White Mischief Paradise Gin

white mischeif box

This is a token of appreciation from my friend Ah Ann for assembling
his new hardware, formatting his hard drive and installing a new OS –
half a box of Paradise Gin.

paradise gin jsrl box

It’s 6 x 750 ml bottles of Paradise Gin in a box labeled Johnnie Walker Red Label.

white mischief paradise gin

Each bottle contains White Mischief’s Paradise Gin, a product of
India. This is a photo of the bottle. Notice that the logo at the
bottom looks familiar?

shaw wallace sime darby

It says Shaw Wallace – Established 1886 and bears a remarkable
resemblance to a logo of a certain company here, which I can’t retrieve
from my memory. Sime Darby?

white michief label

Anyway, this gin was manufactured by The Maharashtra Distilleries
Ltd. in Aurangabad, India. This batch made for export outside of India

paradise gin decor

I used to dislike the taste of gin, but I think that my daily heavy
drinking has desensitized my taste buds…everything tastes like vodka
to me…tasteless and chuggable. I could tell that there’s a slight
juniper taste to it though, which I associate with gin, but that’s
about it.

paradise gin details

Anyway, at 42.8% it is very nice indeed. I like the name too. White
Mischief – Paradise Gin. Thanks, Ann! Here at sixthseal.com, a 6 pack
of any distilled liquor is more than welcome. πŸ™‚

Warning! That bottle of Absolut Vodka is not what it seems!

1l df absolut

It looks like a normal bottle of Absolut Vodka on the first glance. These are the 1 liter bottles, not the 750 ml ones.

1l df find

Further inspection didn’t reveal anything dubious about this bottle of vodka too. Imported by Maxximum Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

1l df found

“It’s got to be here somewhere”, I thought and scrutinized the
bottle. Here it is! The “Malaysian Duty Not Paid” stamp. I was told
that there are multiple routes for the…ah, diverted liquor industry,
with some coming in from Labuan, some coming in from Langkawi and some
even from Singapore (!?!?). Labuan and Langkawi are duty free havens
with RM 1 dollar cans of beer (A$ 0.35 cents) and bottles of branded
distilled spirits for RM 30 (A$ 10). By the time it gets to the “duty
free liquor specialists” in Kuching, the price is sold to the consumer
at RM 55 for this bottle of 1 litre Absolut vodka. This is undercutting
legitimate outlets by RM 20 – RM 40 and up market drinking
establishments by up to RM 150. There are discounts for bulk purchases,
6 bottles of these will lower the cost to RM 50 per bottle. Bottles up
to the duty free liquor industry! Ah, I meant bottoms up. πŸ˜‰

P/S – My digicam CF Card reader seems to be broken so I had to go
out and get an Apacer 8 in 1 card reader to get the photos in. Two
girls sitting at a coffeeshop gave me wolf whistles both times I passed
them. πŸ™ Now I know how females feel when they get sexually harrassed
like that. I feel violated. I feel dirty and scared. I want to go home
and take a long hot shower and curl up in a ball under my blankets…

Nah, actually I enjoyed the attention. πŸ˜‰

Arrack Putih Cap Langkau

cap langkau
Would you like some methanol in your liquor sir?

Hello there, you’re reading sixthseal.com – the weblog where we go
to great lengths to provide quality reviews about stuff that you might
not want to try. Today, we will be focusing on Arrack Putih Cap Langkau
– the ghetto liquor brewed in Sibu, Sarawak. Buatan Malaysia, ini! Very
local too.

arrack putih langkau

We used to call this Chap Langjiaw for reasons which would be
obvious if you tasted this fine product of my home state. It retails
for the low, low price of RM 5 for 570 ml of about 30% alcohol. I said
about because the distillery does not know exactly what proof the
alcohol content is at, so it just put +- beside that sign. We do not
have those newfangled thingies to measure alcohol content in Sibu, you

cap langkau tiger

Back to where Chap Langkau got its nickname, look at the fine
quality of the product. No, that is not an optical illusion, you saw it
right. The liquor is made and poured into empty Tiger beer bottles!
That’s how ghetto Cap Langkau is. Sharikat Peng Guang Pengarakan Sdn
Bhd is very big on recycling and they take environmental issues seriously and reuse what they can.

