Project Doctor Shopping Malaysia (Part Dua) in progress…


Project Doctor Shopping Malaysia II is well on its way. I’ve
currently gotten alprazolam (off another doctor), diazepam, and
clonazepam since Project Doctor Shopping: Malaysian Edition (Part I). I
will write the full report when I’ve acquired a suitable amount of
different stuff. πŸ˜‰ I’m hoping to get Phentermine, Ritalin (wish me
luck) and several other different benzos before I write it.

30 mg codeine and 10 mg dihydrocodeine OTC in Malaysia


Here’s a teaser photo. I was about to post about my acquisition of
this tablet today (uh, for my *cough* migraines you see) – it weights
in at a decidedly hefty 30 mg of codeine per pill, but I am really too
sleepy now. I promise the report will be up tomorrow, with plenty of
pictures (even the ones taken at the pharmacy, hehe! that lead to funny
conversation), so if you’re interested in things like this, come back
tomorrow codeine fans! πŸ™‚ I got two kinds, one with 400 mg APAP + a
nice 30 mg codeine and another with the usual obscene 500 mg APAP + a
meagre 10 mg of dihydrocodeine tartate (just for fun), and I’ll write
about that tomorrow. Disclaimer: I don’t mean I bought the
tablets for fun, I just mean I’ve never had dihydrocodeine before so
that’s why I got them as well. Nevertheless, I’ll post the report
tomorrow (not the trip report, the pharmacy run report – the trip
report will be up next time I…uh, have a migraine). Thanks and good
nite! πŸ™‚

Erowid Experience Report: Surviving Law Enforcement Interrogations – Drug War Interrogation by Alkaline []

If you’re involved in any drugs, you have GOT to read this…very,
very insightful article about dealing with the police. Er…the police
here does practise physical assult, the report was written in the US
but please read it if you have a love of chemical substances, it could
help you if you’re busted.


oopz, can you email me ASAP? I lost your email address during the hard disk crash. Thanks buddy!

Project Doctor Shopping: Malaysian Edition

veritas in Malaysia.


Greetings from Malaysia! I am not dead yet, though I did have to
make another trip to the ER (drug related) before I came back. πŸ™‚ I may
or may not be posting about that in the future since I’m still deciding
if doing that will reveal too much and break my anonymity. I will say
that it was the BEST service I ever had though, no triage nurses, it
was straight into a bed where I was hooked up with all sorts of
thingies and a doctor came immediately. Hypertensive crisis in
progress, heart failure probable. I would have enjoyed it if I wasn’t
really afraid for my well being. Heh. It was a bit too close for
comfort this time, please don’t take too much stimulants over a
prolonged period of time if you have an existing medical condition
which contraindicates stimulants (hypertension, heart problems etc).

I digress, that’s not what I’m talking about today. All turned out
good though, so fear not, veritas will not kick the bucket that easily.
πŸ˜‰ I hate it when people refer to themselves in the third person too,
so you’re not alone. Anyway, today I will be reporting about doctor
shopping in Malaysia. Yeah, you heard me right, doctor shopping, not
pharmacy runs. πŸ™ Unfortunately, the days of freely available
benzodiazepines seems to be over…the pharmacies now display a startling
respect for prescribing procedures, and Xanax (alprazolam) and other
benzos seems to be getting the bad kind of attention due to unknown
instigating factors.

Front of the blister pack.

Pharmacy run attempts:

Pharmacy #1

This was the good one that I had no problems getting Xanax
(alprazolam) and Valium (diazepam) off of last time I was back home
(about six months ago). Unfortunately, they seem to have stopped all
restricted drug sales (or so they claim) and they don’t stock any
benzodiazepines anymore. Well, too bad, but I’ve had a nice haul from
this one last time I was back so it’s all good. Thanks anyway.

Pharmacy #2

I did not want to visit this one due to personal reasons. However, a
friend of mine gets her Xanax from here, so I know they stock the
stuff, but they’ve not displayed a willingness to hand over the goods
without a prescription the last time I was here, so I was not
optimistic about walking out with benzodiazepines. Nevertheless, it
won’t hurt to try, so in I walked and told them about my situation
(just got back from Australia, couldn’t bring my prescription back, can
I have some alprazolam please?). Well, they said they’ll be happy to
sell it to me, with a prescription, which I didn’t have. Oh well.

Pharmacy #3

They don’t carry restricted medications.

Pharmacy #4

They also don’t carry restricted stuff.

Pharmacy #5

This was attached to a medical center so I doubt they will sell it
w/o a prescription but again, it won’t hurt to try, so in I went. The
counter was staffed by only a single girl, who was friendly even though
I think she suspected I was attempting to acquire benzos for
recreational purposes. I asked for alprazolam and told her my situation
(see above) and she pulled out this deliciously large container full of
generic 0.5 mg Xanax. The packaging looked like that beta blocker that
pharmacies #3 and #4 was offering me as an alternative, so I said it’s
not a beta blocker but a benzodiazepine. She said, this is a
benzodiazepine. Oops, my mistake, it was alprazolam. πŸ™‚ Unfortunately,
she says that company policy does not allow her to sell it without a
prescription, but she suggested that I visit the medical center beside
and get a prescription, come back and she’ll sort me out. Sounds like a
plan, until I walked into the medical center and saw rows upon rows (I
am not exaggerating) of waiting patients. I doubt it’ll be my turn come
evening, so I walked back and *cough* asked if bending the rules would
be possible. She smiled and said they have regular stock counts so she
would not be able to sell even a small amount to me even if she wanted
to. Thus, Project Doctor Shopping had to be revived in Malaysia.

Back of the blister pack.

Project Doctor Shopping:

Doctor #1

I walked into this clinic because it was empty, so I didn’t have to
wait. After registering as a new patient, I got to see the doctor and
explained my situation. I have to add that I wasn’t properly dressed
for the occasion and my current attire (which revealed my tattoos –
something I found to be a hindrance when doctor shopping) probably
contributed to the lack of helpfulness from this doctor. He said they
didn’t stock Xanax, and he was unwilling to write a prescription for it
and suggested that I visit a clinical psychologist instead as they are
more qualified to issue these medications. The doctor also commented
that I was a bit young to be taking Xanax, he said that “it’s what old
people take” (his words). I refrained from correcting his presumption,
and he refrained from charging me consultation fees. πŸ˜‰ No harm, no
foul, walked out in a couple of minutes and visited another doctor.

Consultation fees: RM 0
Medication fees: What medication?

Interesting fact: Every single blister pack has a different tablet
arrangement. The first one had all the tablets with the front showing,
the second one had all backs except for the last three, which were
fronts, and the third was all fronts, except for the first two and last
two, which were backs.

Doctor #2

I ensured I looked presentable before dropping in on this one.

Doctor: Hello, what can I do for you?
Me: Hello, I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder.
Doctor: Yes, what medication are you taking?
Me: I was prescribed with 0.5 mg alprazolam twice daily in
Australia. I just came back, but unfortunately I could not bring the
medication back.
Doctor: I see. How long have you been taking it?
Me: Oh, about one and half years. I just graduated (shows him my
Student ID card) and my health insurance (shows him my Medibank Private
card) does not allow me to bring back the medication, so I have to get
a new prescription here.
I showed him the cards and offered him additional information
because it seemed like this was a go, and if it was, I wanted to
establish a long term relationship with the doctor, considering the
stricter pharmacy guidelines which have fallen into place during the
time I was away.

Doctor: Okay, I’ll just show you the tablets that I have.
(talking to nurse) Bring me the Upjohn tablets. Is these the ones that
you’ve been taking?
He shows me a blister pack of 10 x 0.5 mg brand name Xanax tablets. I examined the pack for a while and replied:
Me: Yeah, the packaging is different but the ingredient is the same.
It never hurts to play the ignorant patient. πŸ˜‰
Doctor: That’s expected, the packaging would be different as
this are the ones packaged for Malaysian sale, but if it’s the same
thing, it’ll work like your last prescription did. How many do you want?
Me: How much are the blister packs?
Doctor: It’s RM 1.50.
Me: RM 1.50 for the blister pack?!?!?
Doctor: Oh, it’s RM 1.50 per tablet, RM 12 for a blister pack.
Me: Okay, can I have two blister packs please?
RM 1.50 = A$ 0.75. RM 12 = A$ 6. The price per mg of alprazolam is
RM 2.40 or A$ 1.20, not cheap for someone who paid A$ 26.40 (RM 52.80)
for 200 mg of clonazepam. Clonazepam is equivalent on a mg to mg basis
with alprazolam so that works out to just RM 0.26 or A$ 0.13 per mg,
almost 10 times lower than the price I’m getting in Malaysia.

Doctor: Sure, just remember that this is a restricted drug, so
remember to carry the authorization letter with you (?) and don’t give
the tablets to anyone else.
Me: Yeah, I’m aware of that. Oh, can I have three blister packs? It would be easier to come back in 15 days instead.
Doctor: No problems, I’m happy to sell you as many as you need.
Me: Thanks!

Consultation fees: RM 0
Medication fees: RM 36 (A$ 18) for 15 mg of alprazolam (Xanax).
These are the Pharmacia & Upjohn brand name tablets, so it would be
more expensive than generics.

Xanax 0.5 mg pink tablets. Mmm…

Success! πŸ™‚ This also established a possible long term relationship
with the good doctor and a good medical history with the clinic, so I’m
happy with the way things turned out. The clinic did not charge me for
consultation, and that was good. I went back to Pharmacy #5 and asked
if they were willing to sell me the generics with my “unofficial
prescription” and the she said that company policy requires a signed
doctor’s prescription for filing purposes, so it’s a no go. However,
she told me that the generic alprazolam they carry is RM 0.50 (A$ 0.25)
per 0.5 mg so that works out to be cheaper than the brand name Xanax
tablets. I’ll probably get a prescription next time I drop in on the
good doctor to get the generics instead. It was a good project, nice
and easy. πŸ™‚

Pill report: White Maple Leaf w/ grey specks (Melbourne – June 03)


The front of the pill has an imprint of a Canadian maple leaf.
The front is flat, there is no sign of a dome.
The back of the pill is beveled and there is no score.
The White Maple Leaf is slightly thicker than the White HQ pills, even when the latter’s dome is taken into account.
This seems to be a local pill as well, and it is rumored that both of these pills are made by the same manufacturers.




