Lighting Reaction XTREME – This time it’s serious, only the fastest finger is safe!

lightning reaction xtreme

Lighting Reaction XTREME is the “Latest, greatest shock product” and comes with wonderfully hyperbolic taglines like Dueling for the 21st Century
and my personal favorite “red to green, get ready to scream”. Lightning
Reaction is basically a reflex based drinking game with an electric
shock delivered to the slower (or more intoxicated) players.

lightning reaction xtreme game

The Lightning Reaction XTREME contraption can accommodate up to four
(4) players with a minimum of two (2) players. It looks fairly benign
but with fresh batteries, it can deliver a rather pleasant shock. It
won’t kill you, and some of the more sado masochistic ones amongst us
just shock ourselves for fun. It seriously feels good – especially when
you hold more than one of the handles and let it shock you (it kinda
“sticks” to you while the electric shock is delivered, much like how a
real shock “grips” you).

lightning reaction xtreme start

Lightning Reaction XTREME has cords extending out to four handles
with a grip and a red “trigger” on each one. There are two variations
of the game – Lightning Reaction and Lightning Reaction XTREME.
The huge button in the middle is depressed to start the game and it
starts flashing red for a random number of seconds before turning
green. The fastest person to press the trigger on their respective
handles wins in Lightning Reaction XTREME and all the others gets a
shock (and has to drink) while only the slowest player to react gets
shocked and has to drink in Lightning Reaction Regular Mode.

There’s no way to cheat coz pressing the trigger prematurely (before
the flashing red light with accompanying sound effects turns green) is
a foul and that person gets shocked and has to drink.

It’s a great drinking game!

lighting game

Download: Lightning Reaction XTREME []

The movie shows Cherie, Huai Bin (me), Shin and Hope playing the game with Jimmy bringing beer and stout for the drinking game. You just gotta love the horror movie suspense sound effects…

Lightning Reaction – If you snooze you looze!

Happy New Year 2006 everyone! Party hard and party safe!


Nike “Play To Win” football vending machine

nike football vending machine

I have to say, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a football
vending machine…this is the Nike “Play To Win” football vending
machine in front of Sungei Wang Plaza. I’ve seen the Nike commercials
on TV – the Play To Win series of ads. The most memorable one was the
forest scene with a guy playing solo football (or soccer, if you like)
where he scores and the wind going through the tree leaves sounds like
stadium applause and it ends with the tagline – “Play To Win”.

nike football vending machine RM45

These are the exact same footballs from that commercial. It’s the
Nike Total 90 Swift soccer ball series and the vending machine has
about 20 of the footballs going for RM 45 each. There’s a slot for
inserting RM 1 to RM 10 denominations and presumably, a football will
drop down from the vending machine into the flip up receptacle at the
bottom. I didn’t have a spare RM 45 to find out, but I would project
that as the likely scenario, since it’s a vending machine.

I got a HP iPAQ hx4700 just now for RM 2,300. The retail price was
RM 2,488 and I probably could have brought the price lower, but I was
in a good mood, the shop has just opened – it was the first sale of the
day for the commission based attendant. She was happy about it,
probably made her day, so I didn’t mind. Passing it on and all that. πŸ˜‰

It has begun…again…

sega2 banner

It has returned…just when I thought it was gone for good, it came back. It came back from the dead…

sega2 walls

The Sega2 Mini Video Games promotional tie in with McDonald’s is on
again, I bought and reviewed the whole first series with the exception
of one, and I knew about this promo too late…the first one is sold

sega2 display

I managed to get the two that were available, and the store manager
told me she has one of the first sold out ones, and I offered her RM 50
for a mint condition one. She told me to wait 15 minutes and got her
brother to send it to McDonalds. It didn’t have the packaging though,
so I said I’ll give her RM 30, and she accepted.

Three down, three to go. I’ll do a whole review just like last time
(the first Sega promo is in the Best of archives),
starting Monday.

cheap shiraz

I got a cheap bottle of Shiraz Cabernet from the change. Hey, she
said it was in mint condition and it didn’t even come with the spiffy
box and manual. :p She was happy with the deal too, and so am I.
Packaging or no packaging, I’m determined to have a complete set this


What is the significance of this? Read on…

I just came back from dinner at Malaysia Garden
[] with Jimmy. He’s going back to Singapore for good on
Wednesday. We had the “Menu C” banquet and whoa, there really was a lot
of food, much more than we could finish. The first dish was a soup, and
then there was a platter with satay, curry puffs, spring rolls and drum
sticks and then came a large fried rice with a dish of chili prawn and
another of sweet and sour chicken. After that, there was another
large plate of fried rice and a plate of veggies and another of beef
with cashew nuts. We couldn’t finish the second wave of food and we
barely touched it. There was still dessert to go, it was ice cream with
rambutans. It was good, but the portions were too generous. It was
A$23.50 per person though.

