Massive Park

massive park

Massive Park
is an attire outlet in Miri that has a portfolio that features mainly Taiwanese street wear.

massive park owner

Faye decided to buy me two casual long sleeved shirts since she noticed that my wardrobe for work on Saturday is limited to a Nike sweater and a DKNY trench coat (both from my days in Melbourne).

massive park present

I have to wear long sleeves even on our Casual Saturdays at work due to my visible tattoos which is officially against company policy.

massive park girl

I also got the cute shop assistant to pose for a photograph. I didn’t manage to get one with her we were late for a movie but this will go into the XX Chromosome category anyway due to the MILF proprietor and the adorable shop assistant. πŸ™‚

Clubbing in Miri

cheerie berries

I went clubbing in Miri three (3) nights in a row and ended up spending two days to recover from it all. There is a central clubbing district (CCD?) of sorts at Cheerie Berries, which sounds like a euphemism for MDMA (berries that makes you cheery?). Balcony, Island and numerous other clubs are concentrated in that area.


I was at Balcony all three nights. The place was absolutely packed on Saturday night with no standing room, much less elbow space. It’s a popular club with the college students and the 20 somethings but people in their late 30’s might find themselves a little bit out of place here.

balcony bar

Balcony has a glass aquarium feature above the bar area where there is a real life shark swimming inside. You can catch a glimpse of our finned friend in the video here:

Balcony Video

chivas regal

I don’t remember much of Balcony the first day due to excessive consumption of a certain NMDA antagonist but the place actually does have a balcony as well as a pretty good dance floor.

balcony dj

The DJ at Balcony mostly plays commercial trance music as well as popular dance hits. I spent most of my nights here hanging out with friends.

rex box ktv

I also went to Rex Box Karaoke MV which…er, pays homage to the popular Red Box KTV franchise in KL and the private rooms upstairs.

rex box

Red Box, I mean Rex Box, is meant as a more legitimate KTV lounge with private rooms.

rex box staircase

There is a staircase going up decorated with a cabinet full of…empty bottles of distilled spirits.

de-luxe karaoke

The two joints are owned by the same proprietor and the “private club” upstairs is called De-Luxe Karaoke and has rooms named after cities in China e.g. Shanghai, Hainan, Xiamen etc.

de-luxe interior

You get an idea of the clientele that patronizes this joint from the interior decor. I was there with a group of 30 other…er, gentlemen of less-than-stellar repute under the same…union, shall we say.

may ketamine

May kindly gave me an RM 1 note coz I was thirsty and wanted to get a bottle of mineral water. It was soiled with some kind of powder which I blew off. Unfortunately, I inhaled instead of exhaled. Bummer.

de-luxe dodgy

There were a lot of China girls inside and things going on involving various substances. It was all very open since this was apparently their stomping grounds. It’s a rather dodgy place and completely dark with only the large projection TV for illumination and loud bass music flooding the room. The place stays open until 7 am in the morning!


The other joint I went to was V-Gas Pub and Lounge where May wanted to hang out after hours. It was still open at 3:30 am but the lights were not lit on the signage.

v-gas bar

It’s not really a lounge per se but rather a disco of sorts with a bar seating area.

v-gas disco

V-Gas plays a lot of hard trance and some people can be seen doing the Miri Shuffle.

The Miri Clubbing Photos:

may me faye

May, Huai Bin (me) and Faye doing two NMDA antagonists (alcohol is an NMDA antagonist too).

bitch leash

Damned bitch had me on a leash. πŸ˜‰

faye lv me

Faye, LV and myself drinking at Balcony.

girl on girl

There was a little bit of girl on girl action going on…


…and I figured I should make it FFM. πŸ˜‰


I have no caption for this one. Huddle puddle? Cringe inducing term.

me back

I took off my clothes at some point – and I have no recollection of that until I went through the photos. Interesting…

I kinda regretted doing the clubbing thing three (3) nights in a row coz it got really tiring after the second night. I wished I had gone to Mulu for a proper nature retreat but the flights were all fully booked. Nevertheless, I see this as an insight into the Miri nightlife that I have now experienced. There’s a lot of people who Party Hearty (TM) over there. πŸ™‚