Slow to dark purple and retained that color. The reaction was faster than the White HQ, it probably took 7 seconds.

Conclusion: MDxA



The sample turned blue almost immediately. Nice.

Conclusion: MDMA

Other stuff:

I’m sorry about the candyflipping trip report that remains
unwritten. I’ve been really busy yesterday and today, and I don’t think
I’ll write that one until tomorrow at least. I had such a glowing
experience on it that I want to write a proper trip report instead of a
half assed one. It was a great combination, very synergistic and
euphoric and I’ll post it when I’m sober. I won’t forget the details as
I’ve written them down. Yeah, I still managed to write notes when I’m
walking around town. πŸ™‚ I just had some mushrooms + MDMA too, but that
didn’t turn out very well. Heh. Will write about it when I’m back in
Malaysia. Anyway, I’ve gotta go out now. Check back again in a couple
of days and the candy flip and hippy flip trip reports would be up, and
also a salvia report with 5X extract and a butane torch that I got from
a friend [Edit: Request for anonymity]. Have a wonderful day everyone! πŸ™‚

Pill report: White HQ w/ grey specks (Melbourne – June 03)

White HQ – front

The front of the pill has “HQ” imprinted shallowly.
That side is slightly domed (raised).
Imprint quality not very impressive.
The back of the pill has beveled edges and a single score down the middle. The beveled edges tapers off at the score:


The grey specks are consistent.
I think this is a local pill due to the lack of similar imprints popping up in other countries.

White HQ – back



Slow to purple and it retained that color (didn’t turn black). It
probably took all of 10 seconds to achieve that reaction, but it is
cold right now, so that could be a factor.

Conclusion: MDxA



Mild bubbling and a very light orange color was noted. Very thin and
nearly invisible blue streaks could be seen much later (about 12
seconds) but I really had to squint and look at it at an angle to see

Conclusion: MDMA and MDA combo? Methamphetamine and MDA
combo? I’m making guesses here. Heh! This is speculation based on the
previous results and the qualitative effects of that pill. It does seem
to be a MDxA based pill though, so all should be good.

Interesting read: Color Test Reagents/Kits for Preliminary Identification of Drugs of Abuse []

[.pdf document – Right click, save target as]

It has the compositions of the 12 reagents (including Marquis,
Simons, Mecke, Mandelin etc etc) so you could make it yourself. I don’t
think the chemicals are controlled so it’s just a matter of walking
into a chemical distribution company (the smaller ones that sells to
high schools) and getting the stuff and putting them together. Nifty.

However, I also found out something unpleasant. Apparently it’s a
bad idea to touch the reagents because most of them have toxic
ingredients. I looked at the EZ Test Marquis reagent again and true
enough, it has a nicely worded, skim over the details warning in Fine
Print. The PDF document above goes into more detail, use SodaPDF

to be able to read the details of the documents. The Marquis reagent

has formaldehyde and this is what the excerpt says:

Formaldehyde – TOXIC.
May cause cancer. May cause heritable genetic damage.
Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin, and if swallowed.
Causes burns. May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.
Readily absorbed through skin. Lachrymator. Combustible.
Target organs: eyes, kidneys.
Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.

The easiest way to break up hard pressed pills. Syringes are just so
versatile. The needle breaks the pill up with a fissure and the cap
serves to move stuff around for the reaction. πŸ™‚

Here’s another excerpt about the chemicals in Simons reagent. This is a real bag of laughs:

Sodium nitroprusside – VERY TOXIC.
Very toxic by inhalation, contact with skin, and if swallowed.
Target organs: blood.
In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water
and seek medical advice. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and
eye/face protection. Do not breathe dust.

May cause cancer. May cause heritable genetic damage.
Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin, and if swallowed.
May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.
Possible risk of harm to unborn child. Causes severe irritation. Lachrymator. Photosensitizer.
Target organs: kidneys, liver.
May develop pressure. Keep away from sources of ignition. In case of
contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek
medical advice.
Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eye/face protection.

Needless to say, I was not very impressed at the lack of
documentation regarding this in the EZ Test kits. Readily absorbed
through the skin…I’ve been touching it with my bare hands while moving
samples into and out of the solution and also mixing things up without
gloves. It’s my fault for not reading the Fine Print. RTFM. Oh well, I
don’t think the concentrations present in the reagents is enough to
produce those toxic effects anyway.

/me sets up camp on the riverbanks of Egypt

Wow, what a nice view I’m getting.

White MX w/multi-colored speckles – very strange

This is a veritas post.

White MX w/multi-colored speckles – front

This pill produced a very interesting test result. I’m quite puzzled
at the reactions. The pill seems to be from a different batch than the White MX that was tested
[] close to two months ago. The previous batch did not
have the kaleidoscope of speckles this new batch has. The White MX from
that time did have visible colored specks, but it’s not so
prominent and dominant compared to this batch. The logo is the same,
and this pill also has slightly beveled edges on both sides, and a
single score down the back.

White MX w/multi-colored speckles – back

I checked it against the previous photos and the cursive “mx” font
is exactly similar. The only thing different is the abundance of
speckles in this pill. It has blue, red, green, yellow and browns
speckles all over the pill. It would be interesting to note that it was
related to me that qualitative comments from a person who had this pill
(White MX w/multi-colored speckles), White HQ and White Maple Leaf
feels that this pill is strongest among the three.



The scraping was tested with a drop of Marquis reagent. The color
changed slowly to purple and then to dark purple/black. There was no
bubbling or smoking, which I understand rules out DXM. The pill seems
like an MDxA pill at this point.


Conclusion: MDxA (purple/black color change)


Simons Test #1

This is the puzzling one. One drop of Simon’s reagent and two drops
of buffer solution was added to a sample scraping. The solution started
to bubble noticeably (produced air bubbles) and the final color was a
very light orange. I thought that I must have messed up the reaction
somehow and scraped another bit off for a second test. The same result
was noticed – bubbles, and a very light orange solution. It may be
interesting to note Erowid has a photo showing an MDA reaction and an MDMA reaction
[] to Simons and the results seems to be similar to Erowid’s
MDA result. However, I was under the impression that Simons only tests
for secondary amines and MDA is not a secondary amine so it shouldn’t
react with Simons. I could be missing something basic here though, I’m
not very familiar with the more exotic reactions.

Simons Test #2

Conclusion: Not MDMA (no blue color change)


I wasn’t really keen on doing this due to the low success rate I’ve
had with Robadope in the past. The results have always been ambiguous,
there wasn’t a reaction where a really strong and unmistakable color
change occurred, even with known primary amines like dexamphetamine
(Dexedrine) tablets containing 5 mg dextroamphetamine sulfate. This
test also requires a rather large sample (EZ Test says 10% of the pill)
and I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice that amount for a test that may or
may not provide a conclusive result. However, curiosity got the better
of me and I prepared a drop of Robadope with 3 drops of buffer solution
before scraping quite a bit of the pill into the solution. I did not
skimp on the sample, as you can see from the sadly mutilated and much
less voluminous pill:


The large amount of powder was moved into the solution, but no reaction took place. I did notice a very slight bluish tint to the solution.

The solution’s borders have been outlined for better clarity.

I added more scraping, but the color did not change. I pushed a
stray drop of buffer solution into the existing solution, which now
contains a drop of Robadope and 4 drops of buffer. However, there was
still no noticeable color change.

Robadope reagent’s original color.

I manipulated a stray Robadope drop into the existing solution, and
that colored the solution somewhat (due to the natural coloring of
Robadope), but there wasn’t a definitive noticeable color change to
salmon/red. I thought I did see a bit of red when I looked at the
solution from an angle, with some wishful thinking. πŸ™‚ However, the
resultant solution (2 drops Robadope, 4 drops buffer solution) looks
more yellow than red.

Final color.

I’m quite puzzled at the strange reactions. The EZ Test kit was
purchased about two months ago and it has been kept in a dark and cool
place. The reagents have been reliable until the strange results today.
I’m not discounting the fact that there might be cross-contamination
among the bottles, I could have screwed the wrong cap on the wrong
bottle. I’ve always been careful to wipe stray drops from the cap and
bottle before screwing on the cap, but it could be a possibility.

White MX w/multi-colored speckles (scanned) – front

That said, assuming the results are correct, what could the
substance possibly be? Personally, I’m leaning towards MDA due to the
positive Marquis reagent test and the Simons color change that is
similar to Erowid’s. However, if it is MDA, the Robadope would have
tested out too, and it didn’t. I must state though, I have had a lot of
trouble with Robadope, so I’m not putting too much weight on that
result. What do you all think? I would appreciate any educated guesses
and speculation. The scanned pill images above and below has more
accurate color reproduction than the digicam photos. Please let me know
before noon if it could be something that I would regret taking. I know
this doesn’t sound like a very smart thing to do, but I’m not a very
smart person. πŸ˜‰ Thanks!

White MX w/multi-colored speckles (scanned) – back

Disclaimer: The pill has been disposed of and is no longer in my possession. Request for identification is for informational purposes only.

Script shenanigans (Dexamphetamine Reloaded)

*wipes tear away from eye* I thought I’ll never see you again.

