Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #6 – Guava Lamp

I had my first GSC2714 Alcohol and Drug Use lecture today.
Interesting stuff, going into epidemiology today. What’s that got to do
with Guava Lamp? Er…nothing, except the fact that lava lamps
[] are usually bought by stoners. This Magnum is shaped
like a lava lamp blob, a strange asymmetrical ice cream. There are
sections of guava ice cream mixed into vanilla ice cream, and the guava
ice cream chunks were great!

This is the cover:


Green lava lamp blobs and the words “Guava lamp”.

This is the back:


Switch on the ultimate mood enhancer – chillin’ guava blobbing in
vanilla ice cream and embraced in groovy white chocolate. Yeah baby,
now we’re in the mood!

This is the Magnum:


The shell is white chocolate colored green. There are large bits of
guava ice cream together with vanilla ice cream inside. It’s not all
it’s cracked up to be. Haha! Nah, I just wanted to say that coz I
dropped the Magnum so it’s a bit cracked. It’s good, it’s good.

This is the stick:


Bet You’d Lava-nother One.

Nice, on a hot autumn’s day. Yeah, it’s supposed to be autumn now but there are still hot days.

Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #5 – Jami Hendrix

Terrible…terrible…weather. It’s 33 degrees Celsius again. Good thing
I’m finished for the day so I can just sit around, drink blessedly cool
Mildura Sunrise orange juice (which only costs 97 cents for a 2L
carton!) and eat ice creams. This one is called Jami Hendrix, a word
play on Jimi Hendrix
[]. I’ve only heard one of his albums, it’s the first
one I think – Are You Experienced. I’m sure it’s a great album but I
just can’t get into it. It’s not the genre of music I’m into. The ice
cream is good though. There’s lots of strawberry jam bits in the
vanilla ice cream. It’s too hot to think…

This is the cover:


Red swirls with Jami Hendrix. Jam is in pink.

This is the back:


This is so foxy it will make your hair curl. An awesome strawberry
jam riff plays its way through mellow vanilla ice cream. It’s solid
choc rock at its best.

This is the Magnum:


The shell is made of dark chocolate with cookie bits. It’s vanilla
ice cream inside with lots of strawberry jam bits, but you can’t really
see that here, it’s more visible deeper into the ice cream. Tastes good

This is the stick:


Now You’re Experienced.

Too hot, too hot…at least it’s going to cool down tomorrow.

Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #4 – Candy Warhol

I ate another one today since it’s so hot. It’s 6:30 pm now and it’s
still 33 degrees Celsius. πŸ™ My room is even hotter than that because
of all the heat that was trapped inside previously. Anyway, this one is
called Candy Warhol and is a play on Andy Warhol
[], the artist who was perhaps most known for his
drawing of a Campbell soup can. I say this one is the best ice cream in
“The Sixties Nine” line to date! The shell is simply amazing. It’s got
sherbet or something like that and it fizzes in your mouth! It’s not
that mild fizzing either, it’s the loud kind that makes 3D sounds you
can hear inside your head! Whoa…what a head trip. πŸ™‚ The ice cream
tastes very different too…I was wondering what flavor it was until I
read the back. It’s musk! It tastes like the Lifesaver musk candy. πŸ™‚

This is the cover:


Repeated cans of Campbell soup with Candy Warhol on them.

This is the back:


Critics describe this piece as ‘brillo’. The chocolate literally
explodes colour into your mouth whilst the musk ice cream is quite
simply stunning. This is not soup – this is ice cream.

This is the Magnum:


White chocolate shell with bits and pieces of colorful sherbet (I
think) and musk ice cream inside! Very different and interesting taste.

This is the stick:


Simply Explosive.

It’s too hot!!! To think that it’s gonna hit 35 degrees tomorrow…

Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #3 – Peace Man Go

Peace Man Go. It’s the third one in the series, not sure if it has
any significance aside from the obvious Peace Man catchphrase of the
60s. Today is 33 degree Celsius weather and this ice cream really hit
the spot. πŸ™‚ The Magnum is heart shaped, with a white chocolate shell
and a delicious and refreshing mango center. Mmm…what a thing to eat on
a hot day…

This is the cover:


A dove carrying a mango with psychedelic swirls behind it.

