Ferry Kebab – The quest for meat

ferry kebab meat

…one Saturday evening

kebab autumn

16:20 – Autumn does some mental arithmetic in her mind collaborating her menstrual cycle to evaluate the safety of a bout of carnal gymnastics at the back seat of my car without prophylactics.

16:23 – I storm the pearly gates with the purple-headed devil. She gave me the mark of the beast.

kebab lovebite

16:42 – Play hide the hot dog while pondering on what to have for a snack after skipping lunch. Making grass sandwiches (+6 bonus points if you get this euphemism) made us think of kebabs so off we went.

ferry kebab

16:50Ferry Kebab is a popular kebab stall in Sibu that is renowned for its delicious kebabs.

kebab meat

16:51 – Kebabs over here are not chunks of meat on skewers but a huge mass of meat which is sliced off into a hotdog bun.

kebab mix

16:52 – The meat slices (you can opt for chicken, beef or a combination of both) are mixed with onions and cucumbers (both finely diced) as the filler for the bun.

kebab squirt

16:53 – Generous squirting (of the chilli sauce bottle) is applied on the bun and it is wrapped in a plastic wrap.

autumn kebab

16:56 – Autumn with her chicken kebab. She’s not a big fan of beef.

kebab naked

16:59 – A closer peek at the resplendent folds of Autumn’s luscious wet, pink…kebab. πŸ˜‰

kebab feed 

17:06 – Ferry Kebab is delicious! It makes for really messy eating, but it’s fun to eat it at the roadside in the car for the authentic experience.

ferry kebab stall

17:13 – I drove back to take a photo of the stall coz I forgot to take the entire Ferry Kebab stall setup.

…a different kind of food review. Kaizen! πŸ˜‰

Azza Burger review

azza burger

Azza Burger is not just a mere burger stall, it’s practically an institution here in Kuching. Located at the Kuching Waterfront, this Ramly burger stall caters for drunks and other nocturnal creatures from its notorious open-till-late (or early, depending on how you look at it) hours.

azza burger menu

The most popular burger here is the Special Azza Burger (Semua Ada) which translates to the Special Azza Burger (With Everything). It goes for RM 5 and contains one beef patty, one chicken patty and one sausage wrapped in an egg. It’s very popular with stoners.

azza burger grill

The wait at Azza Burger can be anywhere from 15-30 minutes due to the large amounts of customers patronizing this burger stall. There are seats provided for the wait but most people just wait in the car. I personally like to entertain myself by watching them grill the burgers.

azza burger special

Special Azza Burger is the best thing to order and its value for money at RM 5 coz you get everything (except the kitchen sink) with it. The entire concoction of beef, chicken and sausage is wrapped in an egg like the photo above and slathered with chilli sauce.

azza burger special bite

This is what the Special Azza Burger looks like. Its takeaway only and the burgers are great. I highly recommend the Special Azza Burger with everything on it. It looks like a soggy mess but it tastes great!


Uncle BOB fried chicken

uncle bob stall

Uncle BOB is a fried chicken franchise that holds claim to the fact that their breast meat is as “smooth as a drumstick”, without the skin and the fat. There is one stall at the Jalan Song food court.

uncle bob operation

I decided to check out the breast meat (the only cut they sell) to see if it really tastes like a drumstick. I’m a big fan of dark chicken meat (thighs and drums) but not white chicken meat (breast) so I’m something of an authority on the subject. πŸ˜‰

uncle bob fried chicken

There are two varieties – spicy and normal and we got them both. I wouldn’t say that it’s as smooth as a drum but it comes close. The texture doesn’t feel like breast meat, which is a Good Thing (TM). πŸ™‚


Sibu’s famous kompia

sibu kompia dry

Sibu is well known for kompia as the birthplace of kompia began here. Kompia or kom pia
(literally baked biscuit) is a uniquely Sibu based product. There are
several different implementations of kompia, the most basic being just
the baked pastry without filling.

sibu kompia wet

However, the most popular implementation is arguably the meat filled
kompia soaked in meat gravy. It usually goes for about RM 0.50 per
piece. Different people prefer different variants, but the only type
I’ll eat is the gravy soaked meat stuffed kompia.

I like to soak the kompia in the meat gravy for a long time till
it’s all soggy before eating the whole soggy mess of bread and meat and
gravy. It’s like a salty Tim Tam Slam, Sibu style. πŸ˜‰

SMK Sacred Heart school canteen

smk sh

I thought I’ll do a food review on a school canteen for a change. I reckon it’ll be funny, but it was anything but…

smk sh cafeteria

SMK Sacred Heart has a full fledged (!) old skool coffee shop
operation going on in the canteen. I’ve never seen the likes of it
before. Why, in my previous high school, we only had RM 0.50 fried
noodles, precooked and stuff like that to choose from. This “canteen”
has a full ordering service.


