Happy 2012

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you’re all recovering from last night and keeping to your new year’s resolutions. I have two and it’s been smooth sailing so far. I hope. 🙂

It’s a new year, time to start everything afresh. Hope you’ll have an awesome 2012 everyone!


Saw this on the MilkADeal site:

usb air purifier
RM17.50 instead of RM35 for USB Ionic Air Purifier from MLM Vision Enterprise [50% OFF]

I usually have serious reservations about these kind of things. I don’t believe in it. However, if it works as a USB drive, I reckon it’ll be a great novelty item since I collect USB drives. I realized after actually reading it that it’s not a USB drive at all – just a USB air purifier. Oh well, one for the novelty shelf. 😀


Tomorrow is a Saturday

This happened a couple of months ago – stumbled upon the unlisted video just now and thought it would be an apt time to put it up. Heh.

The story behind this was that a couple of us were eating at Jalan Alor late in the night and tried to convince a friend that tomorrow is a Saturday.

(it was not, it’s actually a Wednesday or something)

There were this roving band playing music and I got them to sing “Tong Hua” (coz it just came into my mind) and made a dedication that declared tomorrow a Saturday.

Have a good weekend everyone! 🙂

My Nuffnang Story


I started blogging really early. I started out way back in April 2002 when I was studying in Melbourne. There were only a couple of people blogging back then and it was still called a weblog and WordPress didn’t exist (needless to say Blogger).


Anyway, back in those days, people didn’t exactly have a super fast connection but I did. I was using the university OC-12 line so I wanted to be the first weblog updated daily with photos. I moved to Movable Type a few months later for a better CMS. I lost my entire blog once but got it back thanks to David Hicks from Australia, who had saved a copy of it.

I lost all the previous comments during a disastrous server migration once. That’s the reason why there are no comments in the previous posts. I switched to WordPress recently and will be finishing my design soon – but hell, I’ve been saying that for ages. 😉


My Nuffnang Story did not start until 2008. I just got out of rehab, started blogging again and saw that there were two Malaysian ad networks out there. I talked to Tim, who has a very sincere and personal touch, so I went exclusively Nuffnang.


The first time I met the Nuffies (although I don’t know if that term existed then) was in August 2008. I went to KL for the Chelsea match and had dinner with them in Jalan Alor. It was great to meet the people I’ve only known over the net (I was working in Sibu) for the first time.

…fast forward three years


I’ve been with Nuffnang for more than 3 years now and I have to say that it’s been a great time. I’ve been to a lot of their events and got to know all the Nuffies and fellow bloggers. It was still a small and close knit community about two years ago where you know everyone’s name.

Nuffnang, or rather, Nom Nom Media has grown by leaps and bounds since then with branches all over the world and sister companies like Churp Churp.


The community has grown larger now and the first Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards was held in Singapore in 2009. I went and had a blast! It was a very grand event that honored bloggers who excelled in their respective fields.

rrma awards

I won my first (and I think only) award for my blog when I snagged the Red Ribbon Media Awards in 2004. I believe that was the first time blogs were actually recognized in Malaysia in mainstream high-profile events. I didn’t submit my blog and never even knew such an award existed and was pleased when MAC flew me down to KL and put me up in the Mandarin Oriental for the gala dinner.


I got a pewter bowl for winning in the category of Non-Traditional Media (Blogs) and RM 2,500. It was a lot of fun and I can see how having awards can make a blogger feel appreciated. *cough* HINT *cough*

The nominations for the second Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is open now. If you wish to do so, you can nominate my blog – I don’t know which category I’ll fit in though. It certainly doesn’t quality for Most Original Blog Design. 😉

Which one do I like to think I’ll be categorized under? I’ll say Best Lifestyle Blog seems to be the most fitting one, although I’ve always harbored a secret desire to win the Best Travel Blog. Heh.

nuffnang blog awards

Anyway, the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards has always been a very exclusive event and if you want one of the 500 seats available for the dinner, here’s how you get it:

Step 1:
Choose one of your preferred options. 

a)    Write a blog post titled “My Nuffnang Story”.
b)    Tell us about your journey with Nuffnang – the fun times you had, the friends you’ve made; if you’re new to Nuffnang, you can write about the things you are looking forward to as a part of the community!
a)    Write a blog post titled “Nuffnang Blog Awards, Here I Come”.
b)    Tell us the top 3 reasons why you want to attend the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011.

Step 2:
Your blog post must include information about the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards as below (can be re-written in your own words if you wish):

Come 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region’s best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.

Step 3:
Head on over here to submit your details and permalink.

