Presents for each of the 24 days leading up to Christmas!

christmas advent calendar

That’s the modern adaptation of the advent calendar and I think it’s a wonderful concept! It’s basically a countdown to Christmas and having small gifts for each days leading up to the final big present on Christmas Eve. You can make one that gives out:

ice cream

A nice bowl of ice cream on the first day


Tickets to the theatre for the second day


A nice dinner outside for the third day

theme park

A trip to a theme park for the fourth day

iberico ham

A nice leg of Iberico Ham for the fifth day

romantic hotel

A night’s stay at a romantic hotel for the sixth day


A day trip getting reacquainted with nature for the seventh day


Back to a nice parfait for dessert on the eighth day

…and so on up till the 24th day which would be Christmas Eve!

It’s a really fun way to get into the spirit of Christmas and get the holiday festivities going.

It’s also the time to get gifts for loved ones – your friends, family and maybe even yourself. πŸ˜‰

ikea table

One of the pieces of furniture I kept when I moved to this studio is a small table I bought from IKEA that my friend Jamie kindly painted for me. It has since been sitting at a corner of my living room, accumulating all sorts of stuff (which I have unceremoniously dumped under to take this photo).

I moved into a fully furnished studio but you still need the little touches that will personalize it and make it truly your own.


Well, not the trippy stuff that Salvador Dali dreamt up (although tickets to see them would make a great addition to your own advent calendar). For more practical items (that is, things rooted in the real world) IKEA has introduced advent calendar to Malaysia – a tradition that is celebrated in a lot of Nordic countries like Sweden.

advent calendar

It has great bargains for the 24 days leading up to Christmas Eve – the awesome thing about The 2012 IKEA Advent Calendar is that you can see the deals that are coming up by hovering over the day. Keep in mind that the deal is only valid on that day itself so it’s a great way to buy gifts for loved ones at a good deal.

The best thing about the IKEA Advent Calendar is that you can actually peek at deals in advance so you’ll know what the promotions are on a certain date. The deals are really good too – you know that IKEA already operates at a low profit margin so that you can get quality products at the best deals ever.

trofast frame

I’m personally waiting for their TROFAST pine frame at RM 169 (discounted from RM 249) on the 23rd December. It’s actually categorized as toy storage for children but you can use it to store a wide variety of things – I’ve mentioned that my condo lacks space so all my stuff (various personal souvenirs from travels) can go right into this – it’s a great way to save space! πŸ˜€

However, for this, some of the prices on furniture are marked down as much as RM 100 – like this queen size Sultan Tarsta mattress pad:

mattress share

…also if there’s something that catches your eye you can always hint to your friends by sharing the deal on your Facebook Wall. πŸ˜‰

Here’s the link to The 2012 IKEA Advent Calendar so you can help ease your friends Christmas shopping. Heh.

Merry Christmas from Bali!

I believe this is the *only* photo I am ever going to post from last night. It was fucking awesome, and there’s a fantastic story behind it. This was taken in the infamous Poppies Lane II in Kuta.

bali christmas

There were three cameras taking this very same group shot. My travel companion, who prefers to remain anonymous – thus the mosaic – should be so lucky that the other two cameras belong to the girl in blue (Australia) and the guy beside her (United States) so chances are if it turns out on Facebook, it’ll never lead back. Haha.

Let me tell you something about Christmas in Bali. You can say what you want about the Poppies Lane party scene but I will tell you:

It was legen…wait for it…dary!

Merry Christmas everyone! smirk

Express Christmas

express christmas

Have you heard of Express Christmas? No? Well, it’s when you can’t celebrate it on the day itself, so you wing it, gather a bunch of friends and celebrate it in advance.


…and that’s just what I did at Sid’s, TTDI.


You can’t have a proper Christmas party without some beer…


Buckets of Heineken to spread the festive cheer. I figured Heineken would do the trick nicely – it’s a cool and refreshing beer perfect for our climate. It doesn’t exactly snow here so mulled wine and warm eggnog doesn’t provide the same satisfaction.


There’s this trick where you try to blow a distorted cap into the bottle. It can be done, just like that balance-the-coin-on-the-lemon-suspended-in-liquid tipping jar. It’s just close to impossible.


Samantha tried it.


Kim tried it. Both to no avail.


Oh, speaking of which, say hello to the newly-weds. πŸ™‚


Lainey had this reindeer thing on her head. That’s me with the Santa hat…drinking on the job. Rudolph go! πŸ˜€

beer jenga

Heineken Jenga. I built this slightly (actually very) unwieldy contraption with a bit of help from everyone.

heineken jenga

Rules: Everyone pulls one bottle and the person who makes it fall drinks. Kids, do not try this at home or at all. πŸ˜‰


You wanna come sit on Santa’s lap? πŸ˜‰ I can’t grant you a wish but I do have…er, lollipops to give out. smirk

stupid trick

Kim also pulled this trick on me. It’s really funny, ask her to show you.


