It sounds good, so I got it from the bakery just now. It’s basically
just a cupcake (muffin) topped with fish floss and drizzled with honey.
It was alright, doesn’t taste too bad, but more fish floss would be
good. The photo was taken using a webcam, so the quality isn’t optimal.
Go to mum-mum [] if you like reviews of food. π
Situation normal, all fucked up…
Tomorrow is the last day of the semester. It would be my final
semester here too, if I don’t fail anything. *crosses fingers* Anyway,
just some updates since I haven’t been posting much – the final exam of
GCS2714 Alcohol and Drug Use went okay, some bits were easy, some were
hard. The last few days (weeks?) have been crazy, my organs took quite
a pummeling…I know my kidneys are not happy with the amount of
processing they had to do. Oh, I had a really interesting sleep
deprivation hallucination today too. I was coding, when those squiggly
RGB protoplasm started to fill my vision (like I was looking through
swirling red green blue “organic eyeshades”). I blinked, and in that
split second (it felt like minutes), I was transported to a bizarre
world with lots of horrible screaming and an ultra bright strobe light
that made everything blinding white and flickering. The strange thing
is, it couldn’t have been more than a second, but it felt like minutes!
It gave me a start, that’s for sure. π Classic! It’s worthy of a
“hallucination” label instead of visual distortion because of the
auditory hallucinations and sensory (spatial) confusion. Anyway, I’m
too tired now, but here’s some pictures of food I got over the last few
days but didn’t get around to eating yet…will eat them all tonight, and
a nice big meal as well (all the better for a lacerating GI tract to
absorb of course). It would be good to have an alternative energy
source, ketone bodies just doesn’t measure up. π I will post again
tomorrow if all that doesn’t give me reactive hypoglycemia like the
doctor said it would.
Cadbury’s Picnic Rocky Road, Snickers Hazelnut, Snickers Cruncher and
Twix (King Size). Twix rocks. Stoner’s choice. π “Tune out big time!”
It comes in a white chocolate version too.
I only saw this today…third in the series of Smith’s Great Australian
Tastes. This one is Bega’s Strong & Bitey Aged Vintage cheese. It
would go well with my meal later. π The first two are here: Heinz Big Red Tomato Sauce & Meat Pie and Ham and Keen’s Mustard [].
No, there isn’t.
Public service announcement: Grain alcohol/pure spirit (95% alcohol or 190 proof) + lacerating stomach = fiery, terrible retribution from the pits of hell.
McSARS – Double SARS!
<p><img alt=”sarssoda.jpg” src=”” border=”0″ height=”300″ width=”400″></p>
<p>I saw this unfortunately named product while grocery shopping with my mates today.</p>
<p><img alt=”newmarsb.jpg” src=”” border=”0″ height=”142″ width=”400″></p>
<p>I also found out that Mars is having another “Free Bars” promotion.
It’s spelled “bars” instead of “baaa’s” now though, and there is no
sheep motif on the wrapper. I wouldn’t have even noticed it if it
weren’t for <a target=”_blank” href=””>this cryptic comment</a> [] on the previous Mars post, which I saw before going out.</p>
<p><img alt=”newmarsw.jpg” src=”” border=”0″ height=”300″ width=”400″></p>
Entry Log: 16/4
I finished my morning classes in Clayton early and even managed to
run to Caulfield to grab some tute exercises that I didn’t need after
all and came home by 12 PM. Phew. I woke up at around 7 am, I’ve been
sleeping too much lately, but I’m glad to report that I only had 7
hours of sleep last night, like a normal person gets. π
Sleep is like a rollercoaster with me, sometimes I go for days
without sleeping and sometimes I get heaps of it. Hmm…that doesn’t
sound very logical does it? Well…you know what’s interesting? I got two
Kool Mints for the price of one from the vending machine today. It
always happens…the roundish stuff at the bottom of the vending machine
always gets misaligned and you can get two or even three for one if
they align just right, on top of one another.
Not sounding very coherent today. You know what awaits? Tute
exercises that’s what. I’ll better get them done before I lose all my
energy. Breakfast really does make a lot of difference, I always skip
it, but it really stops you from feeling tired before the day is over.
Magnum “The Sixties Nine”
Image from Streets [].
This is the page with direct links to all the nine Magnum “The
Sixties Nine” ice creams that I’ve eaten and reviewed. It’s one of the
highest search strings so I figured a page with direct links would be
easier for those searching for the Magnums in “The Sixties Nine” series.
