Gum from primary school


Anyone remember these things? I remember them from primary school,
used to get them for 10 cents each from that small sweet shop right
outside the school gates. πŸ™‚ Well, they go for 20 cents at some Asian
groceries here (5 for A$1), what nostalgia it brings to see these
things again. I used to eat them one by one but it seems I needed all
four now to produce a chewable wad.

I noticed a spike in traffic these couple of days and found out that it was coming from this Bluelight thread: Nurofen plus myth
[]. Welcome Bluelighters! I didn’t make that post, but I do
browse the forums once in a while. Bluelight is a harm reduction forum.


On a kinda similar note, my mini Easter egg (if you can even call it
that…) made it into the live WIER site. That’s the project management
site I was working on for Industrial Experience for the past year. IE
students are using the updated site starting this semester. I was doing
the student side help screenshots and had two that basically said “I’ve
uploaded the test user interface at
Can everyone go there and give me some input regarding the user
friendliness etc? Thanks!” for the Group Discussion Forums help. Heh.
It’s not much, but I couldn’t resist, and anyone who actually bothered
to type in that URL will see this page: WIER []. Bit of harmless publicity going on there. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, there was a couple of problems with my Network
Administration subject which marks were withheld last semester but I
just worked things out today, so that’s a bit of good news. I’ve gotta
work hard tonight though, so that’s it from me.

Link of the day: Malaysian ‘curiosities’ join the library collection [].

Look at the second picture showing the woman smoking a cigarette and looking very sak. Priceless.



Why do people crave bananas when they’re feeling depressed? My
theory is (I have a theory for just about anything, just ask me), it’s
because bananas naturally contain tryptophan. That is a precursor for
5HTP, which you can also get in capsule form in some health food shops.
No one I know takes 5HTP for anything other preloading or postloading
(softening the comedown from Ecstasy (MDMA)) though. Well, we all know
that serotonin is 5HT2 and 5HTP is a precursor of 5HT2 (serotonin).
This information is all available somewhere if you search for it. Thus,
if we follow this logic and we assume that the body does readily
convert tryptophan -> 5HTP -> 5HT2 (serotonin), then bananas
(which contains tryptophan) is a natural anti-depressant. Serotonin is
naturally produced in your brain and is what actually makes you happy
(to put it in simple terms). And that’s why some people crave bananas
when they’re depressed and that’s why I reached into the fruit bowl
when I went for lunch today. There you have it. I think…:)

Hmm…I’ve always found the word ‘banana’ slightly amusing. Guess my mind never did graduate from primary school.

Melbourne Moomba Waterfest

I went to Moomba with a couple of my friends on Saturday night.
Moomba is an annual festival and the word is from an Aboriginal word
which means “getting together and having fun” and it lasts a week.
There are concerts, street parades, waterskiing competitions but we
just went to the carnival and fireworks show.

The place was totally packed by the time we got there, which was
slightly after 9 pm. I had to apply contrast, gamma correction and
sharpen liberally to some of the pictures coz my battery was low and I
could not use flash all the time.

The east bank was full of people since it’s the best place for
watching the fireworks show. The boats you see in the middle of the
river are the barges they let the fireworks off from. The west bank had
trees and lamp posts that obscure the vision slightly, so it’s not that

Well, there were so many people there that it’s hard to even walk at a reasonable pace!

The barge they’re letting fireworks off from

We watched the fireworks, which was okay, but Christopher said that
it wasn’t as impressive as the one our “Au Yong Contingent” produced
this year. Heh. We both live around the Au Yong Road region back in

Anyway, it was good for me to watch the fireworks since I came back
early this year. I didn’t get to spend Chinese New Year in Sibu coz of
my summer subject and IE. I failed my summer subject, which makes it a
fucking waste, but let’s not talk about that. πŸ™‚

The finale, taken with flash

Well, the atmosphere was pretty good, lots of smoke and that that
fireworks smell which is associated with Chinese New Year in my mind.
It lasted probably 20 minutes, and then we walked around for a bit.

The finale, taken without flash

A couple of us went on the Ranger, it’s that ride that goes 360 degrees.

The Ranger

I was planning to bring my digicam on it and take a photo while it
was upside down but hmm…it’s a good thing I didn’t coz even though
technically you know the centrifugal forces will hold you down, there
is a strong psychological urge to hold onto the bar anyway.

Me in front of the Moomba directions signboard

Anyway, there were a couple of other rides there:

Dodgem bumper cars.

A ferris wheel behind the carnival stalls.

Some kind of swing which “allow your to defy gravity for 4 minutes”.
It’s kinda like a cross between a huge trampoline and a reverse bungee.