cap langkau cup

I’ve seen it come in various beer bottles, but the similar thing
about it is, it always has the Cap Langkau label slapped on the front,
the distillery’s bottle cap and a free cup covering the top. I shit you
not, I did not put that cup on top of the bottle, all Chap Langkau
liquor bottles comes with one complimentary plastic cup (the colors may
vary, but the size is similar). This is to show that the company cares
about its clientele and like sixthseal.com, their aim is to please. πŸ˜‰

langkau bottle cap

Basically, once you open it, you need to drink the whole thing since
it’s not resealable. However, we do not shirk away from potential
methanol induced end organ damage from dodgy breweries to provide you
this fine review so…wait…hang on, shit I think I’m going blind!

chap langkau sibu

All kidding aside, it comes with a full money back guarantee – if
the product causes any damage as a result of fudged distillation
processes resulting in product contamination, they basically give you
your RM 5 back. πŸ˜‰

langkau bottoms up
Bottoms up!

Okay, okay I’ll be serious now. πŸ™‚ I’ll say the alcohol content is
around the 30-40% mark, maybe with some added methanol to keep prices
low and drinkers high. πŸ˜‰ We used to say they choose to name it langkau
as in the Hokkien phrase “lim kau lu lang kau”. I’ll tell you one thing
about these motherfuckers though…they’ll give you one hell of a

P/S – In all seriousness, my personal advice would be to avoid these
home brewed liquors (moonshine, if you will). It smells like paint
thinner, it tastes like paint thinner. It probably has some
paint thinner in it. :p I get more fucked up on this than branded 40%
liquors. RM 100 says the methanol content in these things exceeds
industry standards. Methanol is the less benign relative of ethanol and
is not a good thing to consume. It’s a stupid thing we used to drink as
poor teenagers but as a working adult, you probably would want to avoid
it except for experimental purposes. The inebriation this white liquor
induces is unsurpassed by regulated liquors so that might appeal to
some experimental users. This was the first time since I was 19 or so
that I’ve revisited this liquor and I do not wish to attempt it again.
But another notorious brand (Cap Apek) awaits…full review soon.
*sigh* My poor brain cells…

Camino Real Blanco and Gold tequila

camino tequila

This, my good friends, is Camino Tequila. It comes in one of the
nicer bottles I’ve seen. The bottle is nicely decorated with a cloth
piece and a sombrero. That’s a “Mexican hat” for those of you who
doesn’t know what a sombrero is. :p Calling it a “Mexican hat” is not
politically correct, sombrero, my friends, sombrero.

camino real

Anyway, this is importado (which I take is imported) from Mexico and
it says Camino Real Blanco tequila. I think it’s really pretty, the way
it’s dressed up. How often do you see a bottle with clothes and a hat?
Not very often. This was acquired at a very premium price of RM 83.50
from a legitimate establishment.

tequila dress

It’s a good thing I’ve hooked up with “duty free” resellers now so
paying such prices would be a thing of the past. Phew. The “duty free
liquor” industry is pretty sophisticated now. They even have fucking
pricelists! I was introduced by a friend (the very same one who showed
me the 3rd mile outlet last time, how bizarre huh?) so yeah, now I’m
paying RM 30 – 45 for normal bottles (JD, Absolut etc, not the premium
XO, cognac stuff obviously).