Would it be possible to cash in a dated dexamphetamine (Schedule 8)
script several weeks EARLY? I was wondering the same question myself,
and I decided to try after reading a caveat in the pharmaceutical
dispensing guidelines regarding Schedule 8 substances. It was in a
pharmacy site, but I forgot the link. I remembered getting there from
the “australia schedule 8 prescription” search string though. Anyway,
if you’ve been reading about my “narcolepsy” and the legal speed I was
prescribed to manage the symptoms, you’ll have read my final farewell to dextroamphetamine sulfate []. That farewell seems to be premature though. Don’t you just hate that? πŸ˜‰

32 days have passed since the last time I refilled my script
(including today). I had thought that was the last time I’m going to
see my little white friends, because the good doctor upgraded
(supersized?) my dexamphetamine prescription by trusting me with the
responsibility of 200 x 5 mg dexamphetamine (Dexedrine in the US)
tablets upfront with a refill in 50 days instead of the usual 100 x 5
mg every 25 days. The nice doctor did not increase my dose, but he
allowed me to get 200 tablets at once, which is not standard
prescribing procedure for a Schedule 8 drug.

I have 2 repeats left on the script (time based, only valid if 50
days have passed since the last refill) and I’m not due for a refill
until 10th of July, which is next month. I would be back in Malaysia by
then so I thought it was the last time I’ll be having pharmaceutical
quality amphetamines. However, I decided to use one of the methods in
my Tome of Doctor Shopping (available for the low, low price of
A$0, I’ve documented everything on this site) to see if I could just
eek out one last refill before I go back. It just might be possible,
and I won’t have to lie to get it. I just have to be economical with
the truth. πŸ˜‰


I’ll be going back soon for my holidays and my tablets would run out before I come back, so can I please have an early refill?

There is no untruth in this statement, everything is TRUE. Isn’t
that great? =D I just didn’t mention that I’ll be going back for good,
as that would invalidate the script (it still has a repeat) which is
supposed to be inherited by CT. I also neglected to elaborate
that I won’t be heading home that early. My tongue slipped and that
made me erroneously emphasize the word “soon” with a particular tone
which might be misleading to chemists, leading them to think that it
was a date like tomorrow. Sorry! πŸ˜‰

I haven’t been to any of the pharmacies I went to today. I didn’t
want to use the regular dexamphetamine one, since the pharmacist
clearly told me about the 50 day refill timeframe. I can’t use any of
the pharmacies near my place because I have either filled
benzodiazepines or bought fit kits and other injecting paraphernalia
there, and I didn’t want to risk my script. I decided to trawl the
pharmacies further away from my usual haunts. We’ll see how it goes:

Pharmacy #1

This medicine may increase mental alertness and/or co-ordination. If
affected. Do not bite lower lip or smoke too many cigarettes.

I walked in and gave the pharmacist on duty (a nice looking old man)
a big ass smile and said “Hello” cheerily. πŸ™‚ “Could you possibly help
me with this? It’s not due for a while, but I’ll be going home for the
holidays soon and my prescription will run out before I come back, so would it be possible to get this filled today?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem, I’ll get to it right away. It would take a couple of minutes, do you use prescription assistance programs?”

“Sure, take your time. I appreciate your help.”

I tried to be nonchalant and pretended to read a book while in
actually fact I was watching the pharmacist out of the corner of my
eye. I saw him make a phone call, no problem, he’s probably just
validating the script, 200 is an extraordinary amount for
dexamphetamine. He came up to me after that and said: “I’m sorry sir,
but I only have 100 tablets in stock now. However, if you come back at
4:30 pm, the prescription would be all ready for you.”

It was slightly before 9 am in the morning then. Hmm…this is a
definite go, I thought, I’ll be happy to come back at 4:30 pm if that
means I would get the refill. However, it bothered me that such a large
pharmacy did not carefully maintain the stock levels to avoid
situations such as these. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but it doesn’t hurt
to be careful, and I’ve learnt something important in my years of
recreational drug use: When in doubt – bail.

I did not plan to be untruthful, but circumstances dictate that
moral issues should be shelved and contingency plans initiated. “Oh,
that would be great, but unfortunately I have an exam later so I
wouldn’t be able to come back at that time”. Pharmacist: “That wouldn’t
be a problem, we close at 6 pm, so if you just come back anytime before
that, the prescription will be ready for you.” He was still holding on
to my script. I wanted it back. “Well, my exams are in Caulfield so I
wouldn’t be heading down again, since it would be out of the way.
Thanks for your help anyway.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem, you can just come back tomorrow or another day, and it’ll be all ready for you.” He was still
holding my script. Subtlety will not work here. “Thanks, but that won’t
be necessary. I’ll just get it another day. I’m sorry for bothering
you.” I hold my hand out for the script. He handed it back rather
unwillingly. “Have a nice day” I say as I walk out. I walked to the
traffic lights about 25 meters from the pharmacy and stood there while
the pedestrian lights were red. I happened to glance beside me and saw
two police officers smiling at me in a manner I thought was predatory.

Paranoia? Or did the pharmacist call the police? He wouldn’t would
he? Even though prescription fraud is punishable by a 1 year jail
sentence, I didn’t do anything wrong by asking for an early refill (at
least I don’t think that’s breaking any laws). It’s such a minor
infringement anyway, but why are the police looking at me like that? I
am dressed well and conservatively, like I always do when doctor
shopping or filling scripts. I nodded at the police and said “Hello
officers.” I looked back at the pedestrian lights. It turned green. I

It’s probably just a coincidence but it was disconcerting.

Pharmacy #2

Keep a supply – …

Okay, it seems that refilling scripts before the due date is
possible under certain circumstances, like the one I’m experiencing. I
just need to tweak (no pun intended) the statement a little bit to
optimize it. I walk into the second pharmacy and said “Good morning, I
was wondering if you could help me out with this. It’s not due yet, but
my exams are over and I’m flying back home tomorrow. The tablets would
run out before I get back, so would it be possible to get this refill
earlier so I don’t miss my medication?”

“Okay, just a minute, let me ask the pharmacist.”

The pharmacist (who happens to be another old man, but not as kindly
looking as the first one) looked at the script, looked at me and walked
over. “I’m sorry, but we don’t stock these. Why don’t you go back to
the original pharmacy and get it from there?” “Okay, thanks for your
help.” No go. I don’t believe for a second that this large chain does
not carry dexamphetamine. The pharmacist probably just though the
script was a bit odd, considering the amount and the fact that I’m
filling it at a place which is really quite far from the one who issued
the repeat authorization and didn’t want to fill it.

Oh well, since I’m bending the truth a little (okay, more than a
little), I have no right to comment, but does the pharmacist think I
look stupid? That’s such a lame excuse coming from this well known and
large pharmacy chain, but he’s probably thinking the same thing too. πŸ™‚
“Does this guy think I’m stupid?” Heh. No harm, no foul, I’ll just move

Pharmacy #3

…don’t cease…

I optimized the statement again. I decided I wasn’t going to draw
attention to the due date unless the pharmacist asks about it. Hey,
maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll miss the fact that the due date is next
month. “Hello, can I have this filled please?” I say while smiling my
“I’m just an innocent student, a nice guy” smile. Cheery and polite,
what a hoot I am. πŸ™‚ Unfortunately, this pharmacy does not carry
dexamphetamine. I did believe him, because it was a small, hole in the
wall chemist, with a tiny prescriptions section. The pharmacist was
kind enough to point me in the right direction too. “Hmm…let me think
of the pharmacists in (deleted) who stocks these. There are two at
(deleted) Street that would most likely have them in stock. You could
pop over and see.”

“Thanks for your help!”

Pharmacy #4

…without Dr’s advice

I modified the statement again. I implemented the lessons learnt
from the first three pharmacies and decided to experiment with an
additional sentence to add authority to my statement. I put on my best
shit eating grin and applied my friendliest tone with overtures of “Oh,
I feel sorry for all the hard work you do that goes unnoticed. I really
appreciate your self-sacrificing service to the community.” The
pharmacist was a man in his early 30s, he looks young and I somehow
feel that this would be the one.

Me: Good morning! Rainy day huh?
Pharmacist: Yeah, it’s been raining the whole morning. It’s quite cold eh?
Me: Indeed. The weather has been rather dismal these days. It’s
going to be good for the alpine though, I hear there’s some nice
snowfall up there. Too bad I’m going to miss snowboarding this year.
Pharmacist: Oh, that’s too bad. Where are you going?
Me: I’m heading back for the holidays. Just finished my exams,
oh this reminds me, this script is not due yet, but unfortunately, I’ll
be going home for a month and half so the tablets would run out before
I come back. I called the doctor and he suggested that I get a refill
before I go back. The doctor’s details is here.
I flip the repeat authorization over confidently and pointed out the
original doctor’s script, while taking care not to overextend myself
and expose tattoos. It doesn’t hurt to be careful, even a shave to look
clean cut helps.

Pharmacist: 200? Oh, wow.
Me: Yeah, I’ve been prescribed this for narcolepsy. The doctor gave me a larger amount so I won’t have to get it filled so often.
Pharmacist: I see. Sure, this is no problem at all. It’ll just take 10 minutes for me to get this filled.
Me: Thanks! I appreciate your help.

I pray that he won’t call the doctor, because the part about me consulting the doctor for advice didn’t exactly happen.

I pretended to browse around the store and decided that a display of
hair coloring is very interesting and stared at that with a half smile,
all the while keeping my ears cocked for phone conversations. This is
dangerous territory…if he calls the doctor, all would be lost. The
doctor is under the impression that dexamphetamine is cheaper in
Malaysia so it wouldn’t make sense for me to collect the script here,
and he’ll certainly remember if we had a conversation about early
refills, and we didn’t. Malaysia didn’t even approve dextroamphetamine
for anything! It’s not available for prescribing in Malaysia. I
shouldn’t have said that. Lady luck, show me some love!

5 minutes later… (it felt like 50 minutes)

Pharmacist: Hey!

I pretended that he didn’t made me jump. I was on methcathinone
(I’ll write about it some other time) and it doesn’t take much to make
me jump when I’m tweaking. Thankfully, a column of hygiene products
obscured me, so my startled response didn’t get noticed.

