Milkcow Malaysia, straight from Korea!

Milky Pop

Milkcow is another Korean craze that seems to be taking the nation by storm. It’s like K-pop, everything Korean is in nowadays, and that includes Korean food. Milkcow is a Korean soft serve ice cream chain. The milk is supposed to be 100% from Italy and they only have 1 flavor – which is milk soft serve ice cream. They’re famous for topping it with 100% organic honeycomb from Australia, giving it a healthy twist.

I must say, I do love raw honeycomb.


To be honest, I didn’t know anything about Milkcow until my better half suggested we try it after having lunch at Sunway Pyramid. Milkcow is the undisputed king of soft serve in Korea, the McDonald’s of ice cream. Random fact, I have been to McDonald’s in Korea.

Milkcow Honeycomb

We tried the Milky Pop (RM 11.50) which contains salted caramel syrup and a topping of gourmet popcorn. I asked to see what brand of popcorn they’re using (thinking it was Garrett’s or something). I didn’t recognize the brand but it came in a small tin, about quarter the size of a pint. They import all their ingredients from South Korea.

Milky Cube

We also got the signature Milky Cube (RM 13.50) which is a hybrid of sorts since it has BOTH organic honey and organic honeycomb. I had accidentally ordered Milky Honey which only has liquid honey and wanted the honeycomb. Thus, instead of changing my order, the nice servers just popped a chunk of organic honeycomb on. It was a nice big chunk too, very delicious. I loved it! There was a contest where they were giving out tickets to Avengers and we actually won. Haha.

Milkcow Malaysia

The cotton candy machine was broken that day, or I’ll have loved to try the (decidedly less healthy) Snow Drop (RM 11.50) which has Jelly Beans, salt, and organic cotton candy.

Milkcow Us

Milkcow has seen a lot of copycats like Honey Creme after its success and it’s good to have the authentic one here. I rather enjoyed their signature ice cream with raw honeycomb. It has quality ingredients and I guess its Korean origin helps in marketing, but if you take away all the branding, it’s still an amazing soft serve ice cream with no added sugar and premium organic honeycomb.

I recommend you try it at least once. It’s good.

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24 thoughts on “Milkcow Malaysia, straight from Korea!”

    • It’s caramel popcorn, even better! πŸ™‚

      I rather liked their pure honeycomb though, I can eat that just for fun. I wanted to eat the display case (which is real honeycomb).

  1. I have seen this in the Gardens but could not bring myself to try it as there is no one to share it with me and I don’t think I can eat the whole ice cream by myself. Congrats for winning the movie tickets!

    • It’s not very big though! πŸ™‚

      I can eat 4 or more by myself, no problems. Ice cream is mostly water anyway. Haha.

      Thanks, but we never picked up the Avengers movie tickets. Too troublesome. We went to watch at Pavilion and I paid for our tickets.

    • Yeah, it’s like the price of Starbucks coffee! πŸ™‚

      But this one is better! I really love the honeycomb. I can eat that by itself, there are imports from the US (raw honeycomb) but it’s quite expensive, about RM 50 for just a piece the size of your palm.

    • Check out the honeycomb one, it’s good! πŸ™‚

      Or try the cotton candy and gummy bears one. That sounds promising but the cotton candy machine was down at the time so we couldn’t try it.

      Thanks, but I was too lazy to pick up the tickets. We went to Pavilion to watch instead.

  2. Wowwww!!! That looks good! Here, they’re into goat’s milk ice cream. Supposed to be healthier and suitable for those with lactose intolerance. Fresh from a goats’ farm here. Tried once – I think I prefer the regulars. πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, it’s strange eh? πŸ™‚

      K-pop must have been the catalyst. I don’t understand the love for everything Korean but one good thing that came out of it is authentic Korean food.

    • I think they’re expanding here, might be in Penang someday! πŸ™‚

      The ice cream is pretty good, better than that Japanese chain with the banana shaped ice cream.

    • Yeah, it’s awesome eh? πŸ™‚

      I would love to just eat it like Winnie the Pooh straight from their display. Haha.

    • Me too! πŸ™‚

      I like their honeycomb too, I think I’ll be able to eat the entire display if you give me enough time (a day perhaps).

    • OMG I love the honeycomb! πŸ™‚

      Haha! I can eat it all by itself, was tempted to eat the display case full of honeycomb.

      I once bought raw honeycomb from the US, it cost RM 50 for a piece the size of my palm.


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