Dim Sum @ Han Palace, Grand Palace Hotel

han palace

Han Palace has a Dim Sum promotion from 8 am to 2 pm Thursday to Sunday. It’s apparently quite popular and I thought it was a dim sum buffet, but it’s not – it’s a la carte dim sum dishes for weekend mornings.

grand palace hotel

Han Palace is on the second floor of Grand Palace Hotel, Miri. I went there with Faye for some food before heading to the beach after just four hours of sleep compounded to a hefty sleep debt incurred during all the clubbing in Miri.

han palace interior

Han Palace is a Chinese restaurant, with an interior decor resembling…well, just about every other Chinese restaurants out there. I don’t know, y’all look alike to me. πŸ˜‰

dim sum setting

The tables are set with the standard napkin and Chinese cutlery – soup spoon and chopsticks, with a plate, saucer and Chinese tea cup. It doubles as a Chinese restaurant at night and the setting is what you would expect in similar joints, except Han Palace is doing a dim sum promotion brunch.

tie guan yin

Tea is served the moment you are seated, with a waitress pouring out a hot cup with the blend of your choice for you. You can gaze at the tea leaves and attempt to predict your future by the way the tea leaves settle in the cup. There’s even a name for it – Tasseography. The divinations I gleaned from reading the tea leaves told me that this is a blend of Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess of Mercy) Tea and it would cost RM 4.10 ++ for the pot.

steamed dim sum

The dim sum is carted out from the kitchen regularly with fresh offerings straight from the dim sum chef. The push cart is heated and the waiter goes around to every table with the dim sum options for you to pick and choose. There is a card on the table that is marked accordingly with each dim sum dish that you take from the cart. It’s a good system that works.

fried dim sum

There is also fried dim sum offerings in addition to the traditional steamed dim sum. This is presented on a separate cart by a different waitress so there’s two dim sum carts going around at any time – one with the steamed dim sum offerings and one with the fried dim sum options.

premium dim sum

There is also a third cart, presumably manned by the head waiter, which has the premium dim sum offerings on it. This cart only comes out occasionally and the waiter will also take orders for a particular dim sum that you have a hankering for. It kinda works like a sushi train – except this one is the Dim Sum Cart (TM).

han palace dim sum

We picked a couple of dim sum baskets to begin with. Han Palace serves two kinds of dim sum – Steamed Hong Kong Dim Sum and Fried Hong Kong Dim Sum. Each item on the cart costs RM 4.35 ++ each. The standardized pricing is achieved by increasing or decreasing the amount and size of the items in the dim sum baskets.

phoenix claw

This is the Steamed Phoenix Claw in Minced Garlic. Phoenix Claw is a euphemism for chicken feet. The Chinese eat a lot of the parts of the chicken that is shunned by other cultures. One other example is the Bishop Nose, which is the preferred euphemism for chicken’s ass.

chicken cube

This is the Chicken Cube with Dried Oysters and Prawns. It’s done Thai style, with sliced chilli on top. It tastes great but the portion is a little bit too small, probably due to the premium ingredients.

custard bun

This is the Baked Mini Egg Custard Roll Spanish Style that the waitress recommended. It was surprisingly good – the custard is warm and practically drools out of the roll the moment you bite into it. Delicious!

shanghai bun

This is the Shanghai Siew Long Pau. It’s a staple of dim sum where the meat is steamed inside the paper thin pau (requires careful handling) until the essence (juices) comes out in a form of soup inside the bun. You’re supposed to take a small bite and suck the soup out before consuming the rest of the bun in one bite.

seafood roll

This is the Fried Seafood Spring Roll and is served with a side of mayonnaise. It’s cut up into manageable pieces with a pair of scissors by the waitress before being served. This is not a strictly traditional dim sum dish but most dim sum offerings have local fusion influences anyway.