Me: Yes?
Pharmacist: It’s (deleted) right? Is that how your pronounce it?
Me: You’ve got it spot on, that’s my name alright.
Actually he didn’t pronounce it right, but going into semantics would just slow the process down, so on with the show!
Pharmacist: Are you still taking it twice daily?
Me: Yeah, that’s my dose.
Pharmacist: Okay, thanks!


There was sounds of fast typing, and my paranoia imagined the
pharmacist talking to the doctor online. He was just typing the new
repeat authorization. πŸ™‚

Pharmacist: Here you go buddy. Do you want a receipt?
I hide my grin.
Me: Yes please, that would be great.
Pharmacist: Here’s everything. I also put in a leaflet about
generic medicines, it’s a good read. This is your repeat authorization,
there’s one repeat left, 50 days from now. And this is the 200 tablets
of dexamphetamine, two tablets to be taken twice daily.
Me: Thank you, I appreciate your help.
Pharmacist: Have a nice trip!
Huh? What is he insinuating? Is he trying to tell me that he knows
I’m scripting and he filled it anyway? What would be the appropriate
reply then? Oh wait, he’s talking about the trip back home. Duh!

Me: Thanks, have a nice day mate.

/me walks out with 1 gram of dextroamphetamine sulfate in the form
of two bottles of dexamphetamine containing 100 tablets of 5 mg each.

Remember: Keep a supply – don’t cease without Dr’s advice!

That’s doctor’s orders. πŸ˜‰

Lies, damn lies and drug vilification

Erimin (nimetazepam) packaging – front

This ill researched, sensationalist tabloid story here is another
example of how the media is contributing to the bad image recreational
drug users have to put up with. I will not link it – not because we’re
competing for SERPs on “Erimin” (I don’t compete for keywords, I just
try to get mine out there), but because it’s pure, steaming bullshit.
The article is about Erimin-5 pills, but it is written more to
sensationalize than to provide concise facts. What do you expect from a
tabloid? I mean for fucks sake, do you really need to put caps in the
title? Does that really sensationalize the thrashy “article” all that

Erimin (nimetazepam) packaging – back

Just so you can check it out, here’s the link (start from http and paste every other line, including the numbers until html), you have to do a bit of cut and pasting coz I do not link to poorly researched anti-drug propaganda:
Hello, I’m Joycelyn Wong.
I do not know much about benzodiazepines.
but I’ll like to write an article about it anyway.
because you know, I have a Phd. in Sensationalist Writing (Applied Tabloids)
and my research was on How to Sample a Population 101
It’s not that hard really, just pick (or invent) some random guys
called Nicky and Ryan and get them to make sweeping statements and pass
on personal experiences as fact.

No, there is no room for words such as “may”, “seems”, “feel”. Those
words leave room for alternative views! They are bad! My doctorate
taught me that it’s much more effective to pass off opinions as facts.
Fuck the truth, no room for that here, people want to hear about third
hand “experiences” (the more sensationalist the better!) like “addicts
stealing from a shop” coz we all know that drug users are fucking scum,
they are liars, they are thieves and they are no better than dogs. No,
we won’t be touching any of that stuff. Now, let us have promiscuous
unprotected sex and pass HIV around because sex is good and drugs are
bad, mmmkay? Mmmkay.

Flunitrazepam = bad

Dangerous substances like flunitrazepam should be avoided, okay!
They have been found in the fake Erimin-5 pills and they can make you
unconscious, and I must bring up the date rape issue, because we all
know that drug users do that! Evil corrupt fucks! Stay away from the
dirty junkies, hang out with the frat boys and the pretentious clubbers
because they won’t do that to you. No, not them, they’re the Good Guys.

Be careful of benzos okay! They cause convulsions!!! What?
Benzodiazepines have anticonvulsant activity? They are marketed as
anti-epileptics? I see…so it’s withdrawal after long term benzo
therapy that may cause convulsions, oops I got it the other way round.
My bad. I don’t know anything about that, I didn’t do any research
actually…shh! I don’t even know that Upjohn is a pharmaceuticals
company, I thought it was a drug name. What’s that? Upjohn merged with
Pharmacia and the merged company got acquired by Pfizer? I don’t really
care about all that, it’s just history. But hmm…isn’t Pfizer the one
that made Viagra? Now that I know, that’s good stuff indeed. Benzo =
bad, sildenafil = good. You know…I thought the imprint is the drug
name! Hmm…there are many benzos out there with the Upjohn imprint you
say? You’re confusing me, please stop, I only know that drugs are bad,
mmmkay??? Mmmkay!

The Famous Five (by Enid Blyton)

Benzodiazepines cause hallucinations too!!! Yes, full blown
opened eye visuals, I’m not fucking kidding you, they are bad ok! Ricky
told me so. Er…I mean Nicky. That’s what I wrote in the tabloid article
right? *double checks* Yeah, Brian told me so, oh sorry, I mean Ryan.
Note to self: Keep the names consistent. Okay, now I’m going to write
about Death! Dr Brian Yeo, who is a well respected general
practitioner, says that nimetazepam causes DEATH (!!!) when taken in
large amounts. He’s a doctor so he’s always right.

What? The Merck Index says nimetazepam has an oral LD50 of 750mg/kg
for mice and 970mg/kg for rats? Who the fuck is Merck? Come to think of
it, what is the highest dose per tablet for Erimin-5? 5 mg of
nimetazepam is the strongest preparation you say? Humans seem to have a higher LD50 than mice/rats on benzodiazepines
[], but just for statistical purposes, let us assume the LD50
for mice is the LD50 for humans. Now then…that hypothetical human (as
unfortunately benzodiazepines are very safe when taken alone even at
high doses) would have to take 150 tablets at once to have a 50% chance
of dying.

[Edit: Curse my poor math…why didn’t a more gifted
person pick this up? :p A human would need much more than that, since
it’s 750 mg per kg, so following the mice LD50, a 60 kg person would need 9000 mg or 1,800 pills!
(I have mastered the art of selective use of bold for text too) If you
really have that much, please consider suicide using an alternative
method, since it would be quite painful to consume that many tablets at

That is assuming that the nimetazepam is all absorbed at once. Brian, did you skip one too many med school classes?

That is the Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals logo and their internal code – 028

Erimin is made by Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals []

This took a damn long time to search for, so please thank me. :p
I’ve always wondered who made Erimin, and information is scarce and
unreadable (Japanese) on the net. I’ve heard it attributed to Landsen
etc., I know it’s made in Japan, but I don’t exactly know who made
it…until today. Sumitomo don’t actually have nimetazepam or Erimin
listed in their products catalogue, but look at the Sumitomo logo and
look at the Erimin-5 pill. Mystery solved, feels good to get to the end
of this at last!

Anyway, the tabloid article isn’t without merit, as I did learn two
things today. That is assuming that this source can be trusted (and
that’s a very big assumption, when presented with the current data):
1. Flunitrazepam was taken off the market in Singapore in 1998.
2. My poor secluded state (or maybe it’s just me :p) is getting shafted with Erimin-5 prices.

The end of the article states that 55,000 Erimin 5 pills were seized
fairly recently, and the street value was quoted at S$440,000. That
means each pill is going for S$8, and we all know how the media and the
law enforcement elements like to inflate the “estimated street value”
of drugs, so let’s half that price to S$4. That’s RM 8 per pill and the
street price in my town is RM 15. I mean, I just heard and all, not
that I’ve been partaking in anything I don’t want do. <-Loaded
statement. Thankfully, diazepam is still RM 0.50/5 mg tablet and
alprazolam goes for RM 7.50/2.5 mg. Prices are from veritas and they
are OTC prices, unregulated pharmacies ;). Read veritas’s post on
Erimin-5 here:

Erimin 5 []

S$ = Singapore dollars = slightly higher than A$ but for easier conversion:
S$1 = A$1 (1 Singapore dollar = 1 Australian dollar)
RM = Ringgit Malaysia = 1/2 for A$ so:
RM1 = A$0.50 (1 Malaysian dollar = 50 cents Australian)

In other news, the recent Google Dance obliterated my PR (down to 3 from 4) but I’m getting amazing SERPs. [Update:
I am back to PR4 now.] How is that possible? Oh well, that “persistant
sidebar” does make my pages look like spam so I’m not surprised at the
drop in PR. Design for the users or for Google? I’ll go with you, dear
readers. πŸ˜‰

[Update: Back to PR3 again…stabilize dammit. :p]

[Last Update: Oh wait, I’m PR4 again. Google flux, thou tease me so…]

Upgraded dextroamphetamine sulfate (Dexamphetamine, Dexedrine) script…and a farewell

Why is this man laughing? [].


I went to pick up my dexamphetamine script today. Granted, the day
that happens usually warrants a post filled with much joy and
laughter…but not to this extent. Hahaha! πŸ™‚ Look, I’m at it again!
Okay, let me fill you all in about what happened today. I went to my
usual doctor to pick up my script 100 tablets of dextroamphetamine
sulfate today. The good doctor raised the price issue again with me, so
I thought it would be a good time to push my luck. Hehe!

Anyway, the price issue stems from the fact that the good doctor
feels sorry for me because I have to pay the clinic consultation fees
(A$35) every time I pick up my script. He knows I’m an international
student from the first consultation, and it might have been something I
said that first time (don’t really remember), but he’s really concerned
about my financial situation. πŸ™‚ Now, is that a good doctor or what!

However, the thing is, my Medibank Private OSHC (Overseas Student
Health Coverage) makes me eligible to claim back the consultation fees.
I’ve told the doctor that when he raised the issue the first time but
he seems to forget it every time I go in. Man, I’m feeling really bad
about scamming this doctor, he’s a really good, concerned medical
professional on all fronts. Bless him!


