Fansign from Lainie

lainie fansign

This is Lainie
[], one of the more interesting bloggers out there. You
can’t read an entry without seeing the words “Nessa” and “Daphne”, not
that it’s a bad thing, mind. πŸ˜‰ One of the blogs I actually enjoy
reading, her exploits rivals the best of anyone’s, but some entries are
private only. My favorite thing to do over there is to steer the
conversation towards something else. The digression of today is

Thanks for the photo, Lainie! You look great!


lainie sign 1

lainie sign 2

lainie sign 3

This is the permalink:
Lainie loves [].

lainie cat

Just in time too, I didn’t feel like writing today. πŸ˜‰ in Singapore’s newspaper

Thanks for the tip off, Kristian.,4386,257247,00.html

The link expired, here is the emailed version, courtesy of The Sunday Times:


This message was forwarded to you from Straits Times Interactive ( by

Are they drug dealers with stethoscopes?
by Salma Khalik

MICHAEL, 36, has a list of 20 doctors whom he calls ‘sellers’.
These are general practitioners (GPs) who willingly sell sleeping pills
to addicts.

These GPs don’t bother with consultation. They charge $3 to $5 a pill for Dormicum and $12 for Erimin.

The man who calls himself Michael is a former computer technician
and a drug addict for 20 years. He told The Sunday Times: ‘It takes
just 1 1/2 minutes to get the pills from them.’

Those 90 seconds or so are the sum total of the doctor’s
‘treatment’ – all the time he needs to check when he last prescribed
pills to this patient. To satisfy health authorities that they are not
overprescribing, they stick to the guideline of a pill a day.

This cynical approach to rules designed by the health authorities
to protect addicts from themselves may be at the core of a worrying
change in Singapore’s drug culture. Over the past decade or so,
effective police action has reduced access to hard drugs like heroin
and cannabis. The addicts’ solution: prescription drugs.

More interested in profits than healing, unscrupulous GPs are
believed to have already turned Dormicum and Erimin sales to addicts
into a sizeable business. Doctors are the addicts’ main suppliers: An
Institute of Mental Health (IMH) survey found that three in four
addicts got their supply from GPs. The black market accounted for only
22 per cent.

Each pill costs a doctor just a few cents to buy. The selling price
of a Dormicum pill ranges from about 70 cents at public hospitals to
about $5 at some private clinics, with most selling it at $3. Dormicum
pills alone can bring in thousands of dollars a month for a clinic. If
a doctor freely sells both Erimin and Dormicum, well, he won’t have to
do much doctoring to earn a good income.

Since 1990, the Singapore Medical Council has censured 18 doctors
for prescribing sleeping pills too freely to patients – with six dealt
with this year alone. Several other doctors are now under investigation
for this breach of professional conduct.

But the practice continues, and not just in Singapore. There are
Internet chatrooms – like weblog – where addicts share
their favourite drug recipes and experiences.

There is no shortage of supplies. No one seems to know exactly how
many sleeping pills are imported into Singapore. The Health Ministry
does not keep records of the 79 different brands and generic
benzodiazepines – a category that includes Dormicum, Erimin, Valium and
Xanax – that are allowed in. But people in the know estimate an annual
import of between 25 million and 30 million benzodiazepine pills.

Either taken on their own or in a cocktail mixture with other
drugs, alcohol or even Coca-Cola, the sleeping pills can give a feeling
of well-being, or in Michael’s words, make ‘everything more beautiful’.

Called hypnotics or depressants, Erimin, Dormicum and the like are
highly addictive. If taken long term, they can damage internal organs,
cause memory failure and weaken muscles.

Moreover, society suffers. An IMH survey of 50 such addicts found
that at least a third of them shoplifted while under the influence of
the drugs.

Michael has been arrested and thrown into jail several times for
this. But he can’t recall doing it at all. All he remembers is waking
up in prison and being charged with the crime.

He was sent for drug rehabilitation, but relapsed the moment he was
out. As he put it: ‘Sobriety brings clarity. With clarity comes
responsibility. And responsibility sucks.’

In 1998, in an attempt to keep a lid on such addiction, the Health
Ministry set a cap on the amount each clinic is allowed to buy. Clinics
are permitted a maximum of 12,000 Erimin and 21,600 Dormicum pills a

In 2002, the ministry issued warnings that one pill a day for just two weeks could lead to addiction.

But this guideline seems to have had little effect. Michael and his
sleeping-pill addict friends, who take more than a pill a day, visit an
average of five GP clinics a month for their supply. Doctor-hoppers
have an average of 12 doctors prepared to prescribe for them. One
person went to 23 different doctors.

The addicts identify three supplier categories: pure ‘sellers’ who
aren’t the least interested in the people asking for such pills;
‘reluctant’ GPs, who charge high for the pills, claiming that this is
to discourage addiction; and ‘concerned’ GPs, who try to help them
overcome their need while still supplying them with the pills.

Says Dr Munidasa Winslow, head of IMH’s Community Addictions
Management Programme (Camp): ‘In private practice, you have to be both
businessman and doctor.

