There is no such thing as a non-drowsy antihistamine!

carinox non drowsy

All antihistamines produce a slight hypnotic effect, which I don’t
feel, and all benzodiazepine dependant people won’t as well, due to the
stronger benzodiazepine hypnotic qualities. The “non-drowsy”
antihistamines are all packed with a mild stimulant, in most cases,
pseudoephedrine or caffeine to counter the slight hypnotic effects of

carinox back

Well, this is Carinox, which contains Loratadine 5 mg and
Pseudoephedrine Sulphate 120 mg (!) per capsule. It’s certainly not
recreational, but there’s a flu bug going around the office and I came
in sneezing, as did most of my co-workers and I got a runny nose, which
I really hate, coz it makes me irritable when I do my work.

carinox working

Thus, I popped over to the nearby pharmacy and got some
antihistamines to dry up my nasal passages. I took three and I can feel
it working already. Back to work. πŸ™‚

Meth Dragon video download

meth dragon

This video is the first one on that has
post-production work done on it. The video shows veritas smoking
methamphetamine crystals (otherwise known as ice, shabu/syabu, batu
etc) from a make shift glass bottle design. I’ve been tinkering with
video editing software and this is the end result:

Download: Meth dragon []

You will need the DivX 5.2 codec to play the video, older versions
causes a couple of quirks. Please tell me if you have any problems with
the video.

The original .MOV file was converted to DivX using the DivX 5.2
codec before minor post production work was done on it. The changes
made to the original video are documented below:

1. Gamma (brightness) adjustment. The video is actually BRIGHT for a change!
2. Nifty fade in, fade out “” text at the lower right corner.
3. Scrambled “Meth Dragon” title dropping down in the intro.
4. Audio track replaced several seconds into the video by one of my favorite tweaking anthems.

It’s amateur stuff, but I had a lot of fun doing it, and it made a cleaner video.

Credit goes to crystalcallas
[] for inspiring this video from the photos with her
exhaling impressively solid plumes of methamphetamine smoke. I remember
something about “dragon” being a local slang for tweakers there due to
the amount of smoke they exhale.

meth dragon smoke

She hails from Spun-derland, my friend and neighbor from the east.
She has probably accidentally dropped more meth crystals than most of
you have ever smoked. Legendary. Oh, and yes, that’s what I’m going to
call the place now, since God has blessed it with flowing rivers
of…wait, that doesn’t sound right. Sand dunes, then. Sand dunes of

Anyway, before any tweakers catch me on technicalities, let me
explain…there are several factors to consider while watching the
video, namely:

#1 I was pretty fucked up at this point
I usually do a high payload IV and then start smoking continuously.
This is take number god-knows-what. Excuse me for not caring whether I
burn my meth or waste it.

#2 I am not known for my patience
I’m well aware that applying a small flame indirectly will result in
maximum yield and minimal wastage, and that’s what I usually do…when
I’m about to run out. “Waste not, want not” is lost on me.
Though I must admit, I’ve been known to crawl the floor for shiny bits
of stuff that looks like meth crystals when I’m out. Hey, you wanted to

#3 It’s shot for a video
That means aesthetics
takes precedence. It should be stated that my digicam is only capable
of recording 60 second video clips, so I had to somehow squeeze in two
inhales in that time slot. So yes, I didn’t care if the flame got too
close or if I wasted a lot of meth, it’s art, mate. πŸ˜‰ I was going for
maximum volume of smoke, so direct heat is applied with minimal
rotation. Oh, and I had to pre-heat the meth before I started filming

meth dragon reload

Disclaimer: The author wishes to make it known that
an insidious computer virus keeps on replacing the string “harmless
sugar crystals” with “methamphetamine crystals”. My apologies for any
misunderstanding stemming from the automatic parsing activity. No
illicit drugs were consumed at any point, and the author does not
possess anything illegal.

He does have a couple of free sugar sachets from Coffee Bean though…

P/S – I know posting this up will catch me a lot of grief, and you
may wonder why I do it anyway. The answer is quite simple actually – my
mom dropped me on the head when I was a baby. πŸ˜‰

Link: Meth Dragon Reloaded video download []
This is the twin post with the meth pipe making instructions and another different video for download.

What is wrong with this picture?

stone age sunflower kernels

This is a container of Stone Age sunflower kernel chocolate candies. It’s a product of Korea.

stone age candies

Here’s what the multi-colored chocolate coated sunflower kernels looks like.

