I have just received word that Osama bin Laden has been apprehended and will be heading down (heavily guarded, of course) to Singapore at 10 am tomorrow morning. He will be making an appearance at the vPOST-Nuffnang Christmas Bash 2008 tomorrow night. I hear he’s staying at the Marriott Hotel at Orchard Road for the night.
Please do not expect the Osama bin Laden you’ve been used to seeing in the infrequent videotaped appearances he has made in channels like Al Jazeera. The US forces has shaved off his beard (and some of his hair) and made him take off his headscarf. He is expected to be blindfolded and restrained on his way to Guatemala Bay. He will also be wearing a military issue bulletproof vest instead of his usual camouflage jacket and his AK-47 will naturally not pass Singapore customs.
Osama bin Laden is so 2001, so thanks to Edmund, he has received a total makeover. I had a great idea for a 2008 Poh Huai bin Laden and the storyline that goes with it and his costume shop is a treasure trove to manifest my sudden fit of inspiration! π
The Nuffnang Malaysian bloggers are heading down to Singapore tomorrow.
I have just moved over to KL to work and noticed a disturbing correlation in the shrinkage of my circle of friends. I left my kakiis in Sarawak and I need more kakiis in KL. Fate works in mysterious ways though, and somehow, I managed to hook up with a great bunch of guys…and a terrapin.
It’s like meeting up with kindred souls, which I didn’t think was possible in the short amount of time I have spent here. Do you have a Kakiis Experience (TM) like this?
Kakiis is running a contest where you can send in a home video of you and your best pals hanging out. The site already has videos of friends singing karaoke, goofing around and generally chilling out together.
The prize of a MacBook Air and 4 x iPod Touch is up for grabs in the video contest, so send in your entries. It doesn’t matter if it’s filmed with a cell phone or a professional video camera, it just needs to be below 10 MB and show you and your friends hanging out.
There is also a photo contest running where you can snap photos of your buddies and blog about it to stand a chance to win the sleek Sony Skinny T digicam. There are 3 of them up for grabs. I have been eyeing this one for a while – I own most of the Sony T-series digicams, all procured this year. The T-2 was…er, misplaced during a clubbing session, the T-70 fell into a waterfall and I’m using the T-300 right now.
You also get a chance to go to an exclusive invite-only party – the Kakiis Night Out on the 13th of December 2008 if your photo or video is voted in the Top 50. The contest starts from the 10th of November 2008 to the 5th of December 2008. Start participating now by logging on to the Kakiis Contest site.
I have registered as a member of the site and instead of calling up random people to get my social circle back to a healthy magnitude (circumference?), I would have been much better off hitting the local social networking sites like kakiis. π
My ranking is now a respectable 6.3 points but I suspect that’ll change very soon since it’s the only video in the Extreme Sports category. The other one is a sample video. Now, I’m sure you can do better than me, so start filming yourself doing the Me Against the World Challenge.
You can do Sports, Dance, Extreme Sports or Lifestyle videos. It’s no fun being the King of the Hill if I’m the only one on the hill so get off your respective posteriors and challenge me!
I like how my blurb goes – “Taking the challenge and through cuts and bruises, this tough guy shows us just why fear is not an option when in a challenge”. I’m sure you can do better than me so let’s bring it on – strut your stuff! The contest is open to everyone!
The Me Against the World Challenge energized by 100PLUS is going on a college roadshow tour with JJ & Rudy of Hitz.fm Morning Crew fame making a special appearance at HELP University recently. Note down the dates of the college roadshows:
(All the below events run from 9 am till 6 pm)
20th of October at – Taylors College 21st of October at – KBU International College 22nd of October at – ICOM College 23rd of October at – TAR College 24th of October at – KDU Smart College 28th of October at – Cineleisure (scarlet) 29th of October at – Taylors ADP 30th of October at – HELP College 31st of October at – Dasien College 3rd of November at – Sunway College 4th of November at – Cineleisure (scarlet) 5th of November at – Segi College 6th of November at – The One Academy 7th of November at – TAR College
Challenge yourself at the college roadshows or upload a video of yourself doing something challenging in one of the four categories to win prizes from Nike, Sony and Topshop.