A rather long aside:

I read a post about 25 mg getting someone “too wired” and another
about a guy taking “35 mg but don’t take that much because I’m a big
guy”. Fuckers!!!!! I can’t get off on less than 60 mg and I need
urinary alkalinizers and a really empty stomach for that to work, and
re-dosing has to happen frequently. I just took 60 mg, a 40 mg booster
dose at T+30 and snorted a fat line of meth to go with everything when
I felt the oral dose kick in. I’m fairly nice and stimulated (whee! =D)
but it’s not a “recreational dose” in that I’ll need much more to get
ready to “fucking party”. πŸ˜‰ This is just a “work dose” for
assignments. Reading those posts got my panties all in a twist (not
literally, I prefer lacy G-strings…I kid! :)) because my tolerance does
not allow me to “get off” on that kind of doses. πŸ™ I’m not saying “my
dick is bigger than yours” – fuck, not at all! I wish so much that I
have the tolerance level of a normal person so my stash will last
longer! Reading those posts makes me envious…imagine how long my gear
will last if I only need 20 mg to get tweaked. The possibilities! Oh,
the sweet sweet possibilities!

P/S – Don’t take the amounts I take – dosage guides are available at
Erowid (link on the right). I’m in a bit of a meth here…tweaking very
often and not exercising moderation and self-control. Don’t worry or
feel sorry about me though, I’m going to quit (don’t laugh, seriously)
in June, for reasons I will explain later. πŸ™‚

Anyway, back to the post, I told the doctor not to worry about it,
coz I can claim back the consultation fees, but he keeps on forgetting
that. Another small aside: I’m sure my health coverage allows me to
claim back part of the medication cost, but there’s no way I’m doing
that! πŸ™‚ Maybe I’m paranoid, but I want a “clean record” – no
benzodiazepines or amphetamine type stimulants on my medical record
please. I’ve read that Medibank does check for doctor shoppers,
and benzodiazepines for anxiety and dextroamphetamine for narcolepsy
will be a bit of a discrepancy now won’t it? Maybe it’ll just make a
few people at Medibank scratch their heads in puzzlement at this
contraindicatory prescription list, maybe they won’t even notice it,
but maybe, just maybe, they’ll flag me as a doctor shopper and that’ll
be the end of things.

Picked up 200 tablets (a whopping 1000 mg – that’s a gram of dextroamphetamine sulfate) today

“False representation to obtain a prescription drug” aka faking
symptoms to get a prescription IS a drug offence and can lead to 1 year
in prison in Victoria! Don’t fuck around, I’m not glamorizing or
promoting this practice in any way, I’m just telling you about my day
and that’s what a blog is about right? You might also be concerned
about the other issues raised by Dave in his comments in Project Doctor Shopping I
[]. He’s got a couple of good points in there, however, I
don’t mean to “proudly drawing attention to my exploits”. I don’t
mention about my doctor shopping shenanigans anywhere else, but I
neglected to notice that “Dexamphetamine” seems to be an Australian
“brand name” and thus my site is in the top 10 returned hits of Google
(sometimes, seem to change every time Google crawls) if people search
for that particular word. This worries me a bit though, I would like
the site’s readers to read about my day, but I’m also aware that a
doctor/medical insurance representative/pharmacist/law enforcement
officer (*crosses fingers*) might stumble upon it and do something
about it. Well, in the unlikely (but statistically possible) event that
you’re one of the above…not that this is a valid excuse, but consider
giving a final semester (more about this later) university student who
will be leaving Australia for good in June 2003 a break eh? πŸ™‚

You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

My, am I paranoid today. And I’ve digressed so far from the point.
Sheesh! πŸ™‚ My apologies, 100 mg + line of meth does get me fairly
tweaked – it’s not as high as I’ll like to be for recreation, but it
sure gets me talking and writing excessively, which is why I use it for
assignments. Sure gets things done really fast, if you control the urge
to elaborate and go off on tangents. Hehe! πŸ™‚ I wouldn’t use it for
writing stuff though, it makes me write inappropriately intimate
“Hello, we’re having a conversation” type essays instead of the
detached “The simulation was run for 420 seconds, and upon completion,
the average utilization rates for the TD link is found to hover around
60%. The TD link’s parameters were then changed to meet the IEEE 802.3
1000BaseT standard and this resulted in a significant decrease in the
utilization rate figures as predicted, with an average of 7.7% over the
course of the 7 minute simulation.”.

I am digressing again. Sorry, I’ll get back to the post now. Lemme
just scroll up and see where I ended…ah, yes. I’ve never claimed back
the medication costs due to that reason, and also I don’t feel good
about being “subsidized” for something I’m using for recreational
purposes. I do claim the consultation costs though – and this may sound
like hypocrisy – but I make a distinction between this and medication
costs. Before you accuse me of “taking advantage of Australia’s good
medical facilities” and tell me to go back home (which I’m going to do
in June anyway) please take note of the fact that I’ve only claimed
back the consultation costs for the doctor who prescribes me
dexamphetamine, and that’s just 4 times.

Dexamphetamine driving in traffic.
Speech bubble: Vroom!

I also pay high monthly medical premiums for my Medibank Private
health insurance – I’m not on Medicare because I’m not a PR or citizen!
Perhaps that’s why I don’t feel bad about claiming back the
consultation costs for the dexamphetamine consultations (never claimed
the other ones, used a fake name so that’s not possible), it’s
something about claiming back small amounts from a for-profit private
insurance company that doesn’t bother me at all. Hell, the amounts I
pay for premiums and the out of pocket costs from several unfortunate
incidents is many, many times higher than the meager claimbacks I did.
I’m contributing to the Australian economy from that, my university
fees (overseas students = very inflated figures) and the other
associated living costs. I’m about to digress into a 10, 000 word essay
about why international students are contributing to the economy, not
“taking away” from it, but I’ll spare you all that. πŸ™‚

I’ve said I’ll stop digressing, right? Oops…okay, anyway, I’ve only
done 4 claims for the consultation (but not medication) from the
dexamphetamine clinic, because my altruism can only go as far as my
financial means, which isn’t much at all. Oh, and the claims are not
paid back in full though, there is out of pockets costs for people on
OSHC – I don’t know how much it is in terms of percentages, I could
break out with the calculators (or at least click on Window’s
calculator) but I’ll let someone with the adequate math skillz to work
this out in the head do this. πŸ™‚ Consultation costs me A$35 and I’ve
been to 4 consultations for dexamphetamine, so that’s A$140 (I had to
use a calculator for that – damn my poor math). I got A$100.50 from the
claims, so that’s A$39.50 out of pocket expenses. Phew, I didn’t use a
calculator for that (though I was tempted to) – worked it all out in my
head…it took quite a while and I had to bend and flex my fingers to
keep track and provide visual cues during the calculation, but I did
it! That’s something to be proud of…heh! Okay, now someone else work
out the OOP expenses if there’re interested, I forgot how to calculate
percentages even with a calculator…

Dexamphetamine in: Delusions of Grandeur – Hovering over the skies of Melbourne.
Speech bubble: Behold mortals!

Anyway, I told the doctor that I can claim back the consultation
fees, but he says he doesn’t feel good about me paying every time. I
think he mentioned something along the lines of he’ll rather me pay the
pharmacy for the medication and not the clinic for the
consultation…which leads me to wonder if he’s involved in any
outstanding issues with the clinic, but it’s not my place to speculate.
Nevertheless, I wish you well, good doctor. All the best in everything
and may you live long and prosper! I don’t think doctors need any
wishes regarding the prosper bit though. :p

Well, after all this paragraphs of digression and sidetracks, now
I’m back to what I said in the first paragraph. πŸ™‚ He raised the issue
again with me today, so I thought…I’m feeling lucky today so I’ll push
my luck and see how far it takes me. Roll with it, and all that:

Me: Hmm…
(The “hmm…” is because I wanted to make it look like the idea just got into my head)
Me: Well, would it be possible to…say, write a script for 200
tablets instead of 100 tablets? I won’t need to come back so often in
that case.
(I immediately regretted saying this, I meant to say 300, but my tongue
slipped. Curse you for abandoning me in my moment of need…I’ll give you
a good bite in retaliation! Ouch! Okay, back to the conversation.)
Doctor: Yes, that’s a good idea, that means you’ll only have to
go to the pharmacy instead of all the way here (my address is on my
patient details sheet, good thing he never asked why I came all the way
here instead of going to a doctor in my suburb) and paying consultation
every time to get your script. I’ll do that. How much were you taking
(I’m thinking really hard at this point…is the doctor testing me? Or
has he really forgotten and the patient history sheet doesn’t have my
dosage on it? Split second decisions, buddy, do it right this time, go
with the flow, do what feels right!)
Me: I’m taking two tablets twice a day.
(Yes, I told the truth. I had decided the doctor wasn’t testing me
based on his expression and other cues, including body language, etc
and my gut feeling (which is actually pretty good). However, I didn’t
want to lie to this doctor when he’s been so nice to me, it just won’t
be right. It may sound strange that a doctor shopper has “morals” but
you don’t understand the scene if you think that way. Recreational drug
users and the doctor shopping subculture is just a microcosm of the
general population – there are good people, they are bad people, like
general society. (Note to self: Nice one! You managed to squeeze the
word ‘microcosm’ into a post at last! =D) Personally, I consider myself
a “good person”. The written version of verbal masturbation? Oh well, I
feel that way anyway because I’m honest except when doctor shopping (I
prefer the term “going into character” instead of lying) and I don’t:
rip anyone off, dob anyone in, fuck anyone over, steal, cheat, deal,
manipulate etc etc. Yes, writing that did felt good, and it’s true too.
πŸ™‚ However, others might not think I’m a “good person” because
substance use is still shaking off its stigma, but that’s okay. Judge
not lest ye be judged yourself. πŸ˜‰ My God (blasphemy), that is an
inappropriately long aside in the middle of reenacting a conversation –
I wish I had an editor to cut out all this crap.)