dim sum sleep

I was practically falling asleep at the table due to the considerable sleep debt I was running up during my trip to Miri. No, that isn’t an expression of ecstatic anticipation of a particularly delicious morsel of dim sum on my palate. It’s the manifestation of a post-lunch coma.

dim sum gucci

I figured I’ll be better off wearing Faye’s new RM 1,400 Gucci sunglasses to hide my less-than-presentable eyes from the combination of sleep deprivation and substance consumption. πŸ˜‰

glutinous chicken rice

I did wake up when the dim sum cart with lo mai gai (Glutinous Chicken Rice) came over to our table though. This is another dim sum staple that is very popular.

lo mai gai

Han Palace does a great lo mai gai but the best I’ve ever had was this microwave version that I got from the supermarket when I was probably 12 or so and have never found the product on the shelves since.

dim sum us

Han Palace has a wide range of freshly made dim sum during weekend mornings. The price range is affordable too, considering the hotel setting and it’s a nice place for some air-conditioned comfort while enjoying a friends/family gathering.



This is May, a friend I met in Miri and got acquainted with while out clubbing three (3) nights in a row. I didn’t actually remember seeing her the first night but she saw me and was surprised to see me the second night and didn’t actually recognize me at first. I was…er, under the influence of a certain NMDA antagonist and had to be helped out of Balcony the first night and the second time I saw her was when I was completely sober during dinner and she was kind enough to pay me the compliment that I was a lot more good looking than her initial impression. πŸ˜‰

may me

May looks really hot in person but she’s unfortunately spoken for and unavailable. Hmm…I seem to know a lot of “Calender Girls” – I know two (2) Aprils, five (5) Mays, and a June. It was fun hanging out with her for three nights in a row in Miri.

Ipoh Town Kopitiam

ipoh town kopitiam

Ipoh Town Kopitiam is a hugely successful franchise that takes the old skool kopitiam (coffee shop) concept and markets it to the new generation. Gone are the rickety stools and chipped marble tables, replaced with air-conditioning and Wi-Fi. I went to the beach during my last day in Miri and we dropped by the Ipoh Town Kopitiam to get a hot cup of coffee before heading back home.

ipoh white coffee

Ipoh Town Kopitiam is plastered with informative wall length displays on the origins of the franchise and introduces Ipoh White Coffee. Ipoh White Coffee is associated with Ipoh and is a mixture of “white” and “black” coffee blended in the traditional Malaysian method originating from Old Town Ipoh.

ipoh town kopitam interior

The franchise serves a wide range of traditional kopitiam food such as soft boiled eggs as well as a variety of tea and coffee. The ambiance of Ipoh Town Kopitiam is reminiscent of the golden old days of ye olde coffee shops, which has been popularized nowadays with other franchises like Cuppa Kopi Roti.

Ipoh Town “Cham” Coffee Tea Mix (RM 2.20)

ipoh town cham

I ordered the Ipoh Town Cham. Cham is the Hokkien word for “mix” and it’s a hot drink consisting of equal amounts of coffee and tea. It tastes pretty good actually and warmed me up after my swim at the beach in Miri (and later being rained on). I was also wearing a wet pair of swimwear under my clothes so I appreciated the heat from the drink.

Ipoh Town White Coffee (RM 2.20)

ipoh town white coffee

Faye had the iced version of the Ipoh Town White Coffee despite the heavy rain (which was what drove us from the beach in seek of shelter in the first place). She later denied ordering it and promptly appropriated my drink…despite the fact that my swimming trunks were still wet under my pants and I was literally freezing my balls off.

ipoh town us

Guess which blog the Pocket PC is logged on to?

