3, 2, 1, Action!

adidas action 3 roadshow

adidas is the main sponsor of Project Alpha and I headed down to their adidas Action 3 Roadshow at MidValley on Saturday with the other six bloggers in Season 1 for some fun and games and a sneak preview of the first episode of Project Alpha

adidas chick

Thus, in classic sixthseal.com fashion, here’s the event coverage, which completely violates every single rule of writing for the net with extremely verbose copy and frequent asides. πŸ˜‰ 

adidas roadshow

So, go brew a nice hot cup of tea and settle down with a comfy cushion, this is going to be a long one. πŸ™‚ 

action 3 girl

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 

first arrival

I’m kidding! Okay, here it comes: 

adidas games

I’ve always been a big fan of adidas and most of my sports apparel is exclusively adidas (which is spelled in all small caps, BTW). I think a lot of it had to do with them being the “alternative cool” brand instead of the overhyped other label. 

action 3 ball

I’m also a huge fan of Korn and the song a.d.i.d.a.s in their self titled debut album, while not sanctioned or related to the brand, is a very awesome song. πŸ˜‰

adidas bonus hour

The road show was held at LG of Centre Court (God is in the details, my friends, and I wouldn’t feel proper without providing excessive minutiae) and I happened to arrive during Bonus Hour so the place was PACKED. It was so crowded I won’t even attempt to make witty analogies. The Bonus Hour really lasts for one hour (thus the namesake) and is a PWP promo (buy 1, free 1) so it brought a influx of people much like what Pakistan experienced when the US bombed the living daylights out of the Afghans. 

adidas roadshow buying

Anyway, after everything settled down, the Project Alpha sneak peak was shown on the LCD TV. I was so enthralled by the trailer and promo for Episode 1 that I didn’t take any photos. I’m telling you, Project Alpha is going to be a hit, and I’m not just saying that coz I’m in it. :p 

project alpha teaser

We were split up into teams for a foosball tournament after the screening – the 7 Project Alpha Season 1 bloggers and Jojo Struys in a 4 team knockout competition of 6 goals. I was paired with the 4′ 9″ wonder (which you’ll see in the first episode). 

foosball attack

It started out very promisingly with several consecutive goals, including a rather neat trick which I attribute more to luck than skill. Sam even commented that I was a “foosball hustler” which I took as a compliment. Alas, everything went downhill since that providential shot. 

foosball defend

The Red MummyBudiey crew started gaining on us and the FourfeetnineSixthseal team did the unimaginable – an own goal. This is bad…hell, if I were AndrΓ©s Escobar, I’ll be shot dead by now. πŸ™ 

foosball team

Nevertheless, we pushed on while The Enemy (TM) started closing the gap until we were tied 5-5. 

foosball concentrate

It’s damn kan cheong okay! 

foosball kancheong

It was the game ball and after much effort and twisting of the handles…they scored. I can’t believe we lost after a 5-1 lead! OMG!  My bad Aud! 

foosball prize

Oh well, at least we still got a prize. πŸ™‚ 

adidas voucher

Adidas also provided us with a RM 100 voucher which can be used to redeem anything from the roadshow. I decided to stock up on the adidas shampoo + shower gel combos and I got 9 (nine) bottles of that. (!) Haha! 

adidas shower gel

I’ve sorted out my shower needs for the rest of the year! Yay! I’ll never have to buy shower gel until 2010 (at the very least). Heh! This is budgeting at its very best. πŸ˜‰ 

adidas game prize

The adidas Action 3 roadshow had this contraption which has 1-5 in huge buttons. You get a chance on it after a purchase of RM 45 and above. There are prizes associated with each number – everything from bags to eau de toilette. I was keen on the bag and Agnes was kind enough to tell me that she’ll sort it out. I pressed the button and got a 5 (eau de toilette) but she gave me the bag anyway. Thanks Agnes! =D 

project alpha bloggers

It was just about buka puasa time and adidas arranged for us to dine at Alexis in The Gardens. Now, this isn’t a buffet line setup, mind. This is proper dining with you ordering a la carte with wine provided. 

alexis at gardens

I thought that was mighty generous of adidas. 

chicken liver pate

I had chicken liver pate for the appetizer. I liked this; the chicken liver pate is smooth and creamy and comes with a topping of cheese. It’s perfect for slathering on top of the bread or just eating it on its own. I love liver pate and Alexis does it well – the almost melt-in-your-mouth texture is orgasmic! 