camino sombrero

It’s very chuggable too, even at room temperature. To be honest, everything is chuggable to me, even 95% alcohol
[sixthseal.com], and IMNSHO anyone who needs that lime and salt and
chaser shit are sissies. πŸ˜‰ I would use the word “pussies” but I don’t
want to lose my “G – General audience” rating. Hah, fuck, lost that
ages ago. Seriously though, if one can’t handle chugging distilled
spirits, how the hell are you going to get pissed? I’m not saying that
I’m “harder” or anything absurd like that. It’s just…come on, “Just
neck it”. That could be a catchphrase, as “Better enjoyed with
benzodiazepines” could be another. πŸ˜‰

P/S – I’ve finished the bottle so please excuse any inappropriate
behavior while I write this post while inebriated. Disclaimer to please
the HRP (Harm Reduction Police) – some people actually believe alcohol
and benzodiazepines would result in an instant one way trip to the
morgue. Happy now? Good.

Update: The fine piece of drunken literature you see above
was written a couple of days ago and I was wondering whether I should
post it at all or condemn it into the sixthseal.com Archive Vaults. I
decided to post it since I’ve found a duty free operation so I have to
more photos to add. Here’s the Camino Tequila Gold:

camino gold duty free

My apologies, I drank it before I took a photo of it. Shocking behavior, I’m sure. πŸ˜‰

I liked the Gold one better, packs a stronger punch.

blanco gold

The “duty free” (aka “Malaysian Duty Not Paid”) ones do not come in
the outfit but it’s only RM 45. Camino Gold goes for RM 45 in the DF
market while the white ones shown above is RM 40. Here’s the two
brother’s side by side. Blanco is empty while Gold is half full (or
half empty, depending on your perspective). πŸ˜‰

Kingway beer is free from formaldehyde

kingway beer

Kingway beer from China is “FREE” FROM FORMALDEHYDE – or so the back
label claims. Now, this is quite a disturbing label to put on a beer
and the wording of the sentence leaves much to be desired, but keep in
mind that this is a product from a Chinese (ShenZhen Kingway Brewery
Company) brewery so translation errors might be an issue here. Back to
the “free” from formaldehyde claim, it disconcerts me that they put
inverted commas around the word free, which seems to suggest that it is not exactly, completely free from formaldehyde.

kingway 640ml

It’s like: You take a drink, put it down, see a label at the back
and read “drink moderately” and think yeah, standard disclaimer and
then read “”free” from formeldehyde” and think wtf man?? I was just
enjoying my drink and now you’ve given me pause…

kingway formaldehyde

However, a search leads to an article that says that this disturbing
label stems from a commercial in Taiwan where Kingway beer claims to be
the first beer brewery from China to not use formaldehyde as a
preservative. Formaldehyde, if you did not know, is a potentially
carcinogenic agent and generally is not a good idea to ingest.

kingway 5 percent

Anyway, fear not, drinkers of Kingway beer. The product seems to be
free from formaldehyde, not “free” from formaldehyde as the unfortunate
translation came out. It prompted indignant replies from other Chinese
beer manufacturers like TsingTao whom also claims they have not been
using formaldehyde in their brewing process for decades and that the
ads are misleading as they suggest Kingway is the only brewery to
discard the practise.

Bottles up, friends, it seems that Kingway beer is safe to drink. πŸ™‚
It retails at a decidedly affordable price point at RM 5 per bottle
(640 ml) of full strength (5.0 % Alc) beer.

Duty Free


Guess who’s back? Okay, that’s the lamest ever start to a post and I
must apologize for subjecting you to that overused cliched statement.
Sorry guys. πŸ˜‰ Anyways, I’ve just got back from Melbourne, breezed
through customs. Thank God, there were 5 items I think they would take
exception to and frown upon. Heh. Anyway, I have to work tomorrow and
it’s 11 pm now and even though I drank enough Bloody Marys (can you
make it stronger this time?) and other alcoholic beverages (hey, it’s
free) with bzd I still feel quite awake, but fear not, dear readers,
beer is still cold in my fridge and I bought 3 bottles of 1 litre
flavored Absolut Vodka (for me) and several cartons of Marlboros (for
someone else, coz I don’t smoke).