KJ’s house in Miri

kj house

I stayed at KJ’s house in the Pujut area in Miri during my trip there. He just bought it and had it renovated and invited us to stay for the duration of our vacation. In return, I drove his Hilux down from Sibu to Miri for him. I flew back though, I couldn’t imagine the horrors that would await me during a 6 hour drive after being hungover and er…recovering, so to speak, from the various substances that I accidentally ingested during the trip. πŸ˜‰

kj living room

It’s still not fully renovated yet, but the living room is pretty much done and most of the fittings are in place. I like the long reclining sofa that’s in front of the TV. And also persian rugs that will lend a beautiful elegance to home. You can find more varieties of area rugs with oriental flair.

kj gym

He installed an exercise machine (mini gym?) in one corner that I tried to utilize…for about two minutes before I gave up…

kj lounge

…and went back to lounging about on the couch.

kj us

Faye was staying there as well – we drove down together, with her taking the first leg of the journey to Tatau while I slept for an hour and me taking over the wheel after that, all the way to Miri.

kj bedroom

This is the bedroom I slept in. There are two queen beds to it can comfortably sleep four (4) people if you’re so inclined. It’s just right for two (2) people though.

kj hot tub

He even had a hot tub installed with jets of water in the master bedroom!

Thanks for the hospitality! It saved us from having to shack up in a hotel, which would have made the trip even more of a costly venture with the…er, misplacement of my digicam and cell phone. πŸ˜‰

Pete’s Deli

petes deli

Pete’s Deli is a small gourmet deli in Miri. I was looking for a place to eat at around 3:30 pm and most of the eating establishments were closed, so I called Kim up and asked her to recommend a place that’s still open at this hour. She told me to try Pete’s Deli, so off we went to check the place out. Pete’s Deli has been around since 1992 – or so the signboard claims. That’s more than a decade of deli goodness!

petes deli interior

The interior of Pete’s Deli is decorated in retro 60’s style with B&W posters of The Beatles and Elvis Presley (has left the building) dominating the wall facade. The place is small enough to be cozy and there are seating arrangements to accommodate about 30 people if you really don’t mind having no elbow room. πŸ˜‰

petes deli counter

Pete’s Deli is self-service and orders are taken at the counter. The person manning the counter is none other than Pete’s son. He asked me if I am a blogger, which took me by surprise, before I remembered that the blogging profession (?) has mushroomed and most people who take photographs of everything is probably a blogger. πŸ˜‰

Peach Lassi (RM 5)

petes peach lassi

This was recommended by Pete’s son. The lassi is made with their famous home made yogurt. It tasted good but there is one major problem with the presentation – with a place like Pete’s Deli, you’ll be expecting proper glassware instead of a disposable Coke paper cup. It’s just not right. I noticed that the other patrons were also served with paper cups, this is a major turn off for a deli of this standard.

petes toasted sandwich 

The Original Pete’s Deli Toasted Sandwiches (RM 7)

petes sandwich

The Original Pete’s Deli Toasted Sandwiches comes with fillings of tuna & mayonnaise, roast chicken, corned beef, cheese or a mix of two fillings of your choice. I went for the roast chicken and cheese toasted sandwich. It was alright – the fillings were recommended by the proprietor, my original choice was for tuna and corned beef but he said it wouldn’t taste right.

petes oxtail stew

Oxtail Stew (RM 24)
Oxtail slow cooked till fork tender.

petes oxtail

This is the oxtail stew which is one of their more popular dishes from the dinner menu. Pete’s son was kind enough to cook this for us despite that fact that the dinner menu doesn’t officially start until 6:30 pm. It can be ordered with rice or mashed potatoes. KJ went with the rice. The oxtail stew is great, and there’s no false advertising here – the meat really is fork tender. πŸ™‚

petes lamb shank

Lamb Shank (RM 34)
Lamb shank braised in mouthwatering gravy.

petes lamb

This is Faye’s order and is one of Pete’s Deli’s signature dishes. The lamb shank is huge and comes with an option of rice or mashed potatoes. Faye went for the mashed potatoes.

petes lamb meat

The lamb shank comes off easily from the bone and the meat is tender and flavorful. This comes highly recommended from me.