Q: What’s wrong with this picture?
A: Product may contain traces of nuts. πŸ˜‰

Note: Ionamin 30 (30 mg phentermine resin capsules) should never
under any circumstances be ingested…unless you have nothing else.
*sigh* It’s dirty as fuck, and you’ll regret it very much. It takes a
very desperate tweaker (the kind that looks around the floor for any
dropped bits of crystal meth when the stash is finished) to resort to
the appallingly inferior phentermine and you will feel very ashamed of
yourself afterwards. It’s also very hard on the cardiovascular system,
since you’ll have to take high doses to get slightly stimulated (if you
have tolerance, personally I have to grind up 8 capsules (240 mg – this
is not a dosage guide!)) and that barely gives me the wanted effects
and each booster dose drives you closer to Paranoia, Population
378,378. It’s even worse than methamphetamine in that sense, and it’s
very likely that you’ll start thinking that the ink stain on your hand
is a nasty insect (visuals starts early with this one) and jump while
trying to brush it off frantically.

Currently thinking: “Why, oh why, did I finish the weekend’s ration of crystal meth so quickly?”

Also thinking: “What are the fucking chances of two contacts
being arrested a week apart? God? Can you hear me? I’m running out of
contacts for crystal meth! Please send down half a gram using your much
lauded Devine Lightning Logistics (DLL) Private Limited (TM) delivery
system. God? You there? Have thou forsaken me? Your only Son!”

/me dodges the wrathful smiting hand of God.

God: That’s enough blasphemy for one day. Don’t make me come down there and rip you a new one, asshole! Oh, and it was my
divine work *preens* that’s striking the fear of God (that’s yours
truly) into the hearts of dealers in Kuching by the insistent string of
arrests. Your new contact is also in jail. Should you attempt to source
another one tonight, it is my Divine Will that you will be next to join
them. Just eat those damned Ionamin capsules, they are part of my
divine creation too, ignorant mortal, and I’m rather proud of them, so
you should be too. Be content with what you have! Bo hu, he mah eh sai,
right? Go to church tomorrow, and repent for your sins and I’ll take
your request into my divine consideration. Go forth, and I will make
you fishers of meth! Oops…I mean, fishers of men. My bad.

Disclaimer: Obviously the conversation with God did not take
place (it’s called embellishment), thus by inference and extrapolation,
everything else in this post is fictional too. Ignore the logical
fallacy in the previous statement. I, upstanding citizen of Malaysia,
has never touched methamphetamine in my life. I also do not possess any
other illicit drugs or controlled substances without a valid
prescription. The image above is Photoshopped.

It doesn’t look Photoshopped and you don’t have the skillz to do that kind of thing anyway!

Okay, so it’s not Photoshopped, but I have a valid prescription for Ionamin. It’s for…er, my obesity.

You’re not even fat!!!

Well, there you go. The wonders of modern medicine.

Rivotril 2 mg clonazepam

roche rivotril 2mg
“A good doctor never disappoints!”

I will be flying back to Kuching later today and I have sorted out
most of the things I intended to do, including a visit to my favourite
medical practitioner in the whole wide world! He never disappoints, as
usual. =D He took one look at me and recognized me! He knew what I was
here for and he giveth with open arms (or flowing bottles rather). Heh.

never go wanting again

I will not be telling you the exact number of 2 mg Roche Rivotril
clonazepam tablets I got from him, on the account that it is not a wise
thing to divulge, both for his professional integrity and my personal
interests. I will reveal that the number of tablets is in the 3 digits
though. πŸ˜‰ Naturally, the price tag is in the 3 figure ballpark as
well, but I get a legitimate script for it, so there’s the value added

I love this doctor. He never asks me any inane questions about my
psychiatric health and never raises an eyebrow regarding the number of
tablets I request for. He’s also very kind in making sure that all the
paperwork is done correctly, so if there’s anyone in customs planning
to inspect me, I have but five words for you:

“I have a doctor’s prescription”


I’ll reply all comments when I arrive in Kuching later tonight, have
to do some…er, “creative packing” to make all my items appear
legitimate. Not that I have anything I shouldn’t have in my effects,
mind. I have consumed everything I obtained from my pharmacy
friend/relative, leaving only legitimate doctor’s prescriptions. Till
then, wish me a safe flight!’s first video post – Episode I: Shadow People