I will update tomorrow, one day each day, starting from Day 0 and
ending with Day 5. I wanted to do it Memento style and go ass backwards
from Day 5 -> Day 0 but I fear that will fuck with your mind too
hard and I don’t want to wish that upon you after I had mine fucked
with last night. No, no large scary chickens were involved, thankfully.
I don’t think I’ll be able to handle that abomination chasing after me.



I just happened to check the Monash Exam Results page just now and
saw a link – Semester 1, 2003 Results! Oh, fuck!!! I thought. It was
supposed to come out tomorrow afternoon but sometimes it comes out
earlier. With EXTREME TREPEDITION, I clicked on the link, entered my
authcate password and covered the monitor with my hand. I pulled it
away and saw:

CSE2030 Distinction
CSE3151 Pass
ELC1000 Distinction
GSC2714 Distinction

My apologies to my neighbour for my shouts of “YEAH! FUCKING YEAH!
unacceptably loud volume. I am happy you see, because it’s my last
semester and I’ve been worried that I will fail something and will have
to repeat. Turns out that I don’t, woo fucking hoo, I’ve officially
graduated! =D

Anyway, here are the actual results and the expected grade I forecast after the exam:

Expected: Distinction
CSE2030 Postmortem [sixthseal.com]
Actual: Distinction

Expected: Pass
CSE3151 Postmortem [sixthseal.com]
Actual: Pass

Expected: Distinction
ELC1000 Postmortem [sixthseal.com]
Actual: Distinction

I got 3/3 correct this time. Heh. I didn’t forecast GSC2714 Drug and
Alcohol Use, because hey, it’s something I’m very interested in so I
don’t expect to fail it. True enough, I got the highest mark of all my
subjects for that. Arrggghhhh…just 4 marks short of a High
Distinction. I’m still happy though. πŸ™‚


You see that Limited Edition Rugby World Cup 2003 Heineken Magnum
(1.5 liters) up there? I’ve lugged that back from Melbourne to save for
drinking when I pass everything. Now I’m going to scull that
motherfucker and head out for celebrations! =D

P/S – I will reply all the comments when I come back, I’m too happy
now so I’m going to celebrate. πŸ™‚ My apologies for the profanity laden
post, I’m not usually like that, but dammit, this is great news for
someone who has been worried about failing in his last semester and
having to repeat. Hehehe! =D

Mini Drug Binge

This is a veritas post.

Substances consumed:
Methamphetamine (meth)
Dexamphetamine (Dexedrine)
Clonazepam (Klonopin)
Diazepam (Valium)
Cannabis (weed)
Ketamine (K)
P.subs (magic mushrooms)
Salvia Divinorum (Diviner’s Sage)
LSD (acid)
95% alcohol + cannabis (Green Dragon)

Infected Mushroom – None Of This Is Real [sixthseal.com]
(right click, save target as)
[6:25 minutes 128 KBPS STEREO 44.1KHZ 5.87 MB .mp3]


(Day 1 – Day 6)

This is the mysterious container…look down for more.

My love for this substance is not unknown, so there’s nothing much
to say here. I planned to go on a 3 day run, but some things came up
and I had to extend it. It wasn’t pretty towards the end. Eating only
dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets and water for days is making your
stomach endure things it’s not built for. I had to abort the run by the
fifth day, because I thought I was going to kick the bucket (again).
Angina, hypertension, couldn’t breath, very elevated body temperature,
sudden jabbing pains all over (someone diagnose this please), blah blah
you know the drill. The strangest thing was that I had swollen and red
hands and feet after drinking only a tiny bit of water. I think
most of the problems would not have occurred if I forced myself to have
(reasonable) water intake every few hours and eaten something. It’s a
useful drug for studies and work…in moderation. My attempt to terminate
the run did not succeed on the fifth day (with benzodiazepines), but I
managed to sleep on the sixth day. Meth was insufflated and dexies were
taken orally. There was an attempt to insufflate meth to try and keep
awake for the LSD visuals, but no amount could keep me awake after the
alcohol. πŸ™‚

Peppermint Peckers!

