Planes (no trains) and automobiles

Here’s a quick summary of today before I promptly fall asleep. I
shall do a proper post and reply all comments tomorrow, for I fear that
I’m too sedated to do that now.

kch checkin ld

I checked in at Kuching airport. The place was uncharacteristically full.

airport air mata kuching

I figured it would be appropriate to quench my thirst with a cup of Air Mata Kuching before boarding.

fokker 50

The plane was a Fokker 50. It’s one of them relics that do short
haul flights and pack you like sardines. It has been dubbed the Fucker
50 due to this unfortunate seating arrangements, though I don’t use
that term myself. It was related to me when I flew to Penang with some
other classmates and a teacher when I was 12 for a national quiz.

ld air shot

There were twisty artsy (fartsy) designs when the plane was in the
air. Nothing new, was just perfecting the shot to get an optimal one
depicting Rejang River and the outlet to the sea. Yes, I do this every
time I fly.

ld welcome sibu

I arrived at Sibu, picked up my gf, dropped in to check on my
pharmacy friend, acquired some lormetazepam (not lorazepam, this one is
different), ate some of them, drank beer and had dinner with gf, and
now I fear that the hypnotic properties of lormetazepam (Noctamid) has
been potentiated with some red wine from a Chinese New Year hamper I
found in the store (which automagically makes it mine, since I’m the
only drinker in the family and no one else would drink it anyway).

I’m afraid I shall have to continue this tomorrow. Good night, dear
readers, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite. Oh, and roll to
your side, just to be safe.


kch sibu 6pm

I’ll be flying back to Sibu (my hometown) straight after work
tomorrow for the long Labor Day holidays! My flight departs at 6:00 PM
which would make me have to be as nimble as…er, what’s that guy’s
name again? Jack? to catch my flight. I’m going home in the guise of
visiting my family and loved ones, but just between you and me, I’ve
also been meaning to:

1. Say hello to my pharmacy friend.
That should be read as “get restricted pharmaceuticals from my friend
who owns a pharmacy”. πŸ˜‰ This is not a pharmacy that’s in the same
group as the plethora of Mickey Mouse pharmacies out there, mind. He
has a real pharmacy, with everything a real pharmacy has to offer – amphetamine type stimulants, opiate agonists and BENZODIAZEPINES! =D
Word of the day: Mickey Mouse pharmacy
A derogatory term referring to the “pharmacies” that does not have a
license to carry or sell restricted (recreational) pharmaceuticals and
only carries the standard, over the counter (OTC) stuff. A useless
store, in other words.

2. Say hello to my favorite physician
That should be read as “get clonazepam from my liberal doctor”. πŸ˜‰ Now
here’s a Doctor With Balls who’s not afraid to script you as many
clonazepam tablets as you want, as long as you pay RM 1.10 per tablet
for 2 mg Roche Rivotril ones and RM 0.80 for 2 mg generic Rivopam ones.
Prices goes down in bulk, the amount is only limited by your budget. I
think I’ve spoke highly of him before, when I noticed that he started
producing various bottles and blister packs of the stock he carries
without any questions, when I went doctor shopping.
Word of the day: Doctor With Balls (DWB)
The esteemed title reserved for a doctor who doesn’t hem and haw like a
pussy when you ask for benzodiazepines. A medical practitioner who
answers “How many tablets and what kind do you want?” to the question
“Can I have some benzodiazepines?”

Thus, the next post I’ll be making would be from my hometown – the proud and mighty (and sedating, I might add) Sibu, Sarawak!

The coffee shop with no name

coffeshop with no name

I went to this coffee shop for dinner tonight. It doesn’t have a
name. It’s just a couple of tables and chairs along the roadside at
Jalan Abell.

no name waitress

The waitress took our order. A little kid sat beside us watching.

no name stove

The order went to the little cooking place in the corner.

tong gua longan hai cha

I had two glasses of tong gua long yuen hai cha ping. It’s buah kundur (don’t know the English name for this), longan, and hai cha.

hai cha

I don’t know what hai cha is, but it looks like this.

no name taiwan noodles

I had a plate of Taiwan fried noodles. It was served with gravy and
the waitress told me it was spicy. This photo is out of focus.

no name belacan kueh tiaw

I had a plate of belacan fried kueh tiaw. It was served dry. Every
plate has two pieces of fried chicken fillets on it. This photo is not
out of focus.

no name lemon chicken

We shared a plate of lemon chicken.

I was ready to throw up after eating all that.