‘The vast majority of doctors practise ethical medicine, but there
will be some who are more businessmen then doctors. It is highly
competitive and there is a lot of pressure on doctors to give patients
what they want.’

Singapore can’t just stop the pills’ import as the drugs have real
medical value. Dormicum, for example, is often used to sedate patients
undergoing a colonoscopy to check for cancer and other problems in
their large intestines.

People doing shift work may also have difficulty getting enough
sleep, because their body clocks get disoriented by changing sleep

Most hospitals and clinics don’t stock Erimin, because this
Japanese product is a controlled drug and involves a lot of paperwork.
Non-doctors caught selling it can be jailed 10 years and given five
strokes of the cane.

Clinics that do prescribe Erimin buy an average of 6,000 pills a
year. Most clinics stock Dormicum and they buy about 2,400 to 3,000
pills a year.

Yet last year, 23 clinics bought the maximum of 12,000 Erimin pills
and 12 clinics bought the maximum 21,600 pills allowed for Dormicum.

Before 1998, when no limits were placed on the number of pills
clinics could buy, sleeping pill revenues were even higher. Some
clinics circumvented the Health Ministry cap by opening more outlets.

Grace Polyclinic was one such clinic. It was in the news recently
when its doctor-owner was struck off the medical register and no longer
allowed to practise. Seven of its other doctors are either under
investigation by the Singapore Medical Council or have been censured
for grossly overprescribing sleeping pills. The clinic had seven
outlets each buying the maximum 12,000 Erimin tablets a year. Each
outlet also bought between 3,600 and 19,800 of the less lucrative 15mg
Dormicum pills in 2000 and 2001. Six of the seven outlets have since

Dr Winslow suspects that a surge of sleeping pill addicts in the
1990s followed successful police crackdowns that made heroin and
cannabis more difficult to get. With their drug sources drying up,
addicts had to look for alternatives, and these were readily available.

This was what happened in Michael’s case.

He started his drug trip when he was in his late teens. He wanted
to be ‘one up’ on his school mates. So while they smoked cigarettes, he
puffed on marijuana.

A few years later, he progressed to heroin. Being a drug addict was
an expensive vice. He would spend about $60 a day to get his fix. He
once splurged $4,000 on a two-week binge.

‘I had to be manipulative and scheming to get the money for drugs,’
he says. When he couldn’t borrow or steal the money, he would help his
colleagues with their work, and suggest they thank him with cash.

It was partly the high cost – the price for one straw of heroin
shot from $7 to $8 in the late 1980s to $15 to $20 in the mid-1990s –
and partly the increasing difficulty of getting heroin that pushed him
towards sleeping pills and high-codeine cough mixtures.

He needed as much as $90 a day for heroin, but only about $30 for pills.

Dr Winslow says addiction is an expensive business as addicts would
spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month to satisfy their
cravings. Since early last year, more than 200 sleeping-pill addicts
have sought cures at IMH. Three in four addicts surveyed by the IMH
said GPs were not interested in discussing their plight.

Breaking the addiction is far more difficult than getting hooked.
Michael, who is married ‘to a saint who has stuck by me’ and has two
young children, is now entirely cured.

But he still attends therapy because the temptation to return to a
drug-induced paradise is everywhere. Every time he goes to the toilet
(where he used to hide to take his drugs), ‘I think of how beautiful
life was,’ he says. ‘Everything I see is a trigger.’

Brutally honest, Michael admits that being on drugs has stunted him
emotionally: ‘My thinking, my personality, it’s still that of a 16 year
old. I still throw tantrums.’

It was to help people like him that the IMH set up its addiction clinic.

Ms Catherine Dong, the Camp psychologist who did the survey on
addicts, thinks that just treating patients is not enough. She wants
something done at the source of such suffering.

Her suggested solution: a national registry of benzodiazepine users so addicts can’t doctor-hop.

Such a move would involve considerable paper work, but it should
drastically reduce the amount of such pills available to addicts.
Addicts can also be identified and sent for treatment. It would not
only cut down on addiction, but also shoplifting and other crimes that
go hand-in-hand with drug abuse.

Quote: There are Internet chatrooms – like weblog – where addicts share their favourite drug recipes and experiences.
The Straits Times, Singapore

This kind of publicity, I don’t need. I have received news from
another friend who tells me that my residence will be violated very
soon. I have to do housekeeping, excuse me.

BTS Day 3: Booth babes!

janet kam kam

The term “booth babes” is a totally un-politically correct term, so
we’ll use the phrase “aesthetically pleasing female liaisons” instead.
I’ve been in this convention for several days – tomorrow is the last
day. This is the Best of Show – Janet Lim from Kam Kam Sanitaryware Sdn Bhd (a subsidiary of Kim Hin). She’s the Sales Officer, or so I gather from her business card.

janet is god

Of all the females in the show, I immediately noticed her – she’s
the one with the looks, the attitude (though that dissipates when you
talk to her), and…well, this is a difficult topic to approach without
seeming like a pig, so I’ll just say it once and for all – Janet Lim is
absolutely fabulous, the best female in BTS 2004 in my eyes.