Pete’s Deli Cookie (RM 4)

petes deli cookie

This is not on the menu but was again recommended to me since it just came out of the oven. RM 4 for a cookie is a little on the steep side, despite the sprinkled powdered sugar presentation. It tasted good though, as all oven fresh cookies do. πŸ™‚

petes deli us

Pete’s Deli would be your friendly, neighborhood deli that serves delicious lamb shanks and oxtail stew. Now, if only they would do away with the disposable paper cups…

Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant

marina bay seafood restaurant

Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant is a new eating establishment built at the Miri marina near the iconic seahorse statue facing the sea. Kim and Mark wanted to check it out at night but were kind enough to accommodate my schedule by bringing me there for lunch instead. πŸ™‚

marina bay signage

The place seems to be referred to as ulumulu by a lot of local Mirians but the only signage I saw called it the Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant. The waitresses were all wearing uniforms with the same title so I’m not sure if this is the same place as ulumulu, but it’s the only restaurant at the Marina Bay in Miri.

marina path

There is a wooden path surrounding the area beside the sea and it offers a great view of the coastline and the cityscape across the body of water. There are also two smaller structures besides the main wooden restaurant construction as a more private dining enclave. The two clubhouses are still under construction but the main restaurant is complete.

seahorse miri

The landmark of the Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant is a huge bronze seahorse facing the sea. It’s the official mascot (?) of Miri, just like ours is the swan. Sibu is called Swan City for a reason…and no, I know we’ve not actually achieved city status yet, Kim. :p

marina yatch

The marina is located to one side of the Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant and all kinds of seafaring vessels were parked there – from fishing boats to yatchs.

deep blue sea

The sea in Miri is a deep blue that is rivaled only by the best beaches in Sabah. The gentle undulating waves and the cool breeze coming in from the beach makes the leisurely stroll from the car park (which is quite a distance away) to the restaurant rather enjoyable.

marina bali

The architecture of Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant is heavily inspired by Balinese and Siamese themes and attention is paid to the most minor details, giving it an authentic ambiance of a marina retreat.

marina server

There is a waitress on duty for seating diners at the main entrance. The ground floor of the place is a bar and lounge while the restaurant is located on the second floor.

marina stairs

There is a flight of stairs that one has to climb to reach the restaurant upstairs and you’ll be escorted by one of the Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant waitresses. The service over here is truly international class.

marina interior

The dining area is huge and consists of various seating accommodations of every configuration you can think of. There is no air-conditioning in the place but the sea breeze makes the temperature just right even for midday dining and you get all the benefits of al fresco dining without being rained on.


There is even a verandah area which doubles as the smoking section of Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant.

marina view

There is a great view of the ocean and the interior design capitalizes on this by making one side of the restaurant open to the breeze coming in from the sea. I find that the open sea view and the smell of the ocean does wonders to my appetite.

open kitchen

Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant has an open kitchen concept where the entire kitchen, ovens and all, are visibly located beside the restaurant. The entire place is kept neat and clean, which is quite a feat, considering the size of the restaurant.

marina waitress

This is our waitress for the day. She’s wearing a white Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant uniform.

marina oj

I had the orange juice (RM 8.50) which came with a slice of the fruit on the rim of the glass it came served with. The watermelon juice also contains a thin slice of watermelon as a garnish as well.

marina noodles

Mark went for the Oriental menu and had the Fried Yee Mee with Seafood (RM 30). The seafood bits are quite generous, with fish and squid dominating the dish. The general consensus was that the yee mee tastes better than the fried vermicelli.

marina rice vermicilli

Darren also ordered from the Oriental menu – Fried Vermicelli Noodles with Eggs and Seafood (RM 30). It tasted pretty good but it was a little bit too dry from the frying process.

pan fried salmon fillet

Kim had the Pan-Fried Salmon Fillet with Ragout of Squid and Lemon Grass Pepperonata Drizzle with Mirin Reduction (RM 38).

salmon fillet

The salmon tasted better than mine since it had sauce on it and it’s pan-fried instead of grilled.

trio seafood

I had the Trio Grilled Seafood on Bed of Mash Potato served with Crispy Julienne Veggie and Lemon Hollandaise Sauce (RM 78) which the waitress recommended.


There is grilled salmon, which came out a little bit too dry but the presentation was excellent.