This is the first full video blog. I am basically doing a monologue
about my day. In the grand tradition of, we tend to do
things differently. While others strive to present only their most
aesthetically pleasing self to the readers, culling out all “ugly”
photos and only inserting the “good ones”…we, on the other hand,
present it like it is, just one take, and its uploaded. Thus, be
prepared to see a rather unflattering version of me in this pilot
episode. πŸ™‚

shadow people

Download: Episode I: Shadow People [].
Requires Apple Quicktime. Going to the “Movie” drop down menu bar and choosing “Fill Screen” would be more optimal for viewing.

Yeah, that is what I look like after multiple day runs…strung out, scattered and definitely not pleasant company.

Indiscriminate…I’d rather be elite
I’ll choose my own shit scene
Unsubstantiated rumors flown are true
I’m here for me, not you

Nonconglomerate…I mean what I say
I’m not your fucking scape
Though, apparently I’ve alienated some
It seems my job’s half done

So let me present to you, the first episode – Shadow People.

(coz I know I sound incoherent)

Hey, you’re watching and this is – a video post.

I’ve become too tired to write, and…this is how long my hair actually is now.

I keep it long on one side, probably the last time I’ll see such hair, because I have hereditary male pattern baldness.

I feel like shit, it’s been a couple of days without sleep…and I went to the doctor’s today, got some benzos, that’s good.

By the way, I’m just pretending to smoke, simulating things, you know. I’m not inhaling.
Honestly, I don’t smoke.

Anyway, we’ll just talk until this ends…ah, I’ve got one shaving cut today.
Somewhere anyway. Just a little cut.


Dear readers, if you’re in the mood for some good old classic ultra
mundane posts with the blogger talking about things that you probably
don’t give two shits about, please, do not hesitate to download the
video post. I must urge people not to mistake this as some kind of
satirical production about the blogging community – that would be
giving me way too much credit. Heh.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I went to see one of my doctors today, I
don’t “officially” have a medical record for anxiety here, but he’s
always generous with the benzodiazepines whenever I go. He’s asks me
how many I want, instead of prescribing them himself, and I can pick
and choose here. πŸ™‚ I decided on 20 x 2 mg Rivotril (clonazepam) and 20
x 5 mg chlordiazepoxide (generic Librium, just for review purposes)
today. I suspect he knows quite a bit about my lifestyle even though I
never tell him. I’m quite certain he knows that I’m benzodiazepine
dependant but still doesn’t mind handing them out due to previous
consultations where I basically told him about my various problems and
he seems to feel that my situation justifies it.

highbp benzos

Anyway, I also asked to have my blood pressure read and it was
pretty good (for me). I registered a BP of 180/95 (same results, taken
twice) and a pulse rate of 135 at rest. The figures aren’t bad – it’s
the bit about sustaining what are probably higher figures than that for
hours, before judicious benzodiazepine self-administration reduced it
to the figure that was measured at the doctor’s that made me feel quite
uncomfortable. I must say that I wasn’t feeling too good earlier as
well, thought I was about to have a stroke. I have just about every
factor that puts me at a higher risk and I have had many incidences of
stroke symptoms manifesting during certain high risk activities.

There were a few that required medical attention (hypertensive
crisis) but most of them were resolved without medical care, off my
head, there was one a few months ago – extremely alarming rapid onset
of action, everything happened within seconds, or so it seems. I knew I
had gone too far and my body was protesting but I, er…drank another
cup of coffee, and suddenly felt an alarming feeling of pressure
insistently building up in my brain, followed by the lost capability to
move my left leg, which resulted in me tripping and as I laid there on
the ground, I couldn’t even think, it was all too confusing, and then
*whoosh*, came the extreme headache that I thought would push my brain
out of the skull and I passed out.

I woke up 3 hours later totally disoriented and confused and
couldn’t remember the events which precipitated it. It was worse than
the worst hangover I ever had. I was wondering what time it was, and
why I was lying on the floor. I thought I went to bed and fell off
it…until I saw the…ah, smashed coffee cup on the floor. It’s not a
very nice feeling to wake up in your own room and wonder why the lights
and computer was on (with several flashing IM messages to boot) and
you’re lying propped up against a laundry basket and there’s a smashed
*coffee* cup beside you. It took a while to regain my senses, and it’s
a testament that the first thing I did was to remove all incriminating
evidence (the coffee mugs which aren’t coffee mugs and coffee which
isn’t coffee) before my gf came in the next day. Granted, I was aghast
about the period of unconsciousness…it seemed to be too long and I
had the distinct feeling that a good portion of my brain was
compromised on that day.