Item may have been delayed due to insufficient postage

brother card 23

I just got a birthday card from my sister…23 days after my birthday. How appropriate, considering I’m 23 this year. πŸ˜‰

nz insufficient postage

My sister, if you didn’t know, is practicing medicine in
Christchurch, New Zealand. No, that doesn’t mean I get the fringe
benefits of having a doctor for my sister. I wish you luck if you’re
planning to pull off doctor shopping techniques with her. She wouldn’t
even script her only brother, nay, her only sibling, benzodiazepines.

I have been trying to get her to give me some collectibles like pens
and notebooks, the sort of stuff pharmaceutical companies gives out
with names of recreational mediations on them, but I’ve never seen the
shadow of those. I have also been trying to get her to get some of
those “physician samples” of recreational pharms with neat packaging
but she won’t bring those back either. It’s just my luck that I get a
straight laced, law abiding sister.

If I had a sibling who appreciates recreational pharmaceuticals, I
would have taken the liberty of sending heaps of dextroamphetamine,
fentanyl lollipops, oxycodone and benzodiazepines with “Happy Birthday
– Enjoy! I know you will!” on it. I imagine that’s why I didn’t go into
medicine…I would have my license revoked very quickly, I suspect. πŸ˜‰

Deli, er…Darliefrance


Let me present to you Darlie’s new (at least I haven’t seen it on
the shelves before) toothpaste – Hydro Fresh Gel! It contains spring
water from France (or so it says on the packaging, I am unable to
independently verify these claims).

darlie hydro pack

I can tell you one thing though…this ain’t your grandma’s dental hygiene product.

darlie france water

It says that Darlie Hydro Fresh Gel is “the very first toothpaste
that contains spring water from France”. This gives us much pause as to
where the manufacturers of toothpaste in France get their water from.


This is what the product looks like. I tested it and sure enough I
did feel a “pure fresh sensation” from the “HydroCool molecules”,
whatever they are.

darlie france paste

The toothpaste itself is translucent light blue with dark blue
specks. And if I close my eyes while brushing my teeth, for just a
second, I can actually feel that I’m in France…

Use Darlie Hydro Fresh Gel and drench yourself in spring water freshness that lasts and lasts!’s first video post – Episode I: Shadow People

This is the first full video blog. I am basically doing a monologue
about my day. In the grand tradition of, we tend to do
things differently. While others strive to present only their most
aesthetically pleasing self to the readers, culling out all “ugly”
photos and only inserting the “good ones”…we, on the other hand,
present it like it is, just one take, and its uploaded. Thus, be
prepared to see a rather unflattering version of me in this pilot
episode. πŸ™‚

shadow people

Download: Episode I: Shadow People [].
Requires Apple Quicktime. Going to the “Movie” drop down menu bar and choosing “Fill Screen” would be more optimal for viewing.

Yeah, that is what I look like after multiple day runs…strung out, scattered and definitely not pleasant company.

Indiscriminate…I’d rather be elite
I’ll choose my own shit scene
Unsubstantiated rumors flown are true
I’m here for me, not you

Nonconglomerate…I mean what I say
I’m not your fucking scape
Though, apparently I’ve alienated some
It seems my job’s half done

So let me present to you, the first episode – Shadow People.

(coz I know I sound incoherent)

Hey, you’re watching and this is – a video post.

I’ve become too tired to write, and…this is how long my hair actually is now.

I keep it long on one side, probably the last time I’ll see such hair, because I have hereditary male pattern baldness.

I feel like shit, it’s been a couple of days without sleep…and I went to the doctor’s today, got some benzos, that’s good.

By the way, I’m just pretending to smoke, simulating things, you know. I’m not inhaling.
Honestly, I don’t smoke.

Anyway, we’ll just talk until this ends…ah, I’ve got one shaving cut today.
Somewhere anyway. Just a little cut.


Dear readers, if you’re in the mood for some good old classic ultra
mundane posts with the blogger talking about things that you probably
don’t give two shits about, please, do not hesitate to download the
video post. I must urge people not to mistake this as some kind of
satirical production about the blogging community – that would be
giving me way too much credit. Heh.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I went to see one of my doctors today, I
don’t “officially” have a medical record for anxiety here, but he’s
always generous with the benzodiazepines whenever I go. He’s asks me
how many I want, instead of prescribing them himself, and I can pick
and choose here. πŸ™‚ I decided on 20 x 2 mg Rivotril (clonazepam) and 20
x 5 mg chlordiazepoxide (generic Librium, just for review purposes)
today. I suspect he knows quite a bit about my lifestyle even though I
never tell him. I’m quite certain he knows that I’m benzodiazepine
dependant but still doesn’t mind handing them out due to previous
consultations where I basically told him about my various problems and
he seems to feel that my situation justifies it.

highbp benzos

Anyway, I also asked to have my blood pressure read and it was
pretty good (for me). I registered a BP of 180/95 (same results, taken
twice) and a pulse rate of 135 at rest. The figures aren’t bad – it’s
the bit about sustaining what are probably higher figures than that for
hours, before judicious benzodiazepine self-administration reduced it
to the figure that was measured at the doctor’s that made me feel quite
uncomfortable. I must say that I wasn’t feeling too good earlier as
well, thought I was about to have a stroke. I have just about every
factor that puts me at a higher risk and I have had many incidences of
stroke symptoms manifesting during certain high risk activities.