Not so keen on mountain biking down concrete stairs? Well, you can always register as a voter and vote for your favorite videos. You get a chance to win Nike vouchers worth RM 50 every month. There will be 5 vouchers given out per month so you stand a pretty good chance at snagging one of those by just voting.
Heineken is running an online contest on the UEFA Champions League. However, this is not your standard run-off-the-mill contest where you fill in your particulars and tick a few easy to answer questions. Heineken Be Prepared is actually a fully interactive online Flash game!
The Heineken Be Prepared game has three stages/games – I’ve just completed the first game (Beer Delivery) and found out that I need two other players to complete the remaining stages. I must applaud Heineken for this campaign – it’s very interactive and social, the next wave of online content. The game even has a nice ending video clip to reward you!
The Be Prepared games are not about football (soccer) so you don’t need to be a football fan to enjoy it. There are three games – Beer Delivery, Mexican Wave and Beer Slide, which are all arcade style games. I played Beer Delivery, which required me to memorize a map and then guide a Heineken beer truck to the supermarket.
I’m not good with memorizing stuff so I need someone who can do that as a team partner. Heineken Be Prepared requires three (3) people to play so I need two more players.
The second game is described as Mexican Wave, where someone who is good in DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) type games would come in handy here.
I will be playing the third stage/game – Beer Slide, since it requires a steady hand and fast reflexes, both qualities that I possess (though not at the same time ;)).
I need two others players to complete the games. The fastest combined time wins and the prize is three (3 – so all of us gets to go) tickets to Heineken Star Final, an exclusive UEFA Champions League final viewing experience on an exotic tropical island (!).
All right, in order to do this, the first two comments (please leave a valid email address in the comment itself) will get a chance to play the game with me for the prize. Please leave your email address in the comment and an indication that you want to (seriously!) join the sixthseal.com team for this endeavor.
I’m very keen on winning the grand prize. I mean, just look at it – three (3 – so all of us get to go) tickets to the UEFA Champions League Final viewing party on an exotic tropical island!
Please, refrain from drinking while playing the game, since we do need the fastest time to win.
The FBI (Farm Bureau of Investigation) is using sixthseal.com to send out an APB to all readers – there are two fugitives wanted for crimes against duck-kind. You can help bring these criminals to justice. There will be rewards for finding the two outlaw ducks. Calling all duck hunters!
The two mug shots above show what the ducks look like. This APB (All Points Bulletin) is meant for all vigilante readers. Keep an eye out for the Super SMS and Super FnF Ducks. The Super FnF Duck
Height: 9 cm Weight: 0.2 kg Skin Color: Yellow Identifying marks: Tattoo on rear right flank – “FnF” in a brown circle. Behavioral traits: Incessant quacking. Known accomplices: The Super SMS Duck Crime: Talking cock. Last known address: The Super FnF Duck has recently been sighted together with the Super SMS Duck in various blogs on the net.
The Super SMS Duck
Height: 9 cm Weight: 0.8 kg (with cell phone) Skin Color: Yellow Identifying marks: None Behavioral traits: Constantly texting on a cell phone. Frequently seen with a glass receptacle with the label “SMS” on right wing flap. Known accomplices: The Super FnF Duck Crime: Excessive texting. Last known address: The Super SMS Duck has recently been sighted together with the Super FnF Duck in various blogs on the net.
The FBI first noticed the Super FnF Duck dialed *112*1# and further investigations revealed that the Super FnF Duck has been talking a lot of cock at only 15 sen / minute to 15 friends on ALL networks.
This led to the discovery of the Super SMS Duck odd dialing pattern to *112*2# at the same time. Additional surveillance discovered that the Super SMS Duck has been texting so excessively due to free unlimited SMS with just RM 0.50 usage!
