Mid-Autumn 2013 Mooncake Roundup: Beverage flavored, Disney and Musang King mooncakes!

2013 mooncakes

Yup, it’s the annual Mid-Autumn Mooncake Roundup! Oh wait, I don’t think I ever had one. Haha! I believe one of my first mooncake posts was in 2004 – a review on a rather nice licensed S.H.E. limited edition mooncake set. I’ve also made my own mooncakes before.

There’s three batches of mooncakes I got from 3 different manufacturers this year – most of them *new flavors* for 2013:

tai thong mooncake

1. Tai Thong

This is the first mooncake I ate this year. My girlfriend bought it and gave to me coz she knows I love durian mooncakes!

Snow Skin Durian Coulis (RM 18)

durian mooncake

We absolutely adored this mooncake. The durian flesh is unnamed, probably D24 but it’s really good. The skin balances really well with the flesh too so it’s the durian mooncake benchmark for this year!

tai thong durian

We also wanted to get the Imperial Musang King Royale for RM 78 / 2 pieces but it was sold out!

moon cakes

The 2013 new mooncake flavors:

Sweet Paradise (RM 16.50)

This is a snow skin mooncake from the new flavors under Tai Thong’s moooncake offerings for 2013. They’re having a lot of drink and dessert inspired mooncakes and this is a coffee and custard coffering.

Pineapple Sesame Crunch (RM 16.50)

new mooncakes 2013

We didn’t really like this snow skin mooncake – the pineapple “egg yolk” is alright but the sesame doesn’t really go well with it.

Low Sugar White Lotus Single Yolk x 3 (RM 16.50)

A low sugar variant (very popular these few years for the health conscious) of an old classic!

Assorted Fruits, Nuts with Chicken Bits (RM 16.50)

This used to be made with lard but a lot of mooncake manufacturers now use chicken to comply with the halal certification (okay for Muslims to consume) which is a shame as this is one of the real original mooncakes and I really doubt Muslims are a huge target market in mooncakes – not enough to make a difference anyway.

Teh Tarik Delight (RM 16.50)

It’s the national drink of Malaysia – now in mooncakes. I bought one for us and one of my future-in laws. It was a bit of a letdown though – it wasn’t as tasty as I thought it would be and the pulled milk tea flavor is sadly missing.

The good thing about the Tai Thong mooncakes is that we got not only 30% off but also 2 free mooncakes (for every 4 purchased in a box set)

tai thong mooncakes

The free mooncakes are:

Limau Manis (RM 16.50)

This is translated as “sweet lime” and it’s a baked mooncake. It continues the trend for beverage inspired mooncake (it’s a common drink here) and actually has a sweet lime filling and an asam jeruk (salted dried plum, or known in the states as crack seed) filling as the “egg yolk”. I think this isn’t doing well, which is why it’s the designated giveaway mooncake on purchase.

free mooncakes

White Mocha Delight (RM 16.50)

This is another beverage inspired mooncake in the conventional baked format. It has a chocolate and coffee layer but nothing really pops from this. Tai Thong gives out Limau Manis mooncakes for free as default on purchase of every box of 4 but I asked if I can change and the guy there said that this is the only other option he can give out. You can’t change to other similar priced mooncakes and you have to ask to get the White Mocha Delight so I guess these two aren’t exactly flying off the shelves. smirk

2. GODIVA Mid-Autumn 2013 Mooncake Collection

godiva mooncakes

This is a limited edition I got for my better half which cost me RM 159. It’s the most expensive mooncake I ever bought but well worth it. We ate it on the night itself and the entire GODIVA 2013 Mid-Autumn Limited Edition mooncakes was reviewed on a previous post.

3. The Baker’s Cottage

mooncakes discount

We were just getting some bread one day and saw a huge queue of people buying mooncakes. We didn’t get any that day but there was a Musang King durian mooncake that we had our eye on. I swung over on the afternoon of Mid-Autumn festival and saw that they had a 40% discount across the board!

ultimate musang king

Ultimate Musang King (RM 26.80)

disney mooncakes

This was slightly disappointing…at first. It’s a Disney mooncake with Mickey Mouse stamped on it. We both looked apprehensively at the filling since it doesn’t have the same “real durian flesh” groove going for it. However, after a couple of bites, it turned out that it was really good in its own way too! I’ll say it’ll give Tai Thong’s Snow Skin Durian Coulis a good run for it’s money. Note the difference between the fillings though – this doesn’t have an interior “egg yolk” of real durian flesh:

musang king mooncake

The Bakington version is made with Musang King durians, which explains the price premium. It’s a licensed Disney product too.