The cod is great though, tender and juicy.


The prawn is fully de-shelled and is one of the best fresh water prawns that I’ve ever tasted.

poached pears

I also ordered the Poached Pears in Saffron served with Vanilla Panna Cotta (RM 18) for dessert.

marina group

I know I look kinda fucked up. My eyes look soulless, or so I’ve been told. My drink was spiked with three (3) tablets of Ecstasy just the night before and I only slept for 2 hours before the lunch at Marina Bay.

marina bloggers

This is the blogger group photo from Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant. L-R: Darren, Huai Bin (me), Kim, Mark (who is a blogger by association with Kim). πŸ˜‰

marina sipping drinks

I still had half a glass of OJ left and insisted on having Kim pose with her empty one. πŸ™‚

marina me darren

This is me and Darren, who joined us at the Marina Bay Seafood Restaurant after he went back to get his d-SLR.

marina me kim

I had a photo taken with Kim at the veranda with the sea as the backdrop. I thought this would make a nice photo with the palm trees swaying in the wind.

hb kim mark

Thanks goes out to Kim and Mark who picked me up and drove me around Miri. Much love!

marina seaside

We went for a walk by the seaside to take a photo with the Miri Seahorse after the meal. The weather was just right for a stroll, if you disregard the midday sun and head for the shaded areas. πŸ˜‰

beachfront property

There were a lot of beach front properties across the marina. It would be a really nice place to live in, just by the seaside with the beach just a step away from your front door.

mark kim

Kodak Moment: Mark attempts to throw Kim into the sea.

marina titanic

*cue Titanic music*

marina titanic take

This is Take #2 of the iconic Titanic scene. It seemed that we didn’t look “sad” enough for an accurate reenactment in the first photo. I put on my best sombre face for the second take but Kim was kinda smiling so this is the final version:

marina titanic final

Jack: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you. And I’m thankful for that, Rose. I’m thankful. You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I’ll never let go. I’ll never let go, Jack.

marina titanic foursome

The Titanic Foursome (The Titans?)

marina fishing

The Marina Bay has a lot of No Fishing signs which in grand tradition, was largely ignored. πŸ˜‰

miri seahorse

I had fun with Kim, Mark and Darren in Miri. Thanks for all the great memories! πŸ™‚

Dragon Seafood Restaurant

dragon seafood restaurant

Dragon Seafood Restaurant is a popular destination for seafood about 15 minutes away from Miri. I went there with with a couple of friends to check out the famous seafood restaurant in Miri. There is a huge neon sign at the eating establishment, prominently located beside the road, so you won’t miss it.

dragon seafood paradise

The actual restaurant itself is about 100 meters into the turning. The proprietor had the audacity to call it Dragon Seafood Paradise. πŸ˜‰ It’s surrounded by palm trees and the structure is made of timber products which makes it very inviting. There was a bit of a cool breeze when we went there that night too.

dragon aquarium

This is the signature aquariums popular in seafood establishments where the marine life is kept alive until the customer picks one. The chef then uses a net to haul the one you want before it’s cooked straight in the kitchen. There are various fishes, mussels, oysters, clams, crabs, lobsters and prawns on offer at Dragon Seafood Restaurant.

dragon interior

The interior of Dragon consists of a large hall dining area which can easily accommodate 300 people. There is no air conditioning at the restaurant, but ample fans bring down the temperature and the breeze coming in from the sea cools the place down significantly. There’s a lovely beach view due to the locality of the establishment too.

dragon hut

Dragon Seafood Restaurant also has several private dining alcoves which contains a single table and a wooden walkway leading to the hut. I noticed that this is one of the more popular options – probably coz the people wouldn’t want to mix with the proles at the hall dining area. πŸ˜‰ There are wooden Venetian blinds on all sides of the wooden huts for additional privacy.

dragon waitress

This is our waitress of the day. She recommended a couple of their signature dishes and was kind enough to pose for a photo for the blog. I was a little surprised when she mentioned that she blogs too (in Chinese). Interesting..

danish royal stout ginseng.