The Thunderbolt! A mini roller coaster.

Some kind of spinning thingy which will make you throw up so I didn’t get on it, considering we just had a huge dinner before.

The Scorpion. Another mini roller coaster ride.

This is us – the bunch of high school friends from Methodist High School, Sibu who’re in Melbourne

From left: Chuck Yong, Adrian, Karen, Ung Hing, Huai Bin (me), Chuck Fong.
Not everyone was in the picture.

Moomba is fun!

Karen’s Birthday @ Dion


Happy birthday Karen! It was Karen’s birthday today so we got her a
cake and decided to go for some Greek food. We actually planned to go
to Antipodes but Dion
[] was just two doors down and we haven’t eaten
there before. The Dion PR guy standing outside saw us standing in
between and contemplating which one to go to and immediately approached
us and invited us inside. He said Dion is an award winning restaurant
and we won’t be disappointed. Heh. Alright, dude.


Going off on a different tangent it seems that a lot of restaurants
here have PR people (promoters?) standing outside trying to pull
customers in but I don’t see that a lot back home in Malaysia.
Interesting. Oh, I bumped into one of my old college friend while in
the city today. It was good to see him again, haven’t seen him around
for a while.


Anyway Dion has a really nice ambience, the lighting was great and
it’s a very popular place to eat. It was empty when we went there early
but it soon filled up to capacity. There were only two waiters and two
waitresses and but the service was still good.

Karen (the birthday girl) with Ung Hing her bf

Oh, guess what I had today? Ouzo! [] πŸ™‚

I had wanted to try that ever since I saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
They were drinking shooters of it during one scene and it looked so
tempting. I didn’t actually know what it was called, so I asked our
waitress whether she has watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Haha! Well,
she smiled and said yes so I asked her what that shooter they were
drinking is called.

God’s gift to mankind

It wasn’t on the menu, but they had it (it was a Greek restaurant
and even the waiters and waitresses are Greek). Anyway, I ordered two
of those and downed them. It’s really, really amazingly tasty! There is
a strong smell and taste of liquorish and it’s very sweet and has a
very satisfying aftertaste. Very, very nice, if you ever see it around,
do yourself a favor and have one of these things. It’s so tasty it
ought to be illegal! πŸ™‚


I could drink these things all day, but they cost A$6 each, which
wouldn’t be expensive normally, but I’m running short this month due to
having to replace most of my computer about a week ago. Delicious,
delicious stuff. Devine! I reckon you can get it at Greek bottle shops
too, there’s one in Clayton so I’ll pop in and check someday.

Thien Na showing us how to properly butter a bread. Apparently, just slathering it on top is not considered appropriate

Anyway, I’m digressing so much. Just don’t miss out on having this
if you get the chance. It’s absolutely amazing stuff. Well, four of us
had the dinner banquet and the others had the main meals. The dinner
banquet was really too much for four people, but it sure was


If you can’t read the menu from the picture, I’ve cut and pasted it from the Dion website. The banquet we had was:

MIXED DIPS – Various Dips
DOLMADES – Vine leaves filled with rice and herbs
SAGANAKI – Pan fried graviera cheese, lemon and oregano dressing
LOUKANIKA – Char-grilled Greek sausages
KEFTEDES – Char-grilled Greek style meat rissoles
MIXED SOUVLAKI – Char-grilled lamb and chicken on skewers
OCTAPOTH1 XITHATO – Marinated octopus
FILLETS OF FISH – Fillets of fresh fish
PATATES – Oven baked potatoes
DESSERTS – Exclusively from Medallion Cakes


The dips were the most interesting thing. There was a purple dip, a
pink deep, a bizarre green dip, an orange one and a yellow one. At one
point, I was just eating the dip with a fork just for fun. They look so

Karen eating…

I’ve had heaps of dolmas before so I’m familiar with it. I used to
get it in cans, my lecturer in college is such a big promoter of dolmas
and got us into eating it. It’s good stuff, but the Dion ones beats the
ones of out the cans anyday.


Saganaki was too cheesy, I didn’t really enjoy it, and I think no
one else did too. Loukanika is pretty spicy and that’s good but I was
so full at that time I only ate half. Keftedes wasn’t really anything
special…tasted like meat patties filled with herbs. The grilled lamb
and chicken was my favorite!

One side of the table: (from left) Chuck Fong, Thien Na, Huai Bin (me), Christopher

The other side of the table: (from left) Chuck Fong, Adrian, Chuck Yong, Karen

This is so bizarre. Ung Hing is missing and I don’t remember the seating was this way before.