I wanted to take a photo of her since the first day but I didn’t get
around to it until today. I think she was sick of me approaching her
for photographs/videos – I think I did that 5-6 times coz I wanted a
really good shot of her and my coworker Deng was going on about how my
photography doesn’t capture her beauty in real life. Oh, and the last
time was when I was totally ethanol impaired…now that’s a good
impression. *shrugs*

me with janet

Gorgeous isn’t she? My apologies for “spoiling” the photo with my
less-than-pleasant mug. I would say “/me drools” but then that wouldn’t
sit well with my gf, so I’ll refrain. πŸ˜‰ Oh shit, come to think of it,
I wrote down my blog’s URL in my business card when I passed it to her
– I hope she doesn’t see this…

janet me uti
Last shot, I was ethanol impaired while this photo was taken…

Nevertheless, I won’t be posting up the videos and other photos of
her – that’s my personal collection. :p I probably would go out early
tomorrow and develop the photos I promised to several people though-
just shove it into one of my smaller CF cards and pass it to a photo
studio. Come to BTS 2004 – see Janet in real life, I haven’t seen a
more elegant (old skool word, but it fits) person in ages.

Right, here’s the other BTS 2004 female booth personalities (it’s so hard being PC nowadays, I exhaust my thesauruses):

me with loh again

This is our booth neighbor Loh. She won’t be coming tomorrow (it’s
her last day) so I told her I’ll mail her photos to her. Come to think
of it, I’ll just pass it to the booth management.

nu coat girls

These are the girls from Nu-Coat. I didn’t get their name too, it
was a busy day today, so I had to run and shoot and get back to my
booth (before getting pissed at the end of the night though).

slidehide girl

Here’s the girl from SlideHide. Much props to her for being
friendly! She’s great! They have these concealable compartments that
would be perfect to keep your dru…er, items,
concealed…except the law enforcement officers here are too smart for
that shit. You know what they do when they raid your residence? They go
through the ceiling boards and toilet cistern – most obvious places of
concealment. That is why I put my stuff in plain view – I reckon
they’ll be looking too hard for concealed drugs to see the stuff that’s
not concealed. πŸ˜‰

me with slidehide

This is a photo of me with her. I took several (again) coz the
previous ones didn’t come out so well (people walking into the frame
etc) – thanks for being a good sport! Cheers!

lunch with deng

Okay, back to the convention stuff – here’s lunch with Deng at
McDonald’s. They have a promo going on where you get a McFloat for
McFree with a McChicken at no extra McPrice. Yes, that is my Xanax Face
(TM) – try and pitch rude strangers and tell me you don’t need some
chemical assistance without resorting to unacceptably violent measures.
Xanax is good. My friend, I would not have apologized if I wasn’t on
benzodiazepines, you high and mighty fuck. Retaliation beckons, please
don’t let me see you in town when I’m not representing the company. I

Anyway, we take turns for lunch, I like going with Deng, she reminds me of a friend I have.

huygens dinner
L-R: Jordan, Deng, me (Huai Bin)

This is dinner…at the discussion area booth beside our booth…we have a RM 50 meal allowance from the company.

We have two videos today, one of the last route inside and another of the outside exhibition area:

bts day 3

Download: BTS Day 3, indoor []

bts day 3 outdoor

Download: BTS Day 3, outdoor []

Tomorrow is the last day of BTS (Building and Trade Show) 2004 – come and visit booth S6 and I’ll feature you on

…but only if you say so, I don’t know who you are if you don’t identify yourself.

The night ended with an open bar for all exhibitors…drink, regurgitate, repeat. :p

open bar veritas dun mix
Alcohol and veritas don’t mix!

Now, I’m worried if I said things I shouldn’t have said about
veritas’s private life in front of management while under the influence
of ethanol…

Phrase of the Day: (hushed tones) Listen
mate, I’m just doing my job here. I’m representing my company at this
expo…don’t make the mistake of forgetting that after all this, I’m
just the average guy on the street. I will not hesitate to get a bunch
of my friends to smash your face into pulp if you try and start shit
again. I’ll tell you straight out…right here, I’m the silent and
apologetic company representative, but after I take off my shirt, I’m
the Ah Beng you see on the streets. I urge you not to piss me off, my
friend. This expo does not last forever and you do not want to piss me
off, lest you run into me at night. Do we understand each other? Good.
I’m Huai Bin, the systems engineer here…don’t hesitate to call to
email me or even call my cell phone if you have any tech related
questions. Thank you for your time, sir.

Open fucking bar

Open bar. Please do not utter this phrase when I’m representing my
company. I always go overboard. You know that first guy who slams all
the alcohol and gets pissed drunk first? Yup, that’s me…

open fucking bar

Download: Fucking open bar []

I will update more soon…clearing the Beer Fog from my brain. I drunk around 14-15 beers in half an hour.

