Heroin Chic

heroin chic

I have found a girl who’s got the heroin chic (or is it called meth chic now?) look down pat. Rail thin with the melancholic look that I’m a sucker for.

heroin chic girl

Like this. I took this photo as she was washing my hair. I wish I could say that I found her in an alley but she was my hairdresser.

Getting a hair wash and massage is a lot like having sex…when it’s good, it’s great! πŸ˜‰


The girls from China fiasco

kch china girls flash

I was in Parkson with my friends X and Y (names changed to protect
the guilty ;)) when we saw this group of girls sitting at Giant. I took
a photo and unfortunately, the flash went off…

kch china girls away

The girls looked at me and I smiled at them and shrugged and when I
took the second shot (without flash – better skin tone), they giggled
and turned away. One of them jokingly said to the other girl that I was
interested in her. Nothing of that sort, of course, I just like street

Anyway, by sheer coincidence, we bumped into them again, this time
upstairs. I approached them and got them to pose for a photo. I’m not a
big fan of posed photos, I much prefer candid shots of people doing
what they do. I asked them where they were from, and they said they
were from the Guangzhou province of The People’s Republic of China.

kch china girls next

Well, after that, one of the girls asked if they could have a copy
of the photos. I said sure, and gave them my number. X and Y, who were
standing at the sidelines (they’re kinda embarrassed when I pull shit
like this ;)) was harassing me to get their numbers. They were
interested in the girls, but I wasn’t, but hey, they are my friends, so
I got their numbers.

I also took a photo with them, got Y to take the photos. X was the
most interested party and I gave him the number and he got Y to call
the girl. I’m not interested in anything beyond this point, I just like
to take photos and that’s it. It’s for the XX Chromosomes category,
see. πŸ˜‰

kch china girls me

Well, Y called up the girl and the girls asked us to take them to
another shopping center and walk around with them. I’m not falling for
that shit, so I said I’m going to bail, but X insisted that I stay
around a bit. Well, I told X that I’ll just stay till the duration it
took to get me home, and the girls talked to us a bit.

Classic dodgy stuff, standard modus operandi, but X was interested,
so hey, wtf, I talked to them until I got home. X and Y later went out
with the girls to the shopping center, and later that night, they
called me and told me about what happened. It’s the characteristic ruse
that these girls pull; I know coz I asked them about their line of work
and why they’re here while in the car. I laughed so much I was in tears.

Somehow, “I told you so”, just wasn’t quite enough. πŸ˜‰

New Bugles Chips Sampler

new bugles girl

This is the promoter giving out free samplers of the new line of
Bugles chips (or crisps, depending on which country you come from). She
was very insistent on giving us every flavor – off the top of my head
there were classic, BBQ and corn.


It’s all packaged nicely in a Bugles custom made cone. This was at
Berjaya Times Square. I love these things – these custom samplers.

G2000 image consultant

g2000 consultant

Meet my image consultant. πŸ˜‰ I went to get a new suit after work
yesterday, just went opposite to Tun Jugah and went into G2000 for the

g2000 consultant me

I had different opinions on the tie and the shirt color, but after
her explanation, I acceded to her advice. There’s a very important
meeting later today, and I need to be properly attired for it.

I think I spent more on clothes this month than the whole of last
year combined. I guess that says a lot about how much I allocate to my
attire budget…which is not much at all. πŸ˜‰

Maxis MMS Road Show (girls)


Here are the photos of the Maxis MMS Road Show. Okay, the girls of
the Maxis MMS Roadshow anyway. πŸ˜‰ We went to see Shetland ponies and
found out that the event was over, but all is not lost coz I got some
photos of the Maxis girls and also the Movado fashion show at Lot 10
instead. Here’s the Maxis MMS roadshow, and to put up some semblance
that I was taking photos of the roadshow instead of the girls, here’s a
shot of the booths ;):


There were four Maxis girls there, but I could only take photos of
two of them before we had to go to the Movado fashion parade. This is
Girl #1:


This is Girl #2, which we all agreed was the best looking of all 4.


My apologies if there is any perceived objectification of women,
that is not intended and this is not the direction sixthseal.com is
heading. Daniel was complaining about the lack of girls and you know
how I like to please my readers, so here is the first batch. The Movado
photo shoot has good looking guys and girls so if you want to see
those, leave a comment (it would take a long time to post and I need
motivation :p). BTW, I swear one of the models looked familiar, somehow
I associate her as one of Stephanie’s friends and she used to keep a
blog too? Anyway, I’m sorry I can’t reply the comments now, I have to
rush off to Chilli’s (BSC) soon because my paycheck just cleared so
dinner’s on me.

Kempen Kerjaya PDRM @ Bukit Bintang


I’ve never seen so much police at the same place at the same time.
There was road block at Jalan Bukit Bintang and I thought there was a
major raid or something on a drug safe house at Jalan Alor or something
(considering the armored vehicles and the major police presence) but it
was a procession of some sort. I was there at around 3:30 pm and it was
called Kempen Kerjaya PDRM which I would transalate as PDRM’s (Polis
Di-Raja Malaysia – Malaysian Royal Police) Campaign of Success. It was
organized by MCA, I think. Here are the photos:


Armored police vehicles. If you find one of these outside your front gate, well…you must have done something very naughty.


This red troop carrier with a mounted battering ram is particularly
puzzling. To the left are police armed with dangerous clarinets,
trumpets and saxophones.


I was overwhelmed by the sonic assault.


K9 units – My apologies for the blurry photo from behind, I used my
8X optical zoom and stayed my distance coz I’m…uh, scared of dogs.
Especially trained ones. *cough*


The big wigs sitting on the stage. I think the one in the middle is someone important in MCA.