Anyway, we were feeling rather lucky after that so we stopped by
Lunico Hotel, which is just beside Malaysia Garden and played the poker
machines for a while. Both of us have never stepped into a pokies joint
here, so we were basically just playing for fun. I changed an A$20 note
into coins and just slipped them into a pokies machined called
Cleopatra or some other Egyptian themed machine.

There I was, pushing the buttons periodically when suddenly the
pictures aligned up just right and this happy sounding music started
playing and the “Credits Won” counter kept on incrementing. It went on
and on, I expected it to stop soon, but it was just out of control! =D
It went past 500 credits, went past 1000 credits, went past 2000
credits and it was showing no signs of stopping. Too bad this is a 5 c
per game machine (A$1 gives you 20 credits) so the number doesn’t
actually reflect the amount in dollars. Heh. Anyway, I won about A$164
from that spin alone. There really is something to “beginners luck” eh?
This is my first time on the pokies and I was racking in more than the
regulars who’s practically stuck on the chairs.

Anyway, I took out A$120 and used the rest to play some more. Why
A$120? Well, my bankroll was A$20 and I wanted to win a nice whole
number, thus A$100. I used up the rest pretty quickly though, it’s hard
to win on pokies, I just had a lucky spin. Anyway, A$100 is a good,
round number so I’m pretty happy. πŸ™‚

P/S – It just hit me that I’m gambling on a Sunday. Oh, how I’ve
sunken into the pits of depravity. Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned,
but thank you for the bounty anyway. πŸ˜‰

Australian Open 2003

Daniela Hantuchova…mmm

Daniela Hantuchova is delicious! I watched her play today because
Anna Kournikova’s match was held in Rod Laver Arena and the tickets to
those has sold out ages ago. Thus, I went to Margaret Court Arena
instead and watched two matches: Denisa Chladkova (CZE) vs. Alexandra
Stevenson (USA) and Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) vs. Adriana Serra Zanetti
(ITA). I was there at 9 am so I managed to get a good seat.

Denisa Chladkova (CZE) vs. Alexandra Stevenson (USA)

When I arrived at Margaret Court Arena, Denisa Chladkova was already
practicing with a couple of other people at that time. The match was
supposed to start at 10 am and she changed and came back in again at 10
am. She wore a blue outfit and has a seemingly endless amount of new
rackets. I saw her change her racket mid-game. Alexandra Stevenson on
the other hand was wearing a bright pink ensemble. She was wearing that
under a tracksuit while practicing and she got a few catcalls when she
took off her tracksuit. I admit, she does look pretty good in pink. πŸ˜‰

Alexandra Stevenson fixing her racket

Denisa Chladkova stretching

Alexandra Stevenson is the 15th seed but I was rooting for Denisa
Chladkova coz I like her on-court personality. I don’t know how high
Denisa Chladkova is ranked but usually it’s a higher ranked player
(Alexandra Stevenson) against a lower ranked one.

Denisa Chladkova in action

Alexandra Stevenson in action

Anyway, the match didn’t start out well for Alexandra Stevenson,
Denisa Chladkova defeated her 6-2 in the first set and 6-2 again in the
second. It caused Alexandra Stevenson so much frustration that she
uttered some choice quotes during the match:

(heard after missing a ball)

No!!! This is so ridiculous!!!
(heard after hitting an out ball)

It wasn’t even ON THE LINE! It was OUT!
(heard after the umpire’s decision that Denisa Chladkova’s ball was in)

A very high strung individual if I ever saw one. πŸ™‚ Anyway,
Alexandra Stevenson walked off immediately after losing the match, and
Denisa Chladkova stayed a while to sign autographs.

Alexandra Stevenson going off after the losing the match

Interesting notes about this match:
Denisa Chladkova has a stash pocket in her skirt that allows her to store an unlimited amount of tennis balls, or so it seems.

Winner: Denisa Chladkova in two sets (6-2) (6-2)

Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) vs. Adriana Serra Zanetti (ITA)

The next match was the one I wanted to see, Daniela Hantuchova vs.
Adriana Serra Zanetti. Daniela Hantuchova is the ranked number 7th and
you probably know her anyway since she has a large fan base as well.

