KFC Tom Yam Crunch

finger lickin tom yam
It’s finger lickin’ good Tom Yam!

Tom Yam Crunch is the latest incarnation of the tried and true
Kentucky Fried Chicken’s…er, chicken. There’s now Hot & Spicy
(introduced in the mid ’90s) and Tom Yam Crunch in addition to Original
Recipe. There is no indication that Tom Yam Crunch will be a “limited
edition” run, so I’m assuming that it’s going to be fully integrated
into the KFC chicken menu.

sanders tom yam

It even receives Colonel Sander’s approval in this promo runout. πŸ˜‰
It goes “Your favourite chicken, now in Tom Yam. Try It!” I’m sure most
of you have seen the TV commercials about this as well. I can’t say
that I’m chomping at the bit to try it, since it seems to be just a bit
of spices thrown on a fried chicken, and that doesn’t inspire me to
make an immediate visitation to see how well it tastes.

kfc tom yam crunch

Here’s another one of the promotional posters…this one goes “Tom
Yam now served inside. (Spoons and bowls not required)”. I should not
have gone late at night during Labor Day though because the place was
absolutely packed. Nevertheless, we wrestled the hordes of hungry
patrons and placed our order for KFC’s new Tom Yam Crunch Chicken.

tomyam crunch

The first impression did not give any visual clues to differentiate
these pieces of chicken parts to the standard offerings. However, when
a bite was taken out of a drumstick – that’s when the Tom Yam taste
shines out. It does taste like Tom Yam! It’s remarkably similar to Tom
Yam. I’ll even go so far to say that if someone liquidifies the skin
and feeds it to me in a blind taste test with the other item being real
Tom Yam soup, I’ll have a hard time differentiating it!

tom yam crunch macro

Okay that last bit was a bit too far, but you get my point. πŸ˜‰ I
find that Tom Yam Crunch is a great addition to the existing flavours
of Kentucky Fried Chicken’s meat (which is exclusively chicken, this is
moot). It was spicy and preserves the Tom Yam essence with its skin.
Only the skin has the Tom Yam taste, the inside doesn’t. The macro
photo above shows the smattering of spices on the skin of a piece of

tom yam xtreme

There is an existing promotion that sells Nestle Drumstick X-treme
for only RM 1.50 instead of RM 2.60 with any order of Tom Yam Crunch.
We opted into that promotion, I like the X-treme ice creams, it’s like
chocolate times two.

tom yam crunch chicken

Back to the chicken, my girlfriend liked it as well, though she said
it was a little too spicy and she didn’t like the signature sourish
taste of Tom Yam that permeated this Tom Yam Crunch chicken.
Personally, I feel that it’s a great addition to KFC’s meagre stable of
chicken flavors. It’s faithful to the Tom Yam essence and yet manages
to strike a balance between that and the tricky bit of infusing a fried
chicken piece with that flavor. They did it well. I give it a thumbs up!

tom yam ask for it
KFC Tom Yam Crunch. Ask for it!

Sambal Pocket of Persia

sambal persia ad

This is the new sambal variant of the Pocket of Persia. I saw the
commercial advertising a new sambal flavoured Pocket of Persia on
Discovery’s Travel and Adventure channel, of all things. Anyway, I went
to the KFC at Wisma Sanyan after getting a haircut today and sure
enough – they have a sambal version of the Pocket of Persia.

sambal in pita

The new tagline is The sambal’s in the Pita instead of The secret’s in the Pita
[sixthseal.com] in the normal version. It also states that the new
Pocket of Persia comes with sambal sauce and crispy cucumbers:

sambal di dalam pita

However it does taste quite different – the sambal goes surprisingly
well with the other ingredients, much better than chilli IMHO, so this
makes for a delicious change.

sambal pocket persia

There is no difference to the new sambal Pocket of Persia besides
the replacement of the chilli sauce for sambal and some cucumbers, but
that seems to make a world of difference in taste. I liked it.

Pocket of Persia @ KFC


This is the new Pocket of Persia at Kentucky Fried Chicken. It comes in a nice cardboard package with a sticker sealing it.

Pocket of Persia!