Christmas is all about good company. I’ll be in Bali for Christmas so I’m glad I got the chance to celebrate my own Express Christmas with my closest friends. πŸ™‚

Santa can you hear me?

I have been so good this year. Well, maybe not, but with Christmas around the corner it’s time to write the letter to the good ol man up North and ask for the things that you want for Christmas!

1. A partridge in a pear tree

I’m totally serious. I would love to have a partridge in a pear tree. It would be remiss not to ask for this. How many people have actually gotten a partridge in a pear tree?


No? Well, there you go. πŸ˜‰

2. Turducken

Christmas used to be all about turkeys. Well, not anymore. Turkey is so ’90s. The thing to have on your Christmas dinner table this year is the turducken. What exactly is a turducken?


Well, put simply, it’s a chicken stuffed into a duck which is then stuffed into a turkey. Now how about that!

3. Travel the world and the seven seas

I love to travel and though I’ve been to Europe, Korea, China and several other SEA destinations this year, I would love to spend more time at each place…taking my time, going through every nook and cranny of the places I step foot on.


I’m particularly interested in doing the Trans-Mongolian Railway, which no self respecting traveller can call him/herself that until this ritual is complete. Starting at China and going all the way to Russia. I’ll send you a postcard from Russia (with love).

The Eurorail coming-of-age trail blazing is also something I’ll want to do – a pass to travel all around Europe at your own leisure. I’ll make Ireland my first stop, I’ve never been there and it’s home to St James Gate Brewery in Dublin, which produces the fine brew we call Guinness. πŸ™‚

4. A new car

I’m not one for material possessions and love experiences more than anything. However, my old car has been through a lot of…er, vehicular mishaps and it seems like EVERYTHING is wrong with it. I probably should send it to a workshop but I fear that it would cost more to fix than to purchase a new one.

How I’m going to pay for the down payment and monthly instalments would require very creative budgeting but hey, since this is a wish list…

5. 5 gold rings



I’m so broke right now that 5 gold rings sounds (no pun intended) just about right.

6. A job as a travel writer

Somewhat related to the above, I know that the industry is hard to break in and not as glamorous as it sounds. It’s often a low paid job where you most likely have to top up the balance yourself and you spend a lot of time writing and compiling and doing good ol fashioned legwork. I even hear the Lonely Planet writers have to take a course in self defence before they even get sent out.


However, despite all that it’s something I would love to do. It’s not about the money, it’s about setting your own hours and doing what you like.

7. A new digicam

I have a dSLR and a compact digicam and I tend to use the latter more since it’s shockproof and waterproof, two important qualities when I bring it on my vacations. However, all the trips and travels and misadventures has given it a good beating and I wouldn’t mind getting another one for Christmas. πŸ™‚

8. Get to see my family more

I must admit, with my family scattered around, it’s hard to have the traditional annual family vacations that my father set a precedent for ever since I was a kid. My sister is married with a baby daughter in New Zealand with my mom and my dad is in Sarawak while I’m working here.


Blood runs thicker than water after all. The warmth of having family and giving and receiving support is, pardon the clichΓ©, invaluable.

My dad and I used drink together and my mom has been known to have a pint or two herself. She actually can drink the two of us under the table if she sets her mind on doing it. Heh! It’ll be good to have a family get-together where we can just sit around the living room, nursing a pint of Guinness.

9. A notebook

No, not the ones made from trees, I have come to the conclusion that while having a 17” widescreen notebook is great when you’re at home, lugging all of it in its 2.7 kg glory while travelling is decidedly not.

One thing on my wish list would be for a small and compact notebook where I can write, access the net and run Photoshop while travelling.

10. Get another tattoo

I’ve always wanted to get another tattoo – I even know what I want it to be but I’ve put it off for years, going for piercings instead. I don’t know why I’m procrastinating on this since it’s not on public skin e.g. visible so it’s not a work related issue.


I want a full color piece on my left leg, starting from the ankle up to the knee. It would be a rotting female corpse hand reaching up from the grave and gripping me, raking her fingernails and drawing blood down as a reminder. I guess the subject of the reminder is personal since I’ve subconsciously put it off for so long but I want to get it done soon.

11. More personal time

I would love to have more personal time for me to do the things I like. I love reading and have recently completed the Millennium trilogy – a series of novels which centres on Lisabeth Salander, a rather unique and likable character whom I can relate to.


