The Dandy

the dandy comic

I was browsing through a bookshop with a couple of friends when I
chanced upon this comic – The Dandy! I remember reading this in the
Sibu Public Library when I was in primary school. I instantly
recognized the familiar Desperate Dan character from the cover. He’s my
favorite character in The Dandy.

yugioh stickerpop

I remember The Dandy used to be much thicker. It’s just a couple of
pages now. I haven’t read this for more than a decade and decided to
pick one up, just for nostalgia’s sake. It has a Yu-Gi-Oh StickerPop
free with the issue and I misread the date of publication for 17th
January 2003 and wanted to see if it was still edible after more than a
year. Yeah, I like doing things like this. :p

It was actually the 17th January 2004 issue…I only noticed that
when I took the photo just now. Oh well, it would be fun to read
anyway. This comic (graphic novel, it’s not) retails for RM 5.50. One
thing I noticed about comics is the level of detail each frame has,
unlike the spartan manga drawings. You see details that you haven’t
noticed before with each re-read.

dandy yugioh stickerpop

Anyway, the StickerPop is definitely edible and it came with this
sticker of some Yu-Gi-Oh character. I guess that’s why they call it a
StickerPop. I love this strip with Desperate Dan eating his trademark
cow pies (the pies has horns and a tail sticking out of it) that his
overworked aunt churns out:

desperate dan

One of the simple pleasures in life – eating the Tutti Frutti Flavor
Yu-Gi-Oh! StickerPop (with chewy candy center) while reading The Dandy.
Sweet nostalgia.

Kiss Me – Orange Ginger

kiss me orange ginger

This is the classic Kiss Me “cough drops” in the Orange Ginger
variety. I like this flavor compared to the other varieties like cherry
(too cloying), blueberry (hmm…) etc. There is a small picture of a
woman coughing on the sweet packaging:

kiss me girl

Despite the apparent target market, Kiss Me candies are eaten as
normal sweets. I used to remember them being widely available and
they’re in the top 5 most popular sweets when I was in primary and high

kiss me sweet

This is what the orange ginger type looks like. There are bits of
slightly darker orange embedded in the candy – I suppose that’s the
“ginger” bit in “orange ginger”.

I have no angst filled posts to make because nothing bothers me. I
keep up with news but I feel no urge to add further commentary.
Benzodiazepines – the Soma of Brave New World. I have become less
human, uncaring and unfeeling. Or more human than human, evolving
beyond the petty issues and folly that concerns mere mortals. πŸ˜‰
Depending on which way you want to look at it really…half empty, half

Of course, here at we always aim to please. That last
bit was all tongue in cheek and is not meant to offend. Jesus Christ,
chill out already, have a Xanax or something, you guys are so strung
out. πŸ˜‰

Cadbury’s ChocShots

cadbury chocshots

Remember the Choki Choki tubes of chocolates we had as kids? It’s
all grown up now, and wants to be referred to as ChocShots. “Choki
Choki, have some please, Choki Choki for all your kids” this is not.
This is Choc Shots by Cadbury.

smug chocshots

Just look at the naughty look on his face as he fists himself to an
ecstatic finish. Puberty is a hard time (no pun intended) for
confectionary too, you know.


Choc Shots retails for RM 1 for five of these brown phallic tubes.

chocshot action

Here’s how it works for people who haven’t eaten an equivalent
candy. Basically, you squeeze it and well…stuff comes out. And you
eat that stuff.

chocshots picit

There is something very wrong with the printed instructions at the backs. It says:

Picit ke dalam mulut.
Pencet dan masukkan kedalam mulut.

which translates to:

Squirt into mouth.
Squeeze and put it into your mouth.

That comes with a face wearing a shit eating grin as he takes the
ejaculatory substance of something from a tube. Oh, the corruption of
the fragile little minds out there…

face chocshot

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…but look at the messy load he shot on my papers! I feel violated…

Sin Kwang Foochow Big Pau

foochow big pau

There is a shop in Jalan Padungan selling Foochow Big Paus. I passed
by while driving to work today and decided to check out the place to
see how large these buns actually are. I was not disappointed.

big pau display

There is only one option if you want the big (huge) pau – the
chicken ones. It goes for RM 2 – ask for Chicken Pau (Big) and you’ll
get what you want. Behold the sheer girth of the Foo Chow big pau:

big pau size
Bigger is better!

I’ve put it beside my drink and a couple of coins for a size
comparison. It’s much bigger than the largest offerings of McDonald’s
or Burger King. There’s also one of those squeezable bottles containing
chilli sauce that’s provided with the bun (a pau is a bun containing
meat inside), but IMHO it spoils the taste of the huge chicken paus.

big pau inside

Here’s a photo showing the inside of the big pau. It has chicken
(obviously) and egg. The chicken isn’t the grinded up kind but actual
chicken chunks. I was a little appalled by the size of the bun and the
big pau will be enough as lunch for most people.

Now, if only I could figure out why they call it Foochow Big Pau when all the shop proprietors converse in Hokkien…

Ferrero Prestige


Ferrero Prestige is the combination box with Ferrero Rocher, Mon
Cheri and Ferrero Manderly. This is the smallest box, with three of
each. I had an urge to buy it even though I didn’t really feel like
eating it. I woke up a little past noon, went out to get something to
eat and we went to Giants coz one of my housemates wanted to get
something and we were in the area. I saw this and the evil, evil
configuration and packaging thought up by the marketing folks down at
Ferrero made me buy it. Have a chocolate while I sit on my ass and
watch a movie or something:

Ferrero Manderly, Mon Cheri, Ferrero Rocher or the other Roche product?