This is the back:


All we are saying is give mango a chance – a chance as chocolate, a chance as ice cream. Yeah man, peace, like, mango.

This is the Magnum:


Heart shaped! You can’t really see that coz I bit the left part off.
πŸ™‚ White chocolate shell with a nice mango center. Really refreshing on
a hot day.

This is the stick:


Lick man, don’t bite.

Anyway, I finally got a pillow today. =D I didn’t have one since the
start of the semester and was using a pillow case stuffed with clothes
instead. Slept the hot afternoon away on a fluffy pillow today. Ah…my
neck thanks me. πŸ™‚

Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #1 – Wood Choc

Oh no! Magnum came out with another limited edition series! Now I’ve
got to eat all of them again. This series is called “The Sixties Nine”
and it’s about icons and themes of the 60s. There are 9 flavors in
total, but the series is probably also named that way for the other
connotation. The one I just ate is called Wood Choc, a word play on the
Woodstock [] festival.

This is the cover:


Psychedelic theme with part of a guitar visible.

This is the back:


It’s the summer of love, and this festival’s all about loving the
ice cream. Slide your naked tastebuds though thick mud ice cream and
rock on and on and on.

This is the Magnum:


It’s mud ice cream inside with a strange chocolate-white
chocolate-chocolate shell. Tastes like chocolaty chocolate chocolate.
Does that make sense? πŸ™‚

This is the stick:


Share love, not ice cream.

I’ll post more when I eat them. πŸ™‚

Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #2 – Cherry Guevara

This is the second one I ate. It’s called Cherry Guevara and it’s a word play on Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967)
[] the revolutionary figure who became Minister for
Industry in Cuba in the 60s. He wrote the book Guerrilla Warfare and
was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis as well. Hmm…a bit of a
history lesson going on here. πŸ™‚ Anyway, the ice cream tasted really
good but the cherry taste is a bit strong. It tasted good because of
that anyway.

This is the cover:


Lots and lots of cherries in the background and a black and white picture of Che Guevara.

This is the back:


The revolutionary struggle of the cherries was squashed as they were
trapped between two layers of chocolate. May their memory live on in
your mouth!

This is the Magnum:


It’s plain vanilla ice cream but the cherry sauce was really strong
tasting and that made it taste good. Not making much sense here.
Yeah…the cherry sauce is between two layers of chocolate shells. Gives
it a bizarre effect and looks pretty. πŸ™‚

This is the stick:


We will bite to the end!

Well, writing this with correct grammar and spelling and punctuation
took a lot of concentration and a lot of help from Microsoft Word.
Haha! Yes…a little personal joke there.

Gum from primary school


Anyone remember these things? I remember them from primary school,
used to get them for 10 cents each from that small sweet shop right
outside the school gates. πŸ™‚ Well, they go for 20 cents at some Asian
groceries here (5 for A$1), what nostalgia it brings to see these
things again. I used to eat them one by one but it seems I needed all
four now to produce a chewable wad.

I noticed a spike in traffic these couple of days and found out that it was coming from this Bluelight thread: Nurofen plus myth
[]. Welcome Bluelighters! I didn’t make that post, but I do
browse the forums once in a while. Bluelight is a harm reduction forum.


On a kinda similar note, my mini Easter egg (if you can even call it
that…) made it into the live WIER site. That’s the project management
site I was working on for Industrial Experience for the past year. IE
students are using the updated site starting this semester. I was doing
the student side help screenshots and had two that basically said “I’ve
uploaded the test user interface at
Can everyone go there and give me some input regarding the user
friendliness etc? Thanks!” for the Group Discussion Forums help. Heh.
It’s not much, but I couldn’t resist, and anyone who actually bothered
to type in that URL will see this page: WIER []. Bit of harmless publicity going on there. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, there was a couple of problems with my Network
Administration subject which marks were withheld last semester but I
just worked things out today, so that’s a bit of good news. I’ve gotta
work hard tonight though, so that’s it from me.

Link of the day: Malaysian ‘curiosities’ join the library collection [].

Look at the second picture showing the woman smoking a cigarette and looking very sak. Priceless.

