One World Hotel. Two people. Six hours.

one world hotel

It was a totally impulsive decision. I was chatting to my friend on MSN earlier this week when I suddenly thought, “Hey, won’t it be great to just check into a nice hotel after work tonight and work?”

Of course, working wasn’t the primary agenda of this nocturnal sojourn….watching TV was. πŸ˜‰


Thus, I booked a room in the afternoon through the Internet and went to pick her up after work. However, a series of unfortunate events ended up with us checking in only after 8 pm.

room service

We were so occupied in…er, our work *cough* that we ordered room service.

lamb shank

The lamb shank was atrocious – almost inedible, but the wine sure hit the spot.

We spent a total of six hours in the room before checking out at 2:22 am and going home coz we both have to work the next day.

It’s such a waste of money right?

Cost breakdown:
Internet RM 30 (told you we were working)
Room service dinner RM 192.50
Hotel room RM 325.00
Service charge RM 32.50
Tax RM 16.25

one world bill

Total: RM 596.25

Watching TV, talking and chilling out in an impromptu hotel excursion: Priceless

The point of my post is that sometimes we do things that may not make much financial sense. However, I’ve come across a promotion that really rewards you. I present the Every Month Bonus XXL by Xpax.

Why XXL? Xpax is DOUBLING their existing bonus when you use RM 50 or more in November and December 2009. Their monthly bonus is now bigger and better. Check out the details here.

I am using the Xpax BB so this is great news for me. At least I’ll still be able to communicate after burning that amount in six hours earlier this week. :p

P/S – Seriously, we did get some work done. Honest. Cross my heart and hope to die. I don’t remember watching TV though. πŸ˜‰

Project Alpha finale

This is the final video of my Project Alpha episodes. It’s also the last episode in the show which I dub “The one where I breathed fire using kerosene”. I was hoping for this to be in an episode by itself though. Oh well. This is a 3-in-1 episode which has:

  • Fire breathing
  • Drinks at Helo Bali
  • Wrap party at Euporia, MOS

I actually got very, very excited by the fire breathing and did it several times in a row, much to the consternation of the crew. I guess it must have looked like I have an unusually healthy disregard for the safety of my life and limb. πŸ˜‰

Fire breathing 

However, it wasn’t that hard – closest I got was a lil burning sensation on my lips when I didn’t expel the kerosene with enough force AND draw back (which is crucial so you don’t burn your lips). It was a lot of fun!

w00t! Now I can do this neat trick at BBQs or functions where an ample supply of kerosene or other flammable materials are available! πŸ˜‰


Bad Idea (TM)

I may have ingested more ethanol based drinks than I ought to during the wrap party.

me martinis

Worse Idea (TM)

I crashed my car straight after that and it cost me RM 11,000 in repairs. Sigh.


Worst Idea (TM)

I guess you can say that this episode cost me 11k, so go watch it!

Best enjoyed with Streamyx, of course. πŸ˜‰

Hey, it really works for me – no buffering or crap like that when I watch it with my Streamyx broadband at home. I even wrote a dissertation analogy about the reliability.

Taking things for granted


I’ve been using Streamyx broadband ever since “broadband” and “Malaysia” has been used in the same sentence. Before that, I was on 14.4, 28.8 and then 33.6 kbps dial up modems and you really get to appreciate speed when it comes.

Streamyx was the first broadband to hit Malaysia and when I got it, I was ecstatic. Finally! I don’t have to open multiple windows to load webpages and go make myself a cup of coffee and come back just in time to see the first one load.

You know human nature right? You think your girlfriend is the best thing since God made Eve until you marry her and then you start roaming around for bigger younger and better things.

That, my friends, is the root of all problems.

We take things for granted. We forget the great things that made us fall in love in the first place (analogy to broadband here wtf) and start nitpicking at all the minor stuff while ignoring the glaring negative attributes of the new girlfriend (or broadband provider).

This is also related to what I call the Corner Mamak Theory (TM) – eh, seriously I filed a patent for this so don’t use it unless you intend to pay me royalties k? πŸ˜‰ I will explain the Corner Mamak Theory (TM) in more detail in another post. Haha!

Seriously though, I love my Streamyx, haven’t switched since I started subscribing to it coz it does what I need. Sure, it’s a “familiar” name and you know it’s gonna be there for you so you start taking it for granted and you look at new broadband players with rose tinted glasses.


Well, it’s a bitter pill to swallow but lemme tell you this, I’ve been through life enough to know that there is no such thing as the “perfect girl”. The “perfect girl” is what you make of it. Streamyx does the job for so that’s why I’m not switching. πŸ™‚

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted
or take them with gratitude.”
– G.K. Chesterton

The incriminating Episode 6

This is the episode I have been dreading. Cherie (my ex-girlfriend) came on set and gave the lowdown on how she met me.