Dexamphetamine using a public toilet. The yellow stream missed the bowl.
Speech bubble: Ahh…

Doctor: Okay, so I’ll write 200 tablets (I kick myself again
for not saying 300) and also put in some repeats so come in again when
you finish the tablets.
Me: Thanks doctor, I’ll come in again next Monday then.
(I kid!!! I didn’t say that last sentence. Sorry. Couldn’t resist. πŸ™‚ This is my real reply:)
Me: How do the repeats work?
(I want to sound clueless in preparation for my next phase of
“Operation Upgrade Dexamphetamine Prescription” or OUDP. Heck, that
didn’t even have a ring to it. Okay, “Operation Supersize Prescription
– Elicit Extra Dexamphetamine”. Hmm, ‘elicit’ doesn’t sound right,
‘solicit’ is better but that doesn’t start with ‘e’ and ‘elicit’ is the
only other ‘e’ word I could think of. Be glad it’s not “…Extra Extra…”.
πŸ™‚ Anyway, I’m sure taking a long time to write this…back to “Operation
Doctor: The chemist will give you a piece of paper which you can use to refill the bottle when it’s empty. Remember to keep that paper.
Me: I will. Thanks doctor! I appreciate your help.
Doctor: My pleasure. I don’t know if the pharmacy would fill 200
tablets of dexamphetamine though, they might have a problem with it.
Just tell them to call me if they say anything about that. My number is
on the top of the prescription form.
Me: Okay, thanks for everything doctor!

I walked out of the clinic. What happened to Phase Two of Operation
SPEED? I didn’t initiate it…I was planning to talk about tolerance
(which the doctor never asked about) in Phase Two. I reckon it’s normal
to get the dose increased after a while because you do build a massive
tolerance on these things, even if you’re using it for legitimate
reasons. However, things didn’t go well last time I brought up that
issue and my sixth sense told me that asking right would be a bad idea
when the doctor has trusted me with 200 tablets at once (instead of 100
tablets with dated repeats as is the norm). Even though tolerance is a
valid issue, this doctor has never prescribed dexamphetamine before (he
told me the first time) and I have the feeling he may not be aware of
tolerance issues.

Dexamphetamine stopped and questioned by the police!
Speech bubble: I’m not on speed officer, honest!

I’m not trying to discredit the doctor, I’m sure he knows a lot, but
doctors are not pharmacists and my experience tells me that a lot of
doctors are not familiar with the details of every medication (it’s
impossible to do that!) and they often rely on something like a
“Physician’s Desk Reference” or something like that, when prescribing
something they’re not familiar with. Those books tend to have something
along the lines of “HIGH ADDICTIVE POTENTIAL”
[] under dextroamphetamine (probably in capital letters and
bold font too) and no mention about tolerance, except something like
increase might make me sound like I’ve succumbed to the first warning,
and it just didn’t feel like the time was right. In other words, the
planets did not align to form a straight line, a rare phenomena of epic
astronomical proportions.

Oh, I must have written thousands of words already. Okay, I’ll
finish up…I’m familiar with the Latin notation in prescriptions (read
up and memorized it), and I could (not would! could – would,
can – will, possibility – acting out) modify the script, but I’m not
that morally bankrupt. I’ll always go the doctor shopping route instead
of forging scripts or modifying existing ones. However, the thought did
flit across my mind before I pushed it out (Naughty!). Prescription
fraud is where I draw the line, it’s just not something I’ll do. The
two are similar in the eyes of the law though, modifying a script
(forging a prescription) attracts the same penalties as doctor shopping
(false representation to obtain a prescription drug) – both give you a
one year (maximum – a lot of people are waiting to take advantage of
this offer!) accommodation at the local Hilton (all expenses paid, no
less). I would make a joke about showers and slippery soap, but I don’t
feel like it anymore – thinking about the government’s generous offer
is depressing.

Anyway, the thought just crossed my mind because the pen I have
produces the same colored ink and texture as the writing on the script.
I had noticed that the doctor is using the same pen I have (well, the
pen is not the same, but the ink cartridge is…just knew this because it
was a bit of information I picked up and filed into my “temporary
storage for things that are not worthy of going into permanent memory”
while shopping for a good pen, but for some reason the temporary files
didn’t get deleted) instead of the free “Zoloft” or some other
pharmaceutical company’s free pens to promote their latest and
greatest. Theoretically, I could either change the frequency or the
quantity to a more accommodating figure. The doctor is using the BNF
(British system) instead of the US standard, seeing as he wrote
abbreviated “Bd” instead of “b.i.d.” for twice a day…changing the
capital B to a capital Q and adding s after the d (doubling the
frequency) would make a “mess” with the B and it would be easy to pick
up. “Bd” to “PRN” is possible without too much of a mess, but I doubt
the pharmacist would read that without laughing or calling the police.

Dexamphetamine vs possum!
Speech bubble: j00 dead fool! Eat me will ya?

I don’t think anyone prescribes dextroamphetamine to be “taken as
needed”. “Bd” to “Tds” to increase frequency by one is potentially
feasible, but the way the doctor “crosses” the end of B makes it
impossible to alter without looking dodgy due to the extra bottom
“wing” of B. Anyway, “Bd” to another frequency is not easy from the way
the doctor writes…it’s not something as easy as changing “qd” to “qid”
in the US notation system, that’s for sure! Modifying the frequency is
out…what about the quantity? I don’t even dare to touch that
non-standard notation! I can’t even make sense of it…what with the T
with an additional bar and two dots thingy. My impulsive side was going
“Try ADDING two vertical bars and two dots and see what happens!”. Duh.

The easiest mod is obviously the Arabic (or Hindu, or European
depending on what you read…it’s the common 1, 2, 3 numbers) numerals
for amount. Changing 200 to 300 isn’t all that hard, and I’m sure a lot
of people have had practice doing that in primary school if you have
parents with high expectations. πŸ˜‰ But yeah, I’m just throwing the
ideas around in my mind then, I’m not seriously going to do it! Like I
said, it’s not something I want to be involved in. Besides, the script
is suspicious enough as it is (even though it’s perfectly legit), and a
callback to check is practically guaranteed. It’s not common at all for
controlled drugs like dexamphetamine to be prescribed in large amounts
– the usual practice is to have time limited refills, not double the
amount in one go (like what the doctor gave me today). This shows that
the doctor is placing a lot of trust in me by not following standard
prescribing procedure, and I don’t want to betray that trust.

Anyway, I had to wait a long time to get my script filled at the
chemist…I couldn’t see behind the counter, so I don’t know if they
actually called the doctor to check, it doesn’t matter anyway, since my
script is kosher. πŸ™‚ However, the reaction of the woman attending the
counter was soooo funny. Heh. The prescription dispensing happens at
the back and you go to the front to pay for it. There I was, carrying
my two lovely dexamphetamine pill bottles in a small basket…I put them
down on the counter, the woman picked up both the bottles and went:

“Oh, wow! This is a large amount eh?”

The funny thing about it was the way she squinted first, adjusted
her spectacles and the way her eyes bulged at the second visual
confirmation. Oh man, that just made my day! =D I guess you had to be
there. I would have thought that there would be plenty of people who
have cashed in much larger scripts before, so I really thought her
reaction was strange. Strange, but funny. πŸ™‚ Perhaps she’s new. I can’t
even think of an appropriate answer to that, and it sounds like a
rhetorical question anyway, so I just smiled and said “yeah” in
noncommittal tone.

The price for 1000 mg of dextroamphetamine sulfate is A$45.25. 200 x
5 mg dexamphetamine pills for less than A$50. πŸ™‚ Also, notice the 200
beside the top part. That usually states the number of pills in the
bottle, all my previous ones had 100 on them. Be still my beating
heart! Is it possible? Has the pharmacist made a disastrous mistake
while reading the script or counting the tablets and gave me 200 pills
in each bottle, totaling 400 tablets or 2000 mg of dexamphetamine?
Could it be? The anticipation!

Oh, I noticed a very large price discrepancy…it just boggles the
mind! Okay, I usually pick up 100 5 mg dexies for A$30.35. That’s the
price I’ve always paid. Now, at the very same chemist, I go and fill my
script of 200 tablets. They came in two pill bottles, each containing
100 tablets, and the price for BOTH of them is…A$45.25. What? It just
doesn’t make sense at all. It should have cost A$60.70. There shouldn’t
have been a discount as high as A$15.45 for just double the amount,
it’s not like a bulk discount for say 1000 tablets.

There’s some things which somewhat makes sense, like 100 x 0.5 mg
clonazepam costing A$18.85 and 100 x 2 mg clonazepam (from the same
chemist, same brand – Paxam) costing A$26.15. That’s not unusual in the
pharmaceutical industry, mg to mg comparisons makes the 2 mg ones much
cheaper, but still it’s two different doses and I understand that the
industry prices things like this. However, two similar strength and
amount things like the dexamphetamine tablets shouldn’t have such a
large discount when bought in twos. Is it common for chemists to make
such unusual price tiers?