7 Deadly Sins

Give in to it

Ah…now this gives me a fair bit of nostalgia. The Magnum 7 Deadly
Sins ice cream came out about a year ago and I wrote about it in one of my first few posts
[]. You have to scroll to the middle of the page coz my
blog was plain HTML then. It was a limited edition of seven ice creams
representing each of the 7 sins with a different theme for each ice
cream and a phrase imprinted on the stick.

Which sin are you?

Well, it’s out again, but with only three of the sins now. No sign
of the other 4 that was out last year. That’s too bad coz the best
tasting and best looking sin from last year was Vanity. It was
champagne ice cream with pearl balls in the shell.

Wrapper of Sloth

It’s also smaller than the ones that came out a year back. The size
now is similar to the Magnum Minis instead of the normal sized Magnums.
They are only available in a boxed set of 6 mini Magnums (2 x 3 sins).

Wrapper of Gluttony

Well, I ate all six of them over the course of the night while I was
coding. I haven’t eaten anything besides the six ice creams for a full
32 hours but that’s still pretty bad. Heh. Eating so many ice creams
can’t be good for me.

Wrapper of Greed

I haven’t eaten anything else because I’m lazy to cook and I’m busy
coding for IE. I can actually go without eating for a long time, you
just don’t get hungry after you pass a certain point. I’m not planning
to eat anything until noon today. I find it easier to concentrate this

Gluttony – Craving something rich enough for your appetite? Gorge down this! Chocolate mudcake on a stick.

Well anyway, the 3 sins in this pack are Gluttony, Greed and Sloth.
I like Sloth because it’s “my” sin. πŸ™‚ Gluttony tastes the best though.
It’s chocolate mud cake ice cream with a white chocolate shell. For
some reason the stick didn’t have any writing on it. I forgot what it
had last year too, but it’s all the same as last year’s only smaller
and repackaged.

Greed – Let the golden richness of the honeycomb entice your
ravenous desires. The deep indulgent outside layer of chocolate will
excite your sensual hunger.

Greed is okay, but I didn’t really like it all that much. It’s
honeycomb ice cream with a shell made of milk chocolate and that hokey
pokey thingies that’s like the thing inside Crunchie. Come to think of
it, Greed tastes like Crunchie. It had “Greed is good” written on the

Greed is good

Sloth – Slack off on a peanut butter indulgence. A creamy excessive luxury for the loose relaxed sloth you are.

The last one is Sloth and it’s peanut butter ice cream with white
chocolate and peanuts for the shell. It didn’t taste all that good, but
I like it anyway coz it’s Sloth. πŸ™‚ It has “It is better to have loafed
& lost then never to have loafed at all”. Haha! I like this one so

It is better to have loafed & lost then never to have loafed at all

I feel like I’ve time travelled back a year.

Link of the Day: NOFX – Summer Sonic Festival 2002 Tokyo, Japan []
111 MB

(Right Click, Save As)

What’s Bob gonna do, now that he can’t drink?

Murder The Government/Dinosaurs Will Die/I’m Telling Tim/Bottles To The Ground/Bob/Linoleum

Classic! NOFX in playing some of their greatest songs in Japan. The
audio and video are really good quality. It’s on a fast server too,
it’s around 230 KB/sec sustained and I’m in Australia. A must download
if you like NOFX. Too bad my two other favourite songs are not in. πŸ™‚
I’m partial to Pharmacist’s Daughter (Pump Up The Valuum) and Go to
Work Wasted (Surfer EP). It’s interesting that the Surfer EP is where
they kinda go back to their roots production, sound and lyrics wise. If
I didn’t know better I would have thought it was a Liberal Animation
era album. Go download the video. πŸ™‚

A butterfly flaps its wings in China…


I didn’t think it would be possible, but it’s done. They improved on
the chunky Kit Kat bars. The bar has this 1 cm gap on the top where
there is this smooth flowing caramel. It has displaced Twix as my
favourite chocolate bar. It’s like stuffed crust pizzas for chocolate
bars! Perhaps the Pizza Hut management were having this focus group
with the Nestle management and they suddenly thought about this cool
idea – going where no man has gone before – putting good stuff into
normally banal stuff. Pizza Hut were putting sausages and cheese into
the crust of their pizzas and Nestle got around to putting caramel (!)
into the top layer of chocolate into their Kit Kat bars. Smooth flowing