Cheesy Choc-Oreo (RM 16.10)

oreo mooncake

I know that my dear loves Oreo (have bought chocolate covered Oreos for her before) and this mooncake seems very promising. It’s a baked mooncake and it’s good but it’s nothing to write home about. It’s just passable but not really breaking any new ground. It does have real Oreo cookies inside though.

Supreme Manju (RM 16.50)

supreme manju 2013

This outstanding mooncake is what the both of us liked the most this year! It was heavily promoted by The Baker’s Cottage – there’s a huge poster saying something along the lines of “2013 new flavor” and so I decided to get one of it to check out.

supreme manju mooncake

It’s bubble wrapped and treated with a lot of respect. This one is baked in-house unlike the licensed Disney mooncakes…and it’s delicious!

The Supreme Manju truly lives up to its name (which I take to mean “supreme satisfaction”) – it’s a Cantonese style Shanghai mooncake with flaky pastry and a toasted pecan nut on top. There’s just something about the combination of the style of the mooncake (always loved Shanghai style pastry over baked or snow skin mooncakes) with the salted egg yolk, mung bean and lotus seed paste combined with maple and custard.

supreme manju

It just works! We just opened it last night (as in Saturday night) and we both loved it! It’s not only cheaper than Tai Thong’s offerings but it’s a new flavor that is so edible, so delicious that my dearest told me it makes you want to have another bite just after finishing one. I agree, the flavor profile is amazing and I wish I had gotten more of this flagship bakery mooncake. It get the title of Best of 2013 from us! 🙂

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15 thoughts on “Mid-Autumn 2013 Mooncake Roundup: Beverage flavored, Disney and Musang King mooncakes!”

    • Yeah, it’s pretty good but their Supreme Manju is the one that caught us by surprise! 🙂

      It’s their flagship new mooncake for 2013 – Shanghai style with apparently 3 chefs having a hand in it (it has a lot of different influences with its use of maple syrup and custard with traditional lotus seed.

      I wish I had gotten more of that! I got 40% discount coz I bought on the day itself somemore.

    • It’s quite good Adele! 🙂

      You can only get them once a year, loved the GODIVA ones and the Manju Supreme – a new flavor that came out this year.

  1. Oh my…. durian! didn’t get to taste too much this year, my parents are not fans of moon cakes, hehe. I had some yogurt blueberry thingy from baker’s cottage too and i thought it was just mediocre though…

    • Oh yeah, I know that yogurt blueberry mooncake! 🙂

      I nearly bought it too but I already bought way too much mooncakes so I didn’t. Good to know that it didn’t taste so good so there’s no big loss.

      Their Manju Supreme is good though!

      However, if you ask me I think Tai Thong Musang King is better than Baker’s Cottage – just slightly.

    • Nice! 🙂

      Me too! I love mooncakes and I like mooncakes of all sorts! I’ve even eaten savory (not the fruit, nuts and pork but replications of dishes) mooncakes before – there was one year (2005?) where one local Kuching company tried doing that.

    • We still have some! 🙂

      I bought way too much this year but it’s all good since it’s an annual thing.

      I liked some of them, some of them were a bit blah (expected more from the Oreo mooncake) but loved the GODIVA ones and the Supreme Manju (Shanghai mooncake with Eastern and Western influences).

  2. Wow…you’ve tried so many types/flavors of mooncakes. I used to like trying all sort of new flavors. Duno why lately I preferred the traditional flavor – Lotus with Single Yolk. hehehe…..

    • That’s what my better half likes too! 🙂

      White lotus with single yolk. There are a lot of low sugar versions this year and the GODIVA Mid-Autumn box set is a great gift idea but the best (semi-traditional) mooncake we had is the Manju Supreme.

      I bought it from Baker’s Cottage, we both didn’t expect much from it but it was so delicious – maple syrup with lotus paste – it’s a fusion mooncake with Eastern and Western influences!

  3. Indeed dear, the supreme manju is the best mooncake we had amongst the all. For the snowskin, I will vote for the durian for sure =)

    Thanks for taking the trouble to get the Disney Mooncake and also my fav Oreo for me dear! Hugs…

    • Yeah, I agree dear! 🙂

      I think the durian coulis mooncake you bought for me is the best of this year! The Musang King one from Baker’s Cottage slightly not as good coz it doesn’t have durian flesh but tastes better the more you eat it. The best is still Supreme Manju.

      I’m glad you liked the Oreo one dear! I wanted to get for you coz we went there once but too many people so I waited till the last day (and even more people was there haha). <3


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