I WANT TO GO ON RECORD HERE! That is not how I remember meeting her. T_T 

cherie 2005

The photo above was taken when we first met – Cherie is the one in green. This post describes the event leading up to when I first met Cherie and it does not involve toilets, washrooms, water closets or latrines. None. Nada. Zilch. 

tgif me jojo

I wish Jojo and Michael would just run amok with the editing scissors and cut out the majority of the stuff. Heh! We did a couple of takes and there were things said which can best be described as uncomplimentary. πŸ˜‰ 

tgif cherie

However, there were some good things said too, which didn’t go into the final episode. Can we have an outtakes episode? :p 

tgif shoot

This episode was fun to do coz I had a (more than) a couple of beers while shooting the scene. You see, there’s this thing called “scene continuity” so if you mess up a scene but took a sip (or a gulp) from your freshly opened beer while at it, you’ll need a new one so it doesn’t look weird. 

tgif start

This means you have to finish the current bottle. FML. πŸ˜‰ 

tgif jojo

It was a good scene though, I like this one coz Cherie knows me well. I guess you can say that we’ve been through a lot together – it’s a chemical romance with its ups and downs but at the end, it’s nice that we can still be friends and say “Hey, when it was good, it was great right?” πŸ™‚

Here are the other episodes that I haven’t posted up:

Episode 5

Episode 4

I use Streamyx broadband at home and I love the speed it gives me. I’m on the 1 Mbps package and YouTube videos loads right away. Instant gratification! =D

My Top 5 Treat List

jestina goon

I was talking to Jester on MSN about my bucket list Top 5 Treat List the other day. It’s basically a list of things you’ll like to reward yourself with. Throw creative stumbling blocks like your bank account balance, credit card debt and other emotional baggage out of the window and just make a list of stuff you’ll like to have.

My Top 5 Treat List:

#1 Dinner at Sugar Mill Restaurant, British Virgin Islands

Sugar Mill Restaurant is voted as one of the World’s Most Romantic Restaurants on and is described tantalizingly as “Love among the ruins”.

Sugar Mill Restaurant

Located in the Caribbean, this would require a flight to the US before another hop on a plane to the British Virgin Islands. Sugar Mill Restaurant is located in Tortola and offers truffles and other premium items on the menu.

It’s carved from a 17th century sugar mill and the interior looks very inviting with its rough stone walls and romantic lighting.

Who will I be sharing this fine dining experience with?

Jester of course!


jestina goon sze mun

Just look at that smile, how can you not help but like her? =D

#2 Go to Sweden and stay at ICEHOTEL for a weekend


I first read about the ICEHOTEL in an issue of National Geographic while taking a dump and it totally captivated my imagination. I think I had constipation for a couple of days after that from all the excitement. That was a couple of years back and I still get animated every time the subject is brought up.

Imagine a hotel build from scratch every year, with drinks served in glasses made of ice and going to bed in an entire room made out of ice blocks and sleeping on a block of ice with a rug to avoid hypothermia.


They even have a section on “How to sleep well in -5 degrees Celsius”! I must experience this.

#3 Buy a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4


I don’t want a Ferrari – it’s just so common its borderline clichΓ©. It’s Lamborghinis for me, thank you. Not just any Lambo either, I want the Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4. Just look at the curves on the car and think about the 5.3L V10 under the hood. It reportedly beat the Ferrari F430 Scuderia, the Nissan GT-R and the Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 in an episode of Top Gear.


This car is infused with essence of awesomeness.

#4 HALO (High Altitude-Low Opening) jump in the United States

I’m an adrenaline junkie so I’m naturally attracted to things which are likely to cause:

(a) Loss of life or limb
(b) Severe injury
(c) At least the possibility of (a) or (b)


I’ve always wanted to do a HALO jump coz it’s inherently dangerous. It is also very, very cool. Have you watched Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day? Bond was doing a HALO jump in both. The HALO jump is a technique used by the US military to avoid SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) by flying planes high above and dropping personnel at about 30,000 feet.

halo jump

The really interesting thing about a HALO jump is that you have to breathe pure oxygen for at least 30-45 minutes beforehand to flush the nitrogen from your system. You’ll also need an oxygen bottle during the jump. Basically, you jump and freefall all the way down before deploying your chute at a very low altitude for a maximum terminal velocity experience! =D

I’m talking geek, aren’t I? :p

#5 Get a Dell Inspiron 13

soaked notebook

I have extremely bad luck when it comes to gadgets. Two (!!!) of my notebooks got soaked within two weeks coz of a freak thunderstorm that drove rain in ridiculous volumes into my living room. The first was a Dell and it was turned on when the water came in, so naturally, the result wasn’t very pretty. I’m down to my backup notebook which is really slow and I really need a portable and fast notebook coz I like to travel and it’s a hassle to lug a full sized one during my escapades.