BTS Day 2: Termite Queen!

termite queen and king

I just noticed a booth by Termite System Specialist Sdn Bhd which has a real life display of termites! They have a chunk of earth with a living termite queen and king and heaps of termites swarming (or whatever it is that termites do) around. It’s wonderful!

Here’s a video of the termite display (with commentary):

living termites display

Download: Living termites display []

Today has been busy, so I didn’t get a chance to tour around much
and take photos. I hear we have one of the busiest booths in our show.
I know I said “We’re so confident with our product that we’re offering
you an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee” more than I cared to.
I’m not much of a pitch person…

at a group shot

Here’s a photo of me (white shirt) with the AT & A people (brown shirts).

bts parking tip

This is a tip for the people who want to go to Permata (for the
seafood, bar, or just to park there) – get your parking ticket stamped
at this self-service Parking Coupon Verification Counter and it’s a
flat rate of RM 2 per entry instead of RM 1 per hour.

This is the traditional show grounds tour, this time it’s taken in a different section of the Building and Trade Show (BTS):

bts day 2

Download: BTS Day 2 []

taking turns for dinner
L-R: Yee, Deng, me (Huai Bin)

It was such a busy time for our booth we had to take turns to
eat…note the discrepancies in the number of people and the number of

BTS Day 1: The grinning blue fluffy toilet

blue grinning fluffy toilet

This blue Madaya toilet mascot (yes, there is a person inside) was
walking around the show grounds and features a lift able toilet seat
which has a wonderfully detailed brown colored lining inside and sweets
on top of that. It’s a magnificent combination, I’m sure you’ll agree.

toilet and me

I loved it so much I wanted to take a photo with it. Let’s dig deep for sweets!

deng toilet

I’m not the only one. This is my coworker Deng.

madaya ppl with toilet

Here are some Madaya employees with the blue sweet dispensing toilet that everyone loves.

In other news, here’s the first day’s tour of the show grounds, narrated by yours truly again, but this time I’m in it as well.

bts day 1

Download: BTS 2004 – Day 1 []

All videos from now on requires DivX 5.11, please take note of that, it’s the last time I will be announcing it. Cheers!

huygens datuk wong

Datuk Sri Wong Soon Kai was the guest of honor, he visited every booth. This is ours.

lcs girls

The booth opposite ours, LCS Trading, is staffed by people who’s not too hard on the eyes, to say the least. πŸ˜‰

me bts girls

Say hello to Loh (my right) and sorry, I didn’t get your name
(left). Sociologists discover that booth neighbors in expos tend to
fraternize, especially if they’re in similar age groups. In other news,
scientists discover that the sky is blue. They are still in discussions about the color of grass, but indications suggest that they might reach a consensus that it is green.

me bts girls 2

Alternate take, my apologies about the quality, it takes a while for
people to get used to my digicam. I hope my gf doesn’t see this… πŸ˜‰

bts day 1 food

There was free food as well

bts mmm food


Here’s a video of the Madaya toilet mascot:

madaya mascot

Download: Madaya mascot []

madaya toilet bye

The grinning Madaya toilet says bye!

toilet what treasure have you
…and just coz I can’t resist, I must add “Arr! What manner of treasure do I see there?”

BTS expo preparation video

bts industry

Industry was the word of the day as the 5th floor of Permata Carpark
was opened up for the exhibitors to setup their respective booths. I
watched empty space being transformed by various groups into functional
displays. There was a lot of carpentry, masonry and yes, the fumes of
various chemicals like paint, emulsifiers, glue and what have you. I
got high on fucking solvents…

This is a mini tour of our sections of the exhibition – narrative provided by yours truly:

bts setup

Download: BTS preparations video []

* AT & A is a company we’re very close with (share the same
building). Angel is the one managing it. We have no relation to Kim
Hin, it’s just a booth I passed.

We weren’t exactly fully done at this point, as I erroneously stated
in the video. It took a good six hours after that before we were done –
I just got back! I have to get there before 8 am tomorrow to boot. I
heard Phua Chu Kang is coming to the gala dinner (which I doubt I will
be attending as only one free ticket is given to each booth).

I’m tired…will reply all comments tomorrow and I’ll bring my CF
card reader along too, so you’ll get live updates on the scene.

I make the news (again) – photos in the papers

borneo post press release

The Business section of the papers just got a lot more interesting.
Narcissism season hits early this year, producing masturbatory posts
such as this one. πŸ˜‰ Our company’s press release was published by three
papers – The Borneo Post, Sarawak Tribune and Sin Chew Daily.

borneo post pr me
Source: The Borneo Post, 15/6/2004

The photo in The Borneo Post is the best one – with me in the
foreground. Yes, the pretty boy *cough* of graced the
back cover of the Business section of the paper today. πŸ˜‰ Go get a copy!

The caption reads: HIGH TECH SERVICE … Ling (left), director Wong
Hua Ling (center) and systems engineer Poh Huai Bin posing for a
photograph after demonstrating the system.

I love you (insert name of the female reporter/photographer that came yesterday)! πŸ™‚

I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.

sin chew press release
Source: Sin Chew Daily, 15/6/2004

This is a candid shot with me and the CTO, Alex.