Daniela Hantuchova walking into the court

Look at those legs

Famed for her long legs, she was wearing a pink skirt/short combo
and a sleeveless white top. Adriana Serra Zanetti was wearing a white
skirt and top. It’s worthy to note that the court was full for this
match and there were people watching from the top of Rod Laver Arena as
well. Daniela Hantuchova is popular with the crowd so that’s not a

Adriana Serra Zanetti in action

Anyway, it must be hard for Adriana Serra Zanetti because she didn’t
get much cheers from the crowd while everyone cheers loudly whenever
Daniela Hantuchova got a point. There were constant chants of “Go
Daniela” as well. A further demoralizing point is that all the cameras
were pointed at Daniela Hantuchova almost all the time.

Daniela Hantuchova resting during a break

The match was very exiting though. It wasn’t an easy win for Daniela
Hantuchova, she was worked VERY hard by Adriana Serra Zanetti. The
first set was close…it went to 7-6 (6). The next set was even closer.
Daniela Hantuchova came back from a 4 game deficit to pull the game
into a tiebreaker. Man, was that tiebreaker exciting.

Daniela Hantuchova ready for action

It went well for Daniela Hantuchova at first, but Adriana Serra
Zanetti gave her a serious run for her money and it went back and forth
many times at game point. I don’t watch much tennis, but that had me on
the edge of my seat, biting my nails or whatever clichΓ© you like.

Daniela Hantuchova making a serve

It wasn’t much fun for Daniela Hantuchova, she threw her racket on
the court in frustration two times after missing two crucial chances to
take the set. Unfortunately, I missed her doing it both times coz my
digicam’s battery was low at that point and I couldn’t turn it on fast
enough to take a photo of her doing that. However, after this back and
forth excitement, she finally took the match. Before that, there was
already a queue to get her autograph and I was near the front so I was
crushed a bit in my attempt to take a close up photo of her. Good game,
I really enjoyed this match.

Daniela Hantuchova in action

Interesting notes about this match:
Daniela Hantuchova has a pretty big bruise on her left thigh.

Winner: Daniela Hantuchova in two sets 7/6(6) 7/6(3).

Anyway, I walked around and watched a couple of matches at the other
courts before heading home. I saw on the big screen TV that Anna
Kournikova lost 6-0 6-1.

The central court

There were several other stuff happening around the central court
too, a lot of tennis related games and other interactive stuff.

Interactive Zone

Oh, and I got really badly sun burnt today. My face and arms are
red, itchy and peeling and it hurts when I touch it. I thought I didn’t
need any sun screen coz today’s forecast was going to be 23 degrees
max. Unfortunately, I’ve learnt that it doesn’t need to be hot to get
sun burnt and also that it is very easy to get badly sun burnt in
Australia. And there I was, thinking “haha pussies” at all those people
putting sun screen while watching the match. πŸ™‚

P/S – Don’t forget to click on the Picture of the Day (PoTD) at the
right hand side menu for one of the better photos I took of Daniela
Hantuchova today.

Renewal MMORPG

I got this from Daniel:



Thanks buddy! It’s a MMORPG public beta test he got from Singapore.
There is a User Guide and an Installation CD, and I bet it would be pure fun to
play on a server in Singapore on a 56 kbps modem (I’m still on dial-up
in Sibu) which usually only produces around 28.8 kbps at the best of
times. It sure would be interesting to try. πŸ™‚

The game of snooker


I went to 1 cue (a local snooker center) with a friend
tonight to play a couple of games. I haven’t touched a cue in 2 years,
so it’s good to play again. This was the snooker center we used to
frequent back in the days, the tables are relatively good and the air
conditioning is cold so it was a favourite haunt of ours back in the
days. Unfortunately, my snooker skillz have atrophied during my two
years of non-practise. I managed to hold my own, but lost both games.
πŸ™‚ I really liked this placing though:



The need for speed!

I felt the need for speed today. Oh yeah, I did indeed. πŸ™‚ I went Go Karting with a couple of my buddies today at Go KartSport Racing [] at Moorabbin.

Go KartSport Racing

This is an indoor stadium at Chesterville Road, and it’s actually a
pretty big venue. It takes up one city block by itself and there is
ample parking at the back. The place looks good too, very cool decor.
The front entrance is made of glass and the race track is visible from
the front. The stairs are all metal and looks very industrial.


Very nice place indeed. Anyway, there was a total of 10 people in
our group, so we went for the Formula 1 style 2-race format, with a 10
lap qualifying session and a 15 lap main race. The 15 lap main race is
from a standing start, with the fastest qualifier at pole position.
Anyway, we suited up and put on the balaclavas and helmets.

That is me.

There was a short briefing about the kart’s capabilities and the
flags and then we’re off for the qualifier. I was the 6th in line, and
the first lap was done in order of starting position for the
computerized timing system to log each kart. I quickly got the hang of
things and started banking and drifting in the second lap to try and
catch up with the first few. Lucky for me, two karts in front of me
collided and I managed to nip past them.

