KFC Curry Crunch

kfc curry crunch window

The new KFC Curry Crunch is the latest promotion to hit the menu and
it looks like it’s a winner. I went to KFC last night to sample the
Curry Crunch chicken, which comes with the tagline “You won’t believe
it’s KFC!”. It also mentioned “Try it now!”, so, hypnotized by those
three words, I walked into the KFC franchise…

kfc curry crunch promo girl

There was a KFC Curry Crunch promotional girl opening the door and
inviting passersby to try the new KFC Curry Crunch. She’s dressed in a
garish costume, but check out…

kfc curry crunch girl hat

…her hat. It has onions, chillis, garlics and all sorts of adornments on it.

kfc curry crunch buttons

The KFC Curry Crunch is being heavily promoted by the KFC staff, as
can be seen by the large buttons they wear with the Curry Crunch
chicken motif on it.

kfc curry crunch display

The KFC Curry Crunch display at the counter looks fine too, so I ordered a three-piece Curry Chicken set.

kfc curry crunch

This is what the KFC Curry Crunch looks like – there’s three pieces
of chicken that’s sprinkled with some kind of herb. I went for a
drumstick and two thighs.

kfc curry crunch macro

Here’s a closer look at the KFC Curry Crunch…the green herbs
that’s sprinkled on the chicken definitely adds texture and taste to it.

kfc curry crunch mmm

The KFC Curry Crunch tastes delicious! I wrote “The KFC Curry Crunch
is the best addition to the KFC menu to date!” in the comments slip the
KFC Curry Crunch promotional girl passed to me…it’s just that good!

McD Chicken Porridge (Bubur Ayam McD)

mcd bubur ayam

McDonald’s has a range of porridge in their menu in Malaysia and has
for quite some time. It’s our “healthy” alternative to the burgers and
fried chicken that is a staple of McDonald’s. Bubur Ayam McD
(McD Chicken Porridge) is billed as “hot and tasty” and while I can
attest that it’s definitely hot (eating it before it cools down will
definitely give your tongue a good scalding), I’m not so sure about the
tasty part.

mcd bubur ayam serving

This is a large serving of Bubur Ayam McD. It literally translates to McD Chicken Porridge
and costs RM 5.20 for a large Styrofoam container full of chicken
porridge. It’s about as big as one of the premium Ramen bowls out there
and comes with a plastic spoon (Western spoon as opposed to the Chinese
“soup” spoon usually used to eat porridge) and four packets of pepper
(which you’ll need).

mcd bubur ayam open

Here’s what McD Chicken Porridge looks like when it’s opened – it’s
steaming hot chicken porridge with spring onions, fried onions, chilli
and various other condiments. It doesn’t taste so good out of the bowl,
so I recommend…

mcd bubur ayam pepper

…using all four pepper sachets to spice the McD Chicken Porridge up a bit…

mcd bubur ayam close

McD Chicken Porridge isn’t so bad when liberal amounts of pepper is
used to flavor the otherwise bland porridge. It’s good for the times
you’re not really hungry at lunch and want something light.

Bubur Ayam McD has nice, large and tender chicken chunks too…

KFC Cheezy Wedges

cheezy wedges

There’s just something about ordering KFC and eating Cheezy Wedges
in the office while working overtime. The warm potato wedges is just
perfect for the rainy day compounded by the cold air conditioning

cheezy wedges open

Just look at the gooey cream and cheddar cheese slathered on the steaming hot potato wedges…

Mmm…cheese… *drools*

Starbucks Enticing Espresso Rhumba Frappuccino

starbucks curve

I’m at the Starbucks in The Curve right now; enjoying a Venti sized Espresso Rhumba Frappuccino.
I’ve been here since noon – I heard it’s the newest concept shopping
mall in KL and came here to check it out (photos and write-up later).

espresso rhumba frappuccino banner

The Starbucks “Enticing” Espresso Rhumba Frappuccino is billed as
“our signature Espresso blended with ice, coffee and rhumba chocolate
chips, topped with whipped cream and delicious chocolate drizzle”.

espresso rhumba frappuccino walls

It’s the latest promotion at Starbucks and the windows are adorned with the Espresso Rhumba Frappuccino stickers. The Tall sized ones goes for RM 11.50, the Grande ones for RM 12.50 and the Venti for RM 13.50.

espresso rhumba frappuccino

I went for the Venti size, which is what I usually get…there’s no
such thing as too much coffee. πŸ˜‰ It tastes good – the Espresso Rhumba
Frappuccino has bits of chocolate in it that melts in your mouth (as
long as you don’t choke on it first by sucking too hard).

starbucks curve bulls

I’m just chilling here with the Espresso Rhumba Frappuccino and a
bottle of Perrier before waiting for my flight back to Kuching. It’s a
business trip and I’ve finished the assignment here so I’ll just be
looking at the…bulls…


Oh, and the Starbucks staff just gave me a free sample of the Caramel Frappaccino.