The best and most creative entries will win one of the 500 seats available! Most important of all, have fun writing the post coz that’s what blogging is all about.


I’ve always had fun writing on the blog. I used to have a category called The making of… which is a bit like the Bonus Features you’ll find in a DVD disc. You have to see it to believe it. Heh! I believe that blogging should be fun above anything else, so enjoy yourselves! 🙂

10 Things I Find Attractive

This is currently the #1 trending topic on Twitter and I figured I’ll do the blog version of #10ThingsIFindAttractive

nice eyes

1. Nice eyes
It’s the window to the soul and all that. It’s the very first thing I notice about a girl actually. I look at the face and catch the eyes. I’m a sucker for nice eyes. I don’t have a particular type that I like – I don’t mind Occidental eyelids as long as it looks good. Bright and intelligent is the look I’m after – it says a lot about the person looking out from them.

2. Filial piety
I know it’s weird to include this in the list but hey, you were raised with certain values and you…well, value those values above all others. Nature vs nurture, this being nurture. I like someone who respects their family (if any). I’m a meet-the-family kind of guy and usually (means more than 50% – would put a higher figure but I don’t know if I can back it up smirk) their parents like me. I’ll like to raise a family with the same values – not the old skool MY WORD IS LAW version (au contraire) but one of mutual respect.

You want to know your children have your back, just as you’re there for your parents and this is a kind of thing that can only be pulled off with both parents believing in the same ideals.

3. Nice legs
Hey, what can I say? You know the question that goes “tits or ass”? I’m neither. I’m a leg person. I like nice legs. It’s what turns me on. I honestly don’t really care for breasts – my brain is just not wired like that, but legs…now that’s a whole different matter. smirk


4. Thinks for herself
This is quite important as I abhor sheeple. I don’t like people who’s all cliquey and can’t think for themselves and follows the herd. Nope, not even if you’re the leader of the clique. I have nothing but contempt for group think.

Intelligence also goes into here. It’s either-or – someone who thinks for herself MUST be intelligent. It’s not a slippery slope argument, it just is. I love intelligence – it’s the smart ones that always attracts me.

5. Humor
I don’t need a comedian in my life. By humor, I don’t mean someone who cracks jokes every single day (that would be rather annoying). Humor is just perspective – a way of looking at our fucked up lives, shrugging and saying “Hey, it is what it is” with a wry grin.

In other words, someone who can still be upbeat in spite of all the shit life has thrown at you. Example:

Me: Fuck man, I’ve got liver cirrhosis.
Her: What song do you want me to play at your funeral?

Dark humor is fine, as long as you know she loves you and cares about you deep down. Devastated even, but still game for a final hurrah – a trip around the world in the last 3 months of your life.

6. Honesty
I once had an ex-girlfriend who told me something rather shocking. Verbatim:

Her: Huai Bin, we need to talk. I have something to tell you.
Me: What is it?
Her: You remember the Dormicum I took yesterday?
Me: How could I forget? I told you not to, coz you’re drinking after that.
Her: Well…I did and I ended up in a hotel room with this guy. I honestly can’t remember if we had sex. I think we might have but I’m not sure.

You know what? I forgave her for that. She was honest enough to want a relationship without lies and living with that guilt and I admired her for that. She considered hiding it from me but ended up choosing to tell me after a day. It was the bravest thing I’ve seen someone do as I know that she really loved me at that time and vice versa.

(after the initial shock and feelings of betrayal have passed)

Me: You did wear a condom right?
Her: I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure the guy would.

See: Dark humor. It really makes a relationship last.

7. Public displays of affection
I’m one of the people who likes it. Seriously, it warms my heart to see couples in their old age holding hands. I’m not talking about hand snaking into flies and groping under skirts – not the “Get a fucking room” kind of PDA but a more subdued, constant touch like holding hands, leaning into me in a cinema etc.

8. Straight hair
I can’t explain it. I just don’t like curly hair – the texture isn’t for me. It’s just a quirk of mine, just like I don’t like too much makeup on a girl.

I have a slight inclination towards long hair but have seen girls with short hair that looks awesome too. Just as long as it’s straight.

9. Caring
This shouldn’t even be in the list. It’s a no-brainer. Everyone likes to feel cared for, even the toughest Neanderthal back in the days would probably grunt in agreement. The opposite can manifest – fake and “routine” deals like saying “How was your day, honey?” without meaning it.

(and not wanting to hear the answer)

I’ll go for a more sincere understanding that we care about each other any day.

loving kindness

10. Kindness
Isn’t this the same as caring? No, kindness is a way of life. It’s about forgiving and forgetting the small stuff (and even some of the big ones).