The tin is just nice for storing meth, crushing dexamphetamine tablets and shards of meth. Stimulants only please!

It looks sad…


(Day 5, Day 6)


I had 5 mg on the fifth day but it did not bring me to the place
called sleep. I stacked it with 20 mg diazepam after it that became
obvious, but it still didn’t push the issue into the agenda. I consumed
only 2 mg on the sixth day with 10 mg diazepam and alcohol, and was
asleep within hours. This benzodiazepine seems to have lost quite a bit
of its hypnotic effects for me. Sometimes it makes me feel drunk and
anxiety-free and happy like Xanax (alprazolam) does, and thus I stay up
with a contented grin, but not sleep.


(Day 5, Day 6)


This particular benzodiazepine makes me extra sleepy. I only have a
limited stash (now I have none :p) so I tend to squirrel it away for
the moments when I really need the hypnotic effects.


(Day 5, Day 6)


I smoked quite a few bowls of weed before the appetite suppressant
effects of meth/dex was overridden. I ate a normal sized meal on the
fifth day (with lots of candy) and another one on the sixth day. I use
the word bowl and cone interchangeably and by that, I mean the


(Day 5)


I attempted to potentiate the benzodiazepines on the fifth day with
ketamine to induce sleep. Approximately 100 mg was insufflated, it
didn’t k-hole me, and only minimal ketamine effects were felt. I don’t
know if it’s because of quality issues or other factors.

Ready when you are

Enter Marquis – Bubbling (?) but no color change

Enter Simons – No color change

Ketamine will not react with Marquis or Simons.

Caution: Please note that benzodiazepines in combination with ketamine may suppress breathing.

Psilocybe subaeruginosa

(Day 5)

Since I couldn’t sleep anyway, I thought “fuck it” and consumed some
magic mushrooms. πŸ™‚ Benzodiazepine’s disinhibiting effects might have
contributed to the decision to take several different substances on the
sixth day. I don’t know the amount of mushrooms that was taken, but it
was fairly fresh. It produced some minor visuals and lots of laughter.
I actually went to uni while under the influence. πŸ™‚ No paranoia was
noted, probably due to the clonazepam. I went with CT on a mushroom hunting trip last week and we shared the haul. The pictures from that trip is here:




Salvia Divinorum

(Day 5, Day 6)


This is 5X salvia extract, courtesy of CT aka My Generous
Friend. πŸ˜‰ I smoked some on the fifth day with a bong and a (dodgy)
lighter. It’s supposed to be smoked with a butane lighter, the sort
that produces a flame that burns hot and fast for maximum effects. I
did not notice anything except a mild “ketamine feeling” the first
time. I smoked it again during the mushroom trip and it produced some
nice visual distortions. The best one is the way the area where two
walls come together began to flow downwards like a waterfall. What is
with me and waterfalls on mushrooms anyway? I would like to try it
again with a butane lighter and no other substances to get a feel for
this herb.

Caution: Salvia Divinorum is illegal in Australia.


(Day 6)


I also dropped a tab of acid on the morning of the sixth day. I
don’t know what lead to this decision…I was just sitting there, doing
some revision and unable to sleep when I thought:

“You know…a tab of acid would be great right now. I wonder if it would give me greater insight into this revision I’m doing.”

Duh. πŸ™‚ It didn’t, but it sure was fun. I was tired as fuck though,
and hurting all over, and I was expecting a bad trip, but it was a good
one. This is the Buddha tabs that I had written about previously. That
one and the amanita muscaria report made “Erowid’s Recommended Report”.
=D It did hurt the site’s bandwidth though, due to the direct linked
images. But hey, it got Erowid’s Recommended Report! πŸ™‚

Anyway, I think this is a different batch from the previous
one. It looked smaller than the previous tabs and the cardboard was not
as easily dissolvable as the previous one. It seemed (qualitatively)
weaker too. However, there was an incident regarding this which might
have caused that. I put them into my other stash drawer WHICH IS RIGHT
BESIDE THE HEATER! LSD is sensitive to heat, and I only realized after
noticing that the drawer is kinda warm after an hour or so, and moved
it to another place. It still is psychoactive, but sadly, the strength
of the LSD seems to have been reduced.