Well, that’s what happens when you drink too much caffeine containing beverages like coffee
compulsively over a short period of time if you have condition(s) which
contraindicates those, but still do it anyway. I’ve never been the type
that learns from my mistakes, I’m the kind of person who jumps back on
the horse. I would be careful the next time though…from experience, I
noticed that for me, it’s the overt intracranial pressure point that
has “Last Exit” written on it, coz it can avalanche very quickly to the
point where you are unable to communicate with people and then pass
out. I noticed that I could never go on heroic runs after my first
incident. Two to three day ones feels punishing, while it wasn’t even a
problem before. The Shadow People are starting to turn up earlier and
earlier too….

Trip down the stairs into hell
Cathay de I miss your smell
A mixture of puke, beer, stale piss,
fuck, sweat, and fear

Adrenaline addicted, the
blood leak from my head,
kinda concerned my friends…

But at the time it felt so right
The music blaring on….

Xylocaine – lidocaine (lignocaine) injection experience report


I have managed to acquire a pharmaceutical grade plastic vial of
lignocaine (also known as lidocaine) recently. It was sourced from a
hospital, using a very unethical method, so we’ll just concentrate on
the experience report instead. Xylocaine 2% is a sterile solution of
lidocaine for injections. Lignocaine is used as a local anesthetic
(amongst other things) at hospitals and is generally not considered to
have any recreational value.


However, I like experiencing new things and I keep an open mind when
it comes to substances, so I decided to experiment with the lidocaine
solution to see what it feels like. It’s not every day a new and sealed
5 ml vial containing 100 mg of injectible lignocaine comes into your
possession. Lidocaine is a restricted item and is meant to be
administered by qualified medical practitioners only. I’m always up for
trying new substances which may be potentially recreational, depending
on what your definition of recreational is.

injecting equiptment

I have read that lignocaine is meant to be used with larger gauge
needles for SC injection so I got both 23 gauge and 27 gauge needles.
SC is the shorthand for subcutaneous, better known as “skin
popping”. It’s the method where you insert the syringe needle into and
under your skin without hitting any veins, arteries etc. The syringe
body is bought separately and fitted manually with the needles. All the
injecting equipment is bought from an understanding pharmacy, no
questions asked.

Syringe body

Lignocaine can be administered via IV, but this route seems to be
unsafe without medical supervision, so I would avoid hitting any veins.
I have experience with self-administrating using syringes (more than
I’ll care to admit to), mostly with IV (intravenous injection)
methamphetamine, so I will not be going into that aspect of the
experiment. However, I must state that does not condone,
promote or encourage the use of illicit drugs or diverted
pharmaceuticals. This is merely a personal experience report with

27g needles
27 gauge needles

I am obliged to inform readers that injecting has more risks
associated with it compared to other routes of administration so I must
urge people to research and read about safer injecting drug user guides
before even thinking about doing it. I’ve also read (after the fact)
that lidocaine may cause convulsions so it’s a good thing I’m on high
doses of clonazepam (a benzodiazepine with strong anticonvulsive
properties). It should be stated that possession of syringes without
justifiable cause e.g. insulin dependant diabetes, is illegal in some
countries, like Malaysia. Please stay safe.

23g needles
23 gauge needles

Back to the experience report, I used both gauges to inject 100 mg
of 5 ml lignocaine solution over a 15 minute period. The injection
sites are all on my left forearm, with several insertions around a
small area. I found the 23G needle to be more comfortable. It seems
that the Xylocaine solution is meant to be administered slowly, and a
smaller gauge (“thicker”) syringe feels more comfortable for SC
injection. The site of injection swells up when the lignocaine solution
is administered, and the swelling goes away within an hour or so.

