
I went for the Ravioli with Chicken and Mushroom Stuffing (RM 24) which is only available during weekends. Absolutely fabulous!
Suanie had the Deep Fried Whole Spring Chicken (RM 26), described as a tender young bird.
Yee Hou went for the Aussie Pizza (RM 32), which is rather authentic – it has egg on top.

pizza uno suanie

This chicken looks a bit obscene with its legs spread wide open like this.

pizza uno take out

This is the first time I’ve seen people take off their tongue piercings to eat – Zoe and Hannah does that.

pizza uno obc

Lainie joined us later and had the Oven Baked Chicken (RM 24). She didn’t even finish it.

pizza uno me

Here’s an anecdote from the night – some poor old soul came in and asked us for money for food. I offered her my slice of pizza but she declined. It seems that she prefers cold, hard cash. Heh!

pizza uno us

The Pizza Uno manager on duty chased her away politely after that – “Auntie, can you please not bother the customers?”. I thought that was pretty funny.

pizza uno four

The drawing of the four (with tongue piercings).

pizza uno panna cotta

This is the Panna Cotta (RM 8) we had for dessert. I forgot to bring my digicam, but lucky for me, Suanie practically lives at the mall (or close enough anyway) so all photos here – courtesy of her digicam. Thanks Suan! πŸ™‚

pizza uno feed

It’s not everyday you get the honor of being fed by Zoe. πŸ˜‰

pizza uno zoey 

Zoe sends her love.

KY’s infamous Christmas Eve house party


I went to KY’s notorious Christmas Eve party on the 24th. We’re each supposed to buy a gift that is wearable and some people took (very) liberal interpretations of this, much to my dismay (explain later).


I present the host – KY and his little chef.

cindy 1

No event is complete without camwhoring at least 10 times with Cindy Tey. Tumpang glamor, can? πŸ˜‰


This is the Tuborg/Carlsberg girl Siao Ling, who sponsored beer. I less than 3 her. She’s the best!

Terence, one of the bloggers I’ve known for a very, very long time and share the same passion for…tattoos la, what did you think I was going to say? We share a lot of common interests actually. πŸ˜‰


I also met someone who has a surface bar piercing done right.

piercing girl

Elfie told me where to go, I’m going to get it re-done soon.

rach molest

Rachel…can you like, not molest me? πŸ˜‰


The gift exchange! Dangerous.

kiss nicholas

I love Nicholas. It’s not man on man lovin’ k, just some brotherly love.


Famous last words: I always drink vodka neat.

siao ling

Siao Ling! Peck on the cheek.

siao ling drink

Siao Ling…

siao ling feed

…feeding me beer. I should be so lucky.


Gareth a.k.a. the ShaolinTiger. I don’t know whose hand that is. Probably trying to check out if Caucasians really have a bigger package. πŸ˜‰

kim absolut

Kimberly! I’m at the Absolut Mango again. Why can’t I just leave the damn thing alone?


Simon who came after work.

me kim

Me and Kimberly again with random people making us drink.

kim saham

Kim! My saham naik! Not on Second Board anymore, getting to Main Board of KLSE!


Zoe. I think she’s a minor. :p

rubber chicken

Rach and The Rubber Chicken.

yee hou

Yee Hou! Much love dude!

nick chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Nicholas.

rach chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Rachel.

cindy chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Cindy.


Eiling, Suanie, Kimberly, Huai Bin, Rachel. Eiling, I know what you did to my digicam!!!!!oneone


The mistletoe!

cindy 3

The sacred mistletoe gives you liberties during Christmas.

gift exchange

Gift exchange time! We have to wear whatever we picked from the bunch.

chris underwear

Christopher Tock got underwear. Red underwear.

suan stockings

Suanie got lacy panties and stockings.


Reta got a scarf. Lucky. I got a condom, it was from Cindy and I wore it. πŸ˜›

cindy lips

Camwhoring with Cindy has been proven to increase your saham by 42%. Seriously.

cindy 2

Which is why I’m doing it again.


Rachel, that’s illegal!

I partook in the Tuborg Challenge as well…

…and did it better the second time. πŸ™‚

foot fetish

Siao Ling is the (wo)man. Must suck up to her. She’s like the Brand Executive of the beer company. No Siao Ling, for the record, that’s not why I was nice to you, I would be nice to you regardless of who you are.


There are many other photos (some very, very incriminating), which shall not be posted up on There are other channels to procure said photos if you’re so inclined – you just have to know where to look. πŸ˜‰

Comment if I haven’t linked you, I drank too much to remember everyone. Sorry!

My memory failed me at approximately 0200 hours. I don’t even remember going for supper and it was 5 am when I got home, thanks to Christopher Tock, Yee Hou, Nicholas, Gareth, Simon and Zoe who safely brought me home. Thanks all! =D


You know it’s a great party when the police turns up…twice. πŸ˜‰

Camwhoring @ vPOST Nuffnang Singapore Christmas Bash 2008


I am Osama bin Laden and I have managed to smuggle two grenades despite the foolish US attempts to blindfold me and tie my hands behind my back. Jihad! Death to infidels! Or something.


The Malaysian Nuffnangers PJ Centerpoint gang – KY, Huai Bin, Elaine, Eiling, Suanie.


The FireAngel herself.


Nicholas from Nuffnang!


Pinky from Nuffnang!


Yee Hou from Nuffnang!

cindy tey

OMG! Cindy Tey of MDG fame.


Why you wanna dominate me like this Jolyn?

ginny nat

Okay, put on your scary faces Ginny and Nath, I’m taking all you down with me. Explosive duct (grenade) taped (stuck) in my mouth, and nothing’s gonna change my mind. I won’t listen…to anyone’s last words. There’s nothing left for you to say, coz soon you’ll be dead anyway. πŸ˜‰

Breaking news: Osama bin Laden apprehended in Malaysia, transporting to Singapore tomorrow


I have just received word that Osama bin Laden has been apprehended and will be heading down (heavily guarded, of course) to Singapore at 10 am tomorrow morning. He will be making an appearance at the vPOST-Nuffnang Christmas Bash 2008 tomorrow night. I hear he’s staying at the Marriott Hotel at Orchard Road for the night.


Please do not expect the Osama bin Laden you’ve been used to seeing in the infrequent videotaped appearances he has made in channels like Al Jazeera. The US forces has shaved off his beard (and some of his hair) and made him take off his headscarf. He is expected to be blindfolded and restrained on his way to Guatemala Bay. He will also be wearing a military issue bulletproof vest instead of his usual camouflage jacket and his AK-47 will naturally not pass Singapore customs.

Osama bin Laden is so 2001, so thanks to Edmund, he has received a total makeover. I had a great idea for a 2008 Poh Huai bin Laden and the storyline that goes with it and his costume shop is a treasure trove to manifest my sudden fit of inspiration! πŸ™‚

The Nuffnang Malaysian bloggers are heading down to Singapore tomorrow.

See ya all in the Sin City! =D

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