The inside of the “Pocket of Persia” contains a pita with two
chicken strips, lettuce, tomatoes, mayo and salsa. Salsa. The horrible,
horrible flashbacks from the time I consumed a two jars of Doritos
Salsa and three packs of corn chips by the same manufacturer and puked
when I had the munchies last time…


Nevermind…here’s a photos of the inside of the Prince of Persia
pita (uneaten). Here’s one that had a couple of bites taken out of it:


I wonder how they manage to get these perfect bites for food
photos…probably a teeth model (like a finger model) trained to take
nice bites to leave appropriate teeth marks. Regardless, it didn’t look
like the picture on the table ad beside, though it did warn that the
serving featured is for illustration purposes only.

Pocket of Persia table ad.

Well, I had the combo meal and IMHO, Pocket of Persia just tastes
like a Twister, except now it comes in a taco shell…nothing to write
home about and be careful about that salsa sauce if you’ve had a bad
experience before.

Tear along perforated lines. Remove top flap. Indulge!

Oh and I found out the “right” way to eat it after I’m done…the
packet was made to be eaten without getting your hands dirty. There
were illustrations for the comprehension challenged at the back, but
unfortunately they did not account for people who doesn’t RTFM. That’s
not very nice KFC, I demand reparations since companies are supposed to
cater to the lowest common denominator and now my hands are all dirty,
requiring me to wash them (RM 0.40 for soap and RM 3.42 for my
time)…and don’t even get me going about McDonald’s and their hot
coffee…I didn’t read the “Cautions: Contents may be hot”, oh my poor

Anyway, what the fuck was I doing at KFC when I should be at work
like a normal, productive drone of society? I had the flu…caught it
yesterday and it took a turn for the worse today, fever, chills, runny
nose (hate this one), muscle aches etc so I went to see the nearest
doctor. We actually have two medical cards from the office that allows
us to see doctors for free, but unfortunately this polyclinic I go
(within walking distance) to is not on the list, will have to request
an addition tomorrow.

Demam + Selsema

I asked what’s in the selsema (flu) pills, I’m sure its an
anti-histamine of some sort, just wanted to know which ones. The nurse
told me the flu tablets are Piriton (GlaxoSmithKline) tablets
containing 4 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate each and the fever tablets
had paracetamol in them. At least I think that was what she told
me…selsema = flu and demam = fever right?

My liver is going to hate me if I’m wrong…took 3 x 4 mg of the
antihistamines with my usual prescription and some ethanol containing
beverages, and that last one doesn’t like to play nice with
paracetamol. I’m pretty sure I took the right one though – runny nose
cleared right up within the hour. πŸ™‚

Hello, my name is Huai Bin, this is my MC:


I’ll reply the comments tomorrow okay? My apologies, I’m still
feeling under the weather, so I’m going to lie down and watch
Smallville. Hmm…did I say that out loud, write it or just think it? πŸ˜‰

Old Simpsons reference.

Sibu’s Parking System

Sibu’s Parking Coupon

It’s been a while but I still hate doing this…basically you have to
punch holes out of a parking coupon (scanned image above – good thing
my scanner is still available) and leave it on the dashboard so it’s
visible through the windshield. There are five sections to remove and
even though I usually like doing things like this (popping bubble wrap,
depressing that thingy on the cover of McDonald’s soft drinks etc.),
this isn’t fun for someone who answers “I don’t know” to “What date is
it today?”. πŸ™‚ It’s a good thing I have a Palm for dates, the time is
alright though, there’s always the car clock and the cell phone one.
The other problem with this is the way it has changed the way people
park…while it used to be (usually) obvious whether a car is parking in
or moving out, it now isn’t. Malaysia is hot, so people leave the
engine running to have the air conditioning going while messing about
with these parking coupons. You’ll all be sitting there waiting and
thinking, hmm…has this guy just parked in and getting the coupons done
or is he arranging his groceries (or whatever) before driving out?

The worst thing with the coupon system in Sibu is the way you have
to put as many as you’re going to park for eg if you want to park for 3
hours, you need to perforate 6 coupons (each lasts half an hour) and
put them all in a row on your windshield. The problem is there is only
one denomination available – the 40 cents (42 cents with tax to be
concise) one, which lasts 30 minutes. The people who need to park for
the whole day needs to put rows upon rows of parking coupons to cover
the time, and making sure to arrange it properly so none is partially
obscured, or they’ll see The Red Ticket (parking fine) on their
windshield wiper. I mean wtf? Am I the only one who thinks there’s
something wrong with this? 6 hours of parking requires 12 coupons and
these things are not small – they’re the length of a standard DVD case
and about 4/6 the width of it. Come out with higher denomination
coupons for Christ’s sake.