I didn’t put in the Sarawak Tribune one coz it’s a ghost of an image. We got on the front page of the Business section though.

I know, I’m a publicity whore. πŸ˜‰ Who isn’t?

Press release and the amazing dragon fruit based tart

ha shirt

We got our company shirts (meant for the exhibition, but we wore it today for the press conference anyway) today.

[Deleted: Three papers published it, two with my photo, one with a ghost photo.]

Here are the refreshments, personally made by a home baker (not selling to the public):

amazing dragon fruit tarts

This is a wonderful fruit tart – it has dragon fruit
[] (first time I’ve seen this in a fruit tart), kiwi fruit
and a slice of apple. It’s wonderful – best I’ve ever had. The company
ordered a lot from the home baker (friend of one of the management) so
we managed to eat our fill as well.

home made savory pie

Here’s a savory pie – it has meat, peas, carrots and various things in a crumbly crust. It’s good.

home made sweet pie

This is the sweet pie – with a mix of fruits inside. This one got sapu really fast so the photo is a lonely single pie.

triple sandwich

This triple filling sandwich is also very popular – made with grain
bread and having two crispy, finely shredded vegetables with another
meat based one. It has a nice mix of colors, very appealing.

Bottled water is also available, but I’m sure no one wants to see that.

Jolin Tsai Promo Tour Malaysia – Kuching Concert

jolin concert

The Jolin Tsai Yi Ling Kuching Showcase (mini concert cum autograph session) was held at the outdoor carpark of the International Times Building at 7:30 PM on the 11th of June 2004. This is Jolin’s It’s Love Promo Tour Malaysia 2004 to promote her new album Castle.
I believe this is the first time Sarawak was included into the tour
venues. Jolin is a Taiwanese performer who has a string of albums and
serial dramas in her portfolio. I didn’t know she was coming to Kuching
until the night before. I made a couple of phone calls to ascertain
where to get the tickets and the venue of the concert – it’s a good
thing I managed to attend the event, given the short notice.

I also noticed that there are three photos which captured me in the
frame during the Jolin concert in the papers today – one in
International Times and two in Berita Petang Sarawak.

Bring me to the Jolin concert writeup!
(a.k.a. “I’m not interested in hearing other details”)
This jumps to the concert start paragraph – it’s for readers who just
want to know about the concert and not any other personal experience
details relating to the event)

I must admit though…I’m not a fan of Jolin per se – my exposure to
her work is limited to watching the Working Girl (2003) serial and I
was SDS all through it. I liked her character in that series though,
and I thought her song (the intro) was pretty good too. Thus, I have
been anticipating to see her perform live (though I haven’t listened to
much of her songs) and I wanted to see what she looks like in real
life. She isn’t exactly hard on the eyes, to say the least. πŸ˜‰

jolin tsai
/me wipes off drool

The venue proved to be a challenge to locate though…I had vague
instructions – something along the lines of “turn up before 7:30, door
sale available, it’s held at the International Times Building car
park”. I understand that the place is in Pending, which is relatively
near, so I left late. The fact that I did not know where “The
International Times Building carpark” is did not even cross my mind
until I was making the turn into Pending.

international times

I must extend my thanks to the guy at 082-482 215 for his real-time
cell phone relay directions. I’m not familiar with the area, so I
called out building names as I passed them by and he told me where I
should turn. That’s the number of The International Times (it’s a
newspaper), cheers to Mr. Anonymous Employee for the directions. He
also mentioned that I would not miss it – there will be a lot of people

ah beng ah lian
The large caption reads: Ah Beng and Ah Lians of Kuching, Unite!
Source: Berita Petang Sarawak, Front Page.

He did not exaggerate. Every Ah Beng and Ah Lian in Kuching was in
full attendance, with a strong showing from the Ah Seng and even Ah Pek
(totally serious) congregation. In other words, everyone and their
grandma and her poodle was there. Cars lined the side of the road and
thousands of people milled around outside. I knew I had to resort to my
DICC portfolio to get a good spot for photos when I had to park right
ON the left lane of the road…300 meters from the place.

jolin concert ticket

I started at the tickets counter. The tickets were RM 10 – I got
two, one to keep and one for entry. I struck up a conversation her,
asking if I could get a press pass, claiming to represent The Star.
Unfortunately, they don’t have press passes, so I decided to go to the
top and asked who the organizers were. I was pointed to one of them and
I walked up to him and casually steered the conversation to the fund
raising aspects of the concert – proceeds go to a under funded private
Chinese school.

I told him in no subtle terms that I was interested in making a
“special donation” to get access to the front. That didn’t work though,
coz he said he can’t ensure I won’t be ejected from the cordoned off
front area if the other organizers did their rounds. My next target was
the staff – they had passes hung around their necks. I appealed to the
capitalism of no less than three people (profiling was done, to no
avail) to engage in commerce, but failed.