Here are the video clips of the Xylocaine (lignocaine injectable solution) experiment:

I will rate the videos which are more interesting into two categories:
* Recommended
* Must See!
This allows dial up users to only download the more interesting ones, without having to bother with the more mundane videos.
Recommended videos have some interesting content inside and is worth a look if you have the bandwidth.
Must See! videos are the best of the bunch and should be downloaded first as it has the most interesting content.
Video clips which are not rated
are the ones which would be boring for most people since it’s only
there for continuity and documentation. The first few clips are not
rated and thus isn’t worth downloading unless you have a fast
connection or you’re interested in the experiment flow.

Xylocaine introduction

xylo intro

Xylocaine experiment introduction video []

This video is just an introductory clip with the injecting
paraphernalia e.g. syringes, needles, Xylocaine solution and a quick
description of the experience report.

Xylocaine 27G syringe – drawing lignocaine solution

xylo 27g draw

27 gauge needle drawing lignocaine solution []

The Xylocaine plastic vial’s opening ceremony. πŸ˜‰ There is an issue
with the syringe body where the needle does not fully lock into the
syringe lock. This resulted in a less than optimal syringe draw (due to
the lack of a full vacuum environment) and this video clip was aborted
after failing to withdraw any liquid. Further tightening of the screw
in 27 gauge needle resolved this issue.

Xylocaine 27G syringe – first blood!

xylo 27g first

27G first injection attempt []

This is the first SC injection of lignocaine into my upper left
forearm. There’s nothing much to see here (the view is obscured), so I
would recommend downloading the other more interesting videos. This one
shows the initial needle insertion and the administration of a small
amount of lidocaine. There was an initial numbness, which I thought was
the main effect, but this was merely the teaser.

Xylocaine 27G syringe – second attempt

xylo 27g sec
* Recommended

27G second injection video []

This video has a clearer shot of the syringe insertion – it goes a
little deep for an SC (subcutaneous) injection, considering the size of
the subject’s (that’s me) forearm. It’s not an IM (intramuscular)
injection, it didn’t go that far. Issues with the syringe body caused
problems with lignocaine flow, so not much got into the site. It’s
worth a look if you’ve already seen the Must See videos below,
otherwise, I’ll recommend downloading those first.

Xylocaine 23G syringe – drawing lignocaine solution

xylo 23g draw

23 gauge needle drawing lidocaine []

It was decided at this point that the smaller gauge needle is
brought for a test run. The lower the gauge rating is, the larger the
needle hole is. This makes it easier to administer the solution. Thus,
the 23 gauge needle is swapped in to replace the 27 gauge needle. The
syringe body was also changed to a new one. The first attempt yielded
only 0.5 ml, so the solution was squirted back into the plastic vial
and another attempt made in the next clip.

Xylocaine 23G syringe – first attempt

xylo 23g first
* Recommended

23G video – SC injection []

The syringe was loaded with a rather generous payload, though not
all was administered at this point. The first injection was aborted due
to concerns about hitting a vein and the site moved to the left. You
can actually see the second site swelling up as the SC injection
started transferring the liquid from the syringe into my arm. Astute
viewers can see that I’m not wearing anything and I have some excess
weight in my abdomen area. πŸ˜‰

Xylocaine 23G syringe – second attempt

xylo 23g sec
* Must See!

23G video of second Xylocaine injection []

This is where I get more familiar with lignocaine and start
administering more Xylocaine solution in my SC injections. The swelling
caused by the liquid is clearly visible now and the local anesthetic
qualities of lignocaine start to shine. I also demonstrate how it makes
the injection site numb in this video

Xylocaine – lignocaine SC injection site swelling

xylo swell
* Must See!

Download video showing the swelling caused by lignocaine injection []

The video shows how the SC injection site swells up with liquid
after another SC injection. The needle is inserted at an angle, bevel
side up, and pushed deeper to experiment with different techniques and
how it affects the local anesthetic qualities. The classic angle shot
seems to make more liquid pool up beneath the skin and the numbing
qualities were more noticeable.

Xylocaine – local anesthetic and numbing

xylo numb
* Must See!

Xylocaine’s numbing properties after injection []

Here’s the last injection that I filmed – there’s quite a few
insertion points by this point and most of the lignocaine solution has
been used up. This video clip shows the subjective peak activity of the
local anesthetic – the injection sites are rendered numb, and touch
stimuli has lost much of its impact.