I can never spell Rocher properly coz of the mental association with Roche.

Famous Amos Premium Chocolate Chip with Pecan Nut cookies

Famous Amos

I love Famous Amos cookies…have a fondness for them ever since I
was a kid. There wasn’t any in Sibu at that time, and my dad travels to
KL very frequently so I always get him to buy some back. Much later, a
franchise opened in Kuching, which makes things easier. Anyway, this
200 gram bag of Premium Chocolate Chip w/ Pecan Nut is one of my
favorites. I usually go for this or the Double Chocolate Chip w/ Pecan
Nut. I proudly present to you, the return of the HandCam [] after more than a year:

*lights* *camera* *action*

Thanks for all your concern everyone, I appreciate all the emails,
SMS, IM’s and phone calls for support. I’m glad the blogger community
is looks out for each other. I’m okay though, and I’m still in a
relationship. πŸ™‚ I’ll post again tomorrow, too sleepy right now. Take
care everyone!

Big pink cupcake with yellow fringes


This is definitely the largest cupcake I’ve ever seen…used to eat
them when I was young, they were purely white then, but the colored
varieties do pop up once in a while. They all taste the same though. I
got this at Bangsar pasar malam just now. I haven’t seen one that comes
in such a big variety before and two of us couldn’t finish it. It’s
pictured next to an RM 1 coin, but it doesn’t seem to show the scale of
the big cupcake well. It’s about 3-4 times bigger than the normal sized
ones and it’s in a large plastic container base.


Anyway, when I was young, I would only eat the top parts – the four
soft chunks on the top and leave the bottom part for someone else to
eat, which usually would be my father. I did not like the crumbly and
relatively hard base – only the soft top then. Strangely though, this
variety goes against the soft top – hard base mould. The bottom of this
is softer than the top and the top chunks taste like the bottom of the
normal ones.

Isabelle’s Chicken Sandwich


Ramuan: Roti segar, sayur segar, cili berempah, bawang, lada hitam, lada sulah, majerin.

Does this look familiar? The packaging is similar to the Mega Chicken Delice
[] and it appears to be visually indistinguishable. It’s
made by the same company too and it’s at the same price range. However,
Isabelle’s Chicken Sandwich seems to have superceded Mega Chicken
Delice as the latter could not be found anymore. This is a real shame
because the ingredients are different if you look closely.


Isabelle’s Chicken Sandwich does not have cheese, and it doesn’t
have mayo! Sacrilage! It tastes positively bland in comparison with the
Mega Chicken Delight, which will sadly be missed. The new chicken
sandwich is just too dry and bland compared to the previous one. R.I.P.
Mega Chicken Delice.

BOMBA REDenergy drink

BOMBA RED energy.

I found this interesting looking drink at 7 Eleven. It’s in a glass
bottle shaped like a hand granade, complete with the pull off cap
looking like the priming pin in a grenade. The bottle costs RM 3.50 for
250 ml and it’s marketed as an “energy drink”.

Open your mind.

Unless my math is screwed up (and I’ve always stated that this is
very possible), the bomb shaped glass bottle contains a paltry 37.5 mg
of caffeine. The label states that the total caffeine content is 150
mg/l and the bottle is 250 ml. The product is made in Austria.

Bomba RED label.

The speel on the label also says that it’s a “Carbonated energy
drink with taurine, caffeine and guarana.” and has a warning stating
“Pasteurized. Not recommended for children, diabetics and persons
sensitive to caffeine.”. I’m interested to know why a non-dairy based
drink need to be pasteurized.

Photo of BOMBA RED energy – different angle.

Anyway, back to the taste of Bomba Energy Red, it tasted like
raspberries. It’s quite sweet, refreshing and tastes better than other
energy drinks. I can’t really vouch for the “energy” behind these
“energy drinks” though…I don’t mean to sound like a “chemical snob”,
but I’m just used to stimulants that are stronger than what caffeine

However, the eye catching packaging and the novel hand grenade
design glass bottle would make this an interesting purchase. The
attention to detail is attractive, it even has those squarish tiles
covering the surface of the bottle. I would say it’s worth the RM 3.50
price just for the nice presentation.

The empty Bomba bomb shaped glass botle.

Dragon fruit photos


Here are my photos of this fruit which has been previously been
mentioned by many other bloggers. I got a couple of this at the Bangsar
pasar malam (only open on Sundays) – AFAIK it goes for RM 1 each to RM
8 for 10. The interior looks like this:


The skin is peeled from above, it’s like a banana in that sense, no
need for knives or peelers. Here’s what dragon fruit looks like after a
couple of bites:

The inside of a “dragon fruit”.

Anyway, I have much work to do, will have to come in tomorrow as
well…my apologies, is not launching anytime soon, there
are some legal issues I will have to check out before giving veritas
the green light to mass post his considerable backposts (all with
photos). Malaysia is not very friendly to recreational drug users, and
I heard during mid autumn’s eve dinner last night that I may be liable
for posts made on my site so until further notice, veritas would not be
posting…sorry about that, I have an ass to cover too.

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