Gelato Cafe

gelato cafe

Gelato Cafe is the new Sugarbun offshoot that’s
supposed to fill the void in iced confectionary products that was left
when the previous Sugarbun attempt in this market (remember the
Caprilla chain?) folded. Oh, and btw, I’m in Sibu now due to a last
minute, wtf, let’s head home decision. πŸ˜‰

gelato cafe counter

Gelato Cafe occupies a small compartment beside the Sugarbun outlet
in Jalan Wong Nai Siong. It’s a really small place, but I’ll go with
cozy instead, considering we have shares in Sugarbun. πŸ˜‰

gelato cafe seats

The seating arrangements put me at a loss for words though…it’s…very colorful…

gelato cafe menu

Gelato Cafe has a less than stellar portfolio though – there is a total of eight (8) menu items.

gelato cafe waffle

This is the Waffle Gelato (RM 3.90) that my gf ordered. It was alright, with one minor issue…it’s not gelato…

gelato cafe shell

I went for the Almond Shell Delight (RM 2.90) which is one of my favorite things to order. Imagine eating the plate after you’re done with the dish! πŸ˜‰

gelato cafe quick

This is the strangely named Gelato Quick (RM 3.90)
that we shared. It has two scoops of something-which-is-not-gelato
garnished with peach slices, coconut shavings, corn, a cherry and one
of those cocktail sticks you can poke your eye with.

gelato cafe sign

Gelato Cafe also has a prominently displayed sign that made me laugh
out loud. It’s not gelato, but it’s cheap (as long as you don’t break
any glasses) and the sign is really something you need to check out. πŸ˜‰

KFC O.R. (Original Recipe) Fillet Burger

kfc or burger banner

KFC OR Fillet Burger is the latest addition to KFC’s admittedly paltry burger portfolio. The O.R. stands for Original Recipe, as in the KFC chicken.

kfc or burger lost

The advertisements and promos for the KFC O.R. Fillet Burger centers
around “missing” and “lost” themes involving the burger in question.

kfc or burger car

One particularly amusing one involves a “car missing” poster which
describes the lost car, which was last seen with a KFC O.R. Fillet
Burger on the front seat.

The KFC Original Recipe (O.R.) Fillet Burger is basically a Zinger
with an Original Recipe fillet inside, instead of the Hot and Spicy
breaded fillet used in the Zinger.

kfc or burger size

The diminutive size hardly makes it justifiable for a meal though…and yes, that is the real size, it’s smaller than a soda can…

kfc or burger wrapper

The KFC O.R. Fillet Burger comes in a mild blue colored wrapping, which is a contrast to the siren red Zinger wrappers.

kfc or burger filling

The O.R. Fillet Burger comprises of a tender cut of KFC Original
Recipe chicken, lettuce and mayo…and that’s about it. It tastes good
though, a simple but satisfying burger. I have no beef (pun not
intended) with it except for the below average size (for a burger).

It’s just not meant for big appetites…

Pizza Hut’s New Rich Gold Crust Pizza

ph rich gold crust pizza promo

Pizza Hut’s latest new crust is the much lauded Rich Gold Crust Pizza and it comes with the tagline Indulge in a golden ring of extraordinary flavors.
Extraordinary indeed! The new Pizza Hut Rich Gold Crust Pizza is the
best crust I’ve seen come out of their ovens in a long time!

ph rich gold crust top

The Rich Gold Crust Pizza is 18% larger than the average Pizza Hut
crust, but don’t let that figure put you off – what bulk is added is
good. The promotional liner goes “An exciting combination of a golden
ring of sweetness and savory mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese on
the crust”.

ph rich gold crust gist

Here is the gist of what the new crust has to offer – it’s basically
a three-ringed affair which consists of a sweet inner ring, a
mozzarella middle ring and a cheddar outer ring.

ph royal masala

We ordered it with the Royal Masala topping, the new crust is valid
for all the Family Favorites and Supremes set of toppings and the Royal
Masala topping goes very well with this crust, as we got to know

ph rich crust double spinner

Behold the Rich Gold Crust Pizza Double Golden Spinner!
The waitress at Pizza Hut pulled out a new game, which seems to be a
Pizza Hut staple nowadays – they always seem to have an accompanying
new game for every new promotional item that they come out with. I got
the free ice blended coffee.