You can register as an official Duck Hunter at the DiGi Wanted Ducks website and start by getting a hint to decipher the first clue to track down the renegade ducks. The ducks are suspected to be hiding in various blogs on the net and you can bring them to justice by clicking on the ducks you see in the blog and pasting the code into the contest form.
There was a mass prison break at the farm so you’ll have to do a headcount of the ducks left on the farm after bringing the ducks in. The Top 10 Duck Hunters will be rewarded by the FBI (Farm Bureau of Investigation) each week for your efforts:
Week 1 – 10 x Sony Ericsson W880i Week 2 – 10 x iPod Nano Week 3 – 10 x Sony PSP Week 4 – 10 x iPod Touch Week 5 – 10 x Sony Ericsson W850i Bonus Week – 5 x Sony PS3
Come back to http://www.wantedducks.com.my to check out the winners list. The winners will also receive an e-mail and a phone call.
Please play your role in bringing the fugitive ducks to justice! The FBI is counting on YOU!
I used to mountain bike, and would always challenge myself to do something cool. It’s been some years but then, I came across a very interesting challenge called Me Against The World energized by 100PLUS. Now I can prove myself to the world how good I used to be!
Thus, I packed my trusty old mountain bike and went to a local park renowned for its steep and unforgiving concrete steps in order to film myself riding down the incline. I went for the hardest trail coz great swords are always forged by fire, and he who dares wins.
I’m not a very good mountain biker but I did it with sheer determination and perseverance.
Life has no limits, and there are bound to be spills (and thrills) but if you push on and never give up, and just keep on going, then you’re in a position to challenge yourself, and challenge the world.
The online challenge is going on from the 15th of October 2008 to the 15th of February 2009. Upload a video of yourself doing something challenging within these four categories:
Sports (e.g. football freestyle, cool basketball tricks etc.) Dance / Music (e.g. breakdance, drum solo etc.) Extreme Sports (e.g. skateboarding, surfing etc.) Lifestyle (e.g. skipping rope tricks, cheerleading, handstands etc.)
…and get people to vote for you to win fantastic monthly prizes. The top 12 ranked videos (3 per category) will win:
Month 1 – Nike vouchers worth RM 300 each Month 2 – Sony products worth RM 299 each Month 3 – Topshop vouchers worth RM 300 each Month 4 – Nike vouchers worth RM 300 each
The Top 12 ranked videos at the end of the campaign period will be selected to perform LIVE at the Challenge Finale where the top three prize winners will take in a combined RM 12,000 in prizes from Sony, Nike, Topshop and 100PLUS.
Alternatively, choose to just register as a voter, and win monthly lucky draw prizes. The 5 lucky winners every month will win Nike vouchers worth RM 50 each.
I’m a novice mountain biker and I can do this challenge in one morning. Do you have what it takes to challenge me? Take a video of yourself doing something challenging in one of the four categories and post it on the site and prove to the world you’ve got what it takes.
I have been playing Tiger Fantasy League this season as a previous post indicated. Since then, the team is progressing really well, despite very little micromanagement during the week I was volunteering for charity work. I attribute that to a solid lineup selection in the starting stages. π
The Nuffnang mini-league (nuffleague) currently has 19 active players, 15 of which I am thrashing. I’m ranked at #4 with 118 points (a very auspicious number) with a global ranking position of 431.
Tiger Fantasy League also allows transfers during the football season:
I’m replacing Slyvain Distin, who’s the worst player in my team. He conceded 8 goals for crying out loud!
I’m taking in Lucas Neill from West Ham United instead. I’ve watched him play and he’s a bit of a dark horse that I’m betting on for Hull City v West Ham United on the 19th of October.
The transfer system is a very nifty feature as you don’t want to be stuck with your initial lineup if a player has injuries, red cards or other handicaps that would slow down your team’s progress. Likewise, if you have been eying a particular player who has been performing well during the season, this would be a good time to snap him up into your team.