Xylocaine thoughts and ending

xylo end

Lidocaine ending thoughts []

I end this experience report with my thoughts about lidocaine.
Basically, it’s fun to play around with, but it’s not recreational in
the true sense of the term. I made an off-hand statement in this video
clip which I must amend here since I don’t have any video editing
software. I mentioned “try it once” somewhere in the video and I have
to make it clear that I was referring to myself. I meant I’ve tried it
once, it was fun and it’s a good experience. The quote should not be
taken out of context to suggest that I’m somehow encouraging
experimental drug use. does not encourage, support or
condone the use of illicit drug use and diverted pharmaceuticals.

I found Xylocaine (lignocaine solution) to be interesting. It seems
to take effect almost instantaneously and lasts for around 15 – 20
minutes. The qualitative effects can be best described as a general
numbing in the area of injection. Stimuli can be felt despite the
numbness but it seems that a higher threshold is required for it to be
registered. I administered SC injections in several low dosage syringe
payloads, which seems to dilute the experience somewhat. I’ve also
noticed that a deeper needle penetration before administering produces
better results.

needle marks
It healed perfectly within 48 hours.

I also found that more lignocaine solution in a single penetration
causes some swelling (fluid retention?) and increases the anesthetic
qualities of Xylocaine. I had started out conservatively, with multiple
low payload syringes, since it’s my first experience, but the latter
injections were done with higher payloads, and that resulted in an
increased subjective numbness. It is a topical anesthetic, which most
people would not consider recreational, but I found the experience to
be fun and would repeat the experiment again, with a single high
payload syringe for maximum effects.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and the methods
described in this post may be wrong or even dangerous. I would
recommend starting with a low dosage when dealing with an unfamiliar
substance. This post is just a personal experience report and should
not be regarded as an authorative source of information. I must warn
readers that this is my first time injecting lidocaine. I am not
responsible for any errors or omissions in this post. Please do not
share or re-use any injecting equipment and ensure that used syringes
are disposed responsibly.

So long, and thanks for all the fish

2 mg of clonazepam (Rivotril, Klonopin)

rivotril 5mp

That’s all it takes for non benzo tolerant people to tell the truth.

This is NOT “date rape” – the media shock term for drug facilitated
sexual assault, since no sexual activities took place under the
influence at all. I’ll be brutally honest here and state that I don’t
need that in order to get some at all. This is merely a means for
certain susceptible non-benzodiazepine tolerant people (an adult who
willingly consumed it, having some past experience with benzos (albeit
all supplied by yours truly, but every single time was willingly taken
by the subject), knowing what it is, and what it’s effects are) to tell
the truth about everything, with a heavily benzodiazepine tolerant and
still sober person to steer the conversation along that path. I feel
the exact same way about you…it was just the novelty, like all the
ones in my past. It’s just that, no matter what your “heart” tells you,
trust me.

I’m not sober except for 8 am – 5 pm weekdays and 8 am to 12:30 pm
on Saturday, and that’s the truth. However, with my experience with
these substances and my high tolerance, I can take excessive amounts
with alcohol and certain hydroponics produce without being totally out
of it. I can make myself relax, but I can also make myself sober just
like that *snaps fingers* despite the potentiating substances. My
apologies…my manipulative (to call a spade a spade) ways ensures that
I got out of the deal a great deal better than you did. I’m sure you
can understand, since you’re a player yourself.

[Edit: Photo removed. Lapse of judgement, as always.]

I just want permanent (photographic) memories if that’s what you’re wondering. No offence. I just love memories.

The missing doctor shopping episode


This is Doctor Shopping #2 Kuching Edition aka The Missing Episode.
Yes, this is a filler post coz I’m very busy today, so it’ll be a short
one. You may have heard me mentioning about this weekly refill before.

2 mg clonazepam (Rivotril) in the mornings.

2 x 1 mg lorazepam (Ativan) at night.

Thus, I’m getting 2 mg clonazepam (Roche branded) and 2 x 1 mg (2
mg) lorazepam (generic Lorans) daily from this doctor. You can see that
I’ve actually dipped into the clonazepam stash before taking the
photos, my apologies, sometimes there are emergencies and clonazepam is
my favorite high availability benzodiazepine with alprazolam running a
very close second. I’m actually not allowed to write about doctor
shopping anymore, due to orders from my significant other, but this is
the missing episode so that’s the end of it.