wagyu ribeye steak

This here is a deliciously juicy and rich medium rare Wagyu ribeye steak with perfect marbling which weighs in at a staggering RM 155 for the 200 gram serving. 

waygu steak

It’s smooth and velvety, awesome stuff. It could have been done better though; I’ve had Wagyu beef which was crispy on the outside and nicely rare on the inside. I guess they mistook medium rare for medium.

pecan pie

I also had a Pecan pie. It tasted absolutely fabulous despite the fact that I was stuffed at this point. The nuts were warm (almost toasty hot!) and sweet (the pine sweetness of nuts without additional sugar) which contrasts very well with the scoop of premium vanilla ice cream. 

adidas dinner

I nearly fell asleep after all that good food. 

dinner at alexis

The dinner was courtesy of the largess of adidas. Thanks! I won’t be able to afford a RM 155 steak otherwise. πŸ˜‰ 

adidas girl

adidas – all day I dream about steak. :p

The opiate of the masses

I used to chat on MSN while attending mass. I know, I know, heresy. :p I didn’t want to go (I’m not even Catholic) but I went for the sake of my ex-gf who was convinced she’ll spend at least another trillion years or so in purgatory if she misses even one evening mass. It was mind-numbingly boring, but with my Pocket PC and a GPRS connection, I managed to chat with people on Pocket MSN. It helped make those monotonous sessions where you just want to gouge your eyeballs out and run screaming from the place of worship into a more civilized and polite tapping on the screen.

I misplaced my Pocket PC but I haven’t lost those monotonous moments.

I’m glad I’ll be one of the first to get the Xpax Prepaid BB Curve 8520 – now I can IM to my heart’s content wherever I go with Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ (yes, I have an account – 7345320) and more!

It’ll sure make those dull moments (secular or otherwise) more bearable. πŸ˜‰



The veritable Urban Dictionary describes it as grooming for men, a rather polite term for the “back, crack and sack” hair removal it actually means. It just goes to show how David Beckham (bless/curse his soul) has managed to sell metrosexual to the modern man. 


I have recently been…er, convinced to try out a line of facial products. I know what you’re thinking!

What? The man renowned for using soap for everything (including my hair) is testing out cosmetic products? 

leach me

Er…well…that is…*shifts around uncomfortably*


Okay, yes I am!


Truth to be told I’m 28 and feeling every bit of it. Le sigh. Age is starting to catch up with me in ways I’ve never imagined. Wrinkles, my dear friends, wrinkles galore!


I had my face analyzed by the good people at Cellnique and was prescribed the following:

Drench Me
Off With Those Heads
Submerge Me
Shield Me SPF 25
Glow & Shine
Leach Me
Spots Got Shot


I was pleased to find out that there are no major blemishes (acne, blackheads etc) on my face – at least according to the consultant. I could have sworn I have a lot of large pores on my face as well as blackheads but apparently it wasn’t that bad.


Okay, back to the products I’ve got dry skin so I’m supposed to wash my face with Drench Me as a daily moisturizing cleanser before applying Off With Those Heads, which makes removing those pesky blackheads easy (I love this, I feel like the Queen in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland whenever I say it). It works with whiteheads too! Just before I go out, I’ll be applying Shield Me (such descriptive names!) to retain moisture and prevent the dreaded Aging by Sol Invictus (The Invincible Sun).


The weekly procedure starts with Glow & Shine, which is an exfoliating mask. I was told to scrub softly instead of going around like a bull in a china shop. I didn’t know I portrayed that image. Hmph. Next comes Leach Me, the moisturizing mask which hydrates your skin to prevent aging. I have to keep this mask on for Β½ hour before applying Submerge Me as a deep moisturizing booster.

wash face

The Spots Got Shot is there as a blemish treatment serum cum oil control for pimple outbreaks and such (I do get them from time to time) so your skin can be blotch free!


