I went to Velvet Ting’s wedding reception last night. It was a shotgun wedding (not the type you’re thinking) in a sense, her younger sister Amy Ting was also having a combined wedding with her. I know both of the Ting sisters from my high school days and in Australia.

The flower arrangements at their wedding dinner was simply amazing. The theme was roses and there were roses twined into the stairs and floral decorations on every table.

The main wedding table for both pairs of bride and groom and their immediate families was the centerpiece of the place. The three tiered wedding cake and champagne flutes are arranged at the center stage in the backdrop.

Most of the people at my table were my ex-classmates since Velvet used to be in our class. It’s like our 11th reunion out of high school. I sat beside Ita Ting, I’ve known her since Form 1.

This is the arrival of Velvet and her groom hailed by confetti all around…

…followed by Amy and her groom.

The dinner started soon after that with the traditional Chinese banquet cold dish platter.

The cold dish is an appetizer which consists of a sampler of sorts – there’s a small portion of quail, mussels, squid and mushrooms.

The next dish is traditionally the soup which is served into individual bowls by the waiter.

It’s shark’s fin soup, which I’m sure the animal welfare groups would have a bone, I mean, fin to pick with. π

The next item on the menu is steamed fish. Fish is a must-have at wedding feasts and Chinese banquets in general due to the association with prosperity.

It’s kindly sliced into more manageable pieces by the waiter.

Chicken cooked in herbs and wrapped in foil is the next item on the banquet parade. It is still wrapped in the foil when brought to your table and the waiter opens it up, releasing the fragrance of the herbs and slices the chicken.

The chicken is actually very tender, with an almost melt-in-your-mouth quality, so not much slicing was actually required. The process just makes it more manageable to eat using chopsticks.

There was a much needed intermission while Velvet and Amy went on stage with their respective grooms to cut the wedding cake.

Champagne was also poured out into the flutes by the two newly weds.

This is the customary “yam seng” toast which the Chinese do. It’s done in a very long refrain with the first syllable being vocalized for as long as you’re able to (highly variable depending on lung capacity).

RM 135 bottles of Seifried red and white wine were served after that. It’s free flow, they had more than even I could drink! I think I partook in the vinos a little too much, coz my brain wasn’t functioning very well today. π

Here’s a toast to Velvet Ting and her groom. Congratulations! =D

…and here’s to Amy Ting and her groom. Cheers! π

The Food Parade (TM) went on after that with bamboo shoots and mushrooms…

…bamboo clams (a local seafood) with mixed vegetables (at which point our table couldn’t even touch the food anymore)

…deep fried king prawns

…before mercifully ending with an iced honeydew and sago dessert concoction.

This is a candid shot of me talking to Velvet. I must have been reminiscing about this drama that most of the people at our table participated in while we were 14 years old during the school play.

Congratulations Velvet! Now you’ve made me feel old and unwanted by marrying earlier than me. :p

There was another platter of fruits containing dragon fruit, pineapple, papaya and watermelon…

…as well as the mandatory piece of wedding cake you just have to eat out of courtesy despite having adjusted your belt buckle several times due to excessive gorging. π

The final dish is gift wrapped boxes that has a piece of fruitcake inside. It’s supposed to be taken home as a souvenir of the wedding dinner. It’s the custom over here and signifies the end of the dinner…

…and it’s camwhoring time! π This is Datina Ting, another one of my ex-classmates in high school.

Hello Jeanie! I met Jeanie at the wedding reception when she approached me and told me she reads my blog. Thanks for reading! π

There was also a camwhoring session with a girl I bummed a cigarette from who was helping out at the reception…

…as well as the rest of the reception girls.

Congratulations to Velvet Ting and Amy Ting on their respective weddings fro
m the Class of ’97. Cheers! π