Cindy and Ringo from MDG

mdg cindy ringo

I just came back from an event at hqnine @ TTDI Plaza. This is Cindy and Ringo of MDG fame (amongst others). This marks the return of the XX Chromosomes entries, which has been given a restraining order by my girlfriend. I have appealed for a temporary suspension in consideration of my pitch to be the official MDG 2 blogger. =D


I went straight after work coz I wasn’t sure if I could find the place. I’m really tragic with directions. I called Yat numerous times and got lost in some mysterious highway before finally arriving at the place. I didn’t know Nicholas was going or I would have bugged him instead. Heh! I met Ginny there…

ginny tattoo

…a girl who has an awesome tattoo on her left shoulder.

ginny eat

(and who can really eat as well)
She’s very adorable. πŸ™‚
Except when she pulls at my surface bar piercing. :p

pam song

Pam Song is in the same line of work as I am, which is very interesting to me since I’m new in the industry.

pam song copy

I just wish she would quit copying my notes.

Okay, I’m kidding, Pam is the one who came out with that great idea (pose of plagiarism). She’s been in the industry longer than I have and I have much to learn from her.

Consider this my official pitch for MDG 2 official blogger, Robb. =D

Stepping into the lair

cheesie condo

I dropped by Cheesie’s condo earlier this morning to pick up the carton of Marlboros that she had gotten for me duty free during her recent trip to Shanghai. It’s the first time I’ve been to her place and it’s a really nice condominium unit with great security. I’m thinking of getting one myself once my paycheck stabilizes – it’s just about what you would pay for rent, except you get to own the property at the end.

cheesie marlboro

A big thank you goes out to Ringo, who has kindly contributed to my chances of getting lung cancer. πŸ˜‰

Kidding. I less than 3 you.

Camwhoring with Ringo Tan of Cheeserland

ringo tan 1

I was in KL about a month ago to…er, attend to my sister’s wedding arrangements and met up with Cheesie at O’Briens before I was scheduled to fly back home. I have gotten a new external hard disk and while transferring photos over, I realized that I have several shots with Ringo after lunch.

ringo tan 2

Cheesie left me with a very good impression, she’s very down to earth and has a bubbly personality, which makes for a great dining companion. πŸ™‚ Anyway, we went outside for a bit of camwhoring after lunch – some of the photos were taken by passerbys at 1U but Ringo has perfected an excellent technique of taking photos.

ringo tan 3

She taught me how to take self portraits of us using one extended hand, which I never really got the hang of. It’s her 4th blog anniversary at her own domain so on head over and wish her a happy blogniversary. πŸ™‚

Hail to the Queen of Cheese! πŸ˜‰



Rosanna means gracious rose and it’s a pretty unique name. I remembered it the first time I met her while playing Counter-Strike a good 8-9 years ago. I bumped into Rosanna at Delta Mall again and I’m pretty bad with names but I recalled her straight away due to the unusual moniker.

rosanna eyes

She is sporting a curious pair of contact lenses that makes her eyes look like ladybugs. It’s bright ruby red and has specks similar to that of the beetle (a ladybug is basically a beetle).

rosanna me

It was good to catch up with her again after such an extended absence. It turns out that she’s also working in Sibu now. πŸ™‚

Note to self: Remove tongue piercing before public speaking engagement tomorrow so I don’t slur my words.


Assignments galore!
I finally managed to update after assignment week.

Sri Lanka cuisine in Melbourne. My first attempts at a food review. I was pretty bad at it, compared to the reviews I do now. Oh well, baby steps and all that.

Nestle Fitness Promotional Giveaway @ Kenanga International, KL
Nestle Fitness promotion at the place where I work. They were giving out free samples.

Photos of Jalan Sultan Ismail – Jalan P. Ramlee – Suria KLCC – Bangsar
I like this one – it’s a photographic journey of the route I used to take to work when I was in KL. I work in KL and lived at Damansara (opposite HELP Institute – the university for those who requires exactly what the name suggests ;)) so I had to take the bus, LRT, and walk. It’s a “peek in the daily life” post.

The Garden of Adem
Love is in the air? The title is a wordplay on the restaurant’s name and the Garden of Eden.