The Inspiron 13 might come across as unusual naming from Dell considering the amount of people with triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13) but there’s actually a good reason behind it. It’s 13.3 inches of sleek, sexy hardware running Intel Core 2 Duo processors and Windows 7. The screen is also in 16:9 aspect ratio which I prefer to 4:3 formats.


Dell’s Inspiron 13 comes in different colors (but I want the Obsidian Black if I win k?) and with enhanced wireless which supports up to 802.11n and a built in webcam, it is great for connectivity on the go. It’s very portable at 2.22 kg. It’ll be perfect for videoconferencing with Jester while at the office since I’m in PJ and she’s in KL. πŸ˜‰


Psst… use this special coupon code (7ZQVQF2RLZRKW3) when you purchase a Dell Inspiron 13 from Dell’s website and get RM 100 instant cash redemption. You can also call 1800-88-0301 to order. The coupon expires 10th November 2009.


Want to win a FREE Dell Inspiron 13 with all the trimmings? Just write a post like this and send it off to along with your name, email address and a permalink of the blog post before 10th November 2009. Get the full details here!

Mama my nen nen got thing stuck inside

chest x ray

I love this chest X-ray. Pretty nifty eh? I don’t have a light box so I improvised with my window. Check out how my nipple piercings show through. =D

Project Alpha Episode 2 is out!

I finally remember why I’m so rigid in the episode – I was sitting precariously on a stone and couldn’t really move or risk falling down. T_T

I’ll post up behind the scenes photos soon!

Okay, gotta go, just received a BBM on my Xpax BB for breakfast! Project Alpha promo + Episode 1

My promo for Project Alpha is out! Click on the YouTube video above to watch it. I am a little apprehensive about how the episodes would come out…especially the part where Cherie dishes out dirt about me. OMG, that one if not edited out my saham turun dy. :p

It’ll be epic…as in 1997 Asian Financial Crisis proportions. T_T

Episode 1 is also up!

BTW, you can also watch it on your BB. I watched the promo on my Xpax BB Curve 8520 when I was told it’s uploaded. =D

I kena conned in Singapore



I exchanged RM 800 for SGD 311.20 which is a 0.389 exchange rate. It’s ridiculous!
Yee Hou told me it was more like a 0.24 rate outside hotels and a quick check via verified that it is 0.24542 so I should have gotten SGD 329.840 instead of SGD 311.20.

However, it’s not that bad la…SGD 20 is about RM 50 and I paid more than that for drinks last night so for the convenience, well, *shrugs*.

If you’re changing large amounts of $ it’s not advisable though. I have access to my Xpax BB WiFi so I could have checked the going rates but I was tired after the Nuffnang Awards. Oh well.

BTW, I’m starting to love my BB, I can’t believe how I lived without it before. Imagine Twitter, MSN and surfing at your fingertips with QWERTY!

I’m off for the Singapore Tourism Board tour. Catch ya on the flipside.

Hunt or be hunted!

doria connecting me

The survival of the fittest doesn’t mean the Neanderthal with the largest biceps and biggest club in the forest anymore. It has turned into the man with the most Glocks. πŸ˜‰ Well, at least in Left 4 Dead. I have always been a gamer and I play all sorts of different games – Japanese RPGs, FPS, RTS, and other geeky acronyms.

doria setting up server 

However, we had a problem setting up the Left 4 Dead server one night and had to make several calls to ask how to go about it. We ended up playing at the cybercafΓ© till early morning.


There are also a lot of Facebook games out there snagging people left, right and center since they’re easy to pick up and you can furtively play at work. This probably caused a 78% drop in office productivity (just pulled that figure out from where the sun don’t shine) so HR IS GONNA BE WATCHING YOU!!!


I figured if you’re going to risk your job playing Barn Buddy on Facebook (which won’t give you any tangible rewards) you might be interested in this puzzle game (which does).

I’ve got the mechanics all figured out so I’ll give you the lowdown here:

Register and head over to the clues page.

You’ll find six (6) clues each for Mega, Tera, Giga e.g.


This is Puzzle 5 for Giga Clues.

My dear Watson, obviously this calls for you to navigate the website and find the corresponding page.


The answer to the question is a no-brainer. It’s gotta be under Support so look up at the top navigation bar and click on that button to produce:


Your very first puzzle piece! Congrats!
Now click on that puzzle piece (it’s floating on the page – see red arrow in the previous image) and it will be added to your collection in the pop up. You only have 5 more to go and you’ll complete the Giga Puzzle!

Feel free to complete the puzzles (Mega, Tera, Giga) as many times as you want. You can even repeat the same clues to get spare puzzle pieces, which would also win you a prize, as well as the title King of Spare Pieces.

Register now to play! Contest ends 31st October. Full prize details here.

…and best of all, it looks like a corporate site, so you can pretend you’re doing research or something. πŸ˜‰

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