They’re looking at something…


This is it.


A bunch of police cadets milling about…


Group photo of the female police cadets…couldn’t get everyone in the shot though. How’s the forth one from the left? πŸ˜‰


Okay, this one is for the guys – a closer look at Girl #4.

Digi MMS Roadshow Performance 2003 @ KL Plaza


There was a Digi MMS Roadshow event going on at KL Plaza last week.
I happened to be there because I wanted to get a new SIM card. I
managed to catch the 7:10 pm dance performance on the outdoor stage at
7:10 pm. It was a roadshow to promote Multimedia Messaging Service
(MMS) capabilities, organized by Digi. Here’s the photos of the
performance on the 29th of August 2003:








The event has a Hitz FM DJ (didn’t catch his name, don’t listen to
radio) and an assistant giving out free showbags. I still remember the
starting phrase he made “I hope you enjoyed that performance…it seems
like one of the girls had a little too much to eat for dinner though.”
Even though it was made in jest, that girl looked plenty pissed when
she walked off stage, too bad I was taking a photos of the crowd so I
didn’t get that.


He said I probably only wanted a photo of his assistant. Heh.

Anyway, the DJ asked the crowd who wanted a showbag and no one said
anything or moved so I said I’ll have one since I was just in front of
the stage taking photos while the others were standing a respectful
distance behind. πŸ˜‰ I got the DJ and his assistant to pose for me while
I was at it too. Anyway, they just gave it to me but the other people
who came up after me had to answer questions or do stuff.


I didn’t stay on to see what happened after that, but here’s the contents of the show bag:

1 x Digi travelling bag
1 x Digi metal coin container (piggy bank?)
1 x Digi pen with neck strap
1 x Digi MMS promotional brochure

Here’s a photo for reading till the end:


KL Plaza @ 7:10 pm, 29th August 2003


Yeah, I was at the Digi MMS Roadshow. More photos tomorrow, I’m too
tired today…was at the office until 6:30 pm and I only got back at
9:45 pm…Merdeka Day tomorrow = lots of roads blocked and traffic jams
= taxis charging RM 20 just to send me back. I have to go to work again
tomorrow, got some bits of work to finish to help out the Hotlink team.
I will try to reply as many comments as I can before I fall asleep.
There will be a MASSIVE update tomorrow, with posts from both me and
veritas, but don’t go refreshing, it’s only going to be up after
midnight, my host changed their policy, I’m paying for bandwidth
through my ears…biggest referrers are of course Erowid (the bible for
recreational drug users ;)) and Google, sending in around 5000 uniques
each month.

Oh right, my new cell number is 016 204 6669. I’m not using the 016
303 1371 anymore. I wanted 6666 actually, that’s easier to remember,
but of course a number like that would be snapped up early. I was
wondering whether to take 6660 or 6669 and settled for the later. It’s
not that hard to remember, only three digits – 204 and just think
SIXTHseal.com and you’ve got 666 and then a 9, think of it as 69 if you
want. :p A policeman won’t come walking upside down. I’m so unfunny, I
kill myself sometimes.

My active cell phone numbers – 016 869 0110 (Sibu, Sarawak) and 016 204
6669 (KL). Please don’t call the other one, I’m not using that anymore.

I will register a new domain and get hosting for veritas posts and
move all of the drug posts there, that attracts the most visitors. That
would work out to be much cheaper. I’m approaching 10 GB bandwidth this
month, please don’t make it 11 GB or God forbid, 12 GB. I pay US$ 5 for
each GB you know. This is not a free site. I’m sorry for having to say
this, but there’s just two more days, please exercise judicious use of
the F5 key. Thanks! πŸ™‚

Any suggestions for a good domain name? veritas.com is taken by a
huge software company, that’s not an option. I want a fast server, not
one of those slow assed hosting companies who chuck hundreds of site
together. My host is fast, I may open another account for them, but
their bandwidth charges…alamak. I need about 500 MB of space and 1 GB
of bandwidth. Any good hosts (reliable, no less than 99.9% downtime) to

Miss Malaysian Chinese (Borneo Cultural Festival, Sibu) – Miss Photogenic photo shoot


I headed down to Rejang Esplanade for this early this morning. It
was supposed to be at 8 am but I forgot that Sibu is running at GMT + 9
(+1 is Tardy Savings Time) instead of GMT + 8 like the rest of
Malaysia. πŸ™‚ The photographers and subjects (12 girls – finalists of a
local pageant) only started trickling in when it was nearly 9 am. This
is supposed to serve the dual function of providing photos for the Miss
Photogenic judges and a photography contest. There is no charge unless
you want to enter the contest (RM 10) but that requires negatives +
prints so digicams would not qualify. I think I managed to get shots of
all the girls before my battery ran out. I had to use fast flash in a
lot of the photos due to a strong backlight (the sun). To tell you the
truth, it became hard to differentiate which ones I’ve taken and which
ones I haven’t – it didn’t help that most of them were wearing similar
colored outfits so I had to go “red w/ black spots – done”, “red w/ boa
– done” etc etc. It was fun nevertheless – there was a low photographer
to subject ratio so you could get a lot of one on one time with the
candidates, it’s pretty versatile. Anyway, here are the shots from

Girl #1



Girl #2



Girl #3



Girl #4



Girl #5




Girl #6



Girl #7



Girl #8



Girl #9



Girl #10



Girl #11



Girl #12


Couples #1


Couples #2


Couples #3


Candid #1


Candid #2


This is going to be a bandwidth killer.

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