I tend to be a voracious reader but I never stray far from my favourite genres – I picked this out on a whim and I’m glad I did. It’s a good read and I aim to do more reading – preferably not just on the porcelain throne. πŸ˜‰

12. A Christmas dinner with friends

Since my family won’t be together during Christmas, I’ll love to have a nice Christmas dinner with friends complete with several pints of Guinness. Christmas is all about sharing, gift exchanging, letting them know how much they mean in your life and nothing beats a good dinner recounting with your closest friends – sharing stories, spending quality time (which all of us lack with work and everything) and just being together with good food and drink.

guinness girl

On the same note, Guinness is having some consumer promos on their Facebook so it’ll be a great place to find an outlet to have pre-Christmas and Christmas events where you can celebrate the festive season. Surf over to Guinness Malaysia Facebook for more details.

You’ll also get a gift all month long, courtesy of Guinness when you buy 6 pints of Guinness Draught or 1 bucket of Guinness Stout – a heritage collection glass with old Guinness ads! =D

There is also going to be games (Merry Mat anyone?) and surprises at selected outlets starting from 17:59 (the year Guinness was founded). That’s one minute before 6 pm.


Well, since I’m not going home for Christmas this year, I figured I’ll grab 4 of you and we’ll throw our own mini-Christmas bash instead! I’ve arranged for a cosy dinner for the 5 of us at Backyard in Hartamas, KL on the 22nd December at 7:30 pm.

I’ll select 4 of the most creative answers we’ll all have a great time this Christmas! Don’t worry about drinks and food, it’ll be on me! It’ll be fun, just comment here and and tell me β€œWhat you want for your Merry Guinness” this year. Make yourself available on that date and we’ll have an awesome time! My treat. πŸ™‚

‘Tis the season to be jolly


It’s that time of the year again! The time where shopping malls are decked out with Christmas decorations and refrains of Hark the Herald Angels Sing echo through the centralized speakers. My friend Mel dropped by KL this weekend and we decided to have dinner at Finnegan’s.


I bumped into Jolene there who sagely commented that I always seem to have a beer in my hand whenever she sees me. Heh! It’s true, I’ve grown quite fond of Kilkenny lately and they have a RM 50 for 3 pints promotion going on in some outlets.

kilkenny tap

Dubbed the Cream of Irish Beers, Kilkenny has an interesting history – it didn’t originate from a traditional brewery but from the holy cellars (I presume) of St. Francis Abbey in the 14th century. Put simply, it was Franciscan monks who started making this particular beer.

Interesting, eh?


Kilkenny is an Irish cream ale that’s smooth and rich – qualities which I rate highly. I’m a huge fan full bodied beers and stouts. It’s perfect for the festive season, although we don’t get very cold weather over here.


We shared a stew, open sandwiches, and a pork knuckle which nearly killed us (too much food for two people). I guess overeating is also part of the festive ritual.

pork knuckle

Kilkenny promotions are available at selected outlets throughout the country. I’m going to try my hand at β€œCooking with Kilkenny” (has a nice ring to it, eh?) next! I plan to use Kilkenny in a recipe to see how it goes.

Find out more about Kilkenny here. I have a feeling this beer is going to be big in the coming years! You can get it at most Irish pubs (Finnegan’s, Delaney’s, Malone’s) and it’s also available at on tap in WIP, Sid’s, Royal Oak, Bulldog, Laundry and Jarrod and Rawlins. Here’s to more festive seasons with Kilkenny!


Fa la la la la, la la, la la!

KY’s infamous Christmas Eve house party


I went to KY’s notorious Christmas Eve party on the 24th. We’re each supposed to buy a gift that is wearable and some people took (very) liberal interpretations of this, much to my dismay (explain later).


I present the host – KY and his little chef.

cindy 1

No event is complete without camwhoring at least 10 times with Cindy Tey. Tumpang glamor, can? πŸ˜‰


This is the Tuborg/Carlsberg girl Siao Ling, who sponsored beer. I less than 3 her. She’s the best!

Terence, one of the bloggers I’ve known for a very, very long time and share the same passion for…tattoos la, what did you think I was going to say? We share a lot of common interests actually. πŸ˜‰


I also met someone who has a surface bar piercing done right.

piercing girl

Elfie told me where to go, I’m going to get it re-done soon.

rach molest

Rachel…can you like, not molest me? πŸ˜‰


The gift exchange! Dangerous.

kiss nicholas

I love Nicholas. It’s not man on man lovin’ k, just some brotherly love.


Famous last words: I always drink vodka neat.

siao ling

Siao Ling! Peck on the cheek.

siao ling drink

Siao Ling…

siao ling feed

…feeding me beer. I should be so lucky.