There were a few that required medical attention (hypertensive
crisis) but most of them were resolved without medical care, off my
head, there was one a few months ago – extremely alarming rapid onset
of action, everything happened within seconds, or so it seems. I knew I
had gone too far and my body was protesting but I, er…drank another
cup of coffee, and suddenly felt an alarming feeling of pressure
insistently building up in my brain, followed by the lost capability to
move my left leg, which resulted in me tripping and as I laid there on
the ground, I couldn’t even think, it was all too confusing, and then
*whoosh*, came the extreme headache that I thought would push my brain
out of the skull and I passed out.

I woke up 3 hours later totally disoriented and confused and
couldn’t remember the events which precipitated it. It was worse than
the worst hangover I ever had. I was wondering what time it was, and
why I was lying on the floor. I thought I went to bed and fell off
it…until I saw the…ah, smashed coffee cup on the floor. It’s not a
very nice feeling to wake up in your own room and wonder why the lights
and computer was on (with several flashing IM messages to boot) and
you’re lying propped up against a laundry basket and there’s a smashed
*coffee* cup beside you. It took a while to regain my senses, and it’s
a testament that the first thing I did was to remove all incriminating
evidence (the coffee mugs which aren’t coffee mugs and coffee which
isn’t coffee) before my gf came in the next day. Granted, I was aghast
about the period of unconsciousness…it seemed to be too long and I
had the distinct feeling that a good portion of my brain was
compromised on that day.

Well, that’s what happens when you drink too much caffeine containing beverages like coffee
compulsively over a short period of time if you have condition(s) which
contraindicates those, but still do it anyway. I’ve never been the type
that learns from my mistakes, I’m the kind of person who jumps back on
the horse. I would be careful the next time though…from experience, I
noticed that for me, it’s the overt intracranial pressure point that
has “Last Exit” written on it, coz it can avalanche very quickly to the
point where you are unable to communicate with people and then pass
out. I noticed that I could never go on heroic runs after my first
incident. Two to three day ones feels punishing, while it wasn’t even a
problem before. The Shadow People are starting to turn up earlier and
earlier too….

Trip down the stairs into hell
Cathay de I miss your smell
A mixture of puke, beer, stale piss,
fuck, sweat, and fear

Adrenaline addicted, the
blood leak from my head,
kinda concerned my friends…

But at the time it felt so right
The music blaring on….

Green kolo mee

green kolo mee

Have you ever had green kolo mee? I’ve never even heard of it
until today! The beauty about these noodles is – the green didn’t come
from food coloring…it came from vegetables! I had these at Chong Chon
at 3rd Mile Bazaar, Kuching. The stall is called Chong Chon Kolo Mee.

green orange noodles

This stall has some unusual offerings – noodles that add life to
plain kolo mee. The photo above shows that they have two choices of
noodles – either green vegetable noodles or orange carrot noodles. I
thought it was just food coloring, but it isn’t – the owner of the
stall told me the green ones are made with bits of vegetables inside
them and the orange ones are made with bits of real carrots inside them.

green noodles

How’s that to spice up the simple kolo mee? They add nice chunks of
relatively large bbq pieces instead of the usual char siew and there
are a lot of veggies in the dish. I have never seen anything like this
before, but it sure tastes good – you can actually tell that the
noodles are made with veggies inside!

I was told that the noodles here were good and I wasn’t
disappointed. My CTO brought me here to have lunch at 2:10 PM. My lunch
break is from 12 PM – 1:30 PM, but we had a meeting with the SUPP
(Sarawak United Peoples’ Party – part of BN) Batu Lintang
representative which was scheduled at 11:45 AM. It took till 2 PM to
finalize the details and he was about to drive back to the office when
he suddenly though “Oh, you haven’t have lunch right?” *slaps forehead*
Yeah, I was in the meeting with you, so of course I haven’t had any
lunch. Can’t blame him though, he has a lot on his mind and he’s a
really nice guy, even though I had to work 1 1/2 hours extra today. πŸ˜‰
Regarding the project, if you want my honest opinion – it’s is a crazy
and logistically challenging project. The “technical guy” (and I use
this term very loosely) in SUPP has…well, flawed understandings about
distributed networks (to call a spade a spade) and drew up this
unrealistic diagram. I don’t know the scale from the map yet, but if
it’s what I think it is, it’s going to be a real challenge to deliver
what he’s asking for. However, I, Huai Bin, is here to make 2 + 2 = 5,
so I’ll be damned if I don’t deploy this solution, by hook or by crook [].