Team Red (Left: Fu Liang Right: Huai Bin (me))

I passed the next guy by driving aggressively, basically staying on
his tail and harassing him coz the track was too tight to pass at that
point. I got my chance when he slowed down to make a turn. I stepped
hard on the accelerator and skidded past him. Woo hoo. Two more to go.
The next one was passed by an impressive (if I say so myself) but
rather reckless squeeze at a hairpin curve. Unfortunately, I couldn’t
catch up with the race leader and got 2nd in the qualifier. My fastest
lap time was 42.44 seconds vs Jun Kae’s 39.23 seconds, according to the
print outs.

Fraternizing with the enemy (Left: Huai Bin (me) Middle: Adrian Right: Fariz)

There was 20 minute break after that before the main race, and I was
determined to shave several seconds off my lap time and get pole
position next round. πŸ™‚ I grabbed a Gatorade Frost and sat there
watching another group race. This wasn’t a good idea though, because I
hadn’t had anything to eat the whole day. True enough, I was hit with
really bad gastric pains before the main race started.

Cafe Go, with the dastardly Gatorade Frost

But I’m not going to blame that for my performance though. No, my
dismal performance in the main race was due to a mistake at the start
of the race. We suited up again and did a practice lap before being
lined up according to the qualifier results. I was in second place and
watched the 10 red lights start counting down, two by two. The green
lights came on and I was off.

This is me inside the kart. Number 5 is an auspicious number. Don’t ask why, it just is.

I chased down the first kart down and tried to pass him at the first
curve. I was accelerating the hardest I could, true pedal to the metal
and I didn’t want to brake earlier than he did. He braked, and I waited
3 seconds before applying my own, intending to step hard on the brake,
steer hard against the curve and drift straight out of the curve. I’m a
big fan of drift racing after watching Initial D. Unfortunately, I lost
control and spun 360 degrees and watched 6 (SIX!!!!!) karts pass me by
before I righted myself.

Mint go karts on display, with prominent Do Not Touch signs.

Damn it, now I really have to race hard to even get into top 3. I
immediately started going at it hardcore, and rammed into another kart
in an effort to pass him (further slowing me down, grr…). I got a
warning flag for that. I managed to pass one dude by taking the
disadvantageous outer line while going into a curve and another by
squeezing thru a crack, leaving only 1 mm between our karts. Okay,
perhaps there is some embellishment, but it sure was close. πŸ™‚ Anyway,
I was still in 6th place at that point and there was this guy trying to
pass me by already.

The start track

I (rather unsportingly) drove erratically to avoid him passing me
and tried to pass another guy myself. I nearly pulled it off, but it
resulted in another mini collision. I managed to compensate faster and
I was off again, in 5th place and 2 more laps to go. I really had to go
fast to catch up with the front 4 karts so I didn’t even use the brake,
which made for some really uncomfortable moments where I didn’t crash
only by the grace of God. πŸ™‚ The grace of the almighty one is not
endless though, for I crashed into the barrier later, dashing any hopes
of ever catching up. I thought I was out of the race, coz I already had
two warnings, but the track monitor let it pass. There wasn’t enough
time to catch up with the front 4 karts, although I did try and nearly
passed one near the finish line. Didn’t happen though.

The track, as viewed from above at the cafe

Oh well, I blame it all on that mistake at the first lap. Grr… πŸ™‚
I did improve my lap times though, I clocked in 38.13 on the fastest
lap and reached a max speed of 43.95 km/h. It was hard to drive faster
than that coz the lap is really loopy, not many straight runs. Anyway,
it was a fun day and Fu Liang produced a cake for Adrian at the end of
the session for his (belated) birthday.

Adrian with his birthday cake.

I just realized that we never did take a group photo. Anyway, the list of attendees are:

Huai Bin
Jun Kae
Sie Wong
Chuck Fong
Chuan Loon
Chuck Yong
Fu Liang

Those were the names from the results printouts. Apologies if I got anyone’s name wrong.


I went out for some Counter-Strike [] action with Chung
Hang and Johnny tonight. It seems that the game has lost much of it’s luster for me. I have
logged countless hours over this game and perhaps it’s time for me to move on. I’ll still play
every once in a while, but the game has lost much of it’s appeal to me. Oh well. Anyway, we
headed to the coffee shop beside the network gaming center for some food after our session and I
had some kampua mee. I love this stuff, and it can’t be found authentically outside of Sibu, so
I guess I’ll better eat up before I head back to Melbourne.

Which reminds me, the exam results for Monash University [] is coming out on the 18th
of July. That’s just one and a half days away from today. I’m not looking forward to the results
at all, because I know I’m gonna fail at least two subjects. Booyah.

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