I think that seafood is best paired with beer (or stout) and I ordered Danish Royal Stout Ginseng which is manufactured under the Carlsberg group. Carlsberg sponsored the neon billboard of Dragon Seafood Restaurant – it’s in the first photo. This stout is rich and goes well with seafood. The addition of ginseng is a great idea as it contributes to the rich flavor of the stout.

dragon rice

The first dish that came out was the Dragon Garlic Rice with Seafood. It’s customary for Chinese restaurants to divide the dish on another table into smaller bowls before serving it. This only applies to soup and rice though. The remaining rice is left at the center of the table for second helpings.

garlic rice

The Dragon Garlic Rice with Seafood tastes good. This is one of their flagship dishes that the waitress recommended in place of plain steamed rice. There are bits of seafood inside the rice and the garlic rice is done just right – perceptible, but not overpowering. It’ll still wreck all sorts of havoc with your breath though. This dish would give you some serious halitosis problems but it tastes great! πŸ˜‰

soup divide

The next dish was the Seafood Soup. It was also divided on the adjescent table and divided into four (4) equal servings before the bowls were passed to us.

dragon soup

The Seafood Soup had clams, abalone and fish pieces. It’s more like a broth – the liquid is clear and infused with flavors from the seafood ingredients.

dragon clams

This is a clam dish cooked with a variety of herbs and spices. The clams are huge and different from the ones we get over here. It’s surprisingly tender and juicy too. The best thing about the clams is that it’s fresh, unlike the ones we get over in Sibu which tend to have a bit of an odor associated with it.

dragon prawns

The next dish is Faye’s favorite seafood order – prawns steamed with eggs. The implementation at Dragon Seafood Restaurant is nice and the presentation is better than the regular restaurants. The prawns were tender enough to be eaten wholesale together with the shell. Well, at least that’s how I eat it, but then again, I’ve been told I have a cast iron stomach. πŸ˜‰

dragon crabs

The final dish was butter crabs. The crabs we eat over here tend to be cooked with eggs or chilli but there is now an increasing trend of ordering butter crabs. The crabs are deep fried with butter to create fluffy buttery pieces. I love this dish, and I could also eat the shell (except for the huge ones) which surprised my dining companions.

dragon us

Dragon Seafood Restaurant
is a nice
eating establishment that s
pecializes in seafood. The seafood is fresh and the service is attentive. It can be a little far from Miri town but it’s worth the drive.

Shiki Japanese Restaurant


I went to Shiki Japanese Restaurant with Kim and Mark straight after I arrived in Miri. Kim came and picked me up and we got there at around 8 pm. I lost all the photos from that night due to The Balcony Incident. This photo was obviously taken the next day since it’s daylight in the picture. πŸ˜‰ I wanted to reshoot the interior too but Shiki was closed when I got there the next day. The rest of the photos are from Kim. Thanks Kim! πŸ™‚

shiki chi don

I had Shiki Chi Don (RM 32.80) which has an assortment of raw seafood like salmon, squid, tuna and octopus nicely arranged on a bed of fragrant rice with pineapples. It tasted good and the presentation was excellent but I couldn’t finish the rice due to a late lunch during the road trip from Sibu to Miri.

shiki shochu

Shiki has Sapporo and Asahi beer but they ran out of both so I went for the Jinro Plum shochu (RM 42.80) which the proprietor recommended. It’s imported from Japan and it tasted nice for a premium shochu.

shiki me kim

It was great to meet up with Kim. It was actually a bit of a last
minute thing since I only left a comment with my cell phone number on
her blog the day before I went to Miri. She texted me when I was in Tatau (somewhere between Sibu and Miri) and I called her back and made a dinner date with her at 8 pm. I also got in touch with Darren and the four of us went for drinks at
Island Club after dinner at Shiki. It was great to finally put a face
behind the blogger(s). πŸ™‚

shiki group

This is a group photo of us at Shiki – Mark kindly picked up the bill, which came up to RM 138.46 for the three of us. Cheers!

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