Anyway, I got fined yesterday because I over parked for a measly 7
minutes. The parking fine (dubbed the “Overparking Compound Notice”) is
RM 1 per 30 minutes, more than twice the price of the coupon, which
isn’t much, so I don’t really care, I just feel that the system isn’t
practical for long term parking unless they come out with higher
denomination coupons like Kuching has. Oh, the back of the parking fine
has Fine Print that’s quite interesting – have a read:


Well, I’ll just give a quick update (personal stuff) about the things that happened yesterday and today:

I went to Wisma Sanyan early yesterday morning with my gf to buy
some stuff she needs before leaving for KL. The parking fine was from
then, I the parking inspectors usually aren’t that vigilant, so I
figured we could drop by Tops to get something to drink before heading
to the car. We saw the Parking Inspector’s Employee of the Month
walking right past as we headed back, curses. πŸ™‚


Anyway, I also picked up a pirated (unlicensed) VCD of Finding Nemo
to watch in the afternoon with my gf. It was funny how the store
operates – since the raids, they have only legit things on display, but
there are plenty of posters of new movies ie Matrix Reloaded, Charlie’s
Angels 2, Hulk, Terminator 3 etc on display. Basically, they ARE
selling pirated VCDs and DVDs of the pirated movies displayed in the
posters, so just ask at the counter, and the girl will dig around the
back room and be back with the movie of your choice in a few seconds.
πŸ˜‰ Other prices are still selling it openly though, but unfortunately,
Sibu saw an increase in price from RM 5 to RM 8 per movie since the
raids. It should stabilize back soon though, seems that the operation
is over.

I saw heaps of people at the Sibu Town Square last night for the
Borneo Cultural Festival, it was PACKED. People were parking in that
road divider between two opposing roads (the ones that has the street
lights). Man, I wished my digicam was working. I didn’t go though, coz
I was going for dinner.

My gf went back to KL this morning. πŸ™ Her semester started about a
week ago, so she’s already going over late. I drove her and her mom to
the airport this morning and we got some breakfast there before she
took the 10:05 am Air Asia flight out. I will be seeing her soon
though, will be heading over to KL in a while as well.


The picture above was taken about two weeks ago (my digicam still
broken – only scanner working), I had wanted to make it PoTD with a
crack about “San Pedro tastes so good, the Mexicans want it back” but
never got around to doing it. That’s okay, since I finally went to eat
KFC’s Bandito Pockett combo meal today (comes with a drink and potato
wedges) with Michelle, friend and pharmacy student. πŸ˜‰ I was on my out
when she called me so we went for lunch and then visited our ex-high
school. Oh, the Bandito tastes okay…a bit bland (had to keep on adding
Thai chili sauce) and you get to buy a 325 ml can of Pepsi Twist for
just 10 cents if you buy it with the meal. I wasn’t really interested
at first, until I thought of something it would go well with.

That’s it, the story of my personal life up to now. πŸ™‚

My kingdom for a thigh

I went to the KFC in Wisma Sanyan today to get some chicken for
dinner. I wanted a 3-piece set with ALL THIGHS, but apparently, that
would be a problem:

Me: Hello, I’ll like the 3-piece set, all thighs please
Cashier: I’m sorry sir, we’re not allowed to give the customers
so many thighs during peak hours. You can have drums, breast meat or
wings though.
Me: Hmm…then I’ll take 2 thighs and a drumstick
Cashier: Er…actually we’re only supposed to give out one thigh per order
Me: Oh alright, I’ll just have a thigh, a drumstick and a wing

I didn’t even have any problems getting all thighs from that
particular branch before. They must be having a backlog of breast meat
today to do that. I’ll rate my preference as thigh, drums, wings in
that order. I don’t even like breast meat. It’s just too dry and tough.

Anyway, the road running parallel to the 4-storey SMC car park is so
hard to navigate now. Who had the bright idea to put so many barriers
to streamline the traffic? It’s just 4 lanes and 3 of them turn right,
so there is no need for so many of those things. It was implemented
recently too, and I drove over one of them inadvertently while driving
to Wisma Sanyan. Sheesh…luckily I swerved in time to avoid hitting
the “Turn Left” sign.

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