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #1 – Wood Choc [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #2 – Cherry Guevara [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #3 – Peace Man Go [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #4 – Candy Warhol [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #5 – Jami Hendrix [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #6 – Guava Lamp [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #7 – Cinnaman on the Moon [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #8 – John Lemon [].
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #9 – Choc Work Orange [].
Smith’s Great Australian Tastes
This is the Great Australian Tastes edition of Smith’s Potato
Crisps. The first one is Heinz Big Red Tomato Sauce & Meat Pie and
the second one is Ham and Keen’s Mustard. I liked the Heinz tomato
sauce on meat pie one. It really tastes like a meat pie with tomato
sauce on it! The artificial flavoring industry has progressed very far
indeed. π I didn’t think much of the ham and mustard one though. Too
salty. I don’t even like crisps but I thought the two would look nice
together. Anyway, I have an early 9 am class tomorrow so I should be
sleeping soon. See you all tomorrow. π
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #9 – Choc Work Orange
This is the last one in “The Sixties Nine” series. Choc Work Orange is based on the movie A Clockwork Orange
[]. Boy, do I remember that movie. I watched the DVD for the
first time last year during one of my worst depressive episodes. I was
in the midst of a terrible depression with panic attacks and didn’t
even feel like doing anything. Slept most of the day away and didn’t
even want to do anything but forced myself to watch Band of Brothers
and Clockwork Orange while I tried to swallow the food I shovel food
into my mouth every night. The smell of lavender was somehow associated
to that period of depression too. That’s why I can’t stand all three of
those things anymore. I’m not talking about the “Damn…am I bummed today
or what” kind of depression but the crying-with-no-provocation,
suicidal thoughts, feeling of total helplessness and terrible
isolation, sleeping 18 hours a day and lying in bed for the remaining 6
hours kind. The serotonin imbalance kind of depression.
I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. π Dark, dark days indeed. I
feared I would feel that way for the rest of my life! Good thing that I
didn’t get serotonin syndrome and my serotonin and dopamine
neurotransmitters were not permanently damaged and I was right as rain
again in 3 weeks. That was the crash from hell indeed. Worst ever. My,
how I’ve digressed. Anyway, if you haven’t watched this movie I would
seriously urge you to watch it. I was surprised they could get away
with those things 1970s films. Yes, the film was made in 1971 so I’m
scratching my head over how it got into “The Sixties Nine”. Lots of
graphic violence and rape and I still can’t get the image of Alex’s
eyes being forced open by metal clips while he’s made to watch
“corrective films”. That sucks…what a nasty flashback that brought me.
I’m pretty much desensitized to violence, and I don’t know whether it
was the way I was already feeling when I watched it or otherwise, but
this film seriously disturbed me. Anyway, I didn’t find the ice cream
that good coz I don’t like orange flavored stuff, except in orange
juice. It’s chocolate ice cream with an orange shell, but I swear the
ice cream must have had an orange flavor as well coz it was pretty
strong. Too…orangy for me, but if you like orange flavors this will be
good for you.
This is the cover:
Orange theme with Choc Work Orange on it.
This is the back:
It has the R for Restricted film classification logo and then this:
Should the orange chocolate be seen? Should the chocolate ice cream be
made public? While the controversy rages on, this remains a cult
classic. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.
This is the Magnum:
As you can see, it’s pretty mutilated. π I bought it at a Star Mart
and forgot about it for an hour and half. Thus, it was partially melted
and kinda broken. The shell was supposed to look orange and the ice
cream brown.
This is the stick:
One Blink And It Was Gone.
That’s the last one. π To be honest, it’s too cold to be eating ice
creams today. I’ve eaten all 9 of them, I didn’t keep the wrappers but
I kept the sticks to mail off for their T-shirt offer. You get a
T-shirt for A$6.10 if you mail in all 9 sticks. It will take 28 days to
arrive but I’ll post it up when I get it. 9 ice creams in 5 days…that’s
more than I’ll usually eat in half a year! I hope I don’t turn into a
tub of lard like teddybwear [] said I would. =D
The world is as crazy as a clockwork orange.