It’s not dissolving…

There wasn’t any paranoia on this either, probably due to the
clonazepam. The clonazepam was also responsible for making me search 30
minutes for the acid tabs after I dropped it, only to find it was right
beside me all along. The best visual from this trip was right when I
was about to sleep…I found the pillow occupied by large and transparent
organisms. It’s the ones that we learnt in high school Science…the
ones that are one class above single cell organisms. They weren’t
moving, but once in a while they would wave their feelers around a bit.
It made me a bit wary about sleeping on the pillow. πŸ™‚

95% alcohol + cannabis

(Day 6)

The (190) proof is in the pudding

I made a batch of this last year and found it to be weak, so I made
another batch this year and put more cannabis into it. 95% alcohol
(sold as Everclear in the US) is available in a few bottle shops here.
I don’t know the legal status of spirits with this strength, but I
don’t think it’s illegal. It is hard to find though, I haven’t seen it
displayed anywhere, I had to ask for it by name and it was produced
from the storeroom.


Basically, you put (finely shredded) cannabis into the bottle and
let it sit around for a few weeks. I recommend filtering the mixture
after that because I got a mouthful of soggy (really soggy) weed and
nearly retched. I can’t describe the texture, but I didn’t like it. πŸ™‚
Alcohol was the magic ingredient, it put me right to sleep when
combined with benzos. Benzodiazepines alone have consistently failed to
produce the appropriate hypnotic effects for me now. Alcohol is the
missing link,

“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and
he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”

Genesis 2:2

The draft of this document is here:
Mini Drug Binge v.beta [sixthseal.com]

My apologies, this isn’t well written at all, but I do have exams
coming up too, you know. Contrary to popular belief, taking drugs is
not my day job! πŸ™‚

Someone is drinking my beer…

Note: This is a post by veritas.

I’m sure of it. Strangely enough, only the limited editions seem to be susceptible to stock discrepancy.


My 6 pack of Foster’s “Australian Grand Prix 2003 Melbourne 6 – 9
March” is missing two cans. I got that ages ago and alcohol is not my
first drug of choice so it’s been sitting in the fridge for a while.


My Heineken 500 ml “iRB Rugby World Cup 2003” 4 pack is also missing
a can. Why? Why is the generic Hahn Ice Beer and Toohey’s New left
untouched when they’ve been in the fridge for even longer? Questions,
questions. Oh, fear not, dear readers, I’ve not turned into a raging
alcoholic in my quest to find a more socially acceptable substance
during my break from chemicals. πŸ™‚ I just like a drink (with a couple
of benzos, please) every once in a while.

Anyway, here’s a chat log of me talking shit to an indifferent teddybwear:

veritas 4/18/2003 3:21 AM
well shit these things are illegal
if only it were legal, i’ll have no worries

teddybwear 4/18/2003 3:22 AM
ah dont you wish that

veritas 4/18/2003 3:22 AM
why should drug users be in jail?
why not spend more resources on rapists and
murderers and other violent crime offenders?