It was like a crash course in skin care products. I leaned so much during the session that I can probably be a consultant (even memorized the terminology!) for guys hesitant to delve headfirst into this brave new world of metrosexuality. πŸ˜‰

mask open

The b.liv range is available at your friendly local neighborhood Guardian, Watson’s, Sasa, Alpro and Caring Pharmacy (which I hear is really caring).


b.liv is coming up with a new tagline search contest for their new packaging relaunch where you stand to win cash and prizes worth RM 1,500! Read more about the contest and the terms and conditions at the b.liv site. There’s no purchase required (the magic words!) and the first 30 entries will walk away with a b.liv product hamper worth RM 200! You can also get a free sample from the site.

mask done

Squeeze your creative juices and participate by emailing blivskin@nuffnang.com


Back to the b.liv treatment range, I quite like it actually, despite the time I need to apply this and that. I consider it a time investment towards looking good and I’m going to be using more of it (since it’s a free sample from the good people at Cellnique – thanks Iris!).

I’ve gotta keep my #1 asset (my face) in pristine condition.

You know la, need to kao lui. I’m still single you know? πŸ˜‰

Blackberry Prepaid!

Man, I see all these people with Blackberry devices (plural: Blackberries?) doing everything a notebook can at a fraction of its size and I have to be honest, I find myself looking enviously at their canggih-ness.

I used to be an early adopter, getting PDAs and Pocket PCs before it came into vogue, but I have a problem with losing devices and now I can’t afford to get a BB.

I hear Xpax is coming out with a pre-paid version though, no details yet, so let’s see how this goes.


Blackberry Curve 8520 Prepaid Plan by Xpax

I’ll be getting one from them soon (w00t!), so more information when I get my grubby hands on it! =D

A waist is a terrible thing to mind

step 4

I’ve always been blasΓ© about the stuff that I shovel into my mouth. Once dubbed The Man With The Cast Iron Stomach, I’ve been known to eat just about anything and everything to little or no ill effect. I tend to favor greasy and fatty dishes, which probably explains my extraordinarily high cholesterol levels.

Give yourself a dose of Shock and Awe with my triglycerides reading. I weigh in at a staggering 6.10 mmol/L which is way beyond anything that can be even remotely described as “healthy”. Anything above 2.26 is High while results exceeding 5.65 is Very High. I guess mine is in the non-existent category called Ludicrously High. πŸ˜‰ 


Among my many (dubious) talents, one of them is speed eating. I can eat really fast. I practically gobble food down, which is not exactly listed in Best Practices of Eating Healthy.

I have always thought of myself as somewhat invincible – heart disease and stroke? That’s for old people. Nope, nothing to do with me at all. Denial is not just a river in Egypt and all that. πŸ˜‰ 

azza burger grill

This just goes to show that although we may come out with witty twists of famous quotes (A mind is a terrible thing to waste/A waist is a terrible thing to mind) it still doesn’t change the fact that we’re eating more and more unhealthy food at a younger age. The perils of cosmopolitan living… 

kl nasi lemak macro

I’m sure you’ve all read about the rising obesity rates worldwide – even us Asians, traditional bastions of healthy eating, have succumbed to unhealthy (but delicious) food. 


I’m probably a prime candidate for a heart attack despite my age, and if I really do get one, having a bypass is going to cost well into the 5-6 figure range for the hospital bills. 


I’ll be honest; I’ll never be able to afford a sum like that. I don’t even have 4 digits in my bank account, unless it’s payday. πŸ˜‰ I have company health insurance but the problem with this is that it’s tied to the company – if you switch jobs or (touch wood) get fired/retrenched, you lose your insurance. It’ll be worse when you retire coz that’s when you need your health insurance the most!

You know what they say about buttered toast always landing buttered side down (another variant of Murphy’s law – anything that can go wrong, will go wrong).

You do see the irony of using the buttered toast analogy in a post about cholesterol levels right? πŸ˜‰ 


It’s not all doom and gloom – read the previous post to know more about their kickbacks which rewards you for being healthy. Vegetarians and health freaks would be pleased to hear about that aspect. 


Seriously though, company tied medical insurance is not portable, which is why a lot of people opt for personal health plans. PRUhealth covers you up to the ripe old age of 100 and best of all? 

mfm platter

It also includes overseas coverage! Thus, if you clutch your heart after eating a hearty meal of greasy fish and chips chased down with an ultra thick chocolate milkshake complete with a deep fried Mars bar for dessert…fret not, you can still claim your hospital bills in other countries. 

mfm flaming

I mean, if you survive la. :p

…and of course, terms and conditions apply. πŸ˜‰

Nuffnang and OGAWA dinner @ TGIF


There’s no such thing as a free lunch, or so the saying goes. However, I went to TGIF @ Pavilion a couple of weeks ago for not just a free dinner, but a free massage to boot. Nuffnang and OGAWA organized a get-together for bloggers and I went straight after work, anticipating good food, great company and perhaps even a massage session thrown in for good measure.