Well, I’m happy it costs only 0.22625 cents for 5 mg of
dexamphetamine, it’s unbeatable compared to street prices for normal
speed. Oh, and the doctor told me during the first consultation that he
was wary of prescribing dexamphetamine coz there are people selling it
for A$5 per 5 mg pill on the streets. I was talking to CT today and he
mentioned that there are people selling it for A$4 at the university!
That’s per 5 mg pill! Absolutely crazy prices, I wouldn’t pay A$4 per
pill, but CT says that a lot of people will because they consider it to
be “pure and clean” because it came from a pharmaceutical company. I
would make quite a profit (A$750 net profit for 200 tablets) if I did
that. Even if I love the stuff, selling it at that price and buying
heaps of meth with the profit would be a feasible move. However, I’m
adverse to the idea of selling stuff, I don’t feel comfortable with it.
I don’t know why, but it just seems strange to me (I would not make a
good businessman) so I wouldn’t deal. Heck, I wouldn’t even middleman
for people, much less deal, I’m too paranoid for that to ever happen.
Paranoid = worried all the time = poor quality of life. πŸ™‚

I counted the pills and the original label was right after all…there
is 100 pills per bottle, the two bottles total 200 pills as prescribed.
The chemist label was tabulating both the total amount. Ah, you got me
all excited for nothing! I just had to rush back to count the lovely
little things! πŸ™‚

Anyway, I also got a Repeat Authorization form which I need some
help with. I can’t get through the prescription mumbo jumbo. Any
pharmacists, pharmacy school student or seasoned doctor
shopper/prescription frauder out there? I’ll appreciate it if you could
explain how the repeats work:


The thing I don’t understand is the three columns under “Original
Prescription Transcription” (the part with DEXAMPHETAMINE TABLETS 5
MG). Below that are three columns: the first one is “Original
Prescription Details”, the second is “No. of times already dispensed
(including original supply). If original not supplied insert ‘0’” and
the third is “PRICED ITEMS ONLY”. I’m interested in the first and
second one, and I neglected to ask at the pharmacists just now. The
first column has “2” printed in “No. of Repeats Authorized” and the
second column has “1” indicating it has been dispensed once. Now, what
I don’t understand is, do I still have 2 refills left, or 1?

Personally, I think I have 2 left, because the original script says
“Dexamphetamine 5mg (weird notation for 2) Bd (200) x 2 Rpts”. That
means I get two repeats right? Also, the bottle labels (from the
chemist) has “2 Rpts” printed on each bottle. All my past bottles has
“Nil Rpts” printed there. Unless pharmacists use a different discipline
of meth, sorry math, the chemist labels and original script plainly
says I have two repeats left for both the bottles, thus 800 pills (a
delicious 4000 mg of dextroamphetamine sulfate) awaits me, with 400
pills available after 50 days and the other 400 pills available another
50 days past the first repeat date. However, the repeat authorization
form seems to count the original prescription as a “repeat”. Or maybe I
just don’t know how to read it. I’ll appreciate it if anyone could shed
some light, coz I don’t feel like going to a pharmacy and asking. It
would be…uncomfortable, considering the day I cashed it is listed. Heh.
I don’t want to look too eager, like I’m just chomping at the bit to
get it filled. :p

The protagonist of the pictorial series! Presenting – Dexamphetamine

Okay, I remember saying that I’ll go into why I’m going back for
good in June. Get ready for this…it’s coz I’m graduating! Hah! I did
fail a lot of subjects, but I managed to finish at the same time as my
college mates. Yeah! I had to pull a few strings and jump though
(fiery) hoops to graduate in June, but I’m graduating! That means I’m
going home for good in June, and it means that the repeats are wasted…I
did ask whether I can cash the script at any pharmacy at the chemists,
and the resident pharmacists said I can, but I have to make sure that
50 days have passed.

Yes, 50 days…each 100 tablet pill bottle is supposed to last me 25
days according to the 2 tablets, twice a day regiment I’m on for my
narcolepsy. Oh, if this is the first time you’re reading, I don’t
really have narcolepsy, so I don’t need to take it according to
instructions. I do suffer from amotivation though, and I’m
self-medicating by 60-150 mg dexamphetamine (150 mg is the most I’ll
take in a single sitting, more than that is pushing it for me) or the
methamphetamine equivalent, taken as needed (is there really any other
way? ;))! Haha! I’m so unfunny sometimes I kill myself.

Dexamphetamine eating an ice cream.
Speech bubble: You know…I’m not really hungry…and the ice cream is much bigger than me!

Well, that means that I won’t be able to use the repeats, but I
should be glad coz the good doctor trusted me with a double dose, up
front. Not that he has any reason not to, from his point of view. πŸ˜‰ I
turn up regularly, clean shaven, no visible tattoos, dress
conservatively, and always carry a backpack to reinforce my “university
student” status. I’m also careful not to be tweaking when I go, I don’t
even drink caffeine! The dosage I’m taking is supposed to suppress my
narcoleptic manifestations, so I can lead a normal life, not get me all
strung out! In fact, I’m still sedated by benzos most of the time I go,
it won’t hurt to appear sleepy (might be good in fact, the doctor might
up the dose) but it’s not gonna look good to appear all spun out. Just
simple things like taking care to be soft spoken, polite, respectful
can go a long way in fostering trust and establishing an image of
responsibility. P’s and Q’s my friend, P’s and Q’s…

I just thought of something…I listed “excessive daytime sleepiness”
as one of my symptoms the first time and hey, I’m just realized I’m not
being untruthful at all…I really am sleepy during the day! πŸ™‚ The
cataplexy I described isn’t a total story too…I do get that, especially
after long meth runs. πŸ˜‰ Sleep paralysis w/hallucinations…yes, that
too, it’s especially prevalent when I’m in a K-hole. =D Perhaps I
really do have narcolepsy. Jokes aside, I do experience EDS though, but
probably not at the scale which narcoleptics suffer.

Dexamphetamine in: Drug deal in progress @ abandoned car park!
Speech bubble: You got the money?

Okay, I’ve spent too much time writing, I’m going to stop now. The
repeat authorization is practically useless for me, I’ll be back home
in 50 days. I will go around and try to convince a sympathetic
pharmacist to refill my dexamphetamine thought, I’ll just say that I’m
going home and I’ll like to bring back a reasonable amount to keep my
narcolepsy under control. Of course, I won’t be bringing the stuff
back, dextroamphetamine is NOT prescribed in Malaysia! That means it’ll
go under the drug laws, and I’ll be treated like an amphetamine
trafficker. Well, to be fair, dextroamphetamine is an
amphetamine, and the recreational (fun) isomer of amphetamine at that,
but still…Anyway, it’s not listed in the Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal
Kebangsaan (Malaysia National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau) database,
so I won’t be taking any back with me that’s for sure! I’m may appear
reckless in my posts, but I’m not stupid in real life. πŸ˜‰

I’m not sure what they do to treat narcolepsy in Malaysia, a Google
search didn’t turn up anything useful, heck, this site is one of the
returned hits, and I wouldn’t say that my ramblings are useful. There
are no amphetamine type drugs on Malaysia’s approved list of
medications, the only stimulant with recreational potential that’s
approved is methylphenidate (Ritalin) and that’s indicated for ADHD. I
wouldn’t be surprised if narcoleptics are just given caffeine pills…I
seriously hope that this is not true though, anyone with narcolepsy in
Malaysia who can testify otherwise? Nevertheless, it’s not going back
with me, not a single pill. Uh, why am I talking about this anyway, the
dexies never last more than a couple of days for me. I will try to
squeeze out a repeat though, and gobble them up before I head home. =D

Failing that, I’m still very thankful to the good doctor for
providing me with an extra 500 mg of dextroamphetamine, I would have
only got 100 tablets otherwise, and another 25 day waiting period will
see me back in Malaysia already. I’m not going to use tired, old
tactics like “Oh, I lost my pills (or the variation “I lost my (insert
object eg bag, car) with the pills in it”)/someone stole it/robbed
me/my pants pocket has a hole etc., can I have an early refill
please?”. On an effectiveness scale, that rates way down the bottom,
along with “classics” like telling your teacher your dog ate your
homework. πŸ™‚ Unless you have a police report or something, and well,
that’s on a whole new level that I’m not prepared to go to. Sharpening
your theatrical skills in front of a doctor is one thing, having police
as the audience is another.

I’m afraid I don’t have the balls (alternate phrase for “not stupid
enough” ;)) to walk into a police station and file a report that my bag
containing my prescribed 200 dexamphetamine pills was stolen. Lodging
false police reports is probably very illegal and besides, you’ll be
tying up law enforcement resources, and that’s not very nice,
considering they can be put to a better use like arresting users for
possession and arresting users for possession. I kid! πŸ™‚ Please don’t
kick down my door in retaliation, it’s a joke. I was already expecting
today to be the final day I get a dexamphetamine pill bottle, and it
probably is, but I got two instead of one, thanks to my doctor
scripting me 200 pills upfront instead of my usual 100 pills. Very much
appreciated indeed, and I’ll be sure to put my favourite white pills to
good use! Which means no more writing, damn, when will I stop?!?!? I’ll
work on the assignments now…really going to finish up now.

Dexamphetamine getting up close and personal with lingerie model!
Speech bubble: *sigh* If only I could get it up…

Anyway, if there’s no pharmacist kind enough to refill me early
based on my true predicament (going back, need the script, thanks), the
dexamphetamine repeat authorization will be inherited by chemist_tip
in honor of all his help, generosity and trust. πŸ™‚ That’s 1000 mg (a
gram) of dextroamphetamine sulfate if there’s one repeat left and 2000
mg (2 grams) of dexamphetamine if there’s two. He’ll be the person who
would most appreciate the script, considering the fact that the vast
majority of my friends do not think the words “chemical” and
“recreation” have anything in common. Oh, I just thought of someone
else who likes dexamphetamine – Haggas, the guy who
occasionally comments on the dexamphetamine related posts. Well, just
wanted you to know that despite not knowing you in real life, I would
sooner mail the script to you than see it go to waste. You sound like
someone who really appreciates dexamphetamine. However, CT is a real
life friend so I’m passing it to him. My apologies and thanks for
reading! πŸ™‚

Well, if you’re wondering whether scripts can be passed around, the
answer is yes (according to my experience). In my many trips to the
chemist to cash in scripts of benzodiazepines and dextroamphetamine,
not once have I been asked for any ID or my Medibank Private card. I’ve
been asked for a Medicare card though, and the correct reply to that is
“I’m using Medibank Private”, and then everything’s cool. They don’t
ask for your Medibank Private card or any other form of ID. As far as
the chemist is concerned, the person holding the script is the owner of
the script. This is not an issue with the repeat script though, since
my name is in the “Medicare No.” field (which means I don’t have a
Medicare card and is a private customer).