Hello, ini Balai Polis, Jabatan Narkotik

narcotics joke

It has turned into a full fledged meme amongst our group of friends.
I was the first to propagate this one…I had gotten a new fixed line
which no one knew about, and I called up Ah L:

Me: (serious and harsh tone) Ini telefon (his name) kah?
Is this the number of (his name)?

Ah L: Ya, siapa ini?
Yes, who is this?

Me: Sini Balai Polis Kuching, Jabatan Narkotik. Saya dengar kamu sana ada ice. Betul kah tidak?
This is the Kuching Police Station, Narcotics Department. I hear you have methamphetamine in your possession. Is this true?

Ah L: Tak ada lah.
No, I don’t have any in my possession.
(He really doesn’t touch methamphetamine)

Me: Hahaha! It’s just me.

Ah L: %#@&!%#@#

I then called up Ah B:

Me: Hello, ini telefon (his full name) kah?
Hello, is this the number of (his full name)?

Ah B: Ya.

Me: Ini Jabatan Narkotik Balai Polis Kuching. Saya ada maklumat kamu ada jual ice.
This is the Narcotics Division of the Kuching Police Station. I have information that you sell methamphetamine (ice).
(He really doesn’t use or sell methamphetamine)

Ah B: Betul kah?
Is that right?
(He recognized my voice at this point)

Me: Ya, kumpulan saya akan sapu kedai dan rumah kamu hingga kami cari ice.
Yes, our team will raid your business premises as well as your place of residence until we find methamphetamine.

Ah B: Tak payah lah, eh…saya ada satu kawan, dia sangat suka ice. Saya bagi kamu nombor dia lah.
There’s no need for that, hey, I have a friend who loves meth, I’ll just give you his information.
(He was referring to me, but only kidding coz he recognized my voice)

Me: &!*!@%!@#!

narkotik joke

Just today Ah T called me from an unknown cell phone number:

Ah T: Ini Jabatan Narkotik Kuching. Saya dengar kamu ada banyak ice di rumah kamu!
This is the Narcotics Department of Kuching. I have reason to believe you’re in possession of a lot of crystal methamphetamine!
(I did not recognize his voice at this point)

Me: (knows it’s a joke, but cautious nevertheless) Hah? Tak ada lah, saya tidak main dadah.
Huh? That’s totally inaccurate, I don’t touch drugs.

Ah T: It’s me lah.

Me: %!Q!&@!&!@

It’s a highly virulent meme and not funny at all, if you’re on the receiving end. πŸ˜‰

Arak Putih Rumah Panjai – longhouse liquor

arak putih rumah panjang

Arak Putih Rumah Panjang (or Rumah Panjai as it states on the label)
is a very affordable brand of distilled liquor at RM 4.40 for 620 ml of
around 60% proof alcohol. It’s one of the locally brewed spirits – the
picture above shows the grand tradition of these fine local offerings.
As you can see, local distilleries is very big on recycling and
environmental issues (haha!). The photo taken above shows the various
bottles that it comes in – there’s a white one which I suspect is a
recycled vinegar bottle, and the brown one beside it is a recycled
Carlsberg bottle and the one behind that is a Tiger beer bottle with
the bottles emptied, cleaned (I hope) and filled with their own product
and slapped with their brand.

arak putih rumah panjai

This one is from Hornbill Distillery at 4th Mile, Kuching. I got the
white bottle to show that the distilled spirit is white. Excuse me for
not being articulate and forgive any language semantics inconsistencies
in this post because I have already consumed 1/4 of the liquor on an
empty stomach.

rumah panjai

It’s known as longhouse liqueur because of the picture of a longhouse on it.

longhouse liquor

It certainly is packs a punch…I’ve chugged a third of the bottle
now, and the taste is surprisingly palatable, with none of the kerosene
taste these locally brewed liquors have. It’s good. Nice! Well, and I
am afraid I am unable to continue writing now. I’m starting to get
quite inebriated…

chug longhouse
Check yourself into AA, you fucking alcoholic!
The unglamorous face behind πŸ˜‰

Lainie [], if you ask me now, I’m feeling good. πŸ™‚

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