I was sold. I’ve been working long hours and there’s nothing I want more than some good chow and a nice, relaxing session on a massage chair.


I went straight after work and since my office is in PJ, it took me a while to get to the heart of KL. I was famished by the time I arrived. The food at TGIF was great; I love the lamb chop with mint sauce and the mouth-watering BBQ chicken. Yums. I helped myself to a larger portion than usual and stuffed myself so much I felt like dozing off.


The Usual Suspects (TM) a.k.a. The Nuffnangers were there in force and we took up half of the entire TGIF outlet. There was a good mix of bloggers this time around. I met a lot of people who I haven’t seen in a while. The dinner concluded with half of us going over to OGAWA for a hands-on (or butt-on) experience with the OGAWA Smart Mate and the OGAWA SmartAire.

smart mate

I went on the OGAWA Smart Mate and it’s a good massage chair. However, the one I’m really interested in is the new OGAWA SmartAire.


It’s featured prominently in their display and the sleek curves and sensual contours (get your mind out of the gutter, I’m talking about the chair) presents a very inviting package that practically whispers in your ear: Come on me.


Okay, that didn’t sound quite right but back to the chair, I decided to…er, give it a ride. The shop assistants put it on a 15 minute full body massage and boy…


It was so good that I practically had an orgasm…before falling straight asleep.


Okay, I must admit that I was intrigued by the OGAWA SmartAire which lays claim to the first Zero Gravity massage chair in town. How can this be achieved with the g = 9.8 m/s2 = 32.2 ft/s2 equation that has been drilled into us in high school Physics classes?


It apparently works by reclining you into a 126 degree position which takes the burden of gravity off your spine. You’ll look mighty ridiculous…but you can proudly proclaim to feel great while at it! πŸ˜‰


It felt so good that I didn’t feel like getting off the chair at all. The sales personnel showed me the rollers which feel like human hands massaging you (it actually does!) and put me on a yoga setting that I thoroughly enjoyed.

su ann

It felt like I was almost floating, without the constant reminder of my bad posture and my neck pain. The 25 air massage bags felt like someone was actually massaging me in a spa (without the happy ending, of course ;)).


I volunteered to be Carol‘s assistant tour guide for the second batch of people since I’ve gleaned quite a bit of information from the Ogawa sales personnel. I spontaneously launched into a pitch on OGAWA SmartAire’s NASA technology and the reparative properties of the yoga setting while walking backwards, clutching the brochure and gesturing rather enthusiastically.


It was an impromptu thing, but even I surprised myself by being able to remember stuff like the high pillow design for support and the “uniquely designed S-track to follow the contour of your spine” while talking to the second group during the long trek from TGIF to Ogawa. I guess there’s potential for me in the tourism and hospitality industry yet. πŸ˜‰

It was back to TGIF for more fun and games after that – Telephone a.k.a. Chinese Whispers (which I’ve always found mildly offensive, but it’s what I call it). It goes like this:

There is a man at the bar.
His hand has a scar.
If you want to be a star,
You can tonight, thanks to OGAWA!

It wasn’t the original message of course – I was the last in the line and that was the communiquΓ© when it arrived.


Su Ann and ShaolinTiger snagged the OGAWA EyeTune prizes.

of course

We lost, but a post-mortem conducted by Yours Truly discovered that all 6 of us at the end transcribed it correctly (impeccably even) so the error occurred in the first 4 people. :p


BTW, OGAWA is having a Mega Raya promo where everything is 50% off. I thought it said RM 50 at the store and was about to rummage for my wallet to get a massage chair before one of the attendants politely informed me that it was 50% off, not RM 50. Heh! There’s also RM 10,000 worth of shopping vouchers to be won and a shopping experience with Aznil.


Nuffnang is having a joint promotion where you can print out vouchers online for ludicrous (defined as up to 70%) discounts on selected items here.


It was a great night and the door gift includes an OGAWA ComfyzzZ Vibrating Neck Supporter which I’ve found rather useful. I’ve taken to sleeping on it lately and it lulls me into Mr. Sandman’s domain relatively faster than my usual pillow. Nifty! It’s very…comfyzzZzzzzzzz…

East meets West

start 1

I’ll be honest here – I’ve never put much faith in “alternative medicine” like traditional Chinese healing methods, preferring to cement my conviction in Western methods of rigorous medical training and the process of FDA pharmaceutical clinical trials.