I’m busy today so all comments will be replied tomorrow. Your patience is appreciated and thanks for visiting πŸ˜‰

Bermain main dengan doktor

main doktor

Hari in dalam Sejarah. Saya pergi ke doktor baru untuk cakap cakap
dan ambil dadah (medikasi). Kamu semua tahu saya biasa cakap apa lah.
Doktor ini cuba letak saya dalam terapi SSRI tapi saya sesungguhnya
bertaruh untuk nak benzodiazepine. Saya memang cakap baik baik lah,
macam kawan, saya cakap dengan doktor.

Ada satu benda sangat lucu. Doktor itu tengok saya dan cakap “Saya
dapat lihat kamu tidak akan main ubat ini jadi ok lah”. Hahaha! Saya
hampir ketawa hingga perut sakit. Tapi saya tahan. Saya tahan dan cakap
“Ya, saya tahu medikasi ini adalah restrikted, saya memang ambil untuk
mengawal kondisi saya sahaja”.

“Baik”, kata doktor itu. Hehehe! Lucu hingga saya hamper tertawa
keluar, tapi nasib baik tidak. Yang paling memuaskan adalah caj untuk
semua ini. Doktor ini pandai, tahu bagi 30 pill untuk 2 minggu (14
hari) jadi ada extra. πŸ™‚ Saya dibagi (semua generic) 0.5 mg alprazolam
(Xanax) untuk dimakan pagi dan petang (1 mg sehari) dan 10 mg
nitrazepam (Mogadon) untuk dimakan malam (2 x 5 mg). Semua ini untuk RM
36 sahaja!!!

xanax relax
The doctor put “relax” on the alprazolam pack. I kid you not. I shall relax then. πŸ˜‰

Ini adalah Main-main Dengan Doktor Edisi #6. Ini adalah edisi
terakhir kerana ini adalah skript tidak habis habis, jadi saya sudah
cukup benzodiazepines.

English version:

main doktor xanax
0.5 mg APO-ALPRAZOLAM (generic Xanax) pills

Today in History. I went to a new doctor to have a chat and to get
some drugs (medication). You all know what I always say. This doctor
tried to put me on SSRI therapy but I insisted for benzodiazepines.
Naturally, I spoke politely, like friends even, with the doctor.

There’s one thing that’s really funny. The doctor looked at me and
said “I can see that you’re not the type that would abuse these drugs,
so okay”. Hahaha! I nearly shit my pants laughing. But I managed to
control my mirth. I composed myself and said “Yeah, I know these
medications are restricted for a reason, so I always take it just to
control my condition”.

“Good”, said the doctor. Hehehe! OMG, that was so funny, I nearly
laughed out loud, good thing I didn’t. The best part about this is the
bill for the medication. This doctor is good, he gave me 30 pills for 2
weeks (14 days) so there’s extra. πŸ™‚ I was given (all generics) 0.5 mg
alprazolam (Xanax) mornings and afternoons (1 mg daily) and 10 mg
nitrazepam (Mogadon) nights (2 x 5 mg). All this for only RM 36!!!

nitrazepam blister pack
5 mg Nitrapam (generic Nitrazepam) by MPI in blister packs

This is Playing Around With Doctors Issue #6 (Doctor Shopping
Kuching #6). This is the last (final) edition since I got a permanent
script off this doctor as well, so I have enough benzodiazepines to

P/S – My apologies for the less than eloquent English translation. I
wrote this in Bahasa Malaysia first and I had to translate it from
there so there may be fragmented sentences, inaccuracies in grammer etc.

Newsflash: Another clinic hit by notorious doctor shopper veritas

Sarawak, MY. 29th February 2004. Leaping into the new leap year, the
city of Kuching today saw another clinic issuing a permanent script for
benzodiazepines to veritas, a seasoned doctor shopper who has managed
to obtain multiple legitimate scripts for restricted items as diverse
as dexamphetamine (which is the dextro isomer of the potent stimulant
amphetamine) to various benzodiazepines, including flunitrazepam
(Rohypnol, the so called “date rape drug”) at the same time in the past.

drk front

He has emigrated to the city of Kuching and successfully procured 2
mg of clonazepam (better known as Rivotril or Klonopin) and 10 mg of
diazepam (the chemical name for Valium), infinitely renewable every two
weeks in his latest exploit, which he called “Doctor Shopping Kuching
Edition Issue #5”. The dazed doctor was left saying vaguely “Someone
came in and said he has social phobia, is new to Kuching, has been on
benzos for years and told me what he was prescribed.”