The marinated octopus was great as well, but I didn’t eat much of
the fish and potatos. I’m more of a meat eater although I like fish,
just not in fillets. The Greek Salad was good as well, but the goat
cheese was a bit too hard. Eh, so I’m a food reviewer now, it seems. πŸ™‚


Okay, now the best thing is the desserts. It comes from Medallion
Cakes, a place three doors down, which serves the best cakes and
desserts in Melbourne. In my opinion anyway! They’re elaborate works of
art that looks almost too good to eat!


Well, Thien Na had to leave after the main course to fetch her bf to
go to Moomba and we got her to carry a lamb kebab with her. We left
soon after to go to Moomba as well, and that’ll be the next post. I
feel sleepy now but I’ll write it if I feel more awake later. It’s
probably going to be tomorrow though. Yeah, it’ll definately have to be
tomorrow. *yawn* Anyway, Dion is a great place, I’ll go again, if only
just for the Ouzo. Heh. It’s at Lonsdale St, I’m sure everyone in
Melbourne knows where it is, since it’s on such a prominent street. Oh,
funny thing was, we forgot to bring the cake out! We left it at Karen’s
house while waiting for her to change. Heh. Happy 22nd Karen!


Did you know? That everyone is this picture was from Methodist High School, Sibu in 1998 πŸ™‚ They’re all my high school friends.

Front bumper. On the sidewalk.


I just came back from Moomba. Saw this while crossing the road on
Swanston Street. There was this police car beside a red car and an
Asian family were talking to the police. The red car seems to be
their’s and apparently someone removed the whole front bumper of their
car and put it by the side of the road on the sidewalk! πŸ™‚ It looked so
funny, so I snapped a photo of it. It’s a pity for the folks it
happened to though. Hmm, there seems to be a higher than usual police
presence in the city, probably due to the Formula 1 and the Moomba
Festival. Well, I’m going to write about Karen’s birthday @ Dion first
and then Moomba so expect those later in the night. Meanwhile, look at
these photos. Not something you see everyday.


Mini Photo Prints

You know how sometimes you only thought of a witty reply after it
has passed? Well, this is kinda like this. This one is from a couple of
days ago when me, Chris, Adrian, and Karen went to get Ung Hing from
the airport.


Saw a couple of thick 747 engineering manuals which you could probably sell to al Qaeda for er…a couple of sheep?

This is gotta go quicker coz I’m sleepy already. I only remember
what happened because the pictures are in order. Took pictures of
random stuff:


Some roadside at the CDB.

Hilton airport. I mean the airport at Hilton. No, I mean the Hilton at the airport.

I’m going to do this like those mini photo prints so you have to squint to see anything.


Waiting at the airport.


People coming out.

Oh no, I’m getting sleepier, I’m going to fall asleep before finishing this.


Had the Big Bloke BK Beef Burger. It’s the one with the
advertisement that goes around asking guys whether they want vegetables
in their burgers. You know what the answer is. This one has no vegies
whatsoever, only meat and hash browns or onion rings as the “vegies”. I
can’t even remember which it was. Uh oh, there goes my memory.

BTW, spell check thinks vegies should be spelled veggies.


This is what I had, also had the Hershey’s Chocolate Pie. Eh, it
seems that I’m going back to my one meal per day schedule nowadays. I
just couldn’t be bothered otherwise. Digression.


At Burger Kings.


The guys in the other direction


Thought you might like a closer look at the Hershey’s Chocolate Pie.


This one should have gone before, it’s all over the place! πŸ™‚

California Dreaming. All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey.
I’ll be for a walk on a winter’s day. I’ll be safe and warm. California
Dreaming. On such a winter’s day! ALL THE LEAVES ARE BROWN! AND THE SKY

Some random guy.

Er…yes, I like that song. It’s one from the 60s I think. By the The
Mama & The Papas I think. Although Hi-Standard did a cover on it in
one of the Fat Wreck Chords albums.

Karen looking pissed.

My Pop the Cop. Don’t know who it’s originally by but it’s covered
by Dickies. Strangely interesting. Even Country Road is covered in
here. Take me home, to the place where I belong. West Virginia.
Oh, I nearly fell asleep
Some random bridge.

Starting to go into Stage 1 sleep…

Last one:

Some random building at night.

I just remembered about this coz the same group plus a couple others
are going out to celebrate Karen’s birthday and head off to Moomba.

Oops…it’s nearly 7 am. Hmm…I don’t think I came across as completely sober…

Failing sucks, eh?