It’s what keeps you going when all the serotonin excitement has gone out of your relationship and you’ve settled into a more comfortable dopamine – oxytocin long term relationship.

It also helps if you break up – you don’t have a vengeful and angry ex girlfriend on your ass threatening to castrate you with a rusty butter knife. smirk

Hey, always better to remain friends right? 🙂

What are the things you find attractive in the opposite (or same, if you swing that way) sex?

Making big decisions in life – from someone who learned the hard way


I have written a rather lengthy post about my life. Most of you have heard that I’ve been through rehab. Some of you know that I’ve been to jail before. Not many of you know the whole story.

It’s one about how a young and innocent kid started experimenting with drugs out of curiosity and how it quickly snowballed from recreational use into a vast methamphetamine and opiate addiction that nearly killed me and brought me to depths of depravation I never have thought I was capable of.

They say curiosity killed the cat…

…but satisfaction brought it back!

I’m not really sure that statement is true. It certainly rolls off the tongue nicely, but with the sacrifices I’ve made and the state of my health as it stands today – it bears to navel gaze and ask myself – “Was it all really worth it?

I guess that’s a question only I can answer.

It’s an unfortunate situation which I always say is essentially a “victimless crime” and drugs should be legalized but when you think about it and the havoc it wrecks on your family and loved ones…

…can you really say that it’s a victimless crime?

I don’t mean from a legalistic standpoint, but rather a moral one.

Pull up a chair coz here’s the entire story about how I thought I was too intelligent to be addicted. This is a story of an arrogant youth who played with fire, thinking that he’s the exception…not knowing that the road to hell is paved with people who thought the exact same thing.

It’s also a tale of redemption and most of all holding true to your core values, like loving my family, who has bailed me out so many times I couldn’t keep count. Here’s to my mom and dad for believing in their son, even after so many overdose hospitalizations, arrests, and rehabilitation centers.

I love you guys.

r u ready

My article was published in Prudential’s R U Ready Facebook page in its entirety. R U Ready is a forum for adults to share your experiences, advice and tips about life. Go Like the page and surf on over to read the whole story, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Guns. Lots of guns.


I just love this shop. I found heaps of them in Hong Kong around Mongkok. They have exact replicas of most firearms – except these aren’t replicas per se. It uses 6 mm BB pellets loaded into a shell casing, which goes into your magazine. The Airsoft guns are remarkably realistic – you rack the slide back and a shell goes into the chamber. The pellet is released when you squeeze the trigger with a burst of propellant.

It’s made with stainless steel parts so it’s about as heavy as a real gun. I really like how these things work – they can be used as a prop or for paintball games, with a harder hit (steel BBs can kill a bird).

Unfortunately, you can’t get these things into Malaysia. The person told me he can break it down into three parts and I’ll have to take the risk in bringing them back. However, the largest part still looks like a piece from a firearm and replicas like these (realistic make, color, shape and to a certain extent – function) is not legal in Malaysia.

…and guess what? It just so happened that we were selected for secondary inspection at customs when we got out. It’s a good thing I didn’t buy it then. 😉

Were you ever so angry you tackled a train?


That is my particular pet peeve. I hate it when people are late.

It shows that you think your time is more valuable than mine.

It’s fucking disrespectful.

I don’t care if there’s a traffic jam – leave earlier if you know it’s going to be congested. There’s no excuses for being late.

I always try to be early and in the few occasions I can count on my hand that I’m late, I’ll call ahead and tell the people I’m meeting up with that I will be late, citing the reason(s) for my tardiness.

However, just now, I got lost (NO EXCUSES!) due to my GPS and was one of the last ones to arrive. I did call ahead to say I’ll be late (my GPS told me to go down an extremely narrow pedestrian walk and I scraped the front of my car trying to reverse out) but I still feel really bad about it. For every Garmin GPS user, it is very important that they keep on updating the maps to enjoy the latest and unknown territory. Sometimes, Garmin issues map updates with some unique features which you were not able to experience in the older Garmin GPS devices. To know about how to update garmin gps go through this.

I think it’s my obsession with time. I suspect it also has something to do with my past.

Back then, everyone had to wait, even celebrities (read Life by Keith Richards). It’s a mixture of two things – people in this particular line of work are generally tardy, especially if they are consumers too. However, it’s most of all, a power play.


It’s an expression of dominance. I know. I’ve done it before, sad to say. In closed markets like that – you have no choice. You wait.

I’ve waited eight (8) fucking hours IN MY CAR about 9 years ago when I haven’t established myself in a new place. He was the only person I knew.