I finally knew the reason – the third and last guy told me everyone
knew each other, it won’t work for me to just wear the pass and go in.
By that time, the stage front was already 20 deep by the time I
arrived. That’s 20 early birds I have to Red Sea through. Oh well, if
that’s how it’s going to be, that’s how it’s going to be. I choose a
spot in the middle of the barricaded front and V formation myself
towards it.

just to see you
I exhaust my repertoire just to see you up close…

A V formation is the crowd access method emergency personnel use to
get to someone who needs medical attention in the middle of a large
congregation of people. I only needed to get myself in, so I don’t need
the wings of the V, only the spearhead. I begin my assault with just
“excuse me”, as if I were going back to my (non-existent) vacated

The “Jello barrier” (ask anyone who’s done this before) was reached
when I was about 10 deep. I replaced my phrase with “Reporter coming
through, excuse me, I’m from The Star” to get pass that, and I shit you
not; a couple of girls propagated that and got me through 6 people
entities before I hit the “Playdoh barrier”. I used intimidation to get
through two guys (one person unit) and charm to get through another
person unit.

Now I was the 3rd wave from the front – 3 deep, in other words.
That’s usually where the real barrier is – the ones who came in the
afternoon (overheard in a conversation) just to be first in line, all
carrying digicams. They were all teenage girls. I asked the person in
front of me if she came with the people in front and she replied in the
affirmative. That means it’s a virtual 2 unit, there’s only one more
person unit to go to.

papers early birds
These are the girls – the papers mentioned they were already there in the afternoon!
Source: International Times, Page 30.

I gave it a bit of a thought…how much was I willing to spend? I
could just squeeze through but I did not want to do that to teenage
girls who spent hours waiting in line. I decided I wanted the front
spot badly enough I was willing to pay RM 50 for it. I took out my
wallet and got a RM 50 note out and tried the, er…plus sized girl
(think that is the PC term nowadays) on my right. She’s the fifth
person from the left in the picture above, the one in the black t-shirt.

“Hello, would you mind letting me go in front, exchange places basically? Here’s something for your trouble.”

She did not even look at what I was offering before saying “No.”
(I have something funny that I would like to share later, but let’s not digress now.)

I picked the one on my left (closer to center stage, she’s two more
down from Miss Plus Size, wearing red, the seventh from the left in the
picture above) and said:

“Hello, I really want that front spot to take photos, are you willing to part with it for this?”

berita petang sarawak
Berita Petang Sawarak carries two photos which has me inside.

She looked at me uncertainly. I could see she wanted it. She’s about
15 or so, by my estimate; and excuse my profiling, but she looks like
someone who would think RM 50 is a huge amount to exchange for
something with no tangible value (her current slice in space/time). So
did the first girl I asked, and I’ll get to that soon. πŸ™‚

“Where would I be standing then?”, she asked tentatively.

“You’ll be standing behind me, we’re basically trading places,
you’ll just move a little bit down, and you can still take photos over
my shoulder.”
(I later realized that it was unwise to say that, coz she took it literally and used my shoulder as a tripod three times…)

“Er…”, she went uncertainly, looking to her friends for guidance.

“Take it”, whispered one of her friends, possibly thinking about her cut.

“Er…”, she went again, but this time with a hand half raised, still uncertain and looking at the reaction of the crowd.

I did not wait for her to make the decision. I just passed her the RM 50 note, smiled, and slid right to the front.

There were a few indignant “Hey’s” from other people, but those were
quickly replaced by incredulous variations of “He paid RM 50 to switch
places? Wow, he’s crazy!”.

my spot
This is where I was standing.

This brings us back to the plus sized girl. πŸ™‚ She suddenly turned
to me as I was switching and asked me with interest, “How much again?”

I did not reply. I do not take kindly to people who say “No” to me.
Her friends took the liberty of answering for me though. I heard “You
should have taken it.” many times from my right while she looked
miffed. She received a second round of disappointment when the pre-show
warm up people started giving away Ang Pows for answering correct
questions. She got one and at the urging of her friends, opened it to
find…RM 5.

datuk speach
The obligatory “VIP” speach

Her friends made another round of digs about not accepting the
larger first offer and she retorted back that she did not know how much
I was offering since it was dark.

Heh! That was a generous offer since the second line can take photos
through the gap of the first line anyway. I was actually prepared to go
up to RM 100.

On another note, I wonder why these people say things within my obvious hearing range.
On yet another note, if you’re wondering if I enjoyed the environment
where various appendages, including but not limited to, breasts,
buttocks, and thighs, were pushed against me, the answer is a resolute
no. It’s very uncomfortable to be squeezed around and I had to bend
myself in ways the human anatomy was never meant to be positioned while
waiting for the concert to start.

jolin autograph cd
Jolin’s autograph on Castle MV.

Anyway, the pre-show people announced that only CDs, VCDs and
cassettes will be signed and I didn’t want to lose my position so I got
one of the staff to come over and gave him a RM 100 note and asked him
to get the newest one for me. This also resulted in various
exclamations around me. Obviously, these people find my behavior odd.