Gareth a.k.a. the ShaolinTiger. I don’t know whose hand that is. Probably trying to check out if Caucasians really have a bigger package. πŸ˜‰

kim absolut

Kimberly! I’m at the Absolut Mango again. Why can’t I just leave the damn thing alone?


Simon who came after work.

me kim

Me and Kimberly again with random people making us drink.

kim saham

Kim! My saham naik! Not on Second Board anymore, getting to Main Board of KLSE!


Zoe. I think she’s a minor. :p

rubber chicken

Rach and The Rubber Chicken.

yee hou

Yee Hou! Much love dude!

nick chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Nicholas.

rach chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Rachel.

cindy chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Cindy.


Eiling, Suanie, Kimberly, Huai Bin, Rachel. Eiling, I know what you did to my digicam!!!!!oneone


The mistletoe!

cindy 3

The sacred mistletoe gives you liberties during Christmas.

gift exchange

Gift exchange time! We have to wear whatever we picked from the bunch.

chris underwear

Christopher Tock got underwear. Red underwear.

suan stockings

Suanie got lacy panties and stockings.


Reta got a scarf. Lucky. I got a condom, it was from Cindy and I wore it. πŸ˜›

cindy lips

Camwhoring with Cindy has been proven to increase your saham by 42%. Seriously.

cindy 2

Which is why I’m doing it again.


Rachel, that’s illegal!

I partook in the Tuborg Challenge as well…

…and did it better the second time. πŸ™‚

foot fetish

Siao Ling is the (wo)man. Must suck up to her. She’s like the Brand Executive of the beer company. No Siao Ling, for the record, that’s not why I was nice to you, I would be nice to you regardless of who you are.


There are many other photos (some very, very incriminating), which shall not be posted up on There are other channels to procure said photos if you’re so inclined – you just have to know where to look. πŸ˜‰

Comment if I haven’t linked you, I drank too much to remember everyone. Sorry!

My memory failed me at approximately 0200 hours. I don’t even remember going for supper and it was 5 am when I got home, thanks to Christopher Tock, Yee Hou, Nicholas, Gareth, Simon and Zoe who safely brought me home. Thanks all! =D


You know it’s a great party when the police turns up…twice. πŸ˜‰

Nuffnangers head down for the vPOST Christmas Bash 2008 in Singapore!


I know, I know, I’m slow – despite getting a SIN 26 broadband connection (24 hours), I was out most of the day so I didn’t get to update. I didn’t get to sleep much too. We stopped at a rest area on the way to Singapore for lunch. The food is nothing to write home about (it’s a rest stop!)…


…and I found out that Audrey really is 4 feet 9. She makes me feel tall. πŸ˜‰


We checked into the Marriott at Orchard Road and some hijinks which should probably not be published happened e.g. this dubious photo of Eiling being er…molested by us…

girl girl

…and some naughty girl on girl action.


(as well as the infamous 7 second shot)

no caption

I don’t even have a caption for this photo.


Sneak peak: The girls dressing up. Eiling and Natalie dropped by to change.

getting dressed

I was about to get changed. Sorry for being late (and passing out). :p

dressing up

We got all dressed up for the costume party – I was assigned the letter O so I went as Osama bin Laden (after being brought into US custody but still given a cigarette before being sent away) but I ended up being P.

More details and photos tomorrow! πŸ™‚

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

cherie xmas me

…no, not a partridge in a pear tree. Cherie
(which means “Love” or “dear one”) gave me the black Stussy shirt that
I’m wearing here. I’m not sure what happened to my hair, but according
to witnesses, it was the Santa hat I was wearing previously that
tousled my hair.

cherie xmas me stoned

This is another one taken soon after that (with the hair malfunction
managed). I like this photo; it kinda captures what we are. I swear
that we are not stoned, it’s just how we look all the time. πŸ˜‰

cherie xmas gift

Cherie also gave me two other T-shirts which is great – she knows
the limitations of my wardrobe coz I always turn up in the same
clothes. Thanks Cherie!

cherie xmas drinking

I celebrated Christmas Eve early, perhaps a bit too early from the look on our faces, but it’s all good. πŸ™‚

cherie xmas turkey

Merry Christmas, everyone!


Hello, sorry for the lack of updates, I’m swamped with work, so no
Christmas for the wicked. Or something. I learnt something these few
days. I mean, its bleeding obvious, so I already knew about it but

If it’s not in black and white, it means fuck all.

Yeah verbal = fuck all. We need a record like email. People can act
all nice with you verbally and fuck you later since, naive boy, there’s
no record of verbal conversations.

So remember dear readers, no record = fuck all.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone! πŸ™‚

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