The ambience was nothing to speak of…standard mess style dining
area. The ordering area is like a coffee shop though. Jesus, kids
nowadays. Why, I could regale you with tales of the time when I was
young; when I had to walk bare foot through a jungle trail to get to
school, but that’s digressing. πŸ˜‰

smk sh food

This is my order – Coca Ice and Iban Mee. “Coca Ice” turns out to be very dilute Milo but at RM 1.20, you get what you pay for.

smk sh iban mee

The Iban Mee was surprisingly good at RM 2. It’s a spicy fried
noodle dish, with a healthy (generous, really) sprinkling of fried
onions on top.

smk sh girls

I was surprised to find a couple of girls in there, since Sacred
Heart is an all boys school (except for Form Six, but they looked too
young for that). I talked to them and got them to pose for a photo and
they told me they are from Sacred Heart, but Jesus (no pun intended),
don’t they look rather young for 18?

Hock Huat Chinese Pasty

hock huat chinese pasty

Hock Huat Chinese Pasty is an odd name for this establishment. They
have a couple of token pastries of Chinese origin but what the stall
really sells is chiffon cakes. It’s the flagship item.

hock huat cheddar chiffon

Now, I’m not a big fan of chiffon cakes, coz I used to eat a lot of
mediocre ones when I was younger. However, I decided to try one of
these, since a cheddar cheese chiffon cake does sound rather intriguing.

hock huat cheddar prune

The proprietor told me they specialize in two kind of chiffon cakes
– cheddar cheese and prune ones. It’s sold in halves for RM 5. That’s
half a cake, enough to fill most people, it went down just nicely for

hock huat himself

This is the owner of the place. I think he might very well be Hock
Huat, but I didn’t think to ask. Instead, I asked to go into his baking
space and take photos.

hock huat chiffon prep

He showed me this large steel bowl which had a lot of oil (or melted
butter) and a tiny sprinkling of flour inside. There’s an automatic
beater preparing this one, which I was told is the first step.

hock huat chiffon make

Here’s the important second step – the one that really matters. I
know, coz he told me three times. I think it had something to do with
the indirect heating (double boiling) method. He was very enthusiastic
about stirring the chiffon cake mixture too. This one is the prune

hock huat chiffon

I bought half of a Kraft cheddar cheese chiffon cake for RM 5. It
made me instantly discard my long simmering prejudice against chiffon
cakes. It’s delicious! The chiffon cake is very soft, with a
melt-in-your-mouth texture. The cheese flavors came through just
nicely. I was amazed at how soft the chiffon cake is, it practically
disintegrated when I put it into my mouth. Highly recommended!

Chinese Barbecue Specialist

chinese barbecue specialist

Chinese Barbecue Specialist. It’s a big name to live up to. This
outlet is located at the end of Jalan Padungan and it’s quite famous
for it’s barbecue offerings. I went there for lunch today. This is what
the stall looks like:

chinse barbeque specialist

Apparently, the “e” has fallen off the sign, showing “Chin Se
Barbecue Specialist”, which puzzled me for a while since the shop sign
is Chinese Barbecue Specialist. This is the flagship of the coffee
shop, don’t go asking for steamed chicken or anything like that – this
outlet offers BBQ meat only.

chinese bbq offerings

As you can see, there are several BBQ stuff on offer. You can order
BBQ chicken rice, but to fully appreciate the wonders of barbecue meat,
you have to try the “mixed plate”. There are other BBQ staples like
char siew rice, pork ribs rice, etc. Basically just about anything you
see in the picture above is available in whatever combination you can
think of.

chinese bbq chopping

Your choice (in this case “mixed plate”) is prepared by the proprietor…and it’s delivered to your table:

chinese bbq mixed

There’s the fork and spoon with a napkin, sorry, i mean tissue,
broth, apologies, i mean soup (this joke is getting old, isn’t it? ;)),
sauces and a plate of mixed bbq stuff rice.

chinese bbq closeup

Here’s a closer look at the plate. There’s barbecue chicken (the
white stuff), crispy pork (the brown crispy stuff) and char siew (pork
cuts of an unknown origin). This is all lying on a bed of chicken rice.
It tastes really good, despite the simple appearance.

chinese bbq sauce

These are the two sauces – the BBQ sauce and the chilli sauce. You
want the barbecue sauce (the brown one). This is the secret to a good
BBQ meat meal…the sauce makes the dish (or something). Just liberally
apply the barbecue sauce and you’ll definately enjoy your meal. I like
this place, there’s a homely sort of feel to it, and they serve good
barbecue meat. Do they deserve the “specialist” title? Personally, I
think they do. πŸ™‚

Karipap – 3 for RM 1


Curry puffs – This stall outside Wisma Antarabangsa and Kenanga
International sells things like fried noodles, fried bee hoon, nasi
lemak etc, but I was throwing up the whole of last nite (pictures would
be up later ;)) so I got some currypuffs instead – RM 1 for 3!

Reply comments later okay? Work hours starting soon, better get started first.

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