I saw this today while in uni. I just got my summer semester results
today and as I said earlier, I failed and wanted to see if there was
anything I could do to get something like a near pass or faculty pass.
I was worried about failing this and approached the lecturer during the
exam about the possibility of doing some extra credit work just in case
I fail.


Well, the lecturer pretty much said it’s out of her hands. I went to
my course coordinator for help so we’ll see what happens. I hope to get
some consideration regarding this matter as I’m supposed to graduate in
June and my student visa expires then. I like Sylvia (my course
coordinator) as she’s always been very helpful.


Well, I hope we can work something out. I really need to pass this
subject. I’m pretty bummed about this right now. Hoping for a conceded
pass or something. Well, we’ll see how things go. Hmm…I posted
pictures I took of the reps that were at the Clayton
campus this afternoon but talked about something else altogether. My
Industrial Experience is practically over and that should be something
to be happy about but this failing business sure rained on my parade.
Failing sucks. I feel st00pid…

Remorsefulness – spell check says there is such a word


That’s me, taken today as promised. Showing my girlfriend my
remorseful face to apologize for not hearing the cell phone ring
yesterday night. She called me 39 times but I didn’t even hear it! I’ve
never gone into such a deep sleep before. I’m sorry Louisa! I hate it
when that happens too. πŸ™‚ I slept like a dead man yesterday. It was
only for a couple of hours, I was feeling tired so I laid down for a
while and I just totally passed out. I haven’t been sleeping much
lately because I’m finishing up my Industrial Experience stuff. Several
other people called me and I got a couple of SMSs as well but I never
even heard anything. It was the dreamless sleep of the dead. πŸ™‚


It was around 8 pm at that time and I only woke up at around 1 am.
Adrian called me for supper and I must have been in a low sleep stage
then coz I heard the phone ringing this time. What luck, I would have
slept through the night otherwise. I didn’t feel hungry but the Berry
Tornado sure looked good and ice cream is easy to digest. πŸ™‚

Well, there’s another reason for being remorseful. I failed my
summer semester subject by 5 marks. I got 45. Two remorsefulness for
the price of one. How wonderful.

Dexamphetamine thoughts (the ramblings of a tweaker)

What is the best way to avoid coming down? Why, more drugs of
course. πŸ™‚ Instead of popping a couple of clonazepam tablets and go to
sleep, I’ve stayed up and have been going on strong since then. 5 days
and 11 hours with only 4 hours of sleep in between. The first two days
were not drug assisted. I’m still feeling very energized although I
don’t want it to go longer than tonight, because I’m running low on
pills and I want to save up the rest for a rainy day. I’ve had 74 of
the 5 mg tablets in three days. Such fun!

I could work if I wanted to, although after several days without
sleep, it became very hard to do so. I felt very scattered in general.
I usually insufflate one tablet and eat one as a ‘maintenance dose’ to
keep awake. If I want a good buzz, I’ll eat 5 and snort two. That’s not
economical though since I only have 100 tablets and I can’t go back to
the doctor until about a month passes. I could have said a higher dose
last time but I didn’t want to blow it by sounding too ridiculous.

Insufflating tablets. The way I prepare it is to put the pill on a
piece of firm cardboard. This is a one of those scratchable lottery
tickets. I don’t gamble, I just got a couple last time for fun.

Anyway, when I was younger, I used to think that people who say they
can stay up for days or even weeks were bullshitting. It sounded
incredulous then but it’s actually very possible and easy if you want
to do it. With chemical assistance of course. I learnt it the hard way
when I had nearly Β½ gram of meth last year.

Well, I noticed several good and bad points about dexamphetamine.
They give a really good head buzz when you snort them. It’s a rush of
blood to your head and that’s quite pleasurable. However, the high is
harsh and I get easily agitated if I snort it. Eating them produces a
really even high that’s more euphoric and ‘happier’ than snorting which
is strange. Maybe, it’s just me.

Well, another good thing is the extreme weight loss that happens
while you’re tweaking. I talked about this with Huai Bin when we were
in college together. Not sure if I’m allowed to mention it, but he
calls it the Tricyclic Diet because it works in three powerful ways.
Amphetamines suppress appetite so you don’t feel hungry at all. It also
increases your metabolism because it’s a stimulant and that contributes
towards your weight loss. The third one is from the stimulating effects
when you can’t sit still and go out dancing the night away. Exercise.