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #8 – John Lemon
Imagine all the people…this is John Lemon, a play on John Lennon
[]. This Magnum isn’t ice cream, but sherbet! It’s
really good, if you like sherbet. Very…thirst quenching. π It’s
finally going to cool down to 8 degrees Celsius – 14 degrees Celsius
tomorrow. It was still pushing the low 30s today, but the strong winds
made things better. It sure kicked up a whole lot of sand though, it
was dusty all around Clayton. It reminded me of a scene from Dune or
Iraq. π Not sure if that’s sand, smog or smoke though.
This is the cover:
A yellow wrapper with two lemons slices made to look like his trademark glasses. Simple but effective design.
This is the back:
We lay in bed until we created this ice cream. Imagine all the zesty
lemon sherbet living life in peaceful white chocolate. Just try letting
that be.
This is the Magnum:
Lemon sherbet encased in a white chocolate shell. Nice.
This is the stick:
Imagine If You’d Eaten It In Bed
One last one to go. π Well, that’s it from me today. I’m turning in early coz I gotta wake up early tomorrow.
Link of the Day: Actiq Oral Transmucosal Fentanyl Citrate []
Mmm…fentanyl lollipops…;)
Listerine Cool Mint PocketPaks
The front of the package
I’ve seen these things around for a couple of months now but it
never was stocked in large groceries until recently. This is Listerine
Cool Mint PocketPaks, sold as “oral care strips” but works like breath
freshener. Consuming something with a Listerine brand might seem
unpalatable, but these things are actually really good. You’re supposed
to dissolve one strip in your mouth and add another one “for an added
burst of flavor” if you want.
The back of the package
The strips looks fairly thick, but they dissolve quickly and easily.
The cashier at Coles asked me whether I’ve had them before and what
they taste like. Well, it doesn’t taste unpleasant, au contraire, it
tastes absolutely fabulous. I told her it tastes like really strong
mints, which is true, but it also has that Listerine effect where you
get a rush of tingly fresh air when you inhale.
Listerine PocketPak still in wrap
I like to take 3 of them in quick succession, I feel that is the
best way to do it. It actually makes you tongue tingle slightly and the
best thing about these things is it’s really small. The PocketPak is
about the size of a SD/MMC card. Or a postage stamp if you’re not
familiar with the size of those things. Great stuff. Mmm…tingly…
Listerine PocketPak with one of the strips showing
Magnum “The Sixties Nine” #7 – Cinnaman on the Moon
I nearly ate a rotten egg today! Well, I was going to boil two eggs
(I prefer them fried but that produces too much stuff to wash) to go
with the Indomie I’m having for dinner. I was holding them under the
tap for quite a while since one of them had bits of excrement on it.
Anyway, good thing I did that, coz I caught cracks in one of the eggs.
If I had just boiled them anyway, I would not have caught them until I
ate it. I’m just that blur. Ugh…just thinking about it…haha! It really
was rotten coz I opened it to check. Cracked it over the sink to check
the status. It left a stain in the sink too. It was that rotten.
Anyway, this one is for Vivien [] – Cinnaman on the Moon. Man landed on the moon
[] in 1969. As for the Magnum, it was just toooo plain. Even
vanilla ice cream tastes sweeter than this white chocolate ice cream.
It’s even worse than the normal Magnums coz the normal ones has a
chocolate shell at least. Cinnaman on the Moon just has a cinnamon
flavored shell. There wasn’t much cinnamon too, so the taste wasn’t
strong at all. It would have been much better if it had cinnamon ice
cream or there was more cinnamon in the shell. As it currently is, it’s
the worst one in the batch so far. Simply mediocre. π
This is the cover:
Moon craters in a dark blue foreground and Cinnaman on the Moon written. The “man” in “cinnaman” is underlined.
This is the back:
Houston – we have an ice cream. A cinnamon chocolate with white
chocolate ice cream has been launched. That’s one small step for
Magnum, one giant lick for ice cream.
This is the Magnum:
The shell is cinnamon spiced chocolate. You can see the cinnamon
spice flecks embedded in the shell if you squint a bit. The ice cream
is white chocolate ice cream. It’s not sweet at all for some reason.
This is the stick:
Feelin’ Spacey?
It’s just too plain to compare with the others. It would have been better if it was sweet at least.
Well, it’s probably less than 48 hours till the US invasion of Iraq.
Who thinks they’ll attack as soon as the deadline is over? I’m thinking
either Thursday or Saturday, not Friday.
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