It probably doesn’t help that I’m a pharmaceutical aficionado and my sister is a cardiologist. My motto used to be “Better living through chemistry…for every problem, a chemical solution!”


Thus, I was (more than) a little skeptical when I took this health check based on some form of non-invasive acupuncture. It was at a PRUhealth event and the health check session started with some rather personal questions.


Straight off the bat, I was grilled about my bowel movements, the olfactory offensiveness of the fecal matter and whether said poop sticks to the bowl or slides right down as slick as…er, shit.


I answered honestly, and gave them an almost-complete medical history, including my damaged kidneys courtesy of a methamphetamine overdose. I used to IV unfiltered (“cold shake method”) crystal meth with disastrous results to my renal function and was in ICU for a week coz of that.


Needless to say, I also disclosed my previous problems with substances. You should never lie with insurance…coz you won’t be able to claim if they find out. πŸ˜‰

readings hands

Anyway, back to The Probes (TM) it involves taking readings from the left and right hands and feet, which explains this rather undignified photo:


I found out that I have hypertension (150/85) which is nothing new – I already know I have high blood pressure. Or maybe it was the hot chick touching me. I don’t know for sure. πŸ˜‰ However, I was more than a little surprised to learn that the device also managed to find fault with my liver, kidneys and blood cells.

I present to you, my blood test results:

english results

This is the results from the health check at the PRUhealth event:

chinese results

It’s remarkably similar, which should probably tell me something. I need to maintain a healthier lifestyle, or at the very least, get insured so the hospital bills won’t instantly Chapter 11 me the moment I get admitted (which is a matter of when rather than if). The last time I was in ICU, it cost a staggering RM 3,000+ per day. I was in there for a whole WEEK!


I’ve always had problems getting health insurance since I was still actively using back then and no insurance company wanted to touch me with a 10 foot pole. However, I’ve been clean for three years after going through drug rehabilitation and PRUhealth will be one package I’ll be seriously looking into.


Let me tell you the best part about this plan. Say you’re not as…er, unhealthy as me, and you don’t possess a lot of the vices (smoking, drinking) that I do. PRUhealth offers a revolutionary system that I’ve never heard of before- NO CLAIMS BONUS.

readings legs

Basically, if you don’t claim anything (if you don’t fall sick or get into shenanigans which require hospitalization) PRUhealth pays you back up to a maximum of RM 500 annually. You can even withdraw the bonus if you want to. It’s the only health insurance that offers something as ground-breaking as this – a plan that rewards you for being healthy!


Thus, if you’re not living life to the max (and destroying your body in the process) like I am, you’ll be well pleased to know that you’ll be rewarded for it. I on the other hand, find solace in the fact that I won’t be penalized for it either. It’s a win-win situation!


More about PRUhealth next week!

end 1

Speaking of winning, I still think I should have snagged the Unhealthiest Blogger Award…I’m a bit miffed that I didn’t. How liddat? My street (blog?) cred gone dy. :p

Bust a move!


You think you’ve got skillz?


Those of us stuck in the rat race in the corporate world often forget what it’s like to do what you want, when you want, and express yourself publicly. We’re constantly too concerned about what others think of us and restrain ourselves, thinking its “right” and “mature” to do so. Nay, I say. Nay!


Everyone should let loose once in a while – sing like no one is listening, write like no one is reading, and dance like no one is watching!


Street dancing is a relatively new phenomenon over here but it seems to have taken off with a vengeance. I was surprised to see people busting a move at the local town square in Sibu. I love how they bring their own portable music players or blast beats from their car audio system. It embodies the very essence of freedom of expression.


The F&N Freestylz “Show Ur Moves” competition is heading towards an explosive finale this Sunday. You probably missed the preliminaries but you can still go and check out the teams who managed to rise above the others and come up on top! 10 teams are heading into the finals at the Curve – Elecoldxhot, Wakaka Crew, N Crew, Project Elementz, Fresh Beat Rockers, Twister Randoms, Move, Enemy Style, Feasible Crew and Borneo Crew.


The judging will be done by (L-R) Boojae (Malaysian artiste and b-boy), Fiona Jane Gomez (Talent Hub Principal) and Danny One (local artiste). The winner of the finals will not only get the honor of being crowned the best b-boys in Malaysia, but they’ll be flown to Korea to meet and train with Asia’s #1 b-boys, Gamblerz Crew!