I lost an unbelievable amount of weight in these few days. My
stomach shrunk noticeably and I think I’ve only eaten once while
tweaking. It saves money too eh? πŸ™‚ No need to pay for food. The
downside is you sometimes get tired if the drug wears off before you
redose. That’s bad, I nearly collapsed while walking yesterday. I
nearly fell asleep in the shower too and I kept on nodding off EVEN

I then fold it in half and use something durable like a dog tag to
crush it. This one was from when I lived at the halls last time while
in college. I find it easier if you press down hard on it first. You
don’t really need to apply that much pressure, most pills are not that
solid. Just press down and apply pressure until the pill crumbles. I
then run the edge of the dog tag several times over it until I can
‘feel’ the smooth consistency

It really was that bad. I kept on bumping into people and had
microsleeps and nearly fell down. I had to be economical coz I didn’t
have that many tablets and you do build up tolerance after a while. I
also had a totally flaccid and shrunken penis all the while. It always
happens when I take amphetamines. Also, taking a piss can really be a
chore on dex. It’s hard to start pissing so I had to tickle my backbone
a bit to get started. Sorry if that’s more information that you needed
to know. πŸ™‚

Another bad point is it raises your blood pressure that standing up
suddenly is likely to make you pass out if you’re not careful. I took a
little too much yesterday and got a bit paranoid. Also, you have to
remember that stimulants makes you violent so watch out for that.
Amphetamines are also neurotoxic so that should be taken into

Anyway, I’m rambling here. I just had my last dose of two tablets
eaten and one insufflated 30 minutes ago. I’m saving the other 26 pills
for another day. Oh, I also found out that taking a small dose, like a
single tablet works kinda like caffeine in that it makes you be able to
concentrate and think really well. It’s very nice for studying or doing
some work. Well, I still have a lot to talk to you all about but I’ve
written too much already. Does anyone ever enjoy reading my drug
related posts? It seems that most people are from the “Drugs are bad,
mmmkay…” contingent and doesn’t read it. I don’t mind, coz I like to
write when I’m on stimulants. πŸ™‚

However, I’m really annoyed by people who judges recreational drug
users and automatically think they’re “bad” people. It’s hypocritical
how some people think. When someone says “Oh, I got so drunk and I
picked up this hot chick and fucked her senseless last night at the
club”, their friends will probably laugh and cheer. But when you say
“Oh, I had a couple of ecstasy pills, had a great night dancing at a
rave. It was an awesome crowd, full of energy and love” you get
disapproving stares and people think “Junkie”.

Abracadabra! If you did it right, you should have a fine powder by
now. I use a straw to insufflate. Don’t do as the movies do and use a
dollar bill, that’s disgusting! Germs and all that. Yuck. At least use
clean cardboard. Some people snort by closing one nostril with a
finger, some people don’t. I don’t need to. Remember to breath out
first before you approach the powder or you’re going to scatter it!
After breathing out, I position the straw over the powder and snort
really hard. If you don’t breath in hard enough it won’t get into your
sinuses and some will stick to the inside of your nostril and fall out
later. Waste not, want not

Fucking hypocrisy, eh? Why don’t you stop being such a government
propaganda victim and start thinking for yourself? If you don’t take
drugs because you don’t want to, more power to you. But accept the fact
that some people enjoy responsible recreational experimentation and
they’re good people who can study hard, hold down jobs and are nice
honest people, not “bad” people. What a shocker, eh?

Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. If anyone read everything I wrote, I just want to thank you and let you know that I love you! πŸ™‚

Funny story: I keep all my good stuff in this drawer beside my desk.
My clonazepam (a benzodiazepine) and my dexamphetamine pill bottles
looks almost the same. I didn’t really look and took several pills out
and was about to pop it into my mouth before I realized. Heh, now that
would have been funny.

I haven’t written:

Project Doctor Shopping
Episode II – Project Divine Stimulation
Traveling at the Speed of Light

yet because currently there is only one story and that’s not very
interesting now is it? I’m going to try for Adderall (mixture of
amphetamines) or Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride) next month. I
need it for my ‘narcolepsy’ you know. πŸ˜‰ On a serious note, I don’t
want to go doctor shopping for stimulants any sooner than that coz I
know myself and I love stimulants so much that if I get my mitts on any
amount, it just gets ugly…

Gotta do the drugs, and not let them do you and all that ya know? πŸ™‚

Man, I’ve got a huge sleep debt to pay off…

P/S – I feel bad after writing this, it sounds decidedly pro-drug and that’s not very responsible of me. My apologies.


I failed my summer semester subject. I had wanted to write about a
lot of things today, but I’m not in the mood right now so I’ll make a
proper post tomorrow or something. I’m already stressed out and sleep
deprived from IE and I’m trying not to think about this right now.

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