ph go icy

It’s from the new “Go Icy in Pizza Hut” ice blended drinks range
they’re trying to pitch – I choose the Mocha Frappe Freeze – “a rich
European Chocolate fantasy with the aroma of fresh toasted Arabica

ph mocha ice blended

It’s alright…it won’t be stepping on Starbucks turf anytime soon,
though it’s a good option for drinks in Pizza Hut. BTW, I actually got
another pizza with the Pizza Hut games when it first few iterations
came out.

ph rich gold crust pizza pizza

Here’s the Rich Gold Crust Pizza in all its glory, on a platter and hot from the oven…

ph rich gold crust pizza crust

You can see that the Rich Gold Crust takes up almost half of the
pizza, which I thought would be a bad thing, but it turns out that the
crust can pull its weight in the taste department too.

ph rich gold crust pizza slice

The first crust is actually made out of sweet potato (!).

ph rich gold crust pizza potato

The sweet richness of the first ring is palpable…the baked sweet
potato is still warm and slightly pliable under a thin baked in crust.

ph rich gold crust pizza mozzarella

The next layer is a generous portion of warm and malleable
mozzarella cheese, which provides a nice contrast to the first sweet
crust by giving it a tart and rich mouth-feel before surrendering to
the final thin conventional cheddar topped layer.

ph rich gold crust pizza masala

The Rich Gold Crust Pizza comes highly recommended from me. Try the
Royal Masala topping with it – the pizza goes from hearty meat flavored
to the surprisingly synergistic sweet, malleable baked potato in the
first crust, before it ends with a burst of tart, warm and rich
mozzarella cheese. Nice!

Pizza Hut Ocean Treasure Tempura King Prawn

tempura king prawn promo

The Tempura King Prawn platter is the latest addition to the Ocean Treasure series of Pizza Hut offerings. The tagline goes The king on the platter joins the ocean treasure and it’s a side dish for the Ocean Treasure pizza series.

ocean treasure pizza

The flagship of the Ocean Treasure series is the Ocean Treasure
Pizza, which has prawns, calamari, crab sticks and other seafood as the
topping of the pizza.

ocean treasure pizza slice

I’ve always liked the Ocean Treasure Pizza – there’s nothing like baked crab sticks…it just has this delicious texture to it.

tempura king prawn platter

The Tempura King Prawn platter is described as “a delicious bundle
of crispy golden bites made up of crunchy Tempura King Prawns,
irresistible Tempura Calamari Rings and tasty Criss Cut Fries with Cool
Lime Mayonnaise”.

It’s good – the tempura king prawns are great and the dip is nice
and creamy, but I found the fries to be the best thing on this side

At least it’s not crinkle fries. πŸ˜‰

Pepsi Fire and Pepsi Ice

pepsi fire pepsi ice

Pepsi came out with two new additions to their range of drinks. It comes in a pair – Pepsi Fire and Pepsi Ice. Pepsi Fire is billed as Cola on Fire
and images on the can depict a “hot” theme, with fiery red color
schemes and fonts. Pepsi Ice on the other hand goes with the “cold”
theme, and it’s billed as Ice Mint Cola, with crystals and such to contribute to a cool theme.

Pepsi Fire has an intense amber color and two
people commented that it has a warm note, much like drinking Chivas
Regal with coke. I didn’t notice that at first myself, but then again,
my taste buds aren’t all that pristine. I did notice a slight hint of
strange warmth as I drank it though, and it tastes like regular Pepsi
spiked with alcohol.

pepsi fire ice drink

Pepsi Ice on the other hand is artificially blue in
color. There are a lot of X Ice offerings out there e.g. 7-Up Ice,
Sprite Ice etc, just to name a few. Pepsi Ice differentiates itself
with hints of mint though – you can really taste the cooling mint
element in the drink. I prefer the color of Pepsi Fire though; X Ice
has been done to death…

pepsi fire ice mix

Now, the next test is to mix equal portions of Pepsi Fire and Pepsi
Ice to create a Pepsi Fire and Ice drink. πŸ™‚ I had wanted to do that
ever since I saw the ads for the drinks a while ago – it seemed like
the natural thing to do.

pepsi fire ice violet

I first filled a glass with a quarter of Pepsi Fire and then put in
an equal amount of Pepsi Ice. The color changed from amber to purple
and settled to a slightly clear violet colored concoction. It tasted
like…well, Pepsi.

pepsi fire ice fire

Pepsi Fire and Ice could rejuvenate the sex industry – temperature
differential fellatio (or hot and cold blowjobs as experts refer to it)
where the working lady swaps in an ice cube could be replaced with a
can of Pepsi Fire and another of Pepsi Ice before administration in
sequence. πŸ˜‰

pepsi fire

Pepsi Fire. Feel the burn!