Personally, it’s not about trust, but rather an issue of keeping my
prime position and wanting to get an autograph, so it’s nothing unusual
to me. In case you were wondering, yes, he did come back, with my
change and the VCD. I was set. The place I was in is just slightly off
center in the very front (metal barrier cordon in front of me), about 5
meters from the stage. Success!

papers me front
I was a permanent fixture here during the night.
Source: International Times, Page 32 (back cover).

Oh, and the girl I gave the money to wanted to give it back, saying
that it’s too much for her to accept, and that she’ll just let me have
the place for free, but I told her to keep it, it’s hers and I didn’t
want it.

There are two reasons why I did that. The first is to compensate her
for her time spent in securing that prime spot and I felt sorry about
displacing her like that (but not sorry enough to move ;)). The second
reason is to ensure that the place is rightfully mine in the crowd’s
mind. I had bought the place and to everyone, I was entitled to it. It
would not be so if I took the money back.

I would never do something like that anyway. I’m very against taking
back money, it’s a disgusting thing to do in my beliefs. If you intend
to offer someone something, you’re satisfied to part with that thing in
exchange for something else. End of story. I told her that I find I
would find it insulting if she insists, and she didn’t.

papers me photo
The caption says something about enthusiastic photographers (translated by the girl who works at the grocery shop downstairs).
This is actually one of my most demure positions…I get most of my
shots by propping myself up so that my knee rests against the top of
the barrier while my legs leverage the bars to keep myself up that way.
It sounds unwieldy, but one you get the hang of it (no pun intended),
it’s actually very stable, and there’s no “crowd jostle” to blur your
photos. You’re above the mere mortals! I actually stepped on the head
of the Boy Scout several times but he was always very nice about it.
Source: Berita Petang Sarawak, Page 12 (Back Cover).

I’ll tell you something – it’s the best RM 50 I ever spent!

Jolin’s concert begins

jolin choreo

Jolin finally decided to grace us with her presence at 8:30 PM. One
hour after the scheduled concert start. I had taken several alprazolam
(Xanax) tablets before that – I had to ignore the physical discomfort
and dismiss the fact that I was in the paradoxical situation of being
severely dehydrated at the very same time I was likely to suffer a
ruptured bladder. It’s an unfortunate situation to be in – I can’t
drink water to quench my thirst coz I’ll have to pee even more, and I
can’t do that without sacrificing my prime spot.

jolin singing

However, all that was forgotten when Jolin showed up in a pink
dress. Come to think of it, the whole place was pink – the banners, the
silk canopy above the stage etc etc. Stop me from digressing again.
Anyway, Jolin fielded several cliched questions from the MC’s, form
questions like “How do you find the weather in Kuching?” and groaningly
predictable responses like “It’s very, very hot.” She has a really nice
voice though. And yes, she’s gorgeous in real life too! πŸ™‚

The short Q&A was segued into a fast song – Pirates
(cross checked the videos I took with the track list). She had an
entourage of dancers dressed in white, synchronized sets. This is her
intro song – the very first one:

jolin intro

Download: Jolin – Pirates, Kuching 2004 []

All videos require DivX 5.11

It’s a good choice for a crowd warmer – this track gets a lot of
radio play (if you listen to Chinese radio stations, or so I’m told)
and even I could recognize the familiar tune.

jolin solo

There was a solo number after that – I didn’t know the title of the
song too. However, I did shout her name and stood up on the barrier
during a particularly quiet time, just to make her look at the camera
while I was filming. Heh! That video is for my personal collection
though, sorry, but it’s a classic, especially with the responses from
the people around me, genuinely shocked at my “appalling” behavior. I
wager they haven’t been to many concerts. πŸ˜‰

jolin solo cute

Anyway, in the break after the song, Jolin started answering
questions again and what do you know, they’re having a contest! Despite
being sedated by said alprazolam, I was standing on top of the metal
barrier (which makes me pretty damned obvious, and stands me out from
the crowd) and shouting “Jolin! Here! Me! Me!” while waving crazily to
catch her attention BEFORE the words “We’ll be choosing five lucky
people, those who want to participate can come on stage, raise your
hands for Jolin to choose”.

jolin raise hand

Naturally, my enthusiasm went far beyond a subtle rising of hands,
so I was the first to get her attention. πŸ˜‰ “Him”, she said, pointing
at me. One of the MC’s confirmed, “The guy in the red t-shirt?”, and
Jolin looked back and said “Yes, him.” I hardly needed that
confirmation, I was already in the process of climbing over the metal
barrier. It’s a little lower than my shoulder, but I just lifted myself
and vaulted over it before the staff came to help me. I wasn’t going to
pass up a chance like this. πŸ˜‰

papers me jolin
On stage with Jolin. I know, it’s an ugly shot, I’ll show you another later. πŸ˜‰
Source: Berita Petang Sarawak, Page 12 (Back Cover).