Go and gawk at the teams – there are female street dancers too, so whether you’re a guy or a girl, there will not be a shortage of eye candy. πŸ˜‰


I was planning to go to Penang this weekend to attend a wedding but since I can’t due to work commitments, I’ll be there armed with my digicam! The F&N Freestylz 2009 final is going down at e@Curve on Sunday, August 16, 6 pm!


Get reacquainted with your youth or just catch the best moves this side of town!

Saving the planet


There has been a deluge of spoofs on the highly viral and successful Heineken Walk-In-Fridge commercial. One of the funnier ones I’ve seen is the Walking Fridge spoof and all the parody videos share two things in common…Heineken and The Scream (TM).


No, not the painting by Edvard Munch.


It’s the outrageous expression of joy red blooded males manifest by ecstatic screaming. I can’t remember how many spoofs I’ve seen, but if I had RM 1 for every time I’ve seen a parody of the video, I’ll probably be a Datuk by now. Datuk Evil. πŸ˜‰


I decided to make my very own spoof video, and enlisted the help of the Kamen over lunch at Chili’s one fine Saturday afternoon at MidValley. The script was scribbled on a piece of paper (kindly furnished by the waitress) and we discussed it over drinks (the final scene is actually in Chili’s – a test run of sorts).


I tucked the script (the technical term for this is “piece of paper with my scribbles”) into my front pocket for safekeeping and we proceeded to purchase several bottles of Heineken before getting my car. Thus armed, we drove outside MidValley coz I wanted the mall as the backdrop – Dr, I mean Datuk Evil’s lair of operations, where nefarious activities and ridiculously low demands of ransom in lieu of totally annihilation are conducted.


I parked in front of The Gardens, hoping that we’ll have time to film the entire take without mall security shooing us away. I didn’t have a nifty red button to open up a trapdoor to send unwelcome mall cops into the fiery depths of my basement so it’s a good thing that we wrapped everything up with no unwanted attention. πŸ˜‰


Except for this dude who was washing the windows of The Garden’s office block…he actually offered to let me go up on his contraption for filming and I would have agreed if not for this:


I was parked in front of a no parking sign and would have to beat a hasty retreat if asked.


It was really fun, Kamen came dressed to the nines coz she just came from a law debate so I cast her as a combination of Number 2 and Frau Farbissina. We actually took turns filming each other, passing the digicam back and forth for each scene and I must say that the end result turned out surprisingly well.

Check it out for yourself:

Heineken: RM 7:49 x 4
Bottle opener: RM 10.40
Saving the planet: PRICELESS



It’s surprising how good ideas come in little scraps of paper. πŸ™‚

The Long Search

The first time I’ve been exposed to local music was through the song Isabella by Search. It was quite popular during my time (was in primary school then) and it was the first Malay song I listened to and could sing snippets of. The chorus at least…

airwaves band

I don’t play the guitar and I’ve gotten most of the lyrics but I shall attempt to recreate the song here anyway:

Okay, perhaps I shouldn’t quit my day job.

Nevertheless, local music has grown by leaps and bounds since then. I’ve started listening to local bands like OAG and more recently Zee Avi.

airwaves evil

I grabbed a guitar from the office and just like buttered bread always lands on the buttered side, my Senior Manager (of all people) walked down, heard the pandemonium that was me trying to hit a High C and failing terribly, and glared at me.

Just look at how paranoid I was in the video!  True, you don’t get any prizes for voting for your favorite bands, but hey, the world would be a much better place if everyone tones down the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) mentality.


Just surf over to Channel X MTV World Stage and vote for your favorite indie bands by downloading their Call Me Tones. The top 3 indie bands with the highest download will get a chance to perform at the MTV World Stage Pre-Show at 4.30pm, 15 August at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach. The voting ends 14 August so get cracking!

Just follow these simple steps to download the Call Me Tones:
1. Type CMT<space><Song Code>
2. Send to 22990

And to subscribe to Call Me Tones:
1. Type ON CMT
2. Send to 22990

Give them a chance to perform at the MTV World Stage. The All-American Rejects, Hoobastank, Boys Like Girls, Pixie Lott, Raygun, Estranged and Kasabian will all be there!

Don’t tell me that indie rock is dead…

airwaves evil boobs

Support your local indie bands!

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