veritas 4/18/2003 3:22 AM
the law is fucked up
its unholy
if god were here he’ll fucking smite the law
with his anger

teddybwear 4/18/2003 3:23 AM
are you sure πŸ˜‰

veritas 4/18/2003 3:23 AM
he’ll be sending down brimstone and hellfire
and all taht

teddybwear 4/18/2003 3:23 AM
ah thats brutal

veritas 4/18/2003 3:23 AM
for god says, everything i have created is

teddybwear 4/18/2003 3:23 AM
drugs arent pure o_o

veritas 4/18/2003 3:24 AM
well looking at that phrase logically it can
be interpreted that god is saying everything i
have given the world is “pure” in that its
holy and for all his children to use

veritas 4/18/2003 3:25 AM
who made laws?
did god say drugs are bad?
it’s not in the 10 commandments or anywhere in
the bible
nothing specifically mentioning intoxicating

veritas 4/18/2003 3:25 AM
the legal system is SATAN

veritas 4/18/2003 3:25 AM
because satan is guilt and fear and thats what
i’m feeling now
god is all about love and peace

veritas 4/18/2003 3:26 AM
beware! the end is nigh
it is nigh i tell you

veritas 4/18/2003 3:26 AM
the world has gone away from the loving

veritas 4/18/2003 3:26 AM
holy things are now unholy under satan’s rule

veritas 4/18/2003 3:26 AM
okay i’m gonna stop talking now

veritas 4/18/2003 3:32 AM
i’m feeling snubbed

Note: The nicknames have been changed. Those are not our real nicknames. The chat log is

unmodified otherwise.

P/S – Check back again late tomorrow night. πŸ™‚

[Edit (18/04/2003 – 2:58 PM): I’m closing down the comments
for this post at the request of a reader. This is the most verbose
comments box to date, but unfortunately, it was degenerating into a
potentially volatile religion pissing match. :)]

Sidekick Cranberry Flavor Schnapps

Disclaimer: This post and all other drug related posts is made by veritas, who is a guest author on this blog. The owner of this domain is not responsible for the posts made by any guest authors.

The weekend has landed! Ouch! My left nostril is burning like hell.
I’m going to seriously reconsider snorting the 5 mg dexamphetamine
tablets. Those fillers and binders must be doing some damage to my
nose. Anyway, I’ve just been chilling out today, taking a couple of
clonazepam (Klonopin) and diazepam (Valium) tablets and having a couple
of beers and some of this sweet and nicely packaged schnapps.


It’s called Sidekick Cranberry Flavor Schnapps and it comes in a 4
pack which costs A$3.29. Pretty good price, and the design looks so
nifty I just had to get a pack of those. They have other flavors as
well, but the cranberry one sounds the best to me. Anyway, each of the
Sidekick schnapps looks like a shot glass with an extra long bottom.
It’s 30 ml and 20% Alc/Vol which makes it 0.5 standard drinks each. It
tastes really good.


I finished all of them in a couple of minutes. They just tasted too
good…had a couple of beers with my buddies and smoked a couple of bowls
of weed and popped a couple of benzos, which leads to the dex. Doing
all the downers made me a bit sleepy, so I wanted to perk myself up. My
poor left nostril, it’s still burning. Seriously, I’ll think very hard
before I insufflate so much binder and filler into my nose again. Ouch…

Oh, and drugs are bad mmmkay…even prescription drugs. πŸ˜‰

I think I’m pissed but I just don’t know it yet coz I’m on CNS stimulants and CNS depressants at the same time. I feel…weird. =D

Ooh…I’m eligable to get 100 0.5 mg dexamphetamine tablets again in
7 days. For my ‘narcolepsy’ you see. That terrible, terrible
affliction…my ‘excessive daytime sleepiness’ is affecting my studies.

P/S – No offence intended to genuine sufferers of narcolepsy. I apologize if I tend to come across as proudly drawing attention to my exploits
[sixthseal.com]. I don’t agree with Dave’s idealistic views on
prescription medications (there will always be doctor shoppers and
scripters and medical professionals are trained to pick them out, and
that’s still not going into what constitutes someone who’s truly in
need) but I agree with what he said about me. πŸ™‚ I do get
overenthusiastic at times and writing gives me pleasure. I applaud his
moral stance regarding prescription drugs but unfortunately, I don’t
share the same view. What do you think? Do I subconsciously glorify
drug culture and use?

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