No one wants to see your fucking weekend night out photos!
Self-parody and satire at it’s finest. I coined the term. πŸ˜‰

I was still in the hospital, so no updates. I was hospitalized a lot of times in 2006 – guess it wasn’t really my year. πŸ˜‰

PC Fair 2008

pc fair

I went to the PC Fair 2008 at Delta Mall yesterday. It’s not the PIKOM organized event, but a smaller scale expo by local IT organizations. There are still a lot of bargains to be had there though – I got an 8 GB USB drive for RM 73 (SanDisk Cruzer Micro) and am planning to get a Philips external HDD (3.5″ 320 MB) for RM 260.

pc cruzer micro

I know the prices might be kinda steep compared to KL prices, but it’s the best deals we get over here. There isn’t even a booth selling 16 MB USB drives which I’ve been hankering for. Anyway, I bumped into a couple of people there since it was the last day of the fair.

pc susie ting

This is the delectable Susie Ting, who for some reason or another is helping out at one of the booths over there.

pc me susie

It would be remiss of me if I didn’t do an XX Chromosome post on her since she is, by most standards, quite aesthetically pleasing. She’s a really friendly person too – the first thing she said when she saw me was that she can smell the liquor from my breath and inquired as to why I didn’t bring her along to drink. It was a Sunday afternoon. πŸ™‚

pc lcd fl

There’s also this very nifty UV signboard that I really liked, manned (womenned?) by Fang Ling. It accepts an AC adapter and you can write on it and it can display various colors according to the settings. The ink is erasable and you can write whatever message you want on it and then erase it and put up a new message the next day, The power consumption is pretty low too, so it’s more practical than an LCD screen (which would probably get my car smashed and the electronics stolen).

pc lcd

I want it for the rear of my car – it’s going to display a quote of the day or a random post and it’ll have the URL on it. This is much better than plastering your car with blog stickers, since it’ll be inside the car itself and powered by a battery array. However, at RM 488 it’s a little bit on the steep side, and a friend of mine who went with me told me it can be fabricated for much less and at a custom size to boot (no pun intended), so I’m going to go for that option – take the tinted glass off my rear window and install this thing – guerrilla advertising and all that. πŸ˜‰

pc siew ling

I also bumped into Siew Ling a.k.a. my little sister at the fair. She’s not actually related to me, she’s a model for my Oreo advertorial. She’s a really nice person and I always feel comfortable around her. She’s very soft too, and cute. Adorable! I don’t usually get attracted to younger girls, but she would be the exception. πŸ˜‰

Airwaves band @ Bamboo House

airwaves band

I was drinking at Bamboo House last night – it’s a very chilled out place with a live band that attracts a more subtle clientΓ¨le. This is the Airwaves band – they sing covers of popular English, Chinese and Malay songs. They hail from the Philippines and directly above and below this column of text is the obligatory XX Chromosome shots. πŸ˜‰

airwaves camwhore

Airwaves band in action

Anyway, at about 12 AM, there was a large entourage of people entering the lounge. These people didn’t look like the sort that tends to hang out around drinking establishments – it’s a mixed group of people ranging from probably their late 30’s to 60’s.

airwaves band band

It seems like they’re from Selangor and they’re in the hotel for a function of some sort and the entire group adjourned to the lounge to have a couple of drinks. Most were dressed rather formally and I honestly didn’t expect this group to raise the rafters…

airwaves raising

…but they did. πŸ™‚

Blast from the past! The Twist is back. Old man dancing…vibrantly.

The dance floor was quite empty before they arrived and this posse of fun loving mature people took to the floor quite liberally, doing the Twist and Cha-Cha, which were probably all the rage during their time.

Susu Niang Niang – classic song for a classic crowd.

I love these people, most of them didn’t look like supermodels (understatement of the year) and yet they didn’t care and just lived life. I learned something from them.

Forever young!

airwaves twist

They were chronologically advanced, and yet they still know how to kick off their shoes and just let their hair down.

airwaves shoes

Them dancing shoes…

I wanted to do a See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil pose but one of the singers apparently thought I enjoyed having my boobs grabbed from behind.

airwaves evil boobs

Eh, don’t pok mong me, can? πŸ˜‰

airwaves evil

See No Evil. Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil.