I was on stage! I could see Jolin up close – and yes, she looks just
as good up close. πŸ™‚ I’ll say something though, and please, no one sue
me for libel, this is just my speculation. I swear that she looks like
she’s a tweaker to me. I’ll even put my left testicle, nay, my testes
on the line…she has all the signs of meth or some other stimulant
use. It’s the little quirks that tweakers exhibit – you know what I
mean, fellow meth users, takes one to notice another, and you’re right
practically all the time!

Anyway, if you’re one of Sony Music’s lawyers, you did not read that
last paragraph. Well, I stood there for a while, watching Jolin pick
the others, with my digicam dangling beside me and I looked at the
crowd and saw that it was HUGE – there must be tens of thousand people
in attendance. I took a photo…and was immediately approached by one
of the female staff on stage who informed me that digicams are not
allowed on stage. I was engaged in vigorous dialogue with her and
another male staff came over, probably thinking I was going to start
trouble. The curses of keeping my hair long and messy and having
tattoos. πŸ˜‰

me ugly stick
This is a shot I took of myself before the autograph session. I look
like I’ve been beaten hard with the Ugly Stick, nay, the Ugly Forest.
πŸ˜‰ The people around me has been filtered out to allow better image
composition. This, my friends, is the face of a tweaker who eats once
in four days and sleeps only one or two nights each week.

Well, I finally said that I would give the digicam to her to keep
until after the contest and that was that. It did cross my mind to do a
stunt like running over and hugging Jolin while I took a photo before
security escorted me off the stage, and I nearly did that. πŸ˜‰ But nah,
I reckon I wanted to see what the contest was like more, so I
relinquished my digicam and told the staff to photograph me for me and
she said she couldn’t do that. I should have taken the stunt. :p

Anyway, if anyone has photos or videos of me on stage with Jolin, please email me
and I would pay you for it. Back to the contest, we were asked to think
of a good reason how much we like Jolin or something. I really couldn’t
understand what the MC said, he was using those damned intentionally
obscure hard Chinese words. Anyway, I think that’s what we’re supposed
to do, another MC attempted to translate it to English to me. I
thought, or at least I tried.

jolin stage

The Xanax effect was working overtime and I couldn’t come up with
anything. I was standing first in line, closest to Jolin, and when we
were asked who would go first, I saw that no one wanted to, so I looked
at Jolin and started and just said what I thought. I can’t remember
exactly what I said, but it’s very lame and the gist of it was this:

“Well…I don’t know much about you…have only seen that
Working Girl movie with you in it. I’m Huai Bin from and
hmm…well, I came to take photos of you…and, yeah, I basically paid
RM 50 to get a good spot and well, you probably can see the way I take
photos from the stage…and yeah, er…I came up and, well, that’s how
much I wanted to see you.”

Note to self: Please avoid benzodiazepines unless you want to look and sound like an idiot.

I know, that’s really lame. Since I answered in a mix of Chinese and
English (some words come easier in English coz everyone talks in
English at work and I write in English when I blog), I was asked where
I come from. Well, to avoid having to explain everything, I just said
I’m from Sibu and I just came back from Australia. I didn’t want to
have to explain the whys and hows of my use of language.

Anyway, there was a little kid on stage, which automatically makes
him the winner, according to the Children Affirmative Action rights.
Every participant gets the same prize, except the winner gets an
additional poster of Jolin. I didn’t mind, I wasn’t here to win, I was
here to be on stage and look at Jolin. Oh, and I also intentionally
held her hand longer than a normal handshake would last when she gave
out our prizes, just to see how she’ll react. πŸ˜‰

jolin contest
This is the prize.

Professionally, very experienced, probably been in far worse
situations by real fans. I didn’t release my hold, and she broke eye
contact and slid her hand away, not missing a beat. I was looking at
her the whole time. This is good on-stage recourse – by breaking eye
contact and stepping towards the next person in line, she effectively
gave me a psychological obligation to release my hand, since there are
several thousand spectators. Heh. Sorry, did it for fun, to see how
she’ll react. Her hand is very soft though. πŸ˜‰

jolin contest gift
The insides contain five assorted Sony Music promo CD’s, none of which
are Jolin’s. Pffftttttt…should have gone for the stunt. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, after it was over, I climbed back into my original spot, the
prime one. Naturally. There was another dancer supported number after
that – 36 Tricks Of Love. Here you go, the second video:

jolin set

Download: Jolin Tsai set []

There was another solo after that and then it was the last song,
choreographed with dancers as well. The Kuching Jolin Showcase ends
with a total of five songs, two mini interviews and one contest.

jolin last song

Jolin came out again to present the charity check.

jolin press

She then sat down for impersonal autographs, all done with a simple
signature, not looking at the person, just going through every CD cover
and signing it, over and over. The impersonal signing is
understandable; there were too many people to ask for personalized
ones. I did say “Hi” to make her look up when it was my turn though. πŸ˜‰

jolin autograph

What do I think of Jolin? Well, there’s nothing much to say, she’s
your typical young Taiwan pop star who became famous fast. She looks
mesmerizing and although I don’t listen to this genre of music, she’s

jolin concert end

I’m glad I went. It was a great event – Jolin put up an awesome set. She looks good enough to eat too. πŸ˜‰

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