Dexamphetamine living LARGE at the train station. Text mentions a
huge picture of a dex tablet and a final, farewell piece of poetry
below. The End.

Speech bubble: I could buy myself with a Zone 1 daily ticket…

It’ll be funny if CT goes personally to get the script filled
though. Oh man, I’m laughing out loud in the middle of the night, just
imagining that scenario. Heh! Imagine the look on the pharmacist’s face
when an obviously Caucasian male goes up to the prescription counter
and hands in a script with an Asian name on it for 200 x 5 mg tablets
of dexamphetamine (of all things). Haha! I wonder what the pharmacist’s
reaction would be…it will be priceless, that’s for sure. I can think of
two possible reactions and both of them cracked me up:

1. You’ve gotta be kidding me…(while alternating between looking at CT and the script)
2. Hmm…are you sure this prescription is for you? (with an unsure look and wanting to be tactful)

Heh! It would be a hoot eh? Imagine the possible range of reactions!
There are jaded pharmacists, new pharmacists, polite pharmacists, rude
pharmacists, interns etc etc. It would be so funny, but obviously CT
won’t find it funny if the pharmacist starts making phone calls, which
is why he needs to get an Asian guy to fill the script. It would be
smooth sailing then, coz they don’t ask for ID, unless it’s a ludicrous
situation like the one above. πŸ™‚

Okay that’s enough from me, I just cut and pasted this into
Microsoft Word to check the word count – it’s close to 6,000 words…I
could have written an assignment instead. Oh well, hope you all enjoyed
reading this post, I sure enjoyed writing about it – a long post to
mark the end of my “legal, pure speed from your neighborhood pharmacy”
days. This is probably the last time I ever get amphetamines (and the
isolated dextro isomer (it’s more recreational) at that!) by walking
into a pharmacy and I’ve still not gotten over the fact that people can
do that here, with the right combination of words to a sympathetic
doctor. πŸ™‚ It would be hard to go back to Malaysia’s meth pills/street
meth when I’ve been spoilt by the pharmaceutical grade, dosage
measured, content ensured, hygienically packaged, and low priced
amphetamines here. I wouldn’t be getting 1 gram of speed (without
cutting and binding agents, actual weight is substance
quantity) for RM100 (A$45) that’s for sure. I don’t think I’ll get off
on one RM45 (A$20) speed pill with my current tolerance either – not
when I’ve been taking large doses of dextroamphetamine and
methamphetamine. This was what I meant in the beginning regarding
stopping – the prices back home just don’t appeal to me anymore.
Goodbye dexamphetamine, I will miss you!

Farewell, D5


Dexamphetamine…you will be missed…
Little white pills smelling of sweet chalk…
D – a perpetual smile
– – a single score signifying focus, concentration and single-mindedness
5 – delivering 5 mg of dextroamphetamine sulfate, guaranteed
Versatile, ready to be crushed and insufflated (together with a whole lotta binders, all the better to clog my nostrils with :))
Or eaten, providing quick stimulation within 30 minutes
Reliable…you always deliver what you promise
How I choose to use you is the only variable…

The ritual of opening the screw on cap,
Feeling the tangible weight of the bottle resting on my palm,
Pulling the thick cotton out,
Giving the bottle a good shake,
The pills rolling out into my open hand,
The way I go “two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve” (and often more)…
Sometimes I have to shake more out,
Sometimes I have to put excess pills in,
Always on an empty stomach, with urinary alkalinizers at regular periods…
Making you work harder, longer, stronger
I will miss the other things too…
Like holding my urine for prolonged periods of time…:)
Another effort to make you last longer
The bladder pressure almost seems pleasurable.

The thing I will miss most about you…
“The score” – a symbol of the focus, the concentration and the single-mindedness,
The productivity, the mental clarity, the speed of thought you give…
and yes, the euphoria and the rush when you announce your presence.
The urge to fiddle and fix minor things, you bless me with the gift of perfectionism that I never had,
Turbo charging my brain, making hard tasks easy,
Boring tasks fun, repetitive work pleasurable.
The greatest catalyst of all, things get done quickly when you’re around
Speed – you’ve truly earned that name.
Dexamphetamine…traveling at the speed of light…
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Incoming! 100 x 5 mg dexamphetamine tablets! =D

I just got my dexamphetamine (dextroamphetamine sulfate) refill
yesterday. I was actually late for the script…the last time I went was
28th of March. I get 100 x 5 mg dexamphetamine tablets for my
“narcolepsy” every 25 days. πŸ˜‰ My unfortunate condition (sorry about
the jokes, I can’t help myself. hehe!) requires me to take two tablets
twice a day, so that’s 20 mg per day. 500 mg / 20 mg = 25. Thus, each
bottle/script/refill (used interchangeably) is supposed to last me 25
days. I was late this time though, it’s been 33 days since my last
visit, so I’m 8 days late. Isn’t it wonderful how my normally dismal
arithmetic skills rally up and perform when it comes to substances? =D

29th of April – dexamphetamine refill. I had just done a single pass
at first and was startled to see that my name was visible (although
fuzzy) when the photo was resized. I had to heavily mosaic it again to
obscure my real name and the doctor’s name to protect our privacy.

Anyway, I was actually worried that I’ve been too late for my script
and it’s going to raise suspicions…like I don’t need it for my
“narcolepsy” anymore. I’ve always been worried about being asked to do
a urine drug test too, I hear most people have to go through that
before being prescribed dexamphetamine, but luckily I wasn’t one of
them. πŸ™‚ Everything went well yet again! It was quick, in and out, just
for the script. The doctor recognized me so it was scribble scribble
and I’m out. He said that he feels bad because I have to pay A$35 for
consultation each time I refill my script. Hah! I was thinking that
this is a great bargain – 500 mg, that’s Β½ gram of pure
dextroamphetamine (as opposed to racemic stuff you get from the
streets, the dextro isomer is the one that’s recreational) for just
A$35 consultation (refundable so it’s not included as ‘cost’ – this is
the only thing I put on my medical insurance) and A$30.35 for the
dexamphetamine tablets.

Gobble gobble!

Well, I was about to suggest that he can write dated scripts, ie
“100 x 5 mg dexamphetamine tablets – 24th May 2003” so I can only cash
it on that date or later, but I didn’t know if they’re actually allowed
to do that in Australia. I don’t mind visiting the good doctor anyway.
πŸ™‚ Anyway, I picked up the lovely little pills at the pharmacy nearby
and got some Ural as well. Ural is marketed for Urinary Tract
Infections (UTI), but it’s also a urinary alkalinizer. πŸ˜‰ It’s cheap
and it’s better than drinking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) mixed
into water.

Ural – It’s not just for UTI’s.

Ural also has sodium bicarbonate as the main component, plus some
other stuff as well. I always take two, just tear them up and empty
them into my mouth. Mmm…fizzy! It makes you gag if you don’t chase it
down with water though. Heh. Oh, and I’m not recommending the use of
[] because that makes it more neurotoxic as well. I always do
it though, because I’ve grown to love the constant body and head buzz,
especially when taking a piss. πŸ™‚

Anyway, taking too much alkaline stuff is bad as well…makes you feel
nauseous. Ural and other alkalinizers doesn’t last very long, so I take
it constantly. I find that two packs 15 minutes before dumping, two
packs straight after dosing and every half hour after is good for me.
It does noticeably potentiate the dexamphetamine. That might not be
good for you though, I’m just sharing my experience. I don’t know what
excessive consumption of GI alkalinizers would do to people with an
existing condition like a stomach ulcer.

Box of Ural – 28 x 4g sachets @ A$6.75

Well, I’m going through the script faster than I thought. I’ve
already taken 84 tablets (420 mg of dexamphetamine) over the night and
I’m sad that I’ve gobbled most of the script in less than a day! I
suspect that my five day methamphetamine run er…just two days back,
contributed to my tolerance. I did get wonderfully stimulated during
the initial 90 mg dose (oral – I’ll like to see you snort that many
dexamphetamine tablets! =D) early last night, but re-dosing is just
keeping me awake without much euphoria to speak of.

Anyway, I’m not dependant on (meth)amphetamines, I’m just trying to
finish up my assignments. Everyone is having assignments due this week.
πŸ™ Well, I don’t have to justify my use, but I just want to make it
clear that no dependency issues are forming here. I wouldn’t take 420
mg in a night if I had the choice! That kind of consumption is
wastefully excessive even in my eyes. The later doses were just
‘maintenance’ ones to stay awake coz I had to finish my stuff.
Re-dosing doesn’t do much at all, nothing beats the first dose, I’ll
much rather keep the rest until next week if I had the choice.

There’s something funny about gobbling a fistful of tiny white pills
but given the choice, I’ll rather have a superb high next weekend
(after my tolerance goes down) than eat more now and not get tweaked
much at all. πŸ™‚ What a waste…still, work needs to be done, and I don’t
like caffeine as a chemical assistant. It’s just too messy and there’s
not much grey matter turbo charging going on compared to its stronger
cousins. The pills are almost gone, and it’s just been slightly over 24
hours! Sigh…I’ve consumed my script in less than a day. Gloomy
indeed…irresponsible and wasteful. Oh well, I’m not the only one with
assignments, better get back to them. Oh, just one last note…I’ve
always found dexamphetamine nice…the comeup is pleasantly euphoric,
happy happy thoughts. It’s unlike the comeup from methamphetamine which
is more chargy and scattered.

Dextroamphetamine = nice body + head buzz, “happier”, and good to work with. Nice soft comedowns too.
Methamphetamine = longer lasting, superior mental euphoria,
better clarity and it’s great to work with too. Unfortunately, I tend
to go overboard with it and go for days without sleep and food and
there’s no comedown to speak of…only a horrible crash. πŸ˜‰

I love you both! πŸ™‚

but neither of you are any good for me…

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