File under: Lazy Sunday morning posts. πŸ™‚

Regina Lau of Wine Cellar

regina lau

I met Regina Lau when I was in KL. She works at Wine Cellar, which would be providing the vinos for my sister’s wedding.

regina me

The XX Chromosome category has been somewhat neglected for a while so I am pleased to present to you the delicious Regina…

regina keyfob

…and the awesome key fob that she has. Heh!

Harajuku girl

harajuku girl

This is one of the hairstylists for Alan Hair Saloon that I met during the BCF 2008 festival. I found her rather attractive and took the opportunity to carve another notch in my belt, er…I mean, create content for the XX Chromosome category. πŸ˜‰

harajuku girl me

She has this innocent look that renders well for image capturing…very photogenic indeed. I’ll have the full writeup of the BCF 2008 closing ceremony up later tonight. Cheers!

Guide to taking photos of girls

xx target

I have received a few requests to compile a general list of the techniques (also known as skillz, mojo) I use to create content for my XX Chromosome entry. It has come to my attention that a lot of my readers are curious pertaining my methods of approaching and persuading a female (see synonym chicks, girls) to pose for a photograph to appear on

The Guide to XX Chromosome posts

Approach a.k.a. Target acquisition

target aquired

This is a very important, and often overlooked aspect of taking photos with strangers, especially girls. Your approach is key, since it’s the first impression you make. It helps if you don’t look like a stereotypical horny old man or gangster but even if you look like one, there are several disarming methods that can be applied.


A smile shows your friendly intent and Smashing Pumpkins sang “disarm me with a smile” for a reason.



Look like it’s the most natural thing in the world to be asking for, without being overconfident, pushy, or overbearing. It’s fine to be friendly, but it’s not okay to be assertive in situations like this.

Eye contact

Also related to confidence, always make and maintain eye contact when you see someone you want to put in the XX Chromosome category. Never break eye contact first, it’s one of the rules of dating and also a cardinal rule in doing this. It makes you look unsure, shy, and even weak, not particularly attractive traits for a male.



I tend to introduce myself first, touching the shoulder (the back and arms are fine too, but not other areas) to get the person’s attention if she has broken eye contact. I say something along the lines of “Hello, I’m Huai Bin, and I like the dress/uniform/shirt etc you’re wearing. You mind if I take a photo of you?”

chiew fong

It is important not to give misleading statements or potential minefields e.g. “I like you” but go for the non-animated stuff e.g. clothes, hair, eyes etc. I noticed that I have never gotten a “No” for an answer if I have already pulled out my digicam. It’s this thing about people and handshakes – it’s like how you never see someone NOT shake your hand when you’ve already offered it. It’s something of an automatic gesture.

Lead in


Take one or two photos of the girl and then grab a bystander and tell the girl something along the lines of “Hang on a second, I want to take a photo with you too” and give your digicam to a passerby and start giving instruction on how to take shots. All you have to do now is to stand next to the girl, put your arm around her shoulder (optional) and pose for a photograph.


This happens, I’ve had girls says “I really don’t like taking photographs coz I look ugly in them” or something along that line. That’s not a straight out rejection, the model just needs some convincing, so say something complimentary like “I think you look great, let’s see how the shot comes out”. Most of the time, they agree.

I’ve also experienced one or two straight rejections. The thing to do is to take it in stride. Perhaps she’s had a bad day, is stressed out or just had an argument with her boyfriend. Don’t take it personally. Smile, thank her, and move on. She might be receptive the next time. Always be polite, and chill out, it happens to the best of us. πŸ™‚


dining xx

If you’re single and unattached and you see a lone diner that’s to your liking, sit down and make conversation. Who knows what it may lead into? You’ve gotta eat anyway, so might as well talk to someone while you’re at it. Make the most of every day, live it like it’s your very last.

Cheers from and thanks for reading!

Happy Hunting! πŸ˜‰ does basketball

basketball referee

You wish. I’m not that active.

basketball referee me

Doing a basketball competition referee is more likely. πŸ˜‰

More photos of the girl’s basketball competition at BCF 2008 will be up later. I just got back and will be posting about the opening ceremony from last night too.

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