I have been thwarted by KY, Geno FC and ShaolinTiger.com Team but the English Premier League is still far from over and I vow to exact my vengeance with the fury of Manchester City thrashing Portsmouth 6-0 last month.
I would imagine that any red-blooded male would have played fantasy football at some point in their lives. It’s practically a religion over here with the Premier League, UEFA Cup, and World Cup as the Holy Trinity of sports. π
I’ve seen the banner ads for Tiger FC Fantasy League for this season and signed up subversively at work. I have been nefariously building my team during office hours and it’s doing relatively well for this season.
Anyway, for people unfamiliar with the concept of fantasy football, it’s a game where you assemble a team based on real life players. The fun in this is that the scores you get are actually based on the real life performance of the players during that season. This is like building your dream team and watching how it plays out during the league. π
You can start playing anytime during the season and get ranked with other player’s teams. It’s quite fun and addictive even if you’re not a football fan since it’s like managing a football team. I’m sure some management skills can be gleaned from the game. π
My current best player is Emmanuel Adebayor. My team (Team SixthSeal.com) has scored 7 goals and conceded 6 goals thus far. You get to transfer players at scheduled times and the first one that’s getting the boot (pun intended) from my team is John Terry. He’s not carrying his weight in the defender position. π
The Tiger FC Fantasy League also allows you to create a mini-league(s) to challenge other players. The Nuffnang bloggers are joining a league together – you can challenge our player lineup if you think you’re better than us. The login details are:
League Name: nuffleague Password: tigerfc
The Tiger FC Fantasy League is surprisingly addictive. I’ve found myself checking the papers in the morning to see the scores and then logging on at work to see how my team is doing.
I’ve even taken to logging on with a Pocket PC while dining out just to check on how my team is doing.
You can get some of the action too by signing up. You think you’re better than Team SixthSeal.com? Prove it! π
The key to juggling things in life Being able to be happy and shine To not get bogged down by strife And be in a positive frame of mind
The art of balancing work and play Or just to be happy in school today Is to not let your thoughts stray And take what life offers day by day
I wake up early every morning Just to shower and get ready for work It all seems a little bit boring Especially with my manager being a jerk
When I’m feeling especially down I take a break and log on to Compaq City And in doing this I’ve found Makes everything a little more pretty
I walk down Play Avenue Just to meet up with the Compaq Stickman Who’s always there for me in his red hue I think I’m getting to be his biggest fan
A game or two on Work Street Gets me through the dreary day I think it’s my biggest treat When I get high scores, hey!
I take a virtual stroll down Learn Boulevard To answer the questions before time runs out Being a graduate, I didn’t think it was that hard But the questions sometimes make me pout
I like the Compaq range of product And in fact I own one myself too My Presario notebook is on till it gets dark I only shut it down when it’s one or two
It has never given me a problem And I don’t think it will give you any too Compaq is much more than an emblem And I’m not just saying that coz they told me to
My Compaq and me are pretty tight It’s affordable and it looks mighty fine Check it out on their website The Presario starts at just RM 999
This is the obligatory “first cheque” posting that seems to be all the rage amongst Nuffnang bloggers (or at least a portion of them). π The concept of monetizing blogs have been around for ages but none has seen the success of Nuffnang in our part of the world.
I started out with Nuffnang a couple of months ago and found them to be a great and visionary team, and nice guys to boot. I was familiar with the concept of ads but advertorials was a new word to add to my vocabulary (hey, it didn’t exist before I went to rehab okay? :p).
Cheers to the team at Nuffnang! π
P/S – I shall post again and reply the comments tomorrow. It’s 9:44 PM and I already have a massive hangover. Jesus Christ. I’m tired and I’m cranky to boot coz of relationship issues – It’s Complicated (TM). I wonder sometimes if the problem lies with me or with my partner(s). If so many of them say similar things about me, the law of averages says it’s probably gotta be true right? Food for a headachey thought. I can feel my brain cells dying. I shouldn’t have started drinking this much this early.