I had delusions of shooting the guy in the face and that was what sustained me. I didn’t do it though. It would have gotten me shot as well, if not at that time, then sometime in the near future.

…when he finally came, I had to fork over the money with a shit eating grin on my face.

It’s degrading and shameful. You hate yourself, but still, you wait, coz the hold it has over you is stronger than your pride. Fuck, it hurts to admit that, but it’s true.

…but that’s all in the past now. I have started a new life (and brought over the emotional baggage where I abhor waiting smirk) and I don’t do it anymore.

I still have a thing about time though. I don’t like to be kept waiting and I don’t keep others waiting.

Being on time is a virtue a lot of people don’t get. If you say you’re going to be there at a certain time, then be there!

That is what I meant to say in this post – either be on time or inform the other person and postpone it to another date if you can’t make it.

Don’t make people waste their time waiting. Time is something you’ll never get back.

Tempus is fugiting!

I get angry enough to tackle a train when kept waiting. That’s my pet peeve.

angry enough to tackle a train

What’s yours? Were you ever so angry you tackled a train?

Fake Monster Beats by Dr Dre Tour at Low Yat Plaza

I just got scammed!

fake monster beats by dr dre tour

I bought a pair of fake beats by dr. dre headphones at Low Yat Plaza. I wasn’t familiar with the range and was amazed by the sound quality – the deep, rich bass and perfect pitch range literally floored me. It wowed me enough to lust after the in-ear noise-canceling earbuds.

Here is how the scam works:

how to tell fake beats by dr dre

  • The sales girl offers you a pair of demo headphones and plugs it into an iPod. I think this is the ONLY real unit.
  • The fake Monster beats by dr. dre Tour high resolution headphones are sealed in boxes and stacked nicely at the counter.
  • She lets you listen to the music and marvel to yourself at how awesome the sound quality was for just RM 60.
  • You purchase the earbuds, patting yourself on the back for your bargaining skills and the amazing deal you just got.

fake monster packaging

I only realize I’ve been had when ShaolinTiger told me about this website which details the (apparently rampant) fake Monster beats by dr. dre tour going around. Mine was definitely a counterfeit one – it shows all the hallmarks of the fake version and the price was too good to be true. I later found out that the real ones retail at RM 850 while I got mine at RM 60.

Monster Beats by Dr Dre Tour

fake beats by dr dre low yat

I wrote this BEFORE I knew it was a fake pair of headphones. I was gushing about it and typed this at rapid staccato excited mode in 30 minutes. It just goes to show how stupid I am. -_-


I was walking around Low Yat, intending to get a pair of headphones to replace my busted stock Apple ones. I noticed one of the smaller shops displaying a line of headphones and ear-buds made (endorsed? collaborated?) by Dr Dre.

I stopped and took a look at the boxes. They came in several variants – the biggest of which are limited edition full earmuff studio headphones with Lamborghini/Ferrari partnerships. I asked about the price – the high end limited edition stuff was RM 599.

Now this was nothing more than a curiosity on my part, just looking around ya know…until I saw the beats by dr dre Tour range. It’s a noise-canceling earbud headphone – the type you jam into your entire ear so the drivers inside will direct the sound right into your ear canal instead of dissipating it.

I like the design and the earphones look pretty nifty too – it’s black and red, two of my favorite colors. However, they were going for RM 90 – I finally bargained down the price to RM 85 at which point she woefully agreed, saying that she’ll only get a RM 10 profit.

I said I’ll come back but purchasing the earbuds was just a possibility in my mind at that time. An option, if you will.

I wanted to look around and as I took the escalators up, I was accosted by a particularly enthusiastic sales person. She was selling the same range of products. I asked how much the Monster beats by dr dre Tour was (I couldn’t afford the RM 599 studio headphones) and she said RM 75.

Now that’s much cheaper than the price quoted by the person downstairs but in the spirit of bargaining (see woeful RM 10 profit feigned reluctance above) I said that I was quoted a cheaper price at the shop downstairs. I creatively mentioned RM 70 instead of RM 75.

The passionate sales girl immediately said she can match the offer and sell it for RM 70. She pulled out an iPod and insisted on giving me a demo. Well, you know, these things go RIGHT INTO your ear so earwax and stuff like that can stick on it, but I’m not particular so I shrugged and donned the buds.

She played the song Like a G6 and I listened to it…in growing amazement. I was in music nirvana. I don’t like the song but damn was that a fine rendering of sound. I could hear ranges I never could with the stock headphones that came with my iPad 2 and it was LOUD!

I think I couldn’t keep the ecstasy off my face and the sales girl, sensing a potential customer, immediately launched into a play list that shows off the bass reproduction of the earbuds.