“I don’t really know what happened after that. I think I tried to
change his script to antidepressants but he knew all about SSRIs, NARIs
and tricyclics, taking the words out of my mouth before I’ve even
formed them. He even knew about Buspar and said it made him feel even
worse before I wanted to suggest it. Before I knew it, I found myself
docilely writing out what he wanted and asked him to come back every
two weeks. I even asked him if he wanted an extra 2 mg of clonazepam! I
can’t remember what happened, just wisps of memories, but I know he
somehow convinced me to write a permascript for him…very persuasive
but polite young man though”, he added.

drk back

We asked medical professionals about their opinion in this new
development. One doctor, who only wanted to be known as Dr. Lah (names
changed to protect the innocent) said “I hate that motherfucker! He’s
undermining the credibility of medical professionals like us and
flaunting his exploits on the Internet! I found several blister packs
of Dormicum missing during my stock take…I bet he’s the one who
bribed…er, nevermind.”, and fell silent. When asked whether he knew
that veritas’s sister is also a doctor practicing in Christchurch, New
Zealand, he immediately asked “Really? How old is she? Pretty or not?”,
while the 70 year old, small statured man worked on discreetly removing
his wedding ring.

One doctor, on the condition of anonymity, was quoted as saying “I
don’t really mind at all. I’ll like to welcome veritas and all the
people like him to my friendly clinic. You know lah, nowadays in
Kuching, you throw one stone, you’re bound to hit two doctors on the
head. Hard to make ends meet you know! I rather eng eng and just take
in clients, I mean, patients like veritas, in and out, script
him and off he goes. I don’t care for those people with real ailments.
I mean yuck…plus there’re not loyal some more. Only come when they’re
sick. Hmph! How can generate consistent revenue stream like that? I
like people like veritas who comes in every two weeks for a guaranteed
income, er…I mean, to help him with his condition. I’ll like to take
this opportunity to tell everyone that yes, there are understanding
doctors out there! Call me ya!”

drk diazepam
Generic APO 10 mg diazepam

Another doctor added “I’ll like to see him try that shit with me,
I’ll hoot him upside down, then he know!” The doctor later requested
that his name not be published.

We also interviewed some passerby’s for their opinion regarding this
issue. The first one, Hee Poh Krit vehemently denounced veritas’s
actions, saying that his shenanigans makes it harder for “legitimate
people suffering from anxiety to get benzodiazepines”. He refused to
comment further when asked whether he’s on benzodiazepine therapy, only
saying, “I take these things strictly according to the doctor’s
instructions coz I would feel bad otherwise”, in a high and mighty,
self righteous tone before hurrying away.

The next civilian, called Koh Pee Kat also condemned the activities,
though he ended his statement by saying, “Er…actually, I only know
that there’s a cheaper alternative to 5 zai (the local slang for black
market Erimin 5, a tablet containing the benzodiazepine nimetazepam)
after reading and I dunno a benzo from a
banzai before being enlightened and I now use his techniques to doctor
shop. I don’t want to give him credit coz he’s my competition now. Even
though you can say he’s my guru.”, he added, hanging his head.

drk roche 2
Roche brand name 2 mg Rivotril tablets.

Another bystander, when asked for his opinion, merely said “Har? Lu kong hamik? Wa beh hiaw tiah ang moh.”

We finally managed to get hold of veritas and he only had this to
say: “Eh, help me keep track of my perma scripts okay? Dr Y (C) for 2
mg clonazepam and 2 mg lorazepam daily, refill every Saturday, Dr N (S)
for 30 mg phenobarbital and 10 mg diazepam daily, refills every other
Sunday and Dr K (K) for 2 mg clonazepam and 10 mg diazepam daily, go
for refills every alternate Saturday. Got it? Oh, and if I forget,
remind me first letter is the name of the doctor and second letter is
for the area. Thanks! Appreciate your help!”

When asked whether he knew that possessing multiple scripts is
illegal, he literally disappeared, leaving nothing but a person bearing
a remarkable resemblance to him who insists he’s not veritas but “Huai
Bin” and when asked about veritas, said “Who the hell is he and why
should we care for him?” before making a quick exit.

We do not know where or when the elusive veritas will resurface again, but we can be sure of one thing – he will strike again.

– news

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