Jesus Doggystyle Mary!

I have never heard music with such clarity since my AUD 300 purchase of a rather expensive studio headphones back when I was in university. The design of the earbuds is what makes it so good – it’s noise-canceling coz when you jam it into your ears, it fills up all the empty space around it.

I could hardly hear the crowd and when I scratched myself, it didn’t sound like it normally would – the fingernail against fabric noise sounded distant…like you were on a heavy dose of opiates and was about to nod off. I don’t even know why I used this analogy since 97.3% of you won’t be able to relate but that’s how it sounds like. smirk

I was hooked. I WANTED the headphones. I would lust for it as a lover pines for his unrequited love until I bought it.

fake monster beats by dr dre-tour-box

The girl let me have her iPod and listen to it while she rummaged around and opened the RM 599 limited edition studio headphones. She insisted that I listen to it. It was good, I would buy it if I had the cash but it’s not a lot different from the Tour version…at least not enough to justify the huge price gap.

She said she’ll let me have the studio headphones for RM 450 but I was interested in the more affordable earbuds. I said I’ll consider it if she can sell it to me for RM 65 and after a bit of hemming and hawwing she said okay. I then said I’ll buy it right off her now if she’ll give it to me for RM 60.

I was looking at the packaging while talking to her and I saw that these are MONSTER headphones! Not the recruitment company, the one that sells professional grade high quality A/V cables! Dr. Dre apparently has a collaboration with them or something, giving us this very cool looking red and black earphones.

Heh. I haven’t bargained in a long time and it’s good to know that I still can push down prices. She agreed, but much more reluctantly this time. I don’t know how much the cost price is, but I’m guessing RM 60 is towards the low-profit end of it.

I just did it for shits and giggles, RM 5 is less than what you’ll pay for parking but it’s fun to do.

However, she did mention that she will sell it for RM 50 apiece if I buy 3 or more. Considering how I treat my headphones, that would be a rather excellent idea, but I still had to buy an external HDD so I just bought that one.

fake beats by dr dre low yat plaza

It was the demo that got me – listening to the quality and sheer power of the driver in such a small earbud design blew me away. Literally.

The other good thing I noticed is that the wires won’t tangle coz it’s flat like linguine – that makes it harder to snag and tangle around.

It’s a really good buy for RM 60. I really am loving it – at this price, it’s unbeatable. I also tried another popular mainstream consumer electronics brand’s noise-canceling earbuds for RM 110 (cheapest price) and it doesn’t even come close to beats by dr dre tour’s quality.

Highly recommended.

I just wrote over a thousand words about a pair of earbud headphones. I guess that says something.


I wish I had said that I’ll just take the demo pair, no need to trouble yourself in getting a new one for me. I’ll love to see the sales girl’s reaction and what excuses she’ll come up with. Heh!

fake beats by dr dre

Beware of fake Monster beats by dr. dre Tour high resolution headphones in Low Yat Plaza!

fake monster beats by dr dre

I didn’t get a receipt for the purchase, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time. No wonder the staff all ducked when I took a photo of the headphones on display. It’s amazing marketing though – get a real pair to wow the potential customer and sell them the fake ones…or maybe I’m just naive. 😡

Can you eat a one-year-old expired mooncake?

how long does mooncakes last

I have a box of mooncakes from last year in the fridge. I know it has expired but I never took the trouble to throw it away. It came in a nice package and my fridge is icy cold, so it’s not like there was an offensive smell emanating from it. *shrugs

expired mooncake date

Anyway, I was a bit curious about the state of the mooncake so I took it out just now. The use by date is 31/10/2010 – it’s almost a year since the manufacturer has deemed it fit for human consumption. However, it looked normal to me – there’s a distinct lack of fungi, so don’t expect a carpet of mold calling the mooncake home. 😉

expired mooncake lotus

It looked edible. Now, that really piqued my interest so I took one of them (the lotus with egg yolk) and sliced it in half. It still looks fit to eat. Hmm…well, I guess there’s just one way to find out.

expired mooncake eat

I bit into the rock hard (it was frozen) mooncake and chewed on a small chunk. I tentatively rolled it around my tongue and hesitantly swallowed a bit of it. It tasted fine!

Imagine that, a mooncake which has expired for one year…but still (at first taste) palatable!

expired mooncake spit

…until I nibbled at the egg yolk. I have great control over my gag reflex so nothing dramatic happened, but the vile taste of the yolk was quite memorable. I had to spit it out.

Well, at least I tried. Mooncakes can